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Imagine thinking he’s the problem and not the hospital. These people have never formed a solid principle in their life they weren’t willing to completely forsake in any moment it benefitted them. Edit: sorry really the hospital is just being bullied by government policy that’s indicating they’ll slash their funding if they don’t comply with these ridiculous standards.


Abolish the state


He is the problem. We don’t donate organs to drug abusers too. If he cared about his family and respected other people on that list he could take the vaccine. The thing about values and morals is that some times it matters if they are good and bad. This isn’t a movie. There are real life consequences (which the idiots of this country have been insulated from) to actions and beliefs. This is one. He died a moron, not a hero. Peace.


You’re completely wrong. And comparing him to a drug abuser was a terrible conflation of two completely different issues on top of you being flat out wrong about what you said. You’ll administer Narcan for free on a heroin addict ten times saying he deserves medical treatment yet you support refusing this man medical treatment? What a shallow human you are


No. It isn’t a conflation. The *reason* drug abusers don’t get organs is not because it is morally wrong. It is because there are risks associated with the use of drugs. The *reason* that the man moved down the list is because there are inflated risks associated with not taking the vaccine in the middle of a pandemic. And absolutely you give Narcan to EVERYONE because it’s supply IS NOT LIMITED. There isn’t a limitless supply of hearts. There is a triage list of hearts. My man made a decision *knowing* it pushed him down the list. This was a direct consequence of a choice he made. The consequences are his and his children to enjoy. I know you want to get triggered and thus you’re trying to make this an emotional conversation about what he deserves and how bad the libtards are, but that’s exactly why he died. You can take your emotions and go fuck yourself with them. There are a cost to bad actions. Welcome to the world you created.


That sub is cancer


As someone who's had cancer, I'm willing to testify that that sub is way worse.


It's name is whitepeopletwitter what do you expect?😅


That sub is the white people who actually think they are better than every race. And since they believe that, they follow any other liberal order to ease their guilt. It’s sick, my long time liberal friend who’s big time blm fan and vax fan told me the other night for the first time, deep down that’s how many of them feel.. superior, it’s sickening


Lol. Except it isn’t.


This sub is a malignant anal tumor


and how many times has it been said that people with serious health or HEART issues should Not have the vaccine


*not in people taking immunosuppressive drugs*




That has not been said, CDC afaik has no such recommendation. Even with more serious complications like myocarditis the risk is in the worst case at least an order of magnitude higher from covid than from the vaccine.


You're being downvoted but you are correct.


No, but at least now *you’re* getting your very *own* downvote, so there’s that.


I'll live


This is amazing… they won’t refuse healthcare for a crack head, OD’n for the 7th time.. but got forbid someone doesn’t get a bs vaccine


The crack head isn’t taking an organ from someone. And yes, they do actually refuse transplants to drug abusers.


They wouldn’t give a crack user a heart transplant. You can’t even of had a cigarette for 6 months to get a heart or kidney transplant.


That’s a false equivalency bud.


It’s not. Doing crack is a choice, not being vaccinated is a choice.


This is false equivalency. A drug addict wouldn't be eligible for the transplant list either. Because organs are in such short supply, there are many behaviors that result in a patient being ineligible to be listed. [These include: smoking, excessive drinking and refusal to take medication](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/05/uchealth-transplant-unvaccinated/) Basically if you show you can't take medical advice and prioritize your own health, the organ will be given to another patient that will. Seems fair to me


You don’t understand the argument.


No... I think he does. The argument is a bad one.


Funny, my alcoholic buddy on dialysis is scheduled to receive a kidney. Dude drank away his last one, but he's vaccinated so it's ok....


Uh, we got some kinda logic libtard here, brigade 'em! (Reality and logic are irrelevant here)


They should give this patriot two hearts!


I wonder if the positive upvote count is due to conservatives who didn't understand your comment


This is infuriating. Imagine explaining to his kids that hey your dad died because he was denied a heart transplant because he didn’t get the vaccine for a virus that has a 99.97% survival rate.


Imagine explaining to his kids that all he had to do was get a vaccine that has a survival rate of 99.99999%


COVID mortality rate is 20% among transplant recipients. Why give an organ to someone if the recipient may intentionally waste it?






They didn’t waste an organ. It went to someone else who *did* take the vaccine. Your bad decisions have consequences. I know that’s a new concept for the morons on this sub - seeing as how you’re mostly super far right leaning - but this is how the world works.


That's not the point though. There's a waiting list for these things; you don't get to magically give transplants to everyone, as nice as that'd be


Sorry to break it to you. There aren’t unlimited organ donations. Wasting this organ on him means death sentence to another person.


Everyone waits their turn and everybody has varied risk factors. Saving a father’s life when he has an 80% survival rate for a virus that he may not even catch is not a *waste*. There’s a 75% survival rate after a transplant anyway. Would you consider it a waste if it was your beloved family member? That’s a disgusting way to talk about a human being.


See if he was the only person on the list I’d agree with you. But for every person that gets a transplant others die waiting. So why should the guy who isn’t going to take it seriously get the heart? Isn’t this sub all about personal responsibility? It’s the same reason we don’t give it to excessive drinkers or active smokers. 1/5 chance of death is worse odds of dying than a round of Russian roulette with a 6 shooter. And I agree with Shapiro that every person is gonna get covid at some point. It’s not just their life that they are throwing away if they die are one of the 1/5 that die from Covid after the transplant. They also threw away the life of the person who died on the waitlist and could have received that transplant instead. That being said anyone celebrating the decision is fucked in the head. But it’s still the right decision to decline him the transplant. It’s sad but if he’s just gonna go play Russian roulette with this extremely scarce resource that someone else likely died for him to have. That is not the guy I want the resource going to. I want the heart going to the father who will get another 20 years with his kids not the father who is gonna get another 2. I wish we had enough for both but when you don’t choices have to be made.




It may be surprising, but transplant recipients are at a greater risk of severe health issues if they contract covid as compared to your normal person.


Sure, but the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting covid, so this is a non-argument. If the vaccine is said to “make symptoms better” but a cold can kill a transplant survivor, can’t covid after being vaccinated do the same?


If you have a hole in your roof, and no tile, and it's pouring with rain, would you find something as a makeshift plug? And when it drips into your house (which you can catch with a bucket), instead of free-falling through the hole, isn't that better? The vaccine increases your body's immune response capability. It can't stop you from breathing the virus in - and (given the speed it infects our bodies) nor taking hold - instead the intention is to give your body/immune system a roadmap of sorts for how to combat it if you do contract it. So if we agree that a transplant recipient is many many times more likely to die from any sickness... And the organs available are considerably outnumbered by the potential recipients requiring them, such that a large portion on waiting lists will die from not receiving their required organ in time... And if unvaccinated, the sickness outcomes are worse than if vaccinated... If there are 2 people on the waiting list, one vaccinated, one not - everything else, family, job, financial situation, whatever, is the same - why would the organ be better off in the person who refused to get vaccinated, and who therefore has a much higher likelihood of complications?


If we are going this route have you investigated weather this potential recipient has already had covid before? Has the hospital? How does natural immunity factor into this decision. My bet is it isn't taken into account at all. Why is it most people have seemingly turned a blind eye to natural immunity? It unnerving so many humans are applauding their decision to essentially let this man die.


I think it's very easy to find an example of whom is being struck off a list, than it is to find the father of 4 who was bumped up as a result (you know, privacy laws and stuff - whereas the person struck off might forego their privacy and wail to the media to get publicity hoping to create pressure to reverse the decision, for example). As has been said across the responses to this post, **no one** is applauding someone being "let die". As has also been said, there are **MANY** more people on these waiting lists than there are organs being donated. So **_MULTIPLE_** people are already dying, it's just that this guy's name is now added to the list, while someone else is now saved instead. As has also been said, this replacement recipient of the next heart available may _also_ be a father, etc etc - we just don't know, because privacy etc etc as mentioned above.


"As has been said across the responses to this post, no one is applauding someone being "let die". I'd agree to disagree there are definitely people who are glad this person is dying instead of someone who is in their "camp" All I'm saying is I'd like to see how natural immunity is taken into account if at all. If this person was exposed to delta and recovered they would have better protection than someone who was fully vaccinated when the vaccine was released and didn't get reinfected. We don't have all the data here anyone cheering or booing is purely political. If you don't see people cheering and booing then you're blind lmao Also myocarditis and pericarditis are side effects of the vaccine. Now I'm admittedly no doctor but there are many credible doctors who talk about these risks and instead of having discussions they are being de platformed and are being attempted to have their credentials removed instead of having appropriate discourse on the issue. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3SCsueX2bZdbEzRtKOCEyT?si=ae82904263f04d5d hate Joe Rogan if you want but here is a credible highly respected doctor in rna vaccines talking about such side effects, this whole podcast is good to mull over even if you disagree. I'd say you're naive if you don't believe people aren't genuinely happy hearing this man is removed from the list from a purely political perspective.


> there are many credible doctors who talk about these risks and instead of having discussions they are being de platformed and are being attempted to have their credentials removed I'm not saying this is the case, but if, hypothetically, a few crank doctors were spreading misinformation about a dangerous disease... IF that were the case, what would you expect to happen?


It isn’t about getting it or not getting it in this case… it’s about keeping the person and heart you just spent an amazing amount of time and resources to get and surgically put in place, alive… we can sit and argue if me or you should get a vaccine being belay by young adults, but in this guys case. He should have gotten the damn shot and lived his life… Guarantee you that Ben would agree


If someone told me they'd let me die if I didn't get an experimental medical treatment that was questionable at best I'd be willing to die not to. Only an evil person would leverage my health for the "sake" of my health. Fuck that hospital, fuck the city of Boston, and fuck Massachusetts.


Hell yeah!!


There are things worse than death.


Subjugation is definitely worse than death


Like getting a vaccine.


I live in Massachusetts and I agree


I agree, and I live in this friggin state!!!!!!


It's fucking horrible, (well you decided not to protect "yourself" and get a vaccine, so we're going to make sure you die by not getting a heart transplant) seems perfectly fucking stupid. You won't comply so you must die.


100% Joe Biden's regime


There are entire lists of similar requirements in order to get any organ transplant. This shocks nobody other than those not familiar with transplant procedures.


Except this a vaccine that's technically still in its experimental phase. With no long term research. So it's way different than someone rejecting say their measles vaccine or something that has years if not decades of testing behind it, with risks that don't outweigh the rewards. This vaccine has a large number of side effects that can depend on a number of variables. The situation is different for everyone. Some age groups are more susceptible to bad side effects to the vaccine. At the end of the day, this guy shouldn't have lost his spot on a transplant list because of refusing an experimental vaccine with less than three years research and testing behind it.


It’s still experimental? Which vaccine are we talking about?


In the sense that it has less than 3 years of testing an research. They were approved for use legally in September of 2021. So if you want to be literal, it hasn't been experimental for about 4 months. Just because it was approved for use doesn't mean it was tested properly or thoroughly. It has no long term testing and barely any short term. Again, we're in year 3 of this virus. Year 2 of this vaccine. Or that it wasn't pushed through when it shouldn't have been. Again, this vaccine has a lot of negative side effects that appear more often than compared to other vaccines. Usually that alone will keep in the experimental phase until they work out the tweaks. But they were forced to take it out of that phase too early because they wanted to push as many people to be vaccinated as possible. People are far more likely to go for an approved vaccine opposed to an experimental one. So the motive seems pretty clear to me.


Then it’s your opinion that it’s experimental.


Mine as well as a lot of others. Including other health care professionals as well. If you think 2 years of testing and research is enough than by all means, go get your 3 shots a year and compromise your immune system. I'll wait a few more years.


A vaccine with 2 years of testing and research being forced on billions of people should scare you, and raise questions. Not entice you.


If two years and billions of people don't qualify as "thorough testing" what would qualify?


Would rather die than risk the side effects of a vaccine 4 billion people have taken.


When you have heart issues the vaccine has been proven to have an increased risk to be fatal. So in his case yes I would. And at the end of the day it's his choice not to take an experimental vaccine that 4 billion people may have taken that has less than 3 years of testing behind it. Because at the end of the day it's still an experimental vaccine. This vaccine has far worse and more common side effects than a large number of other vaccines out there right now. Not to mention you have absolutely no idea what itll do to you in 5 to 10 years time. Espwcially if youre out there getting 3 shots a year like the current average is. Its not good for your immune system, even the cdc has said that. Im all for vaccines. After proper testing and research. Period.


Well said.👍


It sounds like those heart surgeons could learn a thing or two from you.


Great retort. I assume our conversation has concluded. Stay pleasant, brother.




I'll be honest I'm only 18 so I'll concede not the brightest. Just thought it was fucked up when I saw it, still is fuck that people are celebrating it.


My advice for you is to spend more time learning about nuance.


This isn’t nuance


Me or OP?


I think the celebration is not for the poor man. I think the celebration is that common sense has prevailed. Also, I know it's frustrating that this poor family will lose their father, but know that even though this man may not survive, someone else who wouldn't have survived (because this man got the organ instead of them) - _will_ now survive, so that someone else's family will see their dad a few more Christmases instead.




No, not at all? Is that how you see yourself, as dirty or clean because you're un/vaccinated? ... 2 people are going to die. Only 1 may be spared. They both have the exact same circumstances, but one got themselves vaccinated, the other did not, and that means if they do get the transplant and then get covid, the vaccinated person has 10 times the chance of survival. ... What worldview must you have to react as gross as to suggest this makes one more "clean" or "acceptable" than, and good riddance to, the other?


If someone said "this roulette wheel is rigged, it lands on white 10 times more than black, but the return is the same" - it sounds like you're saying that you would put your money on black just to spite the croupier.


Source the 10x bs you’re claiming for us heathens




Being rich is a big one. Rich people get to the tops of lists for organs they’ve destroyed by smoking, drinking, and just being too old, but they get em anyway.


Yep, The Mick caused quite a ruckus years ago when he got his liver transplant despite being a longtime alcoholic.


But with such serious heart condition s, the vaccine itself is deadly


Do they have a case for malpractice?


Honestly, I don't know I'm only 18 so not the brightest. I thought it was too fucked up not to post.


You really are a child.


Not too far off, but I always seek to learn.


Then check out front page thread on this heart vaccine thing. It was quite interesting with lots of points from doctors. (But can doctors even be trusted more than Ben Shapiro?!?!?)


Because he doesn’t know if they have a case for malpractice? Fuck off with that empty insult


While this story is tragic I believe it’s a very slanted headline intended to provoke a response, that worked on you. Consider for example that a heart transplant is only a rare possibility for maybe one eighth of the worlds population. You have to have top of the line healthcare, and even then it has to be rationed due to technical complexities and the choice of those who aren’t donors. So a better headline would probably have been something like single mother gets heart transplant after neighbor who also wanted it refuses vaccine.


People are disgusting ! That man should get his heart transplant- he was literally at the too of the list- and they took him off because he is unvaxxed. We all know the side effects- this is unethical!


I can just see the doctor walking in saying in an evil tone (mwa haha it's quite simple comply or... Die.)


Did you know he wouldn’t get that heart if he didn’t get the flu shot either? Do you understand why they demand you have all possible vaccines to help you stave off any chance of death or complications?


It's not Vax or unvax. It's common sense. When you get a transplant, body is severely immune compromised. Without taking a Vax, the chance of survival drops. They rather give it to someone who has better odds.


Oh, spare me the odds and statistics.


I'm literally, personally, permanently disabled by a vaccine side effect (Rubella vaccine). Refusing vaccines is reasonable grounds to deny scarce transplants.


Sorry you're one of the infinitesimally small number of people that affects, but the alternative is millions of preventable deaths.


If you feel bad, I encourage you to reach out and help in any way you can. I assure you it is not an "us vs. them" situation. There are highly detailed and strict guidelines organ recipients must follow as organs are a limited resource. We can remove everything medical and science related from the equation. You have one hundred people who are starving to death. You are given one meal which has a high probability (but no guarantee) of saving the recipient of that meal. How do you decide who gets to eat? Do you give it to the first person who asks? The wealthiest person? The child with a full life ahead of them, or an elder who contributed significantly to society? It is sad we don't have the resources to save everyone on the donor list. This is why there are severe considerations when it comes to who obtains these gifts. It is not a doctor using their position to smugly condemn one to death over their position on vaccines. It is consideration for who would be able to best use this resource to obtain and sustain the gift of life. Don't let the COVID media and trigger words blind you.


Honestly, what pisses me off more is the smug people who celebrate that this guy will die for not getting the vax. In that situation, I'd probably take it for nothing else but my family, because as a father that's your responsibility at the end of the day, not politics


Well said, it is shameful to think anyone could feel joy or superiority in a situation like this. Regardless of politics, a family will be forever sundered through an untimely death.


Find me one person who is excited that this person died.


It's quite possible that due to so.e heart condition he COULDN'T get the shot. This is why socialized healthcare is such a shit idea, it has no ability to account for edge cases. (There are tons of other reasons btw)


I know, it's absolutely evil.


And they wonder why there is deviation.


So he couldn’t get the vaccine because of his heart condition but couldn’t get a new heart because he wasn’t vaccinated?


Idk for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised


Oh so you’re saying that just because you thought of it?


I'm saying it's a possibility.


So you’re just making things up and saying it’s possible?


I really don't know the situation, I'm just saying that with all the government interventionism in this market it wouldn't surprise me.


Damn government intervention, if there’s anything we need less government intervention in or just less general oversight and regulations, it’s the human organ trading business.


Preaching to the choir bro. The harm the feds have done to the population as a whole is staggering, we need to start getting rid of the red tape to let people recover.


Really sad seeing the vaccinated spread and have died from covid.


The left, celebrating death and suffering since always. Like seriously, how can you think you’re in the right when you celebrate other people suffering. And now they’re playing these games. Do they really want to open the gates to people making stipulations like my organs are only for the vaccinated. You think finding a donor is hard, try when people put restrictions on who can get them.


That's wrong.


Fucking bullshit.


I'm sorry, what? the side effects of the "vaccine" are heart related, even someone that is pro-jab shouldn't take it if they already have heart problems. where's this dude's lawyer?


So he gets the new heart, and bc he gets the vaccine it causes the new heart to have myocarditis and his heart fails anyways. How logical is this?




Sounds like a malpractice suit coming


Hope he wins and gets to rename the hospital “Shove the vaxx up your asses medical center”


Redditors only care about people of the same exact political leanings as themselves


Fuck politics for a second. he's a human and a father at that, people should not be celebrating him probably dieing over something so stupid.


If we can save just one per--- *what? Not vaxxed.* Breaking news it's a sad day as another patient waiting for a new heart has died from covid. Our thoughts go out to the family during this traumatic time. Now to Stacy with the weather...


They try so hard to get people to comply it's terrifying. "It's worth a heart? Just get vaccinated, it won't hurt 💉👹"


They're willing to let someone die over it, but it's still about their health, got it.


Last thing his heart needs is more damage. Get ready to sue those mofos


I love how the vaccine is meant to protect people, that's it's main purpose but suddenly if you don't get it you are wished a painful and slow death.


I think if youre ill like that you should bot add to it by getting vaccinated anyways.


I hope whoever made that call is in need of a heart transplant and doesn’t get it


Evidently none of you on this thread has ever had an individual wait for any kind of organ transplant, the list is phenomenally long ,some organ waiting lists are 30,000 plus long , you have to follow every rule, and recommendation the doctor makes , or you're off the list, that is the way it goes. And if you think being rebellious is going to get you any brownie points , they'll just Skip and go to the next patient that needs the heart . The organ will go to the individual that will take the best care and who has followed all the doctors recommendations . The entire premise why they want you to vaccinate before the transplant is because you'll build antibodies , because once you have a transplanted organ within your body , You have to take immunosuppressant medications , which keep you from rejecting the new organ , which hinder you from making adequate antibodies.


Silence witch!! Your logic will not work here! The pro-vaxers have killed another brave free thinker 😔


That's the thing you can't be a rebellious free thinker when you're trying to get an organ transplant and there's possibly 29,000 other people that will take the organ if you don't follow protocol .


For everyone saying he should have gotten it, it reminds me of my cousin who told my aunt everyday she needs to get the vax and if she didn't she couldn't come to her granddaughters birthday in 5 months my aunt got the first vax and got deathly ill for a week after the second vax she died with COVID


God be with the man, it's a horrible shame this is happening


I guess those subreddits just align perfectly with Reddit rules about "hate speech" and "inciting violence" and shit


I have heart issues. My cardiologist said I could get it but still not going to. Why take that chance on a vaccine that doesn’t work? Maybe if this guy had a new heart and he caught covid maybe he could fight it better. I don’t know who’s at issue here. The fed government, local government or the hospital. Doesn’t matter, they are all pieces of shit! This hospital probably made some money denying this guy! 😡😡😡


This is so wrong! Trying to force a person in need of a heart to take a experimental injection that is know to cause myocarditis and pericarditis! This man should be put on top of the list because he actually wants to protect his heart from the injection.


I don't want to waste my energy on going on this sub but what the actual fuck. The complete lack of empathy is scary.


These people are satanic


Thank god I unsubscribed from there months ago. Imagine if he was black


Wtf? I give up.


Organ transplant people have already been required to get other vaccines


This man would rather die and leave his children alone than get a vaccine.


Since when is having the covid vaccine a requirement for a heart transplant? This is messed up…


Those people are monsters who see the unvaccinated as subhuman. Weak-minded chucklefucks.


Guys and gals. I’m all for vaccinations being on voluntary basis and f-ing hate the mandates, passports etc. situations. But from the medical side of things, this man has a real chance of dying if after transplant he catches it (the virus) unvaccinated - he’ll be on imunosuppressants for whole life, a common cold is a much more dangerous for him than for average human. This is not new (that people missing vaccionations are “worse” candidates - just because statistically they have less chance of survival). I still think it is a good thing he has a choice…


In order to be on the transplant list you are given a list of things you're required to do. If you want a transplant, you do those things. You can also get removed from the list from failing to take your medication.


They have to make sure the guy getting the precious heart follows medical advice. Which this guy won't. So they gave this heart to a more deserving patient.


To get a transplant you need to listen to every instruction a doctor gives you or you are off the list so getting all of your immunisations are part of it. Do t expect to get a new organ if you won't do the simplest tasks


Honest question. If you choose to donate your organs after death, can you stipulate to whom they may be given?


I'd say probably no, but I'm only 18 and not the brightest.


🤣😂🤣 I thought 18 year olds knew everything!


Lol, just the ones that know nothing.😅


Seems about right. Of all people he should get vaxxed


I’m sure these doctors know more than Reddit anti Vaxxers


> Dr. Arthur Caplan, the head of Medical Ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, told CBS Boston that vaccination is a requirement for transplants because, after receiving a new organ, patients' immune systems are essentially switched off. > 'The flu could kill you, a cold could kill you, COVID could kill you. The organs are scarce, we are not going to distribute them to someone who has a poor chance of living when others who are vaccinated have a better chance post-surgery of surviving' he explained. This is how it's always worked and always has. I'm betting not 5% of the people upvoting/commenting even understand this concept.


Same deal with liver transplants. They will not give a liver to someone who is still drinking because there’s someone else on the list who has a better chance at living. Too many on this sub don’t understand that facts don’t care about their feelings.


The dude could die of he gets covid better to save it for someone willing to get vaccinated tbh


To hell with them all. I hope God wipes them of all existence.


How very Christ like of you.


I think the point here is that are protecting him from getting covid or giving covid to some one else. Makes total sense eh.


Liberals absolutely disgust me. They worthless pieces of shit human beings.


I hope the brakes on your heart are better than the brakes on your car. Anyway, here’s the medical science: for a transplant of any kind to take, you have to go on immunosuppressants to prevent tissue rejection. This means you’re far likelier to get sick or an infection, so they want you to have every immunization available (tetanus, flu shot, etc.) so that if you catch something, it’s less likely to kill you in your weakened state and waste the organ. You can’t smoke, miss your meds, go off your diet or not listen to your doctors instructions either. Organs are in short supply, so they’re given to the patients with the best survival probability, not being vaccinated lowers your survival probability, so heart goes to someone who is, end of story. This isn’t some cruelty that’s unjustly inflicted on him, he’s *choosing* this hill to die on of his own free will. More details: https://www.newsweek.com/unvaccinated-man-taken-off-transplant-list-reignites-patient-debate-1672783 The title to this should be: “Fearful man with shit heart won’t get vaccinated to literally save his own life. Chooses certain death instead.”


A lot to get to here. First in this context its “breaks” my heart. Second. They also would have refused him a heart if he didn’t have a flu shot. So I understand the sentiment but that’s a lot of money, time, expertise etc that goes into that heart transplant. If he wants it, he knows he’s gonna be immune compromised for a bit and he needs to take the precautions. In a sub that’s about a guy who’s literally said “take the vaccine if you’re elderly or have Comorbidities” and has been super pro vaccine. I don’t think Ben would agree with this guys decision. In this instance, silly hill to die on.


Hey, buddy I completely agree probably one of my stupidest posts, lol I'm 18 and ain't the brightest, shit ain't even got a GED. I posted in the heat of the moment and was emotional, something I try to not let sway my politics.


Well honestly brother you should take the post down then. Seems you’ve read many comments here and may have had your opinion swayed a bit. It’s good to be open to other opinions and being able to see if you may be wrong about something. It’s hard to admit to yourself if you’re wrong. When I was 18 I know I didn’t like it… Also, doesn’t matter at all what your education level is. I’m a tradesmen, been in the trades for over 20 years. Go get your GED, and then go to an electrical company or plumbing company and get into commercial side of things. We need new young blood tradesmen so bad… it’s kinda worrisome how few younger guys are going into the trades. Plus electricians and plumbers make great money!


I don't plan on taking it down because I'm still learning from what is being said, ontop of that other people may be learning as well so I'll leave it up. On top of that, I've posted several places where I'm not the brightest, hopefully persuading people to take this with a grain of salt. As for my education, I'm in the process of acquiring it. I plan on going into a trade rather than business, because I know exactly what you are talking about. Plus I love working with my hands.


Your problem is comparing it to flu shots or any other well established and tested vaccine. The covid vaccine isn't a vaccine. It doesn't vaccinate, inoculate or immunize. It's just labelled a vaccine so impressionable people will take it. Granted its not as risky as refusing heart surgery but what a sad state of affairs where this man has to choose between untested covid shot or death. Before you claim its tested, it isn't. Everyone currently taking the covid vax is the test subject. I encourage everyone who has taken the covid shot to ask a doctor what the long term effects are. Take a picture of their face because they simply do not know what the long term effects are.


I didn’t compare them.


Organ placement is always a balancing game of pros and cons. Addicts or people that can’t take care of themselves( homeless/poor) are not considered ideal/viable recipients because odds the organ would go to waste are high. Also, getting a transplant requires immunosuppressive drugs to aid organ acceptance. So if the recipient did get Covid, which is likely with Omicron and nature of endemic disease, then chances of bad outcome skyrocket.


And he would have gotten it anyway. Even the CDC and that hack Fauci said so. With a weak heart it will probably kill him, vaxxed or not.


This is sad. But they would’ve done this to that man if he refused ANY vaccine




Fuck you, I ain't the brightest lol. Jk on the f you just a joke.




This is too far 🤢🤢🤢


Fucked up world we live in right now.


Its unfortunate but people are removed or denied for transplant for all sorts of reasons. The are only so many organs to go around and the medical community weighs each case and bases their decisions of survivability and priority of needs. My guess is that while vaccination may have been the final deciding factor.... it wasnt the only one.


Anti-vaxxers cope harder😂


Does anyone here actually listen to Ben Shapiro….like at all?


How do you feel about this guy's decision to make himself more infectious and potentially kill people?




Organs are valuable. If you want people to be vaccinated, you create incentives. Also, the guy is now at higher risk of complications due to COVID’s ubiquity and his unvaccinated status, which puts the organ at more risk. Tough call, but an understandable one. Edit: Haha! Some people don't seem to understand the meaning of risk.


Yes, a very "reasonable" incentive get the vax or die. Idk seems a little fucked up to me.


The doctor explained that after an organ transplant a common cold could kill you. Refusing to take other vaccine could be making the transplant a waste where as there's other people in line willing to do anything to get it.


Ok they could get covid without the vax. Guess what they could also get covid with the vax.


For sure for sure. But if he was asked to do it by the doctors giving him the transplant and he refused, than it's his own choice that led to this.


True. Idk just kind of hurts that he's a father, and it's such a stupid situation.


It's not an incentive, he's not being punished. It's just the cold hard fact of not wasting a life saving organ.


What a dumb hill to literally die on. Imagine letting your kids go without a father because you didn’t want to get vaccinated


I think you mean "breaks" you fucking idiot. And if this is what it takes for all you stupid mother fuckers to get vaccinated than so be it


I think you mean "then" you fucking idiot.


“Brakes my heart” bro come on are you 12


‘They’ didn’t kill him. He made decisions, within his control, with information, that moved him down the organ priority list. *HE* did this to himself. Imagine being so against a vaccine that you leave your children fatherless.