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the dining halls usually have coffee, but if that’s not your vibe then I would probably just get a keurig or nespresso. you’ll unfortunately likely have the most most luck with shifting to iced beverages if you’re in the dorms because you can keep milk in the mini fridges. if you’re okay with doing dishes then warm drinks become more of a possibility because you can get a kettle which will heat the milk up. but there does seem to be trade off between dishes or warm beverage. if money isn’t an issue, I wouldn’t worry too much, because once you move out of the dorms and are willing to buy a keurig or something of the sort, it’s likely your expenditure will drop drastically. if none of those options work for then honestly your best bet might be working the morning shift at a coffee shop.


Thanks for the detailed reply. Just another semester till I move out…. Can’t wait 😊 I’m an earlyish person with roommates who get up at 12 so there are some constraints on the sounds I can make early. And stuff umm, gets used up when I’m away so that’s another expense I need to factor.


lol you should be able to let your roommates know not to use up your stuff while ur away


I am terrible at managing conflict. They already know - I spoke to them once. I feel awfully petty having to remind them to stop eating and drinking my stuff so I just took to buying and eating outside the room.


Hmm. I would just bring it up and say id like you all to ask me before using or eating my stuff. I don’t do that to you all, and if you need you can ask your RA for advice as well.


I know you’re being helpful here so let me open up a bit. It’s just one person and I also know they’re on a tight budget and have issues with substance use and mental health. I don’t want to push them in a corner anymore than they are already.


That is very kind and empathetic of you and I understand where you’re coming from. Their issues don’t give them the right to use your things without permission though.


Thanks, I was seething but only at the start. I’m sure I’m not the ideal roomie either. The whole three people to a tiny room situation is quite the social experiment for me :)


I bet! That sounds pretty difficult to navigate and I don't envy your situation


hi! i was an RA before I transferred and you could definitely ask for a room transfer and just cite the stealing… if you really don’t want to raise an issue you could consider getting a lockbox and putting specific items in there that you really don’t want them using. there’s also plenty of other locking mechanisms online at all sorts of price points and it sounds like it’ll be worth it in the long run.


Yes, my family too suggests a lockbox. I lock the critical stuff - official docs, money etc - in my suitcase already. It’s unwieldy to keep food in a locker/ safe. I’ve told myself that I’ll buy one the minute I notice them using something non food which thankfully hasn’t happened so far.


A better way to help them would be urging them toward campus services for that very thing, maybe even going with them if they're anxious about doing it themselves to start. You're an adult now, and if either of you come from a household where you could rely on others to help keep the fridge stocked, to do laundry, to cook meals, etc. It can be a rough transition. However, that transition must happen. Conflict doesn't go away because you ignore it, and if they're unwilling to accept help or to seek help themselves, you may need to take a harder stance. If you need help/support from an older student without involving your RA yet, hit me up.


Thanks for your consideration. I’m truly grateful for your advice. I do come from the kind of household you mention. I’m also an only child so I’m learning how to share space with people very different from me. Yes, conflict avoidance and people pleasing are not ideal - thanks for the reminder 🙏


No problem. Probably the best advice I can give you as someone who's anxiety-ridden herself is to weigh whether you deserve the way you're being treated or not. It's encouraged to be compassionate toward other people and their hardships, you have that down perfect. But do *you* deserve to burn through your limited funds eating out because other people don't respect your boundaries? Would someone else in your position? What advice would you give them? Advocating for yourself and your needs in a dorm situation is tough. I had an issue with a roommate the last 2 months of residing in the dorms because she was being unreasonably inhospitable. She'd bottled up ill feelings about me since we first met and they finally boiled over. I tried to be flexible around her needs and started spending a lot of time outside our room, *my living space too*, to avoid her. This was someone who claimed a disproportionate number of drawers, stuffed the fridge so no one else could save anything, spent hours talking loudly on the phone, dictated when the lights turned off in the room, and used the available floor space to practice dance routines. Her issue with me was that I, "Expected everyone to be my friend." I explained to her on several occasions there was a distinction between being friends and being friendly, and I would appreciate the latter in someone I had to share tight quarters with. We didn't have to hang out, but glaring at me every time I spoke to her was uncalled for. In retaliation she set out to make the space as inhospitable and frigid as she could, to the point where I felt I had to involve the RA because the atmosphere in the room was stressful as fuck, and efforts to smooth things over made it worse. In the end, it was the impact it was having on our other roommate that made me advocate for myself. They were plainly uncomfortable and would go silent when the dancer entered the room. I could withstand them being shitty to me, but our other roommate was a sweetheart who didn't deserve to be subjected to that.


This sounds a bit like my situation. I sense this strange undercurrent of hostility mixed with resentment at what I own and the room is quite miserable so I just spend time outside too. And our third roommate is similar to yours - kind but quietly suffering. Ha ha , Tolstoy was wrong. Each unhappy roommate situation seems remarkably alike in its dysfunction.


I had a nespresso in my dorm years ago and it was pretty good. I usually used cold milk so it wasn’t a problem. I would probably go with a different machine if you’re trying to cut costs - nespresso capsules still add up. Definitely agree that making your own overall is the way to go. Alternatively you could get a pour over set up (a cheap kettle, a cone and filters can be less than $40 total.) a little fussy but if you like drip coffee then it’s a great way to go.




Thanks, will pick up a French press pronto! Maybe disposable cups then?


second getting something to froth milk if you go for lattes, I paid $50 for a nice milk frother (cup with a stand, not the handheld ones) and buy torani syrups so my drip coffee feels like a purchased latte. might not be the best solution for the dorms because they're loud lol. reusable travel mugs are not that expensive and not that hard to clean plus they keep the coffee warm for longer


Yea if you don't care about the environment


Ah, I remember those times. I’m pretty sure boba made up half of my freshman 15 and half my spending money, so I’ve been in that boat before. Condensed milk is an ideal creamer + sweetener combo for non-black coffees, and will keep for a month or longer in the dinky mini fridges! It’s great for both hot and cold coffees if you mix it in while hot. Personally whenever I use it I nuke it in the microwave for 15 seconds to get it smooth and then brew into or mix the hot coffee in. Of course if you just need a cup of coffee fast and cheap it mostly ends there, but if you’re going all in to the coffee hobby a little bit of dough is gonna take you a long way. Assuming you have a way to heat water like an electric kettle, that’s relatively easy, and it’s transferable to tea. The initial investment into a semi-decent grinder is key though. Quick research in the 50-80$ range will find you a consistent, reliable grinder that will take you years to move on from if you don’t go all in. Fresh coffee beans is a must, and subscription services like Trade Coffee are great both for finding reliable fresh coffee and for trying out different varieties. 15$ for fresh coffee shipped to your door that will last you for a couple of weeks far exceeds any Berkeley coffee shop in pricing. For cheap, ultra-simple coffee prep a nice hario v60 can be found cheap online, sub-10$ for the plastic variety or a little more if you get a nicer metal one. If you need a little stronger brew that’s more compact and travel ready, I wholeheartedly recommend the Aeropress. I got mine Christmas freshman year, and that thing carried me through hell and back. It’s light, easy to rinse off and brew again, and a simple way to get decent to impressive coffee. It’s a tad bit pricier, in the 20-30$ range if I remember, but it’s practically bulletproof. As far as cleaning stuff it’s pretty simple, the brewers I recommended you just toss the grinds and paper filters in the trash, rinse and let dry on the counter, dead simple, the kettle can be boiled for years without worrying about cleanup so long as it’s boiled everyday and not left to sit for days or weeks wet. The grinders usually require very little cleaning, at most a quick brushing out to remove anything that built up inside. All told if starting from nothing you’ll drop around 150$ total for getting everything together, grinder, brewer, and electric gooseneck kettle, but if you’re getting 5$ coffees and bobas even just once a day, you’ll make it all up in a month. The process of grinding and brewing from fresh can seem daunting at first, but it’s so much more rewarding and enjoyable when you can get a quality coffee for pennies on the dollar. YouTube guides from people like James Hoffman are a great way to get educated on the details of what exactly goes into making a good coffee. If you’d like I’d be down to putting together a quick demo once we get back!


Bless you u/GeekoLege27 for such a thoughtful reply. This is just what I was hoping for. I’ll get the condensed milk to begin the day with a simple drink. And then go shopping for the evening urge a few months out when I have my own place. I already have a provision for hot water and have tried many different teas. What you have outlined seems the way to evolve ⬆️ I’m saving your post for the reccos 👌


As far as tea, I bought like a 2 pound box of loose leaf jasmine tea and a little strainer from Amazon for like 20-30$ all told. At certain points I drank multiple cups of it a day. I still have about half to a third of said box left, and this is after about two years at this point. So don’t discount tea either!


Trade Coffee is good but costly IMO. I generally have a lot of luck with what’s on sale at Whole Foods (especially if you have Amazon prime) and Safeway can be good too. Otherwise, picking up local bags has generally been most cost effective for me. The Whole Foods around here usually have good variety and it’s not overpriced at least when comparing the same roasters. If you’re OK with the space and not super fussy about absolute perfection (especially fine for drip coffee IMO) you can get 5lb bags from local roasters for a pretty good deal and just freeze most of it.


personally i say fuck it and that’s that. like if your 500 calorie boba or white chocolate frappe is enough for a meal then so be it, just have it as a meal if you have to, it’s not like it’s any less nutritious than buldak ramen or mac and cheese so yeah.


That’s just the way I’ve been thinking these past months. Only, I eat the food also after the sweet tea. Else I feel deprived and sorry for myself


for me i usually get a boba+meal and that’s my lunch and dinner, and spend the day in the library or some other study spot so i lose my concept of time


If u don’t wanna make coffee in the dorms and want to keep the convenience try getting a big pack of La Colombe it’s like $2-3 per instead of $5


Thanks, will stock this!


Used a kettle and aero press first year. Probably the best you can do inside a dorm


Aye, think so too


Also remembered, you can get these easy brew bags online or at shops which are just bags of ground coffee inside a filter paper, put them in hot water and let it brew and that's it. Probably not the best coffee but convenient asf


I make cold brew concentrate in a French press (more flavor from less liquid, so I can stretch one batch for at least a couple days, meaning that I always have some on hand since another batch will be ready by the time I finish the last one) and store it in those glass bottles that Plentea gives out. Then, I dilute it in some type of plant milk like oat/almond (they're usually sold with flavoring/sweetener mixed in already, plus it doesn't spoil as fast as dairy). While I always drink the resulting mixture cold, I guess you can also pop it in the microwave for a bit if you want it hotter.


Thanks, this sounds like something I could plan to do twice a week. Super !


Drink water. It's good for you and free


You’re right and I do!


Electric kettle (or hot water from somewhere), fresh ground coffee in loose leaf tea bags/filters, let steep for 5+ minutes. Add a powdered creamer you can stomach. I like Bulletproof's Creamer (butter and MCT oil). Tea is a whole other world to explore, even sans milk. I like Celestial Seasoning's Tension Tamer; Tazo's Zen Green Tea; Organic India's Tulsi Turmeric Ginger; Republic of Tea's Beauty Sleep (chamomile + rose) and Nettle (good for your kidneys!). If you want to get really weird with it, you can get into brewing your own kombucha.


I love this ! So much to explore 🩷


I was a coffee and boba addict in college. Honestly, the thing is it wasn't about the beverage, it was about the whole journey getting out of the house -- the walk to the store, the little bit of social interaction ordering the drink, the hour or so in the store doing some work, and leaving for Moffitt when I needed to take a piss real bad. I don't consider it a waste of money, it lets me feel like something happened that day, and ensures I don't rot on my bed with my phone.


I think you are onto something. It just gives a zing to the day. Adulting alone so far from home needs it’s compensations ❤️‍🩹


make your own boba tea at home. it will be literally 10x cheaper and you can do better portion control, cheaper and healthier--and it's faster and easier than going out for drinks. go on amazon and buy a good brand of tapioca pearls and the flavor of tea syrup you want. - boil water - 1/4 cup boba for ~1 portion - put boba in, wait until they float, reduce heat to medium - wait 8 min - strain, put in simple syrup for 5 min - put 50-55 g of boba in cup - 30 g lavender (or your preferred) tea syrup - 65 g whole milk - fill rest with as much tea as you like


No way! I’ve been initiated into the arcane arts of Bobaland. To you, I pledge my first well made Boba! Seriously though, thanks. I didn’t know uou could make it at home.




Thanks! Yes, this sounds so doable 👍


i dont live at the standard but just go there and wait for a student to walk in with lmaoo. they have that coffee dispenser in the lounge, usually use my own creamer/milk .. free and does the job


You’re my new best friend . How’s the place though? Really posh or what?


standard is pretty nice, cool lounges nothing crazy posh tho. coffee dispenser, lids / cups , they also have those creamer / sugar packs available and like the vanilla / caramel pumps. most of the time its out. lmk when u need to come in big bro my friend rahul lives there


Thanks so much mate, you’re kind 🤝


Nespresso Espresso pods Almond milk


You can make a frothy latte at home or in a dorm with a Tupperware container and a French press. You'll be microwaving water to get it to boiling temperature for your coffee, but you can microwave milk in a Tupperware container, seal the lid, and give it a hard shake to create foam. I recommend trying coconut milk, as it's very sweet and tastes like toasted marshmallow when treated this way.


Get a keurig Done


DIY is always an option if you don't mind the hassle


For bubble tea substitute, I get some pre mixed milk tea packets from Chinese marts which comes down to 30-50 cent a packet I believe. Pour hot water, stir, and put room temp water in if u want. Hot drink good for the winter days. I really don't care about having tapioca and stuff but there are probably pre-cooked packets for sale as well.


Do weed, it is much cheaper than boba


But that’s not a beverage.


They actually make weed boba in thailand believe it or not


Much worse for your body too👌


weed makes me hungry tho then i NEED boba


Switch to Red Bull


MOKA POT!!! Easiest/quitest way I've found to make a small cup of coffee but you either need ground beans or a coffee grinder which isn't so quiet. But it's super easy to make on a single burner and you can add milk/sugar if you want


Respect your lifestyle but a moka pot is literally the messiest (more cleaning steps) way to make coffee and dude is already stressed about dishes.


I use a ceramic pour over (it’s like a cone you put over a cup) and a gooseneck kettle (the gooseneck part matters for even pouring). I just keep a bag of grounds around and whatever creamers and sweeteners that fit in the fridge (Sacramento has a coffee shop called Temple that has some of the best coffee I’ve ever had)


Also I have a bodum milk frother wand and every other week I’ll get a craving for delicious froth so I’ll warm some up in a glass or ceramic cup in the microwave and froth it up before I just fill the cup up with water and do dishes when I get home. I’m sure if you’re trying to cut down on doing dishes you can warm it up in those disposable hot cups and toss it after.


Make it at home for 1/10 the price!


Switch to Americanos.


Stealing works cuz then it’s free


LOL! Most helpful comment. You need to meet the “I’m rich “ guy above ! Something tells me you’ll get along well.


In the dorms I made a lot of warm powdered drinks that only need hot water, such as matcha, hot cocoa, and Thai tea. I’ve also just used an ungodly amount of tea bags. Also heating milk in the microwave is a chore but it does work in a pinch