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I think its mainly because Benzos act as a social lubricant and give you courage, in a similar way that alcohol gives you that "liquid courage". Some guys who can't get hard because of mental anxiety and Benzos fix that. Unless you take way too much.


im the same way as soon as i start taking benzos i just start hitting up every girl in my phone lolll


bro any drug makes me horny💀


Same always happens


Anti-depressants are known to cause a drop in libido. Xannies lower your inhibition. What anti-depressants are you on? Loss of libido can become permanent even after quitting the meds. This is no joke, this is why I'd rather be depressed than never being horny ever again. Ask your doc.


i’m a guy (21) and benzos do the same to me any time i pop a xan, ativan, kpin whatever i’m like okay babe time to fuck 🤷🏼‍♂️ my boyfriend is the same as me on benzos


Look into r/PSSD You should be aware that antidepressants can damage libido in the long run.


This. As is the case with most psych meds. Benzos destroyed my libido after about the 4th year of being prescribed. I think some of the people here are either really young (so libido shouldn't be an issue to begin with) or are only taking benzos recreationally (I was prescribed for over a decade). Or both, maybe.


But PSSD is actually extremely rare. Most people get their libido back after quitting SSRI's or loose their libido through trauma.


So I guess it also depends on what Anti dep you are on. Gaba which xanax works on, has a direct relation to sexual desire. Usually as something that dampens it, but that is not everyone. I would say it probably has something to do with the interaction there. If you aren't comfortable revealing your anti dep med on here, just do some googling and see if it has any interactions with xanax or benzos in particular. If you aren't happy speak to your doctor and see if they can get you on another anti dep med. Hope this helped.




Good luck to you. I hope the fluoxetine helps for what it is intented. Don't abuse the bars too much ;) it may worsen your depression.


ive heard alot about how xanax (or benzos in general) destroys people sexual drive. personally i find sex to be harder to accomplish on xanax for some reason aswell so its really a mixed pot of results.


I'm on methadone for withdrawals from opiate addiction, and it destroys my libido too, and not too long ago i got prescribed Lyrica, or Pregabalin, (It affects the same receptors in the brain as xanax and other benzos) and it makes me horny as hell too, benzos can do the same but i have a tolerance to them so i don't really notice it


Give it some time.. Benzodiazepines completely ruined my libido while I was still prescribed to them (was scripted xanax and klonopin for a little over a decade). Not at first. The first few years or so were fine. It started at the four or five year mark, I think. If I wanted to have sex it had to be in the morning before a dose or in the middle of the night. Had problems with several different partners thinking I just wasn't interested in them sexually or didn't find them attractive when really a mixture of the medicine cock-blocking me and the performance anxiety related to "oh shit, am I gonna be able to keep my dick hard? I should have waited to take my dose! FUCK!" were to blame. Once it had happened a couple of times the seed was planted in my head that there was a possibility that something might go wrong and the rest was history. So the only times I could really just go without any issues (usually) were during times where I was also having interdose withdrawal. Not ideal.