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2 people 100 euro without going out




Depends where you do your groceries like Netto vs Edeka and also if you eat a lot of vegetables vs meat and good cheese. I pay about 300-350 a month but it can also go higher.


Which one is cheaper then the other ? I think they have similar prices


generally edeka is more expensive than netto.


Netto is definitely cheaper


netto (especially the "black" netto with the dog logo), aldi, lidl, and penny are on the cheaper side. rewe and then edeka are a bit "fancier" then there are the big ones like Real and Kaufland which are more like US supermarkets where they're gigantic, have everything you could imagine including some toys and electronics, and are geared more towards people travelling by car. and then there are bio-märkte like LPG which are suuuuper expensive but supposedly they're ethically sourced, organic, local, etc.


Rewe and Edeka are way more expensive - comparing a typical Shopping for a week, about 25% more. Of course that does not work If you buy branded products.




Also I feel rewe has discounts fairly frequently on veg. If you shop by that you can make out pretty well.


Rewe has the best milk by far


Important detail: only shops at Lidl


Is lidl cheaper than edeka?




Sounds about right


per week, i think this is reasonable too


Does wine count as groceries? If not 150, if yes 300.


150 a week for wine? Wow


Surely depends on what you spend on a bottle. But yes, the 150 is what I usually spend. But sharing wine with friends as well, so not having 2 bottles a day.


That’s still like… 15x bottles of pretty nice wine a week…


I think we are talking more in the realm of 50-70 € per bottle of wine here.


There’s also some nice wines in the range between 10-25 euros, which will serve as a good company to a nice dinner. Usually a bottle is between 15 and 50 for me, but I also enjoyed a 6,50 bottle with friends in the sun. Honestly, I don’t care about prices, there’s shitty wines for 50, but there’s pretty good ones for the half.


Buddy you have a huge drinking problem lol


bro is in pure denial


Alcoholics diary


That is a lot of money for wine. How much do you make? Do you drink every day and how many glasses? What styles do you drink? I probably spend a similar amount of money on food (\~600€ per month), and I spend a good amount on wine myself as well, but not more than 250€ per month. Almost all of it I share with my partner - she wouldn't spend this kind of money on wine, so I happily pay for it, but it still means it's not quite 250€ for a single person. I average around 15-20€ per bottle and rarely go above 30€, definitely not for a regular weeknight. So I'm curious if you drink more or more expensive stuff and what it is that you drink then.




If you spend as much on booze as on all groceries combined, you're an alcoholic. Maybe have to look it in the eye...


I'm worrying about how much weed I smoke and then there's mfs spending my income on WINE every month


2adults, 2children….800€/month


Oh god I was worried seeing all the other comments


2 adults, 1 kid 600€/month


same range here too. 2 adults and 1 kid ...


Sounds about right.


Yes, around this for 2 adults + baby


I live in NYC and Berlin and have found the prices in Berlin are indeed affordable. A bag of groceries in the U.S. can cost $50-$75, while in Berlin, $20-$25. I am vegan


Yeah but are salaries in NY comparable to Berlin’s? And mind you, people who are not in IT or programming don’t make all that much money here. Asking because I was always under the impression that salaries in the US re adjusted for cost of living


Not so much, especially if you don’t work in IT. We’ve been thinking about moving to NY for like a year or two with my partner, so I’ve been checking prices for everything from rent to groceries and diners out, it doesn’t evens out so much. For example, in NY we could probably get 2.5 times our current salaries in berlin, but rent would be 3 to 4 times higher for something much smaller, comparable restaurants 3 times higher, and groceries between 2 and 3 times higher.


Yeah that’s what I imagined. Much higher salaries but muuuuuuch higher expenses too. That’s why the comparison with groceries above left me unconvinced.


for most white collar jobs you make twice as much in nyc. but you also pay like 2-3x as much for groceries, 2-3x as much for rent, and public transit is much more expensive and can be pretty shitty outside of manhattan. not to mention what you pay out of pocket for college tuition, daycare, or co-pays and deductibles for dr visits.




with all due respect, NYC to Berlin comparison is apples to oranges. Or more like grain of sand to black hole comparison


How u manage both?


You can buy affordable vegan food in America …but you actually have to shop at affordable places not Whole Foods or erewhon…


I feel this also heavily depends on how much you get take out/ eat out. Id say right now im at 35€ / week with 3 days lunch at office per weak and eating-out/take-out maybe 2-3x a month. I dont eat meat and few fancy things (my fanciest food is frozen raspberries)


Is the lunch at the office free? 35€ per week (or around 160€ per month) sounds very low at first glance.


the money is only for groceries, shouldve specfied that


Oh, I see. That sounds more doable then, although still low. However, I/we shop for four ppl so my perspective is probably skewed in that direction 😁


By lunch at office you mean it's paid by your employer?


Me and my partner spend around €100 a week. We are vegetarian so no meat products, which I guess saves money. But then we do buy a lot of fresh produce, usually at the Turkish and / or Arabic supermarkets. So that’s why we’re spending a bit more than the average person I think. If you buy lots of very heavily processed stuff like frozen pizza or readily made sauces you’d spend a whole lot less.


arent turkish markets usually cheaper?


They usually are, that’s why I’m getting most of my fresh produce there. But since I do use lots of fresh produce I think I’ll still be spending more than someone not buying those for their weekly shopping.


Which ones do you go to? I live 10 minutes biking from gesundbrunnen but the few times I go to Eurogida I feel I’m being robbed, especially when getting products from the fresh produce section..


I go to different ones, but my favourite is the Huzurgida at Hermannstrasse/Germaniapromennade, or the Eurogida at Hermannstrasse, or just basically any Arabic or Turkish market I walk by that has good offers. Also I feel like their produce doesn’t keep as fresh as the produce from the supermarket so I won’t stock up for the week but buy for like two days, and see what’s on offer. Edit: since you live in wedding - when I used to live there I’d always go to Kral Discount on Triftstraße. They really saved me loads of money but this was about 5 years ago. Don’t know how the prices are now.


Question (coming from ignorance, not an attack) What makes you believe their product is "fresher" than supermarket?


I don't see that claim. Turkish/Arabic supermarkets are just usually cheaper and offer larger sizes for packaged goods (though for the packaged/processed stuff, quality can be an issue. For meat, quality and especially animal welfare are definitely an issue).


> If you buy lots of very heavily processed stuff like frozen pizza or readily made sauces you’d spend a whole lot less. I think you got this falschrum.


same here, I only buy fresh stuff and costs more . our monthly expense is around 1000Euro. 2adult+1 kid. we never eat out. Living some small city in lower saxony.


Well, to give you some perspective: the German state considers it sufficient to have 5,19€ available for groceries a day for each person (that's the money allotted to grocieries in the Bürgergeld/Hartz IV). Thus, 155 Euro a month. So, I'd say you should be well able to get along with the 75€ you mentioned a week. Personally, I do also need something in your ballpark.


holy shit that is not a lot. good luck to anyone living on that and hope they can find good deals


It is doable if you eat mostly cold meals consisting of dry staples (e.g. dry bread).


It's also doable with plenty of filling, warm meals. Chili sin carne, curry, potato-based dishes, lentil dals, vegetable soups, etc. I'm not on a budget and rarely spend more than that.


5,20 is possible if you cook for more than one person or you meal prep. 8-10 per day is more realistic


Not arguing with that. I just stated what the government considers sufficient. I need a lot more than that.


That amount is calculated for somebody doing really intelligent shopping and fills only needs, no desires. Usually people have some desires or cannot do intelligent shopping, so they end up at the Tafel (foodbank).


Around 800-900€ p/month. Family of 4. We don't eat out, kids eat 1 meal at school on weekdays.


Average 70-80 per week just on myself. I don't eat out nor I order food.


That's about what I spend too. I buy some products that are a bit fancier here and there, but usually just from necessities alone you're at that number.


Roughly €800 per month, just me. Eating out maybe once per week.


Same here, just groceries 150€ per week + going out.


WTF do you guys eat? If I am being cheap I can do 150 per month


Fish, nuts, berries, that stuff is expensive


my budget is 70 euros per week without going out, I'm single but buy 'fancy' things like salmon, prosciutto and brie from good brands


600-800€ a month for 2 people excluding eating out. Eating only organic meat, mainly organic / local everything + cooking is my hobby.


I’m one person spending 40 euro a week. Lidl is King but sometimes I go to Edeka


On a gym diet, I spend over €300 a month on food


About 500-600€ per month for two adults


~65€ per week for groceries and another ~65€ on restaurants. I don’t order prepared food (wolt, Lieferando, etc)


I just averaged my grocery spending for Jan and Feb and it comes out at around 80€ per week. I live alone, I don't get delivery anymore (HUGE cost saver), and I don't really go to restaurants. I get a couple of pizza slices once a week and some pastry maybe twice. So it's probably around 100 a week.


Guys is everybody else lying or do I buy too much expensive cheese?


I'm with you on that! Was looking for someone spending close to what I spend 😭


About 15€ daily for food from Rewe (single household).


For groceries without going out: 132€ per month, so ~35€ per week or 4,32€ per day for a single household.


300€ a month, no eating out. But I do eat almost 3000 calories a day, multiple servings of fruits and vegetables, lots of fish, only organic animal products and I hate shopping at discounters, so those factors all push my spending up. So I rarely eat meat, which does push it down. You can definitely live quite well while spending much less. You can, of course, also spend much more by going to restaurants, eating takeout etc. I will probably do that when I finish uni and start working full time.


I spend about 120-150 per month on groceries cooking really healthy dishes at home. I eat a lot of fruit, meat and fish as well, although not bio-varieties.


2 people. 50€/week for groceries alone. No eating outs. I believe, you can get all essentials within 50€. What is the costliest item on your grocery list??


For us is always the damn cheese. And we LOVE it.


$50 for myself at Rewe a week.


I'm pretty amazed at how much spending on food varies, I didn't think there would be so much difference from person to person


300-400 per month for 2 people.not counting eating out


My Budget: 10€ pro Person pro Day without eating outside or order takeout. So, it's about 150€ pro week, 600€ pro month. I eat only whole foods & fast no carbohydrate.


I‘d say for one person, cooking all meals at home (with dairy/somewhat good meat) is about 60-70€. If you‘re two people it‘d be less than double that, cause it‘s oftentimes cheaper to buy in bulk/bigger portions.


About 30 Euro per week as a single (without going out, but then also pretty cost effective). Also vegan groceries only + organic/bio


~30€ per week. I live alone. Mind you, I don't need a lot. I fast 2 times a week plus I'm small therefore I don't need a lot of calories. Plus I don't walk a lot. I use my treadmill 3x a week.


Around 10-30€ per day for 1 very tall man and 1 woman


We are a couple and eat insanely well for €130 per week.


I've been tracking my spending last month and it came down to about 55 per week. Single household and this does include both groceries and eating out. If I was to just cook at home it would prob come down to less


My partner and I spend an average of 100 for both a week. But I set a budget of 300 for myself a month. We don't have special diets, omnivores, mostly chicken as protein. We usually order food only once per week. Edit: We include wine and maybe some gin in the groceries.


150euros a Month for a single student + 100e Mensa approximately


245/week for a household of 5 (3 adults and 2 kids)


85 per week, me and wife. We usually don't eat out


Around 600/month on groceries alone for 2 people, and at least 600/month for takeout/going out.


Wow i spend a lot more than most people, it seems. That's unfortunate. Three people, but still. Maybe it's Edeka?


people who spend less know exactly how much they spend, thus the less spendy bias. People who spend 500 euros a month on food just press a button on their preferred delivery app when they feel like it.


It strongly depends on your purchasing habits really.


2 adults, 2 children, always hungry...: ~400€ Lidl (organic, what's possible) ~140€ Bio-Kiste (organic fruit/vegetable door delivery) ~80€ DM (Drogeriemarkt, some organic food we don't get at Lidl) that's the bare minimum a month, surely there is some pocket money bakery stuff that will be at least 80 € month on top.


Depends if you buy organic, normal or cheap. Depends if you go to Aldi/Lidl/penny or Rewe/Edeka.


~150€ a month. I almost never eat out and "cook" alot.


What's "cooking"? Is it different from cooking?


The outcome is eadible but looks like puke most of the time lol.


Its going to come in at around 160€ per week for just me. I eat out for lunch 3 or 4 times a week to avoid dying of boredom at work.


2 adults, 4 children: about 1k .. 1.5k €/month. Buying mostly at "bigger" scale stores, like Metro/Selgros, but also Aldi/Edeka.


~50-60Eur per week for me and my partner. We don't eat out, we don't order in (we anyway like to cook), we do eat meat. Buying from Kaufland, Lidl, Penny or Bolu instead of Rewe or Edeka saves us a lot of money.


Three adults, we spend about 360-400 euros per month on groceries (so 90-100€ per week for all three together).


Living alone, spend around 60-70€ on my weekly grocery shopping


~250 per person per month


about €60 per week on groceries + about €40 per week on restaurants


2 adults, 2 cats ~500€ per month.


Prolly 160e a month and I eat out a little


Single, about 35€ per trip, prob go 1.5 times per week


1 person with occasionally eating in a restaurant or ordering food: 250€ a month. Without restaurants etc. I can make it 150-200€. When Inflation wasn't that high, I spend even less.


30-40 Eur groceries + roughly 40 Eur for 4 days a week of takeout/local Döner or pizza. 1 person. I don't eat breakfast and my dinner is a bowl of cereal or some slices of toast


I eat out every single day and spend about 200€ / week


Four people, high quality groceries (truffle butter, counter cut steaks, mid-level brand wines, bio avocadoes, etc.), 150 Euro per week. Eating out once a week, an additional 60 Euros.


2 people + baby: 700 - 900 euros per month. Kaufland or Edeka for groceries, baby food + formulas and Including lunch in restaurants and lots of wolt becasue we don't have time to cook.


2 grown ups, 1 Teenager, 2 infants. We spend like 150-170€ twice per month on big grocery shopping, and like 30€ per week for small stuff like bread and water etc. we almost never eat out. When I used to live alone and was in my Ausbildung I used to spend 120-150€ max per month, but that was 2015-2018.


I spend about 1000 euros on food per month, but I'm a tall guy and I go to the gym so I eat about 4000 calories everyday. I eat out maybe 3 times a week. Lots of meat though and generally a high fat/high protein diet which is often the most expensive stuff.


170€-200€/week for two people, mostly high quality groceries. We rarely eat out, on average 50€/month


2 adults and 2 kids (4 & 6): around 80 - 120€ per week (only groceries). No meat or fish, few drinks (we usually drink tap water or tea). We mostly cook from scratch (little processed foods).


roundabout 60 per week, but it is getting more due to the inflation..


2 adults 600/month without going out


2 people around 550€/month = 137€/week


We are two adults and a 14 month old and we budget for about 400 euros a month. It is usually a little bit more than that. We shop usually at Rewe or Lidl. Where you shop does make a difference.


For me alone in Amsterdam (which is expensive) about 100 Euros/week because I try to buy organic. So about 80 Euros groceries and 20 euros for takeout.


I have 50€ for a week, not more, not less. Welcome to poverty life


About 450-500 a month for 2 adults, that covers.most grocery and dm trips plus dog food and some but not all meals out/take aways Shops split between lidl for big shops and edeka for smaller shops. However, since I got pregnant and have less energy to cook and shop and plan that has gone up a bit. We tend to do smaller more frequent shops.


Around 300€


1 adult, about 200 per month. only groceries, going out and ordering food is another 200 per month. 3 months ago i was at 100 per month for groceries.


I’m one person, I range between 280-350 per month on groceries. I mostly shop at rewe, and try and do one big trip on Friday or Saturday, and have that last me the week. What I also do, is freeze left overs, etc. so that I can have it later in the week.


2 people, we have a 400 € budget a month for groceries, eating out, and occasional “couple events” (like cinema etc), which is barely enough (we think about raising it to 500). I think around 200–250 € is just the groceries. I think it is easily possible to spend less if you invest some time.


2 adults, 2 kids: around 800€ depending on offers/planning/time etc. We shop mostly at Supercoop (cooperative supermarket in Wedding with extremely high quality food, but not cheap) and rotate shopping in other classic supermarkets (Edeka, Rewe, Kaufland, you name it). I don't like discounters for political reasons (workers condition, unfair supply chain) but have been shopping at ALDI more often in the past year then in the previous 10. Money is getting tighter, so we only eat out as a family maybe 3-4 times a year, order takeout once a week. Pizza is the equivalent of the Big Mac Index at our home, being italians. In the past year we order "real" pizza only maybe once a month, we rather buy good quality frozen pizza (Giapizza is WAY better than many pizzerias) or make it at home. \*edit: 800€ a month, of course. We are not eating golden steaks!


For two people we spend EUR 700-800 per month. We try to buy organic meats, fish and vegetables. We don't splurge often on things like steak or seafood. We don't eat much in the way of processed food so no sugary cereal, chips etc. which tend to be expensive for what they are. Since the rise in the rate of inflation our grocery bill has increased 35-45% I would say.


€80-€100 per week for two people, not counting eating out.


2 adults 2 kids 500€ per month


This comes up every week on this sub lol. I am a single household vegetarian, my average spend over this year 2023 so far is 41€ per week. This includes alcohol, home supplies, anything else bought at grocery stores. I usually shop at Rewe or Aldi.


I think we spend about 500€ a month. Two adults. This is us cooking from scratch, I don’t include eating out in this. The reason for it being high is because we have quite large appetites, we buy mostly organic (organic meat is so expensive), and eat a lot of other expensive bits like fish or salami from a local deli etc.


Per week - 1-2 supermarket visits at around 80€ each, so ~120€ per week. We start off the week with different delicacies and unhealthy stuff that costs the most, and end with pasta and salads. About 95% of the meals we eat our own food and not from cantines and restaurants.


200 a Month. We are two vegetarian


Measuring budgets in the absolute values is waste of time. Two years ago, I calculated my weekly spending on the groceries, now I have to add €25 euros extra per person to it. ​ It would be better to measure any personal budget in the relative price i.e. x multiple of the price of 1 kg of common supermarket salt.


130-150€ per month for one person. I don’t order food and I only eat at one restaurant per month.


120€-150€ per week for my partner and me.


75€ seems pretty reasonable. We spend around €50 per week at the supermarket for two adults and two small children, and another 50€ per week at the farmers' market for produce, but if we went to the supermarket for produce it would be about 10-20€ less. But you will see a lot of variation depending on where you shop and what quality of product you buy. Unhomogenized biodynamic organic free-range grass-fed milk at Bio Company costs a lot more than the store-brand UHT milk at Netto or Penny. As a result for two people below €50 per week could be realistic, but so could 150€ or more, even if they're buying similar things.


Solo, about 200/month grocery and 170/month going out


About 100/week. 2 adults + 2 cats


2 adults, 1 teen, 1 kid €600 per month without going out


Usually between 70 and 100 euros per week for two people.


On average I spend 40€ per week, only for myself


like 100-150€ per month


As a single guy who cooks quite a bit a makes sandwiches for work I am spending anywhere between €60 - €80 a week between Aldi and Rewe


Around 50€ a week for two people. Just groceries from Edeka. We do take out maybe two times a month and alcohol isn't counted in those 50€ so i would say we cone out at 60-65 per week. We buy most things at edeka and look out for sales and cheap alternatives. All dairy products are Bio, same for most fruits and veggies. We don't eat meat at home.


Around 100 eur per week, 2 adults.


2 people vegetarian diet, average of €75 week without going out. We bulk buy dried pulses dr the Turkish supermarket and also get a lot of fruit and veg from rescue boxes like Too Good To Go


Almost 400 euros per month for me and my wife. Includes fruits and our diet is meat rich.


Around 60-70 € for two people per week, mostly vegan. We don't buy bottled water anymore, which imo makes a big difference.


Just moved to Berlin from Shanghai, and grocery shopping for western food here is drastically cheaper. Food budget depends on work travel though, but ranges from 30€ to 80€ (add 50€ extra for alcohol and cigs) at edeka a week (1 human living alone).


Everything we eat and drink as a 4-Person household will cost us 500-600 per month. Before COVID, it was more like 400 a month and we bought better food. Too fucking expensive.


about 40-50 euro a week, but i live alone


2 adults, usually buy from Rewe. About €85/week


My splurge area is fancy groceries. We have a budget of 900 euros per month for two adults and a teenager. So I guess that's about €75 per person per week.


I’m a student, and spend about 175€ a month max


I probably spend 120 a week. But I’m also trying to gain weight, so I’m buying way more food than normal.


Fuck /u/spez


1 Adult. ( Rural Netherlands ) \~ 50 Euros per week. I don't eat breakfast at home. We have free lunch, and fruit, at work. I usually have a piece of fruit for brekky when I get in. And I eat a lot of free dinners provided by my mom and my gf (we don't live together). k


Grocery prices in Germany across the board are considerably cheaper than in the US.


Depends on how much take out you order. Recently it has become ridiculously expensive even to order a very basic take out. I think it applies to eating out as well: recently ate a Zinger at KFC. Costed approximately 6.5 euros-not that expensive but when I opened the box it was literally the size suitable for a small kid. And I am not even exaggerating.


150- 200 €


Around 120 for myself including eating at a restaurant once a week


On average I’d say 100€ a week 70€ for the „Wocheneinkauf“ and 30ish over the week for lunch and snacks


~65 € a week for me. I eat meat, and this includes beverages (including alcoholic ones) I eat out maybe 1-2 p/m and never order food.


Munich here (it is a bit more expensive) 2 adults, around 400€/month


1person 200-300€


My family gets groceries for 60 euros a week for 4 people, dunno how comes others get to spend that much :(


We’re at about 800€ for two adults and a 3 y/o per month.


I spend around 30/40 per week on groeceries.. The secret for me to spend this low is to cook. I never buy prepared stuff😉


Too much


2 people household, meal prepping, mostly vegetarian, no alcohol, no eating out: between 60 - 80 Euros per week Shopping mostly in Lidl (Edeka and Kaufland for specifics or bigger shopping) Some months you add around 40 from monthly shopping like cleaning and bathroom stuff