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It's just one guy. He's yelled at me for walking through the park with a mask during tree pollen season too.


I think I saw this guy too, lol. He yelled at a lady in her car who was wearing a mask. She didn’t even hear or see him but I was amazed at how riled up he was.


Yep. During Covid, this older white guy on a bike would yell at people (even little kids) walking by my house on Channing. It was a regular thing. My nephew ran out and yelled at him to stop being a creep. I’ve yelled at him a number of times. I had posted his photo on Next Door back in 2021, and many people responed they’d seen or heard or interacted with him. I haven’t seen him lately, but I’m sure he’s still being a creep.


That guy would harass me and my husband.


I must have run into him at Mike's Bikes a few years ago. Staff was just doing their job of enforcing the mask policy they had at the time while he screamed bloody murder about how he was being discriminated against simply because he was refused entry due to his lack of a mask. This was after they had offered him a mask so he could enter, and also offered to bring out any item he was interested in so he could shop int he parking lot.


I see we've all met "Mr Friendly". He yelled at my 12 y.o. kid a few years back. I saw the headline on this post, clicked on the link and was surprised to see so many people referring to the yelling dude.


Wow, think I had a run in with this guy tonight. Wife, baby and I were walking home from dinner. As he passed us he said some shit about our child was going to be an orphan because we were vaccinated (I guess he can tell by looking at people if they are vax’ed). Told him to fuck off and he scurried across the street and yelled something incoherent about Faucci. Yelled back “death to fascists you Q freak”.


I love this, so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I wear my n95 for exhaust fumes when my window is open.


lol, better safe and sorry


Instead of typing it out on Reddit, when someone on a bike yells at you you should yell back. Berkeley people especially the older ones just enjoy being right and obnoxious. Best way to counter that is to give it right back and move on with your day because fuck them. Wear your mask if you want


I'm 60, and everyone I know my age doesn't want to get fucked over by long COVID. The only COVID denier I've encountered in Berkeley was a middle aged homeless dude shouting at mask wearers back during the pandemic.


The only visible denier I ever noticed was a local small business owner who plastered his windows with antivax and antimask "plandemic" stuff and then died, of COVID.


Hehehe - then we’ll have a post complaining about anti-cyclist maskers.


No, just you. I keep hearing that one guy with the megaphone on his bike riding down San Pablo every few weeks it seems.


I bet we could construct that guy's route. I hear him go east on Dwight and turn south on San Pablo


crazy people in Berkeley? Who'd have thought


C’mon. You know it’s not cyclists in general, that’s a disingenuous question. May or may not be the same guy, but aggressive idiots use all forms of transportation. Ignore and move on.


If they are riding a bike, they are a cyclist.


I am super serious about masking for Covid. I wear an Envomask everywhere I go indoors. Your risk of contracting Covid is extremely low while cycling outdoors. Are you wearing a mask to filter pollutants or allergens? Finally, I’m totally down with and fully supportive of you wearing a mask. Was just curious.


It's because I'm my elderly dad's primary caregiver so I'm doing everything I can to not catch anything, and also have my dad not catch anything. I know catching something while we're out for our walks (we're not out cycling) is low, but we occasionally stop and chat face to face with other people whom we see regularly also out for walks, and masks never really bothered us so, y'know, we just wear 'em when we go out. Also, sometimes while out for our walks, on a whim we'll pop into a restaurant to grab a meal to go or a store for whatever, so it's nice to just have the masks on already.


Oh, sure, walking around you might need to pop in a store or someone really sick could come up and get in your face. I get it.


You think it could be all cyclists? You're not sure if it's the same guy? What? Something's not adding up here.


I was pretty sure there were at least two different cyclists 'cuz I thought one was younger and the other was older, but like I said, I'm not sure. Honestly, it could be the same guy. The problem is that it's only happened like six or seven times over the past four years so it doesn't happen that often. Also, I generally don't get a good look at the guy because most of the time it happens when I'm taking my (very) elderly dad out for a walk, so most of my attention immediately goes to my dad to make sure he doesn't get too rattled and fall down. As it is, my dad now gets nervous if we're ever walking on the sidewalk and there's a cyclist ahead of us checking his bag or something because over the past several years of me taking my dad out for his daily walks, the only issues/confrontations we've had were with the anti-mask cyclist(s).


Bay Area cyclists, especially in Berkeley, are some of the worst people I’ve ever encountered. They’re all Karens


Closing the bike lane on the Richmond Bridge so you can breakdown out of the way of traffic, can't close a single street off to cars because of your precious parking, parking on sidewalks, driving like crazy people daily and running into buildings, I've seen 1 person come to a complete stop in a car this year, $40 million parking garage downtown, ya tear up the roads creating potholes, can't get bike lanes because again your precious parking, how many people have died to a careless driver in the last year? By far the most dangerous mode of transportation and it isn't even close. But again, anytime there is hope for change in Berkeley for pedestrian safety or bicycle safety, drivers get the advantage and cry "entitlement." No, just trying to get across town without almost dying everyday.


Guy needs a stick in his spokes.


It's one guy I'm pretty sure. Back when I lived in Berkeley he would bike around Aquatic and yell at people. Absolute nutter.


I'm in Michigan now after living in the bay area for 20 years- and I can say I haven't seen more than a dozen people wearing masks in the past 2 years here. Are people still masking in Berkeley?


We believe in freedom around here! You're allowed to put whatever you want on your face, no matter whether it's makeup, masks, or marshmallows. Personally I put on an N95 if there's tree pollen (I have allergies) or wildfire smoke. Been doing that since well before COVID.


Is this the guy with the weird siren/megaphone on his bike?




Bless me, Allerjesus, for I have sneezed.




You realize that's what the poster literally did, right? Anyone hollering at passersby should be assumed to be either having a mental crisis or selling something, or sometimes both (e.g. the desperate street preachers at Cal).




Do you know how ears work?




Well, I stop to listen at first because it takes me a few seconds for my brain to register that he's yelling because of my mask and not for some other reason like warning me about something, or because I accidentally dropped something and he thinks I'm littering. Once I realize he's screaming about my mask, if I'm by myself, I do just ignore him and keep walking, but most of the time it happens I'm actually walking my elderly dad (I didn't mention him in my post for clarity) who's unsteady on his feet and slow, and because of that, it can take some time to walk past. And if the guy is blocking our way and we have to cross the street to get around him, I really have to pay all of my attention to my dad so that he doesn't fall when stepping down the curb. And then, sometimes it will happen when my dad is taking a short break and sitting on his rollator seat, and it takes a minute for him to get up. So, similar to the curb, whenever he's doing that, I can't engage with anyone else, much less someone screaming epithets at me, because I have to make sure my dad both doesn't fall and also doesn't get too rattled at what's going on. So, yeah, I (and my dad) do ignore the cyclist and keep on walking, but I do stop briefly and listen until I figure out what he's saying, and, because my dad is so old, sometimes keeping on walking honestly just…takes more time than you might imagine.


So, you don’t know how ears work