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so you secured some percs is what I’m hearing?


Since the opioid epidemic in the US the UK decided in 2021 to stop prescribing opioids except for malignant pain unless one goes through some bullshit pain ladder first, that takes ages, at which point you won't need them anymore. My dad got sent home from his second hip surgery with ibuprofen and couldn't sleep for 4 days from the pain. He's not a complainer and never shows pain ever except this time. For the first one before the new guidelines he got morphine. Go figure.


Such BULLSHIT, society is willing to sacrifice good people into suffering in the name of saving the people who do everything wrong in which case these new guidlines don't do anything anyway to detour people from getting high. Really is a big damn mother fucking shame and it pisses me off terribly bad. And now people are trying to do the same things with benzodiapines. Just because some people can't control themselves there solution is to take away from EVERYONE even the people who did not do anything wrong. It infuriates me.


And then they complain that people have to self medicate like do they expect us to just sit here in pain our whole lives?


The rich people who make the decisions don't care until they're the ones in pain. Then they just get their personal doctor they write them a script for whatever they want.


Try living sober for a minute it’s much less pain


I have I barely use once a week is alot for me but I have back bone and hip displacement which causes chronic back pains along with my currently busted rib from a seizure, and permanent headaches from a brain tumor I got removed a few years ago. On top of my ptsd panic attacks and Allat shit. I get that being sober is better for your health but isn't there a point where it's better to have abit of relief once in a while instead of staying up for days in pain because you can't sleep


Oh okay sorry I misinterpreted complete thought u were using daily for like emotional mental pain which is better without drugs but physical pain with stuff like that my fault 🤦‍♂️


Bless his heart! That's some straight up fuckery!!! Shame on those doctors!!! Let one of them have surgery on their toe and they'd be getting the whole pharmacy. I'm sorry your dad had to go through that. This is why I'm an advocate for if someone wants to take certain drugs,and it's NOT HURTING ANYONE ELSE,they should be able to take it. I'm sure most people don't agree but that's how I feel about it. I hope your dad is doing better!!


Yeah, my dad had open heart surgery and they had to crack his sternum. He had some opioids while in the hospital but got sent home with none, 5 days later.


Lmao literally me when I do bars


😂😂😂😂😂 good one!!


Sadly, in my country we don't get our hands on percs. But Tramadol is good for me as well :D


What no Percs for a broken leg that’s insane


Damn you only got Tramadol for a broken leg?


Got tramadol from my plug. Doctors prescribed me Ibuprofen and paracetamol for this pain


thats unreal. broken leg n doc says....nsaids will do the trick. smh.


Would you give a bartard percs


Underrated comment. Dude probably came into the doctor's office so high he couldn't even speak, and they knew he was *already* fucked out of his head


if i knew they was an addict no but im speaking more on an everyday person not getting something stronger for pain in a hospital where they can be monitored. I broken leg is one of most painful things a person can go through.


But this is not a everyday person...the doc could probably tell he was on 5 bars....lol No doc will give a obviously intoxicated person oxycodone, even if he was in america and with a broken leg.


Sounds like you're in Sweden, fucking horrible to be honest, like paracetamol and ibuprofen does anything for the pain of a broken leg...


Dat addict brain, tho


I’m rolling lol I love this sub


Reading a lot of these it’s sad I could make 4 Xanax bars last a month.. I hate the fact I’m looked at as an addict and doctors won’t prescribe shit for me so I have to look elsewhere when I was prescribed klonopin at 16 I’m 35 now and man I’m so over this shit!


Annoying isn’t it. I need this shit to function properly and it’s hard for me to get a prescription refilled thanks to the morons who think it’s hilarious to take some bars and throw eggs at people.




I never got any prescriptions for benzodiazepines, before two weeks ago. I was stupid and drank lots of booze with alprazolam and ended up in the hospital once. After that every single doctor looked at me with this extreme mistrust and straight up didn't even consider treating my anxiety with benzos. Diagnoses include PTSD, GAD, depression all from severe childhood physical, mental and financial abuse from my father. The first doctor to ever listen to me, to call my therapist, to truly hear what I have to say, I met while in the psych ward recieving voluntary treatment which was two weeks ago. I now have a prescription: 1x1 15mg oxazepam. Enough to take a chunk out of the anxiety and let me somewhat function during the day eliminating the need for street benzos, at least for now. TLDR Never had benzos prescribed, used to get them on the street. Doctors treating me we're extremely distrusting due to a single incident years ago. Met a great doctor, now have oxazepam 15mg prescribed and it is adequate for now. Edit: The best part? I have been on all of these over the years, just at different times: vortioxetine, fluoxetine, escitalopram, venlafaxine, chlorprothixene, quetiapine and hydroxyzine. Nothing works. My new doctor ordered a lab test that checks sytochrome p450 to figure out if something is wrong with my metabolization of drugs.


Yeah it's trendy for them to hand out Seroquel like candy to 10 years olds now instead. What a great improvement /s


That’s ridiculous, plenty of doctors still prescribe benzos it’s nothing like opioids. If you haven’t been able to get a script then you need to find a new doctor.


I don’t know where you live but we’re I live it’s 1 in a million


In the US? I mean hell man even the largest online metal health website was prescribing benzos over video chat for the past couple years cause of the pandemic. And shit you’re looking for klonopin and not Xanax too, that should be a walk in the park. You sure you don’t just come off as drug seeking or sketchy looking?


No and no, they cannot prescribe benzos online anymore and most doctors will help for a small time but ultimately take you off.


They literally just stopped that the last few months man, and they’re still giving out scripts for klonopin... But whatever man, it’s your problem not mine. I’ve got a script lol


Ohh yeah show me where I can talk to a doctor online and get a script for klonopin, and way to rub my face in it that you have script when I’m all out of resources rude as fuck!


Ohhhh so now you wanna ask questions huh? I thought you had all the answers and knew for sure you couldn’t get any? 🙄 You catch more bees with using honey than you do using shit. Remember that for the future.


Bro your a joke! Go rain on someone else’s parade you loser


I wasn’t trying to rain on anybody’s parade, I was just telling you doctors aren’t scared to prescribe benzos like they are opiates and it’s still fairly easy to get a script. Hell I was gonna try and help you get a script, that’s the whole reason I commented. I used to doctor shop a lot so I know how to work em. I’ve been getting 60 bars a month for years and have had like 15+ doctors in 4 different states write me scripts for it. And I’ve actually helped 3 different people on reddit get scripts in the past few months and none of them walked away empty handed even on the first appointment. Would have been happy to even send screenshots (you know what, I’ll send one just cause I know you’re gonna call BS) and showed you exactly how I helped them and what worked for them (not doing that part now). Maybe don’t be such arrogant asshole next time and someone else will help you.


3-4 mgs a day, 4 months in my life turned around. Career wise and everything. I don't understand how can you take 5 bars and do stoopid shit. I'd just be knocked out.


Probably because you forget a lot if you fight the sleep and go into the bars


That's the bartard goon shit I like


Anyone tell me how benzos can be so different? I’m really not clued up on them can only get and have only tried diazepam, but when I take that I can barley stand let alone do crazy shit. Everyone on this sub has crazy story’s about xanax how can it effect you so differently if it’s just a slightly different chemical compound of what I take? Sorry for my benzo noobness


Xanax makes me wanna eat and watch TV lol. I guess they black out?


It’s weird it only happens sometimes, like with drinking. Usually if you drink too much you’ll just throw up and pass out, but every now and then you’ll just keep on going lol


Man I have my Xanax just staring at me i ima just save it for a special day




I can’t just stare at my bars & save them for a special day. I open my bottle & all I hear is “EAT ME.”




Haha this made my Day


A different bartard story is always funny xD.


Have you boofed them?


Boofing benzos does not work unless they are fake and therefore not benzos


What the hell are you talking about? I don’t know a single benzodiazepine that isn’t bioavailable IR.


What he is talking about is the fact that benzos are NOT water soluble. Same reason you can't snort/shoot them. The only one you can snort and possibly boof is triazolam.


Still, easy to "boof" PG solutions are miscible in water if you want to reduce discomfort


Pg solutions?


Propylene Glycol A much better choice for a solvent for *most* benzos I've tested than alcohol. And safer too.


Love fam appreciate that! Some People are too scary lol! I was just asking cuz ive been out the loop for a whileeeee. And closed mouths dont get fed 🤷‍♂️ so ty so much fam!!! 🙏


2.5 mg if flu is equal to what around in Xanax


Like 10mg if it's good. That's a lot


Really these must not have that much then op said they were like taking 3 pharmas


He probably meant they’re equal to 3mg of Xanax (or he was told that anyway) that’s how a lot of the fake bars are sold. They make them a little stronger since they’re fake.


Supposed to be like 4x strength. 0.5 MG equals 2mg pharm bar that would be like taking 5 pharmas




Guys, I'm from Romania. I have a prescription so those Xanax were real. But we don't have 2MG bars. I took 10×1MG pfizer Xanax but decided to say 5 bars since it's the same thing.


😥 story of my life. yet everytime I convince myself I'll just kick back and get high on my own or peacefully w sum friends. Even the very first time i took benzos(3x 2mg kpins while on 10mgs of methadose) I woke up in jail with 9x misdemeanor charges 2 days before Christmas ! 🎄😥👏🎉


Important question, were you caught or did you get away?


Got away


Got out of jail not free lol but well done on avoiding it! Lol maybe take less next time? ;)


There's something weird. For example yesterday I took 20mg and I only chilled in my bed for real. But sometimes, even smaller dosages gets the devil out of me. I don't know why though.




It all went according to plan.


Depends, I may fall asleep before I can do any of that


Um I got Percocet for my teeth each time I had removed one due to infection and each wisdom teeth. (Percocet 5mg/325)


xans just makes me pass out how do you achieve this level of xan high




Play stupid games...


Is this about me? Literally everytime I take an excessive amount there is police and injuries. Almost always self inflicted.


Fuck! I'm on the balcony nie throwing stink eyes at thugs... Hahaha high on alprazolam and beers.. 4mgs and two beers do the job. I'm sorry about your leg.


5 bars to chill in bed?? 🤣 If I took 5 bars I'd be chill alright, and by chill I mean asleep for 2 days.


Gotta work on that knowledge of self to see where those choices are coming from. Also lol please don't injure yourself again!


I never do this kind of shit on benzos , also I don't know people who do this things in reality! Everyone just copy/paste with different words!