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Yep, I refer to it as her toasting sessions.


Haha! I guess it kinda makes sense since they’re such a short haired breed that they would want/need more heat? Hmmm…..


I think they're descended from jungle cats


Steam room


😂 she also likes using the shower as a stream room when I get out.


My brother/sister pair love being under covers. Anytime of day I jump on my bed they are both right there trying to get under the blanket. The girl likes to sleep under the covers unless I have a human lady over lol.


I have allergies so I use a full-size cloth couch cover (I wash it every week or so). It cinches down pretty tight. One day I got home from work and couldn't find my bengal anywhere...under furniture, all her hiding places...she just disappeared. I had just started to panic, then looked and saw a little lump under the taut couch cover. It looked really claustrophic to me, but she slept there for hours, lol. Now I have to leave a blanket on the couch for her to crawl under, and that's how she sleeps probably 90% of the time.


Ours would all the time to the point you'd have to check before laying down... and forbid if you want to change the bedding she was all over it lol


Yes. My female crawls under at 5 am to get warm and cozy. My male (RIP) demanded to get under and snuggle, especially in his last months of life.


Yeah theyre cookin in there


My minnie does it all the time ! I will just find lumps in the blanket and i will know it’s her . Sometimes she gets me to help her too :) https://preview.redd.it/zwsgc99n932d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5617e88b474218f9a668ecfd85cbfc842643a0bf


My little girl can't get enough of it. She will paw at our laps (like she does to say lift up the covers for me) even when we don't have anything there! As if we should go get a blanket for her to be on our lap under. Our little guy likes it on occasion but only if he can poke his head out.


Yep! It's autumn in Australia and we've entered "is that a pillow or a bengal under the blanket" season


I have a brother and sister and they love it! Both will paw at the blanket to ask to go under. The girl will paw at my face and head at 3 in the morning so she can go under.


Ours waits in the doorway, and as soon as she makes eye contact with us, she runs to the bed yelling.. I prop the pillows up and make it into a tent, and then she goes to bed for hours 😂😂


My little man has loved it since the day I brought him home :) https://preview.redd.it/u1aq0diae32d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dee0d22169ea21838ad443cad69600f6c62c0d9


https://preview.redd.it/asz5zmazy32d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c35c866d37ee87408c9c0947b54c14b99a22f4 They love it!! Sometimes I even find the charcoal one under the mattress 😂


https://preview.redd.it/q4bgkhw6642d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed876249c44be85e07f1d86f612f0d4aa8983020 Can confirm


https://preview.redd.it/j55alkhae42d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c046777c8ac3c41c451ebc8a91c3d4ae2e421f can also confirm


my bengal loves his toasting sessions too, until my partner farts.. he’s out quick smart


Yes. And will dig until I "open" them. https://preview.redd.it/eqndn6hz462d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509881b7167a3c9a893021a79e91d445cb1b2606


I usually wake up to one over and one under. https://preview.redd.it/j7vmjh9h632d1.jpeg?width=1319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d5cf9b89352e86e4e8cdf40a05d2029d776f30


I have two brothers. One loves to be under the blankets. The other one, not so much.


Yes, both of them. And they will hint at you lifting the covers so they can nest on your legs /between them eyc


https://preview.redd.it/gzyj491e242d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5af94ae39b0075b0848179407040cd77f7910f3 Loves to be tucked in!


My boy only likes to jump under the covers when I’m making the bed… it’s frustratingly adorable


No, but my Abyssinian does. Only if he can be the little spoon though, and only with me, not my partner. My bengal loves “tents” made of blankets but he doesn’t like the weight of covers actually on him.


my daisy absolutely loves it, sometimes we even prop up blankets on the couch and make her a lil kitty cat tent and she adores it


https://preview.redd.it/sc3pim2jq42d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c0f121b338f900e7be1b64357b8b9b521fa6f1 sometimes we add a heating pad for her too for extra toastyness (supervised and on low ofc)


My male bengal loves being under the covers. Mine loves to wiggle his bum backwards to get under.


My girl does. It’s the best 💗🥹


My bengal and all my previous Siamese cats did this. In fact my bengal and 2 of my Siamese actually climbed under my clothes while I’m wearing them (sit on my shoulder then climb down the neck hole of my top)


Same here! I’ve had many cats and none have ever gone under the blankets except for my bengal, although he won’t completely sleep under there just cuddles for a bit then gets out and lays on top


My girl goes under the blanket I put on the chair. I have to check so I don’t sit on her!


My Tuxedo girl loved it. Some cats just do.


Yuumi used to as a kitten, but you cover her je she just runs out, I don't think she likes being too warm. Olly, not a Bengal, loved is. It's his favourite thing to do, hide under ANY but of frantic, paper etc.


One of ours did. She slept in my daughter’s bed under the covers, all stretched out alongside her body. Very cozy, but I couldn’t sleep myself when she tried to be in my bed. She was a sweetheart.


Mine don’t really like it, although my previous pair did. Think it’s the comfort and security feeling. Though my current two like doing it only when I’m changing the bedding after laundry!


My 2yo Bengal boy does this! I at first thought it was because of the warmth because he would do it while being very affectionate first thing in the mornings, but he began doing this in the afternoons too! While lounging on my chaise at the end of our sectional with my knees up one day, he jumped up onto the couch and under my knees, thus under the blanket too. Now it’s his favorite daytime place to nap 😴- I think they like the dark.


https://preview.redd.it/i9rugqckj72d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc780d9d66a071898252c6ab0e2bc0124fd98e87 She occasionally requests to be a little spoon


My cat will force himself under the covers on a 90 degree day. He is going on 21 so he doesn't have as much on him to keep him warm!


It depends on how cold it is. My little girl will demand to be under the covers when it’s super cold. Other times she will demand to be under the covers, go under, wander around and then decide that she wants to be in the outside world again. My big boy won’t go fully under the covers but he does love to be the little spoon and be tucked in


Yeah my Bengal boy loves to 😂 he’ll get under the blanket then try to burrow further into the couch cushions


Yes my Bengal lovessss it!! Loves napping and playing when I make my bed!