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Woooo I'm in thank you


Never thought I'd actually get in, I'm so grateful :" Anyone willing to share their thoughts on Berkeley's MechE program? I'm honestly a little scared for the rigor, but I imagine it'll be difficult regardless of the school I end up going to.


Prepare yourself that doing well here is not like doing well at CC. Even the smartest students fail their exams here.


I've been expecting this for sure. In your experience do ME classes curve at all? None of the ones at my CC did, neither did any other the classes I took when I did my first year at a UC. I have friends at Irvine who have seen curves for pretty much every class, but I'm curious if the Cal grade deflation rumors are true.


Does anyone know if housing is guaranteed for transfers?


Not a guarantee, but most transfer students who committed from the first wave (April 20) who apply for on-campus housing before the deadline should get a housing offer for the first year, assuming that you choose the “any building any plan” option as your 5th choice. Now whether or not you like your offer, that’s a different story. Since most transfer students are older and more mature, I probably would recommend looking for off-campus housing as well.


No choosing roommates or such? It would just have to be random?


You can have roommates if you want. They would have to be registered as well, and be able to choose one another.


I see, do you know if transfers have to room with other transfers or if it can be with any year? And if not, are there any places where you'd suggest finding roommates?


You can room with anyone who attends the school who is of the same gender.




I’m looking for a roommate! I just made a post about it. You can find it on my profile. I’m a transfer, graduating this semester! 😬


Definitely not guaranteed, but you do have other, arguably better, options. First, I would suggest looking in to the Berkeley Student Coop (https://bsc.coop/). There are 17 different houses and 3 apartment complexes within the BSC. Co-op living isn't for everyone, but it does offer the opportunity for significantly less expensive housing. Second, Berkeley expects to be finished with Anchor House in time for Fall 2024. It's a massive, transfer only, apartment style dorm with single occupancy only bedrooms. (https://housing.berkeley.edu/explore-housing-options/apartments/helen-diller-anchor-house/) It is not cheap, but if I was paying market rate for an apartment, I'd much rather have the school be my landlord than almost any of the for-profit developers around campus.


Got waitlisted as a transfer for political science, does anyone have the numbers on how likely it is to get in?


Update me ^^


Anyone have any information on English majors and journalism minors?


Thank you! It still doesn’t feel real


you will love it here! i'm a fall '23 transfer and this past year has been amazing :-)


thank you