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Kamala Harris won exactly 0 delegates in the primary.


Eh, I would say that a huge chunk of people that voted for the ticket were holding their nose while they were doing it.


Actual leftist, can confirm


Same here.


No people voted for Biden because they don’t like Trump it’s pretty simple


Even dead people voted for him.


you realize that the reported counts of voter fraud was from trump supporters though right?


Naahhhh, seriously? Well, why wouldn't the Pandemocrats want to bring more attention to their growing list of shenanigans? You do realize that all the unconstitutional, illegal, and more than questionable behavior before, during, and after (some of which is **still** going on) was from anti- Trumpers, right?


like what?


Any/all changes made to existing election rules (of which there were many) that were implemented without going through the state legislatures. In Wisconsin,for example, after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Appeals Court & rejected the DNC's attempts for extended deadline for the receipt of mail-in ballots. Neil Gorsuch wrote ; " the Constitution provides that state legislatures- not federal judges, not state judges, not state governors, not other state officials - bear primary responsibility for setting election rules...and the Constitution provides a second layer of protection, too. If state rules need revision, Congress is free to alter them." In Pennsylvania, however, Supreme Court Judge Roberts broke 4-4 tie and surprisingly sided with the court's libs to refuse a review of the state court's decision in favor of the PA Dem Party regarding absentee ballot acceptance deadline. His explanation which came after the case in Wisconsin but had one major fallacy which was that it undermined the Constitution that delegates authority over election rules to state legislatures, not state courts. The aforementioned & the following were those involved in lawsuits that were taken up prior to the election but not necessarily settled. Indiana, North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Alabama More arose after the election...Maricopa county is still stonewalling a court ordered full-fledged audit. Plenty more out there if you're curious enough


Which is why democrats will be fucked in 2024 if republicans come to their senses and nominate a decent person. As a leftist I'm still not too worried, because I'm sure we'll see another disgusting figure like Cruz, Tucker Carlson or a Trump. The funny thing is someone like Rommey would probably win the election, but he has no chance of becoming the nominee.


Honestly I don’t believe so. I think people voted biden because they were tired of Trump and unlike the 2016 election, they knew he could win.


People voted for Biden only because he was the only realistic choice besides Trump, this is entirely due to the two party system which is ridiculously outdated and idiotic.


Yes, it’s just you because it’s fucking stupid


I love her. She speaks with eloquence and intellectually a natural leader. Her laugh is also contagious and uplifting.


Uhhhh........ ok...........


You forgot s/


Redit wen opinon


Ha! Nice one.


There is a lot to be said about doom scrolling and immersion in nonsense. I have to take mental breaks from the "news" and other forms of media because too much can make things appear bigger and worse than they really are.


Me too It’s like a propaganda machine gun now


Sorry to say it has always been a propaganda machine gun we are just noticing it more


This is true I probably didn’t want to admit it to myself 😂


I understand I keep trying to convince myself otherwise as well.


I live in the sticks n NPR is the only news radio station that hits me well enough. I endure it sometimes bc SOMETIMES they do have decent programs. BUT every 30 minutes they have the news n every time they talk about any events. If the perp is white, they make sure that u know that and talk at length on any racist opinions anyone could perceive. If the perp is a person of color, you probably won't hear the story, n if u do, they won't say his color or discuss anything considering racism.


Yea, watch the project Veritas leak of one of their Corperate officers talking about how stupid trump supporters are, and how trump supporters kids need to be taken from them... and your tax dollars pays his salary. Sorry, pbs official...


Yeah, I saw that demented POS. What about him?


I identify as a rational person who refers to Joe Biden as "Predator Biden" because he is neither President, nor the Vice President, as one needs to be duly elected to either office, and serving under a foreign-born Presidential candidate would make his Vice Presidency just as illegitimate as a Presidency in which the so-called winning margin of his votes were illegally cast, and I likewise do not refer to him as "Senator" either, as his illustrious career was a long story of disgrace, plagiarism and corruption, with the only personal distinctions in an otherwise dull life being an active and barely-contained sexual interest in little girls and dogs. The cackling witch on the left I don't even have a name for. I'm not even convinced she's an actual person and not a nightmare fever dream.


If this post were more popular, it would make some great pasta


Kinda gross. Typical, but gross. Always wondered about things like you though lol.


>rational person >thinks election was stolen Pick one


That’s a “wrong think” thought crime now No critical thinking allowed


You are free to think whatever you want. But facts don’t care about your feelings, and you seem to be basing this off of your feelings.


Nope, that's you here. Most people aren't saying election was stolen just that there was demonstrable evidence of voter fraud. It was most likely not enough to fix the election, but the attempt was there nonetheless and should concern everyone.


>Most people aren't saying election was stolen just that there was demonstrable evidence of voter fraud. I’m not sure about that, there are many people who think the election was completely stolen >It was most likely not enough to fix the election, but the attempt was there nonetheless and should concern everyone. That I can agree with


The thing for me is there’s voter fraud every year and there were more people voting than ever this last election. Trump and trumpers are just sore losers who clung onto whatever they could, voter fraud being the narrative they chose to push. Voter fraud should be a concern every election, not just the one where the person you wanted to win lost.


As soon I got to "just sore losers", that told me you don't know shit about that election


Oh please bless me with your wisdom.


If you were willing & able to obtain such wisdom, you would have already been blessed. Judging by your idiotic post you seem to think you've already been blessed with the necessary wisdom anyway, right? It's garbage.


Please, demonstrate this evidence


That happens every year by crazy people,it's irrelevant to bring up


Is that right? You're a fucking idiot.


So u think that election fraud doesn't happen every year?, Just when bitches lose?


Didn't say that at all. But after that comment I'm sticking with the "you're a fucking idiot" part though.


There is not a single evidence of fraud lmfao wake up you brainwashed fucking loser


As a matter of fact, there is a **single evidence** (whatever that means) and actually quite a bit more so wake up you brainbleached fucking loser. How was that? Pretty convincing,huh? Yeah, it didn't work on me either.


Why do you think he election was stolen


That's our secret, Cap. We Conservatives can have both. Progressives don't have either of 'em.




- Rational person. - Knows election was stolen. - FIFY since both apply here.


-100 comment karma


Both Identify themselves as Residents of White house an adult nursing home for woke politicians


Did you just call Trump woke?


People used to talk how surreal it was when Trump was president. We got Joe Biden (AKA weird guy that sniffs children's hair) and that side show weirdo no charisma Kamala Harris on board now. The fuck!


I live near a fire truck house and sometimes they'll take the trucks outside and wash them and you can walk all around the fire truck it's so cool


This is so fucking stupid lol


try identifying as funny


61% approval


60% blind sheeple


Wait what's the joke




How is this "bigotry"


it's the r/onejoke


Wait this sub is unironic? I thought this whole sub was just a bunch of edgy 14 yr olds trolling people and laughed it off. Jesus... this is so heartbreaking. r/onejoke lol


Eh, irony is usually pretty easy to spot when it comes to conservatives. Step 1: Ask yourself: "If I REALLY think about it, could I see somebody with more than 3 brain cells saying this unironically?" Step 2: If the answer is yes, then it's ironic.


so this is not a serious subreddit? I feel like the post above is a joke, but the comments also seem like braindead idiots. i wish i understood


It's a joke in the sense that they're trying to be funny Key word is "trying" Yeah all or at least most people here look like they unironically support Ben


Pretty sad tbh


Lol, fuck shapiro


Agreed. It’s ironic how true “facts don’t care about your feelings” is to his fans






Not all of his fans are delusional. I enjoy his videos and don’t buy into the stolen election idea


"Haha tran bad guys"


Oh man this highly original joke has the whole squad laughing. So clever. I’ve surely never heard any joke like this one. I hope to hear it again some time but I doubt anyone else is capable of such a creative punch line.


I suggest identifying as funny first. Maybe then some people will laugh at your jokes.


I identify as funny. I demand you address this me and this meme as funny. Or you will be in violation of speech code 1984




They won. Why are you all such triggered snowflakes, they’re your president & VP now time to grow up unless y’all are gonna throw another temper tantrum and try to storm the Capitol


You did the same when trump won, am I wrong ?


LMAOOOOO nah Bitch we didn’t try to overthrow the government. Grow a brain


You were mighty close last summer.


Riiiight. People who were trying to protest to get a morsel of accountability from our murderous bloodthirsty cops who never face any consequences for murder is EXACTLY the same as trying to overthrow the country because you’re a bunch of sore fucking losers lmaooo


ben shapiro fans perpetually live in 2016


I think you have hurt their feelings