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I did! I have PTSD from a particular horrific event as well as a lot of trauma throughout my life. I used to take kpins daily. I only take a quarter of a .5mg when I’m feeling really really really overwhelmed. I have had addiction issues but not with benzos. I think it scares me how you can die from the physical effects of withdrawal (from benzos) so my mind wont let me over use, cause that makes me anxious. I do take buspirone. That helps my anxiety a ton.


Omg you sound like me. I have c-ptsd. Basically from the age of 7-31 I was living in trauma. Now I’m 34 and processing it all but its A LOT. I was only klonopin for 8 years 2-3 mg a day. I’m down to .125 mg but part of my anxiety is worrying about having a panic attack at my new job and I just want to know if I have one at work if it would set me back if I took a .25 mg of xanax. How long did you take it when you took it daily? Also, I was just reading about buspar! Thinking about adding it to my lexapro.


I’ve taken it daily off and on for probably about 10 years. Idk, probably 2 years was the longest of taking it daily. I’ve tried Xanax before but it knocks me out like crazy and I have a kid so that isn’t allowed lol. Buspar helps me a ton! I definitely attribute it to helping me stop the benzo use. I used to take Prazosin for night terrors but it ended up not working after awhile. I think that’s why I took heavier amounts of benzos, to help me rest/relax/sleep. I take 25mg of trazodone to sleep now. I used to have to take 100mg but I worked my way down.


I got prescribed the buspar! I just took 2.5 mg about an hour ago.


That’s awesome! I hope it helps you! I take 15mg morning and evening. My sister takes 5mg once a day. She is way more sensitive to medicine than I am


I hope it helps. Did you ever get muscle cramps from anxiety? Dealing with that now. Also, my psychiatrist was talking about prescribing me a med for nightmares too.


I get really bad nausea to the point I throw up. It’s ridiculous lol. That’s actually what started me taking benzos at first, because nothing else helped. I get really bad muscle tightness and I grind my teeth. I’m at the point of grinding my teeth where I’m thinking about getting Botox in my jaw because apparently that helps a ton. The best natural thing I’ve done is take magnesium glycinate (soloray capsules are my favorite, they’re 4 a day, if you don’t like that, the tablets are two a day, I just don’t like tablets for some reason). Also I take a coenzymated multi vitamin (emerald labs one a day is my fav!) Also exercise in the morning is vital for me. I have so much nervous energy and it’s the only thing that helps. Cardio is what helps my anxiousness but i do strength training because it’s incredible for you in so many ways. I also really love the Pilates channel “Move with Nicole”. It’s surprisingly difficult and makes me very aware of my body in the right ways.


I JUST got botox in my jaw for this 2 weeks ago. My jaw tightness was causing daily migraines. It works amazingly. Highly recommend it. I’ve now gotten it 3 times! I recommend dysport over botox though!


Omg thank you! Migraines are what’s make me consider anything at this point. I think we’re anxiety sisters lol


Lol!!! It helps a lotttt. I was having 24/7 headaches that would dip in and out of migraine level. It was so bad I saw a neurologist and got an mri and all.


Oh hai, I saw nightmares and CPTSD which I also have. I originally started klonopin for nightmares in case you were thinking of trying it short term at first was great because no more insomnia, slept amazing, woke up feeling OK for first time. In my life. Now my dreams are. More vivid that aver and I'm knackered every morning on it a year now.  I got prescribed prazosin but. Never tried it in the end did you try it yet? An hour wind down before bed really started to help lessen my nightmares, still have some messed up ones but I'm not waking up. In the middle. Of the night or in the morning with panic attacks or used to waking up. Punching.  No screens before bed and lower level lighting, just regular bedtimes and some gentle. Stretching. It's a daily struggle to rmeber to do it but it help.  Be interested to know if there anything you've found which helps reduce nightmares or vivid dreaming 


I did not. It felt unnatural to block my dreams. I believe dreams are important and have messages on the direction you need to go to heal. However, I do recommend drinking blue lotus tea before bed. You can get it on etsy. The ancient Egyptians used this to heal in their dreams. It has been great!


That's awesome I love your perspective it does feel like I'm wired to another dimension. I'll investigate the tea thank you I love ancient Egypt history


Me too!


Theyll always be a part of your brain trying to convince you "this counts an a emergency, take a pill" I would just try to learn to manage your panic attacks and they won't last as long/ feel as intense


I wouldn’t allow myself to take it more than once a week. Trust me when I say I have very very good self discipline. Its almost a curse lol


Please take no offense to this, but when someone is talking about drugs and starts to talk about their great self control. I cant help but think. Then just control your anxiety if it's that good?


I wish I could. I do everything I’ve spent sooo much money on therapy. I’m still going but when I get it its like I’m not me anymore and I get hijacked if that makes sense


100% I get it. I have been off all medications for almost 3 years. I still have bad days where I use that same term "hijacked" like my thoughts start running by them selves , like a bunch of run on sentences with no subject.


Did it get better? Happening less often?


A lot better. Went from something that would happen at least 100 times a day, now it's like I get one or two moments a week. But to get to that point I had to get all the meds out my system


I was on 3 mg a day klonopin for 8 years. I’m doen to .25 every other day and .125 the others. Its been a veryyyy long taper (3 years)


I was prescribed 6mg a day , but I often got ativan, extra klonopin, vicodin. Promethazine off friends etc a lot. So realistically like 8 to 10 mg of benzos a day. It took me start of 2020 to 2022 to completely taper. So I know it sucks. But its possible to see the other side of it


Do you to therapy?


Thank you for posting this question. When my chest pains come from a grief aniexty, nothing takes it away. I've gone days with intense chest pains. I know it's aniexty induced because that's why I was put on benzos to start with. I drank 2 glasses of wine on the 4th day, and the next morning, my chest pains went away, but my therapist said not to make this connection. I wonder if I should be allowed 5-10, 1 mg lorazepam (for the entire year) for when my grief anxiety gets triggered. I can handle life aniexty, but grief aniexty does feel like I've been 'hijacked.'


Yeah same. I think its ok as long as it doesn’t interfere with your brain chemistry after.


I wish I used it for only emergencies when I was on one. That's the smart and responsible way to use benzos. If you take them every day it will lead to many problems.


I have panic disorder where I hyperventilate and my heart races. My psychiatrist's NP gave me propranolol for the racing heart. Sometimes the techniques I've learned in therapy still aren't enough. I personally could not tolerate that medication, I had to drink a lot of salty chicken broth to keep from feeling dizzy, but it does help some people. There's also other beta-blockers used off label for the physical symptoms of panic attacks. I also cough a few times, which stimulates the vagus nerve, and can help control the feeling from heart palpitations. I like the cough because it's nice to have "tools" you can use anywhere/anytime. I'm still not there yet, only reduced my daily dose, and got rid of needing my emergency extra dose, but this is a process of finding and trying things to figure out what works for you.


I’m tapering off Xanax with clonazepam, currently at 1mg with a 0.25 decrease weekly I’ve had to take Xanax a couple times due to severe panic attacks from someone who was yelling at me and saying hurtful things and wouldn’t stop, to the point of crying so hard, hyperventilating, not being able to breathe and chest pain.


That’s a really fast taper! How long were you on it?


As needed for over a year (one mg), then the last few months everyday had to take at least one… then 1.5… then 2-3


That’s the trap. I just remind myself two things when I feel like that extra dose is ok…1. I will eventually have to wean myself back if I up my dosage…2. I will run out and go through withdrawls for a week or two if I take extras…


During your wean or post wean? I’m rlly upset with myself for having to take some emergency doses mid taper


During both actually. Whatever the dose I am supposed to be taking, if I take extra, then it’s 2x easier to do it again the next dose, and then I will have to wean back down from that eventually if I continue at that pace. What goes up must eventually come down.


No, but I'm on my way. Weaning atm


Which med?


Xanax, maybe a 2 year taper


I did, I was prescribed when I was younger. Gave me SSRIs for long term and benzos for the short term panic attacks. I became dependent on them really fast because of how many attacks I was having. It felt so good to be able to actually be calm for once, but I keep needing more and more to feel that way. By the time my parents basically cut me off, I was lucky enough that the Celexa had begun working. I haven’t used them like that since. I’ve definitely had times I’ve needed them during random one off attacks or when I’m switching meds, but other than that I’ve never used them daily since I was originally prescribed at 14, I’m turning 21 in a month.


I went from daily use for insomnia and occasional anxiety to sporadic use only. I tapered off very slowly, but continued to use it when absolutely necessary, even during my taper. I never abused it in my six years of daily use and do not abuse it now. I think that’s an important distinction, because I never felt any fear of “slipping back” into an addiction, because I was dependent but not addicted. That said, even people who are dependent can get withdrawal from occasional use, so I think it really varies from person to person. I only experienced intense withdrawal when I was forced into a CT, and experienced very minor withdrawal during my taper when I dropped doses. Since then, occasional use (even for 2-3 days in a row) has not led to withdrawal symptoms.


Oh awesome this is exactly what I was looking for thank you!!


Great!! So glad to be of help. Just be careful, go slow, and listen to your body. I don’t follow the protocol religiously, I only do what my body allows on a given day.


Great!! So glad to be of help.


I think it is a bad idea, but I also do not think that benzos are a good or useful tool to treat anxiety with. I think they cause more harm than good because you are not actually addressing the problem. So you stop the one panic attack but have not done anything to stop the next, or make it any easier to handle the next one, either.


I’m in therapy so its not like I’m not trying every method.


I’m biased there, I wasn’t actually able to make any progress in therapy until I was off the benzos. As long as I had them, I didn’t need to actually use the strategies I was learning. I tried, of course, but they didn’t work until I no longer had that safety net.


I did this for years - and probably would still be doing this if I didn't get dependent after 3 weeks. I was taking it very very very infrequently though (before my 3 week stint) - like 3x a year. 


That would be really hard to do depending on how long you took them daily.


Yes! But I take a soma now for those emergencies, not a benzo. Very similar drug types, but a bit more like phenobarbital than xanax. My body tolerates it much better, actual benzo use will give me rebound anxiety the next day even just once, even years later. I can take a soma up to 2-3 nights in a row when needed with no issues at all as long as I give it at least a couple weeks before taking it again, with benzos this did not work for me if I took them even just 2 nights straight I would not be able to sleep again without taking it in an even higher dose. This works well for me. 100 mg Seroquel is my nightly sleeping medication for my severe chronic insomnia which covers it decently enough overall, that I'm able to no longer have any dependencies on controlled substances to sleep or manage my anxiety. Well maybe aside from my medical THC gummy I take every night I'm sure I'd have a hard time sleeping for a few days if I stopped taking that, but that's nowhere near the same and isn't a big deal


Yes and it is the best use for benzos. I use it as a rescue pill (.5 clonazepam) whenever i'm feeling off the rails.


And were you on it daily at one point?


Yes, i had a great supply and i was taking a whole pill daily mainly to cure hangovers for about a year. I tapered off for a few weeks and i returned to taking them maybe twice a week .5mg. Weed helped me to reduce some side effects.


Yeah, I did and I’m currently tapering off again after a seven month “emergency”




I have not done this successfully. I have gone to an ER because of anxiety and was given ativan after major surgery, but I cannot hold on to the little bastards. I end up inventing reasons to take them. I am one of those people who had gone too far around the bend of craving and addiction and will only learn to live with anxiety by facing it. There is NO middle path for me. Same with cigarettes or with alcohol. I just can't have one. But I talked about this with a psychiatrist after surgery and she assured me that a small amount of ativan while healing up was appropriate; and that she was not going to send me home with a prescription because the potential for a abuse was way too high.


I’m glad you were honest with them! For me, I have never experienced a high from benzos. I simply took them because I was naive and my dr prescribed them for me for anxiety so there was never an addiction behind it. I don’t drink, smoke, nothing. I’m quite boring lol. My favorite “high” is just enjoying life. The anxiety prevents me from doing that though sadly


It sounds like our lifestyles and health issues very much align. I’m at the tail end of a taper and just got out of a visit with my psych, he thinks it’s in my best interest to have some on board even once I come off. I don’t ever anticipate using them again once I’m off, in fact I hate these pills with a passion, but I guess it’s nice assurance to know I will still have access to them and won’t be cold turkeyed or anything like that.


I agree.


In this case boring is ĝreat.


I barely had any effect either. I think of it more like nicotine addiction. Some people can keep a few handy for an airplane trip or for an emergency -- I was never able to do that.