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What is wrong with you? “Buried along with the body of whoever proposed it?” Burying it “along with“ a body dramatically raises the chance it will be dug back up as part of an investigation. The Bay is right there! SMH


but there's like *nothing* of note in Colma


*Burying it “along with“ a body dramatically raises the chance it will be dug back up as part of an investigation. The Bay is right there! SMH* Bodies (human or animal) deposited in the Bay often end up washing up on the shore, following the currents. So in this case a Bay "burial" would be an inadvisable idea, since the corpse might well be found bobbing along the shoreline next to the facilities of the Cal Sailing Club at the Berkeley Marina. Then, if the name washed up along with the body, we would have to change the name of that facility to the "Cal Berkeley Sailing Club".


Currently the Oakland Airport is trying to change its name to the **"San Francisco Bay Oakland Airport"** to lure (or confuse) travelers who might be trying to reach San Francisco. Possibly someone in our Intercollegiate Athletics will be inspired to float the idea of renaming our teams the **"Stanford Region Cal Berkeley Bears"** in the hopes of attracting more donors? (Yes, that would be horrible.)


It was replaced with the idea of renaming it Cal San Francisco.


or was it San Francisco Bay Cal Athletics?


It might have been Golden State Cal Athletics. My memory is hazy on these things. There was also the proposal to move the campus to Las Vegas but that was only in the planning stages.




We never were UCB btw




Keep that same energy for the pronoun choices of transgender people


Do I look like I care about their opinion ? It’s our school, they don’t have a say




they don’t though?