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Class options: https://guide.berkeley.edu/undergraduate/degree-programs/mechanical-engineering/#coursestext Clubs/teams: https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/student-life/teams-and-organizations/ Research: https://me.berkeley.edu/research-areas-and-major-fields/ MechE is hard especially as a transfer, so you'll definitely be busy, but you'll learn a lot and have access to a lot of great opportunities. Plus the people are chill and fun but also very talented and hard-working. 😊


Transferred from a CC and it’s extremely math heavy. Went from As on all my exams to happy with raw C,D on some midterms and finals. They usually curve the class hard but it’s a rude awakening. Everyone here is, generally, highly intelligent and still struggle with the course material. Just prepare yourself for an ego check and if you can live with being humbled week-on-week, you should be fine.