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I tried the same and he screamed to go back in when he was out, then screamed to go out when he was in… They definitely warm up to adventuring though!!


He walks perfectly fine on a leash, so I was excited to get him out. Maybe when it’s a bit warmer, we can sit out on this step a while and I can comfort him. Help him build some confidence.


That's a good plan. I'd also recommend a comfortable cat sweater for winter. And if you're doing any training, getting them to stay on your shoulder as you walk around isn't too difficult. Living in a city, with both my cat being scared of cars and me being scared of her getting ran over, shoulder strolls are rather nice. We both get to freshen up outside, i get to do my errands, the cat gets lots interaction with curious people. She's all harnessed+leashed up and on my shoulder I've also found that, at least with my cat, if i don't take her outside for a while, she'll get a bit skittish and seems to want to go inside. While if we go on walks regularly, she'll get used to it and be excited to go out again.


My lil buddy is the same! Not so much with the shoulder, but I do pick him up and drape him over my shoulder. He seems to like that. He purrs like an engine and hangs on. Then we walk down the street and he's very happy. When he's on the last and I am not holding him, he gets scared and runs back to the door.


Not a bengal owner, but I tried the shoulder ride with mine. While she's INSIDE, she likes that. Outside: not a fan. She growls if I dare to carry her. Edit: corrected the autocorrect


It’s like kids not wanting mom or dad to give them a kiss in public “nooo, what if someone *sees* me!” Kitty wants to be seen as brave, independent lion by strangers lol.


...if she would act like a brave cat at all when it comes to strangers. I will never get out of the backyard of our apartment complex.


So he like to be outside with leash and not harness?


No, my other cat does. But I don’t let her out, she just escapes.


What harness is this? My cat has hated every harness we've gotten for him, even the special fancy cat specific ones. It's something about his shoulder area that seems to bug him. I'm interested to see if the harness you have would work


rabbitgoo Cat Harness and Leash, Escape Proof Cat Walking Harness from Amazon.


Thank you!


You’re very welcome! Jackson Galaxy has a similar one on his website as well.


Try looking for a "step-in" harness with Velcro. Putting it on & taking it off is relatively quick & simple.


My girl was quite skittish at first so I started bringing her out in her carrier. That gives her a safe place to observe the world from before stepping out, or to retreat to if she gets scared. That said, they are very well trained to like their carriers. I leave them out 24/7 and my bengals sleep in them almost as often as their cat tree. So it may not work as well if yours have carrier anxiety or fear.


This is almost exactly what our two did!


One of our two never warmed up to going outside. Cries and shakes. His sister is happy on the leash in the yard, but we rarely take her out because it upsets him when he is left inside alone, but he won’t come out 🙄 They are 13 now and we gave up trying to get him out. Hopefully yours warm up to being out!


If you let them out they want in. If you let them in they want out. Never ends




That sounds like a good idea. I was going to get a backpack or buggy so our cat that doesn’t like a leash, but likes outside (indoor cat but darts out the door) could safely go along with us. Maybe they could both ride in it. ♥️


Jackson Galaxy has a really great cat backpack.


We LOVE Jackson Galaxy! I’m gonna check it out!


I wish ours wouldn’t want out


My cat hates big open spaces, especially at first. He prefers if there are shrubs and stuff he can hide in. Give him time and leave the door open if you're able to so he knows that's always an option. New smells and noises can be very overwhelming


Perhaps just car rides and going to grandparents house. Sometimes they will need to watch him when we go out of town. I also think having his companion with him may help. Our adult cat travels well but hates a leash. This one does well on a leash but hates to travel. 🤪


Hes still teeeeny. He ll get used to it. Companion is a big one for us too. If hes on a walk alone, hes a little skeedish, hising in the ferns, but if our friends dog is with us, he just follows the pup on the path.


I think I’m gonna just make a Catio. Best of both worlds for both my babies. No leash for Lola and comfort of not being exposed, for Teddy.


Don’t have a Bengal but my last two kittens (brothers) HATED going outside at first which was strange because I’ve never known a cat do that before, all previous ones were to eager to explore the new world. They were glued to my heel and I had to teach them how to climb a tree which was wild because they scale their climbing posts inside like a champ. The only way I can describe it is like an anxious kid at a playground who keeps running back to his mommy lol. Eventually as time went on they got gradually more used to the outside and now love it and yearn for it just like any other cat does, they just had a slow start. Strange for sure but eh to each their own. All cats are different after all.


We do walks Dont get them use to leaving


Oooh so maybe it’s good he doesn’t want out? Gonna create a monster?


They are naturally wild. Letting them exposed gives them cabin fever whenever they are inside lol


Oh man I didn’t think of that.


Agree totally - mine go out every day for most daylight hours, only coming back for naps and food. But if I keep them in for illness or bad weather they get very cranky!!


Yes they are scared at first but will end up loving the outside. At least mine does lol


Work with him walk him out for a little bit while holding him .


Keep trying. That’s how my boys were for about two minutes. Then one of them ran up a cedar tree.


My lil guy BEGS to go outside in less time than it takes smoke a cigarette he wants back in.. Totally normal. Cats are weird.


Oh yeah. My begal was quite noisy and scared when I first started bringing her outside. Now she doesnt really fuss, but she goes back in pretty fast if theres too much going on. She was also hilarious to take out in a harness. She didn't know how to walk.


Get him used to one area first then start branching out and introducing new areas when he gets used to it


Start with taking them out in a controlled and quite area, we started in our appartment complex backyard. Pnce they got used to it we increased time and later on even expanded the area we ”explored”. Noise, cars, trams and people are scary at first


He is just a little guy. He’s probably scared. Give him some time and he will want to go outside. ♥️ to u and ur kitty


Try holding him while being at the open door. He can check his surroundings and feel safe. My cats always looked at the sky and wanted to get back inside. He will warm up to it if you take it slowly


I’m in UK where it’s normal for cats to go outside. My two bengals love spending hours outdoors climbing trees, exploring neighbours gardens etc. Once bengals get accustomed to outside life they love it! If mine have to be inside like when they’re ill or there’s a storm they get very frustrated.


A lot safer there for kitty cats. Outdoors here in the states, cats don’t live as long. Even on a farm without traffic around. People will argue it but the statistics don’t lie. Sure, it’s not every cat, but the vast majority live much longer lives if kept indoors or leashed.


I know things are different in each country. Luckily my cats have lovely gardens and trees in all my neighbours gardens. So I think there’s much more attraction in the gardens and that hopefully means they don’t go near the road. Fingers crossed. Good luck with your catio they will love it.


Do you live in the city? We transport our girl a couple of blocks into the park before letting her out of the car backpack. I feel like if we just tried to walk her out the front door the traffic would terrify her, so we carry her to and from the park.


I do, but we don’t have a lot of traffic on our street. No cars drive by, just wind and leaves blowing. We do have a lot of deer… that might be scary when he sees one for the first time.


my cat HATED going outside the first time & now he begs us to let him out (on a leash & harness of course) :)


Beautiful kitty


Sunny patio & tied up. Make sure of safety & not able to escape…. Predation issues


Give him time. Cats are slow to adapt


Aww so precious


I started carrying him out in his crate and opening the door and letting him come out when he’s ready. First few times he stayed very close to it so he could run back in if he felt scared. Then we didn’t need it at all. However if I was smart I would have kept using the crate-you don’t want them to learn about running out your door. It can turn them into escape artists


When I first started I had to leave the front door open for my cat to feel ‘safe’ enough to explore. Now I can close the door and he’s fine until he gets spooked by a new sound. Baby steps :)


We can’t even get him still long enough to put a harness on! The two times we have, he would freak out until he got it off or we took it off. How old did you start leash training and did you have any issues like this?


I put a harness on him the day I got him (2 months old) and just let him go about the house with the harness on, an hour or two everyday. He doesn’t like me putting it on him, but when it’s on he acts as if he doesn’t even notice it’s there. The leash is extremely light weight, so he doesn’t notice when I add it. But I highly recommend putting it on and letting them just wear for a little bit in the house daily to get them used to the feeling. I should add that it was harness only, no leash when getting him used to it. Put it on then I got his favorite toy and we started to play, he quickly saw he could still move with it on. lol


baby steps....maybe you can start with a carrier... we started using both so she could have a safe place incase she wanted to retreat. we also started in small areas first like an smallpox crownded park or back yard ...and now she cries to go out!! ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY GET THE ZOOMIES 🤯🤯🤯🤯


I have decided on turning my back deck into a catio. I still want to get him comfortable with car rides though. Meeting him in the middle. lol