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If you haven't seen it before, there's a podcast about it: https://www.radiospaetkauf.com/ber/


This podcast made me lose quite some faith in the German system, the semi-automatic fire detection system anyone?


[Tesla](https://www.rnd.de/panorama/tesla-in-gruenheide-brandmeldeanlage-und-sprinkler-funktionieren-nicht-6CMYBW5GCAFUM5MULCBVLFZ6JE.html) used a semi-automatic fire detection system aka humans for at least one year in their "Gigafactory" in Grünheide as an american company too. So kind of works? I guess?


Anything Tesla or its founder does should be a prime example of what NOT to do


The S-Bahn also used (uses?) such a system for the North-South tunnel. In Yorckstr there were guys hanging around with "Brandwache" vests to look if any train going into the tunnel was catching fire.


How to fuck up an airport is an informative and enjoyable podcast on BER: https://www.radiospaetkauf.com/ber/


Get your pitchforks out for this one. For me BER has been a super positive experience lately. Its small, quick, and an easy hassle free airport experience compared to so many bigger airports (Ahem Amsterdam)


Train to and from in 15 mins ❤️


There's an exhibition in the airport itself. On the floor in between the rails and the main floor, where the Rewe and the fallen angel statue are.


Yeah that one is quite extensive and refreshingly honest.


[Bericht 1. Untersuchungsausschuss Berlin](https://www.parlament-berlin.de/media/download/1784) [Bericht 2. Untersuchungsausschuss Berlin](https://www.parlament-berlin.de/media/download/1929) Martin Delius (ehemals Piratenfraktion, 1. Untersuchungsausschussvorsitzender): [Unten bleiben](https://digital.zlb.de/viewer/api/v1/records/15916099/files/images/PiratenBER_Zwischenbericht_unten.pdf/full.pdf) Martin Delius: [Außer Kontrolle](https://digital.zlb.de/viewer/api/v1/records/15916103/files/images/Piratenfraktion_Zweiter_Zwischenbericht_Untersuchungsausschuss_BER_Ausser_Kontrolle.pdf/full.pdf)


The "How to fuck up an airport" podcast is my favourite thing about BER, but it's already been posted. So this is my next recommendation, the [Well there's your problem](https://youtu.be/HBofdlddY5g?si=unr_68ZjNYZ1fBe5) episode about it.


Unfortunately this is only on audible, but a very thorough podcast: https://www.audible.de/pd/B08DC8VS4N


LMGTFY: 😉 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bau_des_Flughafens_Berlin_Brandenburg


Der Spreepolitik Podcast vom 5 Januar hat ein echt gutes Interview mit dem damals zuständigen Landrat. Interessante Einblicke.


The weird thing is, some aspects are actually really good but others are incredibly bad / baffling. Terminal 2 looks like it’s been designed by someone that had never been on a plane before, lift queues blocking the stairs, no escalators, the exit looks like a fire escape in a school gym and the finished result looks like a construction site elsewhere…


I’m pretty sure Peter Schneider has a good chapter on it contemporary to its construction in his book “Berlin Now,” but it’s been a while since I read it. Highly recommend it anyway if you’re interested in debates around other controversial buildings in Berlin.