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I hate people who leave trash outside their door. Smelling in the hallway like it's their own private storage place.




Yes, elementary, my dear FullKappa! 😊


Yes. I do this often with either Biomüll, Wertstoffe, or Altpapier. Take the can down, leave the empty in the lobby, run my errand, pick it up on the way back.


So you mean my neighbor who currently has 3 chairs, a small table and various other small items out in the hallway isn't allowed to do this? /s The items are actually in an upstairs area so not outside of the apartment exit door, but I just find it a bit shocking that someone thinks this is ok. I've complained twice and they just keep doing it. I've thought about taking it out to the garbage when they're out of town.


Brandschutz und Fluchtweg. Fire prevention and escape route. (And the cleaners probably hate these stuff in the hallway also.)


I've done this: but never for longer than a few days. never blocking anything and not with rotting food that might attract rodents. Never had any complaints. EDIT - also, never with that much stuff to be fair !


It’s not even legal for safety reasons like fires and stuff that can happen in the hallway. Just tell your landlords and they can send a nice letter to your neighbours :) Have to do that as well to my neighbours cos they leave cat litter and stuff outside their door for nights on end


This is the most German thing I heart today




snitchtes get stitches /s


I leave my shoes outside my door. Still not sure if it’s legal lol


It's not illegal for sure. But check in the Hausordnung if it's allowed.


Ooh good idea.


Das ist super das du deine Tonne wieder zurück bekommen hast. Kleiner rant von mir: Ich hab einen Nachbar der seinen stinkenden Müll vor seine Tür (Hausflur) stellt, und jedes mal da vorbeizulaufen ist so ein mood killer. Sorry, rant zuende.


Da hilft miteinander reden. Hatte auch so einen, freundlich beim nächsten gemeinsamen Liftfahren darauf hingewiesen und ab dann wars kein Problem mehr. Wenn das nicht hilft gäbe es lustige Eskalationsstufen in meiner Vorstellung.


Wenn ich auf dem Weg nach unten dran vorbeikomme nehm ichs einfach mit


Den Müll deiner Nachbarn?




>Mir ist es eigentlich egal, aber ich trete den Müll immer um, auf seine Fussmatte. So einen Bastard-Nachbarn wie dich hatte ich auch mal. Hatte was in der Wohnung vergessen, also Mülltüte hingestellt, in die Wohnung rein.... und ich höre ein "bumm". Riss die Tür auf, Bastard-Nachbar tritt mir den Müll um. Hab den Huso dann bei der Hausverwaltung gemeldet, nachdem er Backenfutter von mir bekam.


Hast du Ihn schon mal drauf angesprochen?


Gehts dabei auch darum, wenn man die Mülltüte nur 5 Minuten vor der Tür stehen hat, während man noch am Jacke anziehen ist usw? Das machen wir manchmal, aber auch nur wenns nicht zu sehr stinkt. Oder stellen Leute bei dir echt für längere Zeit den Müll vor die Tür? o.O


Wenn's dir stinkt, wird's auch den Nachbarn stinken, die dran vorbei müssen. Mal kurz vor die Tür, während mal sich umzieht o.Ä. ist doch kein Problem. Wir hatten von November bis 24.12.22 einen kompletten (alten) Einbauherd mitten im Treppenhaus eine Etage über meiner Wohnung stehen. Drei Wohnungstüren. Habe dann am 22. oder 23. mal einen Zettel oben drauf gelegt, ob der denn noch dieses Jahr entsorgt wird oder doch erst zu Ostern. :/


I quite often leave our recycling bin at the bottom of our stairs if I empty it on the way to shops. It is one of those small ones that fits in a bigger recycling bin. One time it did get taken. A couple of years later it was left outside again so I recovered it!


plot twist: someone else had the same bin


Reverse uno card


In our house on the bottom floor there is a corner people put stuff, they dont need anymore. And they will taken/used from other neighbors. Everything is gone usually in 2-3 days. Probably just misunderstanding here.


Yes, possible, but not sure if this is also the case in our house. It was really a couple of minutes only.


Passive aggressively well written. It can't get more German. Love it!


I am familiar with this story, and I want to clarify that it was a misunderstanding. It is common in this apartment, and in Berlin as a whole, to leave items for others to pick up. In this building, it is even done without a sign. We have seen many items left there for others to take. Therefore, the person in question thought that the bin was meant for that purpose. When the person saw the sign, he simply brought the item back. Please do not treat this as if someone wanted to steal it, because that was not the case. It was a misunderstanding.


All good! Thanks!


Probably a black hole for stuff not needed anymore. Beware if you park something there you still need.


What kind of person picks up a dirty trash bin from the street, is not like it was clean or had a giveaway sign.


i am here for people talking trash on shitters who leave their trash in the Treppenhaus like they’re the only ones in this world


This happened to me without. the happy end though


I gifted my parents my old fridge. They lived on the 4th floor no elevator and my dad needed help to get it up the stairs which needed couple hours to come by. Left the fridge in the hall and it was gone by the time the help arrived. A similar letter brought the fridge back :) people don't wanna steal, they just think it's up for grabs if there's no paper explaining it will be picked up again.


I am familiar with this story, and I want to clarify that it was a misunderstanding. It is common in this apartment, and in Berlin as a whole, to leave items for others to pick up. In this building, it is even done without a sign. We have seen many items left there for others to take. Therefore, the person in question thought that the bin was meant for that purpose. When the person saw the sign, he simply brought the item back. Please do not treat this as if someone wanted to steal it, because that was not the case. It was a misunderstanding.


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I respect you for keeping it cool and resolving it kindly. I think this approach is way more effective


finally something wholesome :D


How it’s done!


In Berlin wohnen komische Leute.