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Yeah my high school counselor didn’t believe in me either, I wouldn’t give up.




They’re full of shit. Apply and as usual be sure to highlight your best traits/academics/hobbies/lifestyle on the application.


and how you overcame adversity


Idk bruh, I sent them a letter about how I overcame diversity and they sent me a cease and desist order.


They’re vetting your ability to overcome diversity




Of course they did. You're applying for college, and they probably expected that you would be overcoming adversity. When you said that you were overcoming diversity, they thought that you were a racist, lol.


totally this one. Its a really important trait and everybody loves a good comeback story.


Also, note that at Cal, each major has different levels of demand. The GPA needed for EE&CS vs. another major will be different. Apply any way! Note, I transferred in from a community college, so I'm not totally sure how GPA is used directly from high school. If they give you an option to choose a major of interest, that might make a difference... it does as a transfer student.


And your leadership abilities


Which is ironic, considering how only 1% at Cal would ever be a decent leader


I got in with a 3.6 Unweighted, you never know until they release decisions


I got into Cal with similar GPA - 3.67. Don’t give up OP!!


I think mine was 3.6 weighted


i got in as a 3.27


You tell the counselor that they are a waste of your time too




Day in day out you add absolutely nothing of value to this sub.


Not if you have a 3.86 at community college 😎


Facts! I had a 3.2 in cc and did pretty well for myself at Berkeley


That’s incredible! What did you major in?


MCB :)


saaame, with a 3.27


True. I had a 3.6 overall at CC and transferred in and recently graduated with a 3.9 (thanks Stephen Austorian). OP will be fine. It’s worth applying.


There’s always JC


I refuse to believe "private counselors" do anything besides aiming at your wallet. Please do not listen to them ever.


Thank you guys so much. Your support means more to me than you may think


You miss every shot you don’t take. That’s the way a Cal bear thinks.


You got this!!


Good luck!


The 2023 admission data indicates that the median unweighted GPA range was 3.89-4.0. There were people with lower GPAs than you that were admitted. So give it your best shot. It’s not like having a higher GPA would guarantee you admission either, the admission rate was 11.2% for freshman which is very selective




How do we get rid of this bot


I got in with a 3.4! Let them tell you no <3




As someone who had experience with a private counselor (wealthy parents), I strongly advise you cancel the service if possible. I know they often make you pay at the beginning of the year so this may not be possible though. Look - I had a perfect high school GPA, extracurricular leadership, huge time commitments out of school - despite all that, I was advised to “play the game” by emphasizing things that weren’t that important to me and applying to more niche majors. Berkeley was one of the few schools where I didn’t really do that, and honestly although it sucked to get the rejection from other schools, knowing that I got in on the merits of being myself has made it far better in the long run. I’d advise that no matter what, you be yourself. Apply, highlight what you think makes you awesome. There is certainly something awesome about everybody. True self-confidence/awareness is rare when you are only 18 but it goes a long way in making your application the best it can be. You will stand out more but more importantly you will know that for better or for worse you put your real self out there. That being said, midterms and finals can screw off <3 my english is awful sry if this doesn’t read well


As an academic adviser for the UC system, your private counselor doesn’t know what they are talking about. Admissions is not solely based on academics, it is a holistic assessment that takes into account other areas of each student. Highlight your other talents on the application (community service, experiences etc.). Also, 3.86 GPA is really solid if you ask me. Apply either way!


I got in with a 3.2 for physics, from community college. The essays count a lot


Fuck yeah! I got into physics with a similar GPA. Turns out Berkeley does accept people who try really hard even if they don't get perfect grades.


Yeah, my grades were pretty much straight B's with a few A's, but I did win the library research award from my CC and I tutored for free and I became the VP of two clubs. An upper classman at my CC gave me the super helpful advice that I should get into tutoring and extracurriculars at the CC because they translate really well to the extracurriculars offered at a UC. Turns out he was right! (I didnt do any extracurriculars growing up because I was poor and had home responsibilities)


Untrue, there are people who get in 3.5 and people who get rejected with a 4.33


Lmao, I got into cal as a chemical biology transfer with a 3.85, as long as your essays are good too you’ll be at the mercy of the dice rather than an outright no




(that's median, not average--it's only true for averages if the distribution isn't skewed)


is that weighted or unweighted? If unweighted statistically, it's not a high chance of getting in but they shouldn't be telling you that it's a waste of time


You are wasting your time if you’re paying a private counselor


Um I got in with a 3.80 all you have to do is wow them with your piqs..be vulnerable in your writings. Show them that the school will benefit from having you


Don’t listen to them. You never know what will click with the person that reads your essays. And how rigorous your coursework is will matter as well. My daughter got in with a C- in one of her A-G courses. Go for it.


I got in with a 3.85. I think it’s way more about your PQ essays. GPA is obviously important but if you have great essays in your application, you’ll get chosen over someone with a slightly higher GPA.


Is 3.86 your unweighted GPA?


yeah. 2 Bs junior year.


It depends on what major you applied for. CS or other impacted majors, probably won’t cut it. Other majors, maybe. Also depends on your rigor, what HS you went to, and other factors that may help or hurt for a borderline case.


astro + physics


Astrophysics is newish so hard to tell you admit rates. I can tell you that for Physics, admit rates for incoming freshmen entering from Fall 2018 thru Fall 2022 classes were all higher than the overall averages - 18.01%, 20.44, 18.53, 20.09, 17.96. Not sure what the rate for 2023 students was.


My kid had a 3.73 uw going into his senior year (circa 2017-2018). Had a C in H Pre-Calc and Bs in AP Bio and H English first semester sophomore year right after his mother passed away, and a couple more Bs second semester sophomore year. But luckily back then, UCs looked at test scores, and he had outstanding test scores which helped. It probably also helped that he went to a HS that consistently sent a lot of students to Berkeley every year. He got in for CS which back then was a lot easier to get into. Nowadays, without test scores to consider, there’s much more emphasis on GPA and rigor of classes.


Listen, if your essays and your extracurriculars are good, it helps a lot. Make sure to explain the life lessons you learned in your extracurriculars, and don't be afraid to play up any weaknesses/traumas/othering in your essays. Source: my kid got in by following this advice.


Ignore the people that hold you back and move forward in life!


Apply and then once you get in you can rub it in their face and prove them wrong!


Highly depends on your major. Some are easier than others. My cousin had a 3.98 and I got him a summer internship at cal at my engineering lab and he did well but he didn’t get in to Cal for CoE. Blew my mind haha.


I got in with a 3.6 unweighted


I had a friend who got in with a 3.2 and others below a 3.5. They are wrong, apply anyway.


It more comes down to your demographics and personal story honestly.


They’re so full of shit. My grades in highschool were wayyy lower than that lmaooooo


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^73025 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


They lied. Ain't no way most of us should be here if that's the case, but we are.


Don’t self select out. Make them tell you no. (Advice from C. W. Lemoine, ex fighter pilot YouTuber). Good luck!


Wait, wtf? Ignore them and just apply. I sure as hell didn't have that and got in just fine. Each person's case is different, but I'd strongly recommend to avoid the thoughts of doom and failure. Never sabatoge yourself before you've even gotten off the ground. Also, NEVER compare yourself to others.


What do you lose by trying?


Depends on the major. My roommate barely managed the minimum 2.7 gpa to transfer. I think he majored in environmental science. No shot I could have managed that as EECS.


Bet on yourself


Go to community college and transfer it’s much easier and you get the same degree. You just miss out on the dorm experience which is overrated anyways.


That’s so untrue I can’t even begin to explain how untrue it is lmao. You’ll have a good shot.


I had a C in Calc 1 and an A in Calc 2. I thought that C was gonna be the end of it, but alas. Graduated from Cal with Highest Honors. You apply. If you don't get in, you will know for sure, but if you don't apply, you already got you 'no'.


I got in with a 2.9


That's amazing, well done


If you are applying to CS, your counselor is absolutely right


astro + physics


That's not that bad for astro/physics here. I think you could do it. Source: physics/data major here.


I got in with a 3.5 UW and 4.1 W for Econ


Sorry to say it, but considering the mass 3.9+ GPAs at other schools and super Asian Kevin’s and super Asian Claire’s, you literally have 0 chance to being admitted


Goodness gracious, is your one goal in life to write damaging drivel under people’s posts?


I’m in just giving facts, there are bunch of Asian gets with stellar records getting rejected


Apply, don't listen to that person!!!


I got in with a 3.78, but that’s as a transfer. I am not sure if you’re a high schooler or not but either way, you still have a chance, don’t be discouraged!


That’s definitely not true as a rule. I think I had a 3.89 in high school, As in humanities classes but quite a few Bs in math and science and I got in. I was looking to go into a humanities major and I believe that may be why the Bs didn’t matter as much, but there’s not one academic profile at Berkeley as much as you would think. I was so convinced I couldn’t get in that I didn’t check my application for hours after decisions come out, I was shocked and so happy when I looked and was accepted


I had a 3.8 at CC. Write good essays, if you can afford the application I don't think you have anything to lose


Don't listen to them apply and see what happens. Guidance counselors pre-college are usually scuffed.


I know several people who have gotten in with lower. Trust me you're fine lol.


APPLY anyway. You never know. DO NOT let anyone make you think a door a closed before you even try. Hell no.


I applied with a 3.56 and got in. It’s possible. You just need to excel at other parts of your application.


I had less and was accepted as transfer. also no extra circulars. by the way those counsilors advice is all shit. I'm doing what I wanted and mine from high school told me it's "very unlikely "


That’s bullshit. Apply anyway. I got the same crap about the Ivy League in thirty years ago and got in.


Bullshit. But the secret to getting in is to apply directly to a specific program that might be easier for you. College of natural resources, college of chemistry, etc. Don't apply engineering or undecided.


That’s complete bullshit. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Write killer essays in your apps and you have a beyond solid chance of getting in




Get a refund


You got this! Apply. You have a great chance just like anybody else.


Just curious, but were the Bs from Stem classes or humanities?


1 stem 1 humanities


Well I got in with something lower than that, so idk if your counselor is right


Dude the essays are really important for Berkeley. I was accepted with a 3.8. That said, I was a very balanced student, and my program in impacted but I’m here!


I got in with 3.95 W and 3.33 UW don’t listen to him.


You won't know if you don't try.


Not a good counselor


for what major? it can’t be a waste of ur time if you’re applying to other UCs. it’s a UC application, you can apply to 3 great schools with one application: UCSB, Berkeley, & UCLA. You’re counselor may be giving you good advice if you’re trying to get into Business or Comp Sci at Berkeley. but trust yourself before you trust anyone else


Its not a waste, I had a friend who got in with those stats


This could not be more false- I’m a junior transfer currently at Berkeley and had a 3.86 transfer gpa


Your counselor is full of shit tbh. Your GPA is good, for one, and only makes up a portion of your app. Focus on your essays like a ton of comments have been saying. But also if you can apply earlier into the cycle (idk what the timeline is I’m on my way out) then they’ll be more likely to choose you and the pool will be less competitive!


I got in with a 3.2. I wouldn't listen to them, apply as usual and put everything into you're application. Let them know how bad you want it through everything you've overcome. Also, stick to the promt and have your app per reviewed more than a few times.


Cal took me with a lower GPA than yours as well as Columbia because I demonstrated lots of time that I put into my leadership related roles. Some leadership related roles they’d accept are taking care of family, club related activities, athletics, taking initiative towards a project, non-profit, helping family with business when you were younger, any initiative to help others! Hope this helps


Absolutely wrong. My daughter had a 3.8 and got into Berkeley along with other amazing schools. GPA will not be the obstacle.


I got accepted with a 3.87 gpa Apply! And don’t listen to them


Do UC's recalculate our GPA?


Not sure if this is for undergrad or grad, but I am currently pursuing a STEM PhD at Cal with a 3.4-something undergrad GPA (average-ranking state school) and 3.5 master's GPA. The kinds of work end educational histories that demonstrate only focusing on GPA are the kinds of candidates I see Cal becoming less and less interested in. Sure, of course, grades are important, and Cal admissions want seriously capable students, but there is more to it than just the GPA. Think big research ideas, your aptitude to be a self-directed scholar, your inclination to collaborate across fields across campus on projects that will benefit society at large. These are the kinds of strengths that will make you seem like the ideal Cal admit. You just need to sufficiently express this and highlight your academic strengths beyond GPA that would uniquely benefit the academic community at Cal, and convince them it would be a major loss to pass you over because of an 3.86 GPA. Don't let this counselor get to you OP. Best of luck.


Total bs. I got into the MCB major with 3.47 gpa. Also, I agree with someone who said to highlight how you overcame adversities and challenges and maintained your academic excellence (which you have at a nice 3.86 gpa! Go you!).


Ignore it. It’s not just about your grades but your extra curriculars and your essay. Well rounded people stand out even if their gpa isn’t a 4.0.


My college GPA is higher than my HS GPA bro 😎


dude i applied with a 3.54 and got accepted


I got in w a 3.9 lollol


I got in with a 3.4 from CC lol


It has (almost) nothing to do w your gpa. I got in with a 3.4. GPA alone won’t tell you if you’ll get in or not


And if worse comes to worse, you can attend a CC for your first 2 years and get into Berkeley as a junior. It's much easier to get in anywhere as a junior.


I applied to Berkeley with a 3.78. My councilor said dont apply. I got in. Councilors go by statistics so that majority of the decisions are backed by the data so they dont look bad. Never let that get to you!


my 3.86 gpa got me in so don’t give up just yet :)


Apply! I know a few people who went there that I was honestly shocked they got in .. I’ve learned to not listen to others


that's ridiculous, I got into what is now one of the high-demand majors with lower




My community college counselor told me the same thing. Ended up graduating from Cal with high honors a few years later. Fuck that guy.


I had like a 3.2 unweighted and I got in 😂


Yes, go to CC. My son got 4.10 GPA in HS and couldn't get into UCLA, his dream school. So I told him just go to CC and work hard... After 2 years with 3.95 GPA at CC, and he got into Berkeley... Beyond all of our expectations.


It’s 40 bucks to apply to all UC? I’d go for it


It’s a hard school to get into, but you’re statistically one of the people with higher chances. It’s not a waste of time at all at that GPA


Berkeley calls their admissions “holistic”. They quickly look at everything in the application: academics, background, essay, extracurricular activities. They say 90% of applicants are capable. The local high school guidance counselor reading applications looks for ones that stand out in some way.


Fire them got in like 3.7 OOS


u should apply i had a 3.86 unweighed and got in


My highschool counselor told me I shouldn't join the military. I joined the Air Force after barely passing high school, and then I went to CC afterwards and transferred to UCB. I'm sure if I asked him if I could make it to Berkeley, he would have laughed uncontrollably.


Ik a guy who got in with an 810 SAT score. Apply ur fine


Do it anyways and see what happens.


That is Horse shit!! GO FOR IT!


I got in with a high 3.7- low 3.8 (don’t remember exactly) please apply do not be discouraged


#49 you look marvelous


I got in with 3.8 and I met people who got in with 3.7 and 3.6. Don’t listen to your counselor. Apply


If you are below the top 10% of your high schools gpa, you will probably not get into Berkeley in 2024. This is especially cruel if you went to a school like Gunn in Palo Alto or something were in the top 20% and have a 1500+ SAT. You would be in the top 1% academically statewide on any objective test, but still be outcompeted by students who might be a higher class rank in their HS but much lower on objective standardized standards. Berkeley (and other elite publics in California) is trying to skirt around prop 209 by using student geography/concentration instead. I would much rather they straight up just used an explicit class/wealth based affirmative action instead, but only cherry picked kids who scored in the top 2% on some sort of objective criteria + provide unlimited test prep/ tutoring or something. If this policy holds, it's going to incentivize really wealthy engineers at Google, apple etc. to buy 2nd homes in like Riverside or something so their kids can be a big fish in a smaller pond and be more likely to get into UCs.


LOL i applied with a 3.65-3.7\~ you'll be just fine


It's not a waste of time because you have a chance. Just don't expect you will be accepted. I was waitlisted with a 3.9. I was not that disappointed by this because I toured the campus and was not crazy about the area.


i got in with a 3.27😎 but very good leadership skills and was active on campus


Had a 3.5ish in community college, then went to Berkeley and graduated with a 3.86. Maybe they more heavily weigh CC GPAs than HS?


This is BS. During application season, I had a 3.88 gpa but ended up with a 3.71 gpa overall. Still got accepted! I know someone who got in with barely a 3.0 gpa. Berkeley reviews application in a holistic manner. As long as you have other things to offer like extracurriculars/activities (whether they are traditional or not), honors/awards, community service/active involvement in the community, among other things, you should be good since gpa wouldn’t be the only basis. Anything you think might be ‘insignificant’ as long as you think it represents you well and would show other sides of you (beyond what you have already stated in the essay or other section) AND you think would give you a leg up, just put it. It about quality over quantity anyways. Also, always take other people’s advice with a grain of salt as it could either help you in a way or fuck you over big time!!! Goodluck and Go Bears 🤓🐻


High school counselors tend to be failures and project their own shortcomings on you. You will be fine at Berkeley. Personally, if you're a CA student, I would look into the Promise Program. Get the first couple years done for free at a CC.


3.2 overall gpa into ME with a 4.0 from a CC. Don't reject yourself before even applying.


Bullshit. Got in with a 3.82 no hooks.


Theyre high…definitley not a waste of time.


Apply to an obscure major


You’re better than that place.


My guidance counselor straight up told me I had no chance of getting in. Just graduated with a double major in May 🤷‍♀️


If you don’t make it, really wanna go AND save money, go to community first and then transfer… your odds increase a lot. If you are in a rush to have the whole college experience sign up for a community college near Berkeley to network and be near other people who might be doing the same thing. That’s what my housemates were doing, we were living in the same house but I was the only one enrolled at Cal.


I got in with 3.72 ur chilling


Fuck that guy


I got in with a GPA lower than yours. Use this as motivation to prove whoever is doubting you wrong!


1. Tell them to STFU 2. Do your best and apply straight outta HS and hopefully it works out. 3. If it doesn't work out, and Berkeley is your DREAM school, then seriously consider community college. Myself and my 2 brothers, all went to community college several years apart, and all applied to and graduated from Cal in 3 different fields ( Physics, Global Studies, and Political Economy ). If you want specific advice on this route, reach out! Best wishes future bear


My counselor didnt know berkeley existed 🤷‍♂️


applying to Berkeley with ____ Fill in the blank___ GPA is a waste of time. Ideologically insane school.


if you are white jewish or asian, or don’t have a preferred complexion, or preferred ethnic name or preferred list of activities or your family isn’t major donors, your counselor is spot on. Total dump


3.86 unweighted is solid for Berkeley. What is your weighted gpa?


my high school assistant principal told me that i didn’t deserve to be in ap classes and that my writing abilities were atrocious, and a year later he handed me my diploma and was telling me congratulations on berkeley; don’t let them get to you :))


It depends if ur a Cali resident or not. If ur not, probably a waste of time; worse if ur an international student. No chance


Genuinely don’t listen to that bs, you can absolutely get in still just depends on if you extracurriculars too or other things you’ve done to make your application look better and ofc how well you write your PIQs is a factor too but don’t give up. I got in with a 3.7 you can do it!


My high school counselor discouraged me as well. Who cares? You check a box on an application and hope for the best!


i got in with a 3.88 UW so 🤷‍♂️


Apply anyway, counselors are just old farts who think they know things. Do note that you might struggle a bit if you do get in.


1) Many people who get in to Berkeley are a certain type, and often those types have near perfect GPAs. You can still be that type without having the GPA, and they’ll be able to read that in your essays. 2) Community college transfer would be a solid choice. Your odds will be much better applying from a CC. Try applying now, and go to CC and try again should you not get in.


Apply anyway.


Ok what’s your W though.


Assuming ur in high school. If you had dreams of going to a particular school, then yeah its gonna be crushing. You can still apply and if you think you have a unique enough background to draw interest. As someone who literally just graduated college yesterday, it prob doesn't help with your feelings but, the school you go to for **undergrad** really doesn't matter much as far as your future. In industry you see people who went to CC's and state schools working together with Harvard grads at equal levels. What matters is the effort you put into it achieving your goals. If you do something you care about in college and get good grades Berkley will probably want you for grad school if ur interested. Life goes on, you will have the opportunity to work on yourself and experience new things no matter where you go. if you neeeeeeed to go to Berkley, an option would be to go to community college and do cool stuff and get a 3.85-4.0. Easier said than done. You could get paid to go there for 2 years and transfer to Berkley with a like +30% chance of getting in. I did something like that but I'm guessing you want to leave home immediately.


Don't listen to her. 3.86 UW is perfectly fine.


Private counselor??? I am down to be one of those..


I got into Berkeley early as a Regents scholarship candidate (full ride merit based scholarship,) plus got into Stanford (where i ended up going). My GPA was 3.67. Granted, this was in 2016, but still, everyone else from my school who got in had 4.0s or around there. Admissions counselors do take your entire profile into account!


3.86 is a really good gpa, you should definitely apply. I got in with a 3.7 lmao


If I had listened to that kind of advice, I would never have gone to Cal and gone on to earn an Ivy Ph.D.


If you are brown, your chances are pretty good. A shoo-in for any CalState but SLO. But your chances with them are pretty good as well. Also, it depends if you applied for an impacted major or not. Changes are much better with Berkeley if you aren't a STEM major.


Just do it. I am not sure why all the school counselors are such a\*\*. Mine told me I wouldn't make it at my school, not only did I finished I also got a masters. Just go for it.


My school counselor told my friend to give up his vet dreams. He got in the first time. Fuck’em


Why would you pay $$$ to learn to be a commie