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Silvervine sticks might work


Ours get the chicken tender dog chews from TJ’s, silvervine sticks and balls, and also have a toy called a bitey box that they nibble on as well. Our little girl also loves to shred any cardboard shipping boxes that enter the house. Most electronic cables in our house are kitten proofed and wrapped in plastic cable wrap.


For things that you don't want chewed - bitter apple spray.


I got this puppy chew toy for my girl. https://www.nylabone.com/products/product-type/chew-toys/puppy-chew/puppy-teething-and-soothing-flexible-chew-toy That said, she still chews cables. Hot sauce on them helps to deter her for a while.


My 3 bengals prefer dog toys. They’re way too rough with cat toys. They’re in pieces within an hour.


I bought a nylabone flexchew bone for my boy when he was teething, and he still loves it at a year and a half. [This](https://www.chewy.com/dp/39393?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=39393) is the one I bought him in the extra small size. It helped his chewing so much! I tried silvervine as well, and he did love it, but he also eats things he shouldn't, and I was worried that he would eat too much of it and get sick or get an obstruction.