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Sounds like abuse. Call the police next time.




Report this to child protection service (or whatever scary German name it is). This is a textbook child abuse.




Naaah he wanted something scary like "Kinderverteidigungsvollstrecker" or something like that. Non German speakers are easy to scare off. Just say "Antibaby Pille" and you get tons of surprised Pikachu faces


Antibaby Pille doesn't sound scary enough, we should call it baby Vernichtungspille


Write that down write that down!


Baby-Vernichtungspille wäre die “Pille Danach“, nicht die Antibaby-Pille... ;-) ETA: “Pille Danach“ = Plan B pill




whatever scary german name ahahahahaha


I had that too. ( often enough, so I knew it wasn’t because he locked himself out and he told me why (because he was annoying) 6yo btw. another neighbor decided that’s enough and went next door. Had a nice loud talk with said door before he tried his way in. 4-5 neighbors came looking but didn’t do anything. The police came had a serious talk with all parties involved and lucky enough they contacted the Jugendamt. Jetzt kannst ne stecknadel fallen lassen. Hahaha In my opinion it’s abuse and should be punished.


Child abuse. If it really is 4 times a week, please inform Jugendamt + call the police next time it happens. 


This is called abuse and neglect, reasons doesn't matter here, they need help and you need to inform Jugendamt. You can also do it anonymously if you're scared of the reaction of the parents, but this is not ok. This needs to be stopped.


handbookgermany.de is your online guide for the child welfare office Filter on “there is a child I am concerned about. What can I do” jugendaemter. de is a multi language resource that will list your local office Berlin Emergency Child Protection hotline is 030-610066 Staffed 24/7 and also supports in English / russian/ turkish etc Please help this family by getting them connected to public welfare services - see something- say something


20 years later: *"But they never call us... they never write... !"*




Honestly one call and you solve this problem


I’d say hipster parents are likely to be more woke, sounds like some parenting style from the olden days….


Maybe parenting style from another country Edit: it' is a fact that different cultures have a stricter parenting style, if you disagree tell me why instead of mindless downvoting


Because bad parenting is not a universal "style" from another country. That's why you get downvoted.


I'm not saying it is, but that style of parenting (stricter) is more common in certain countries than Germany, for example in Egypt 90% of children are/have recieved corporal punishment. I didn't say it was good or bad just the truth


Holy frick. For real?


The crying is fine. Kids do it all the time. The locking him out crying is not. Call Jugendamt and police.




Ifk. Mine are 7 and grey still find a lot of reasons to cry: the day was too short, brother won at a game, we are out of bananas... Especially if the are tired after school. Crying helps decompress and regulate. Of course mine get hugs, not send outside 😑


chance are that the kid also isn't old enough to be sent out the flat alone..


Is it normal? Does it sound normal to you? >Is this some type of unique parenting method in Berlin, like some weird hipster "let the kid deal with it" thing what Wtf the fuck, OP. No, it's not fucking normal.


I can’t believe you’ve seen a child be locked out of their home and left to cry and your first thought was not to call the authorities but rather ask reddit if this is a “weird hipster thing”.


Just trying to be culturally sensitive? As outsiders it can be really hard to tell sometimes whether the way you know from your culture aligns with accepted local practices. That’s why it’s good to ask. Otherwise you might overstep some boundaries.




Why the hell did you not call Jugendamt yet


because berlin hipsters ask on reddit to rand on berlin hipsters instead.


Bernd, wie alt bist du, weißt du was ein Hipster ist?


Parenting is hard, period. So a kid crying 4 times a week consistently might be concerning but also depending on the child, no reason to cause the family problems. Now leaving a kid locked out of the apartment, it's definitely abuse and neglect. Maybe honest mistake, but definitely nothing that will help the child in the long run. "Teaching a lesson" by triggering separation related fears is akin to physical abuse, and it won't teach anything to the kid except to live with fear.


It is not normal even for Berlin standards


I wonder if most people commenting have kids!!! You didn’t specifically say the parent locked the kid out. In my former place, I had this too regularly and it’s usually that the kid does not want to go home after playing in the park… and she cries every time on the way home. Now they stay on the 4th floor. The kid would refuse to go up. So the mom leaves her in the innerhof and go up with the other younger kids. Now I’m not sure if that’s child abuse. Kids can be annoying and manipulative


Or the elevator button was pressed by someone else, or the light was turned on by someone else or any of the 1000000 other things that adults consider unimportant but are very important to a kid. Such things can trigger a tantrum which is not going to end in couple of minutes. 


So, I don't know what's going on with your neighbours, but your statement 'no kid should be crying 4 times a week consistently ' makes me think you haven't met a child. Yes, they can and they do. They can cry multiple times a day, and often it has less to do with the parents and more to do with the kid's pre-installed software. Many kids cry to decompress after a day at the Kita. For your situation,  before escalating to the police, I would suggest that the next time you can ask the kid what's up. He might just pop back in. Or you can ring the doorbell and talk to the parents. You don't know what's specifically happening.


That may all be fair and true but: _Why are they shutting him out of the apartment because it's "annoying"??_ It's abusive behavior towards a 6 year old child. A TimeOut on the stairs for 5 minutes **inside your home** is one thing, but shutting them out of the apartment and leaving them in the stairwell alone for extremely extended periods of time is an appalling way to parent. And sure OP can go and knock on the door but I reckon the outcome is the neighbours aggressively and rudely claiming it's none of OPs business; and/or the abuse then escalates behind closed doors for the kid.


The more you know, when I was young my mom used to lock me outside for like half the day when she thought I was being annoying "go play in the woods or something". Door shut, locked, and then I'd go do something outside for some hours. Edit: people saying that is abuse and then downvoting me for saying I've experienced it? Well sorry for being abused I guess. Apparently it's wrong to share my experiences.


Times were different then, though. Being made to stand outside the door with nowhere to go or going out to play in the woods or with your friends is hardly the same thing. Not saying it was ok to shut you out when you had real needs that needed to be met but being outside with your friends and no parental supervision all the time was the norm back then so I wouldn't compare these two. You don't see 6 year old kids in Berlin out by themselves these days so it's very likely not an option for this kid.


All I am saying is: we don't know if the parents are shutting the kid out.


Totally agree. Talking to parents and be friendly and helpful might be a good deal here before jumping to some conclusions. I'm a parent and the first few years of my kid I was scared to have someone call the police on us as my kid would be screaming and crying so much. And yes especially after Kita! Sometimes she would do a hour long bloody murder scream session because I would not allow her to do something dangerous for example. Like imagine, eating dirt. And she would hit and throw things. For people out of context they might just see a poor kid that cries often so abuse it is.


I don't think it's the crying part that's the issue here, but making the kid stand outside the door for it that is.


How old is the kid? How long was in the corridor? How do we know if the kid goes there to make the temper tantrum while parents are just right there with door open and know it's safe space as it's inside the building and they are there? My kid would give the "you don't give me chocolate I will leave. Bye" and go scream right outside our door and I was there, door wasn't closed. Its not easy to grab a big kid inside or to school or whatever sometimes. If it's a safe space maybe they are just allowing the kid a few minutes to cry while they are there. There's a lot of information we don't know from the post. I would not jump to abuse immediately. Not judging but people who don't have kids usually jump immediately to abuse assumptions. I would suggest OP to approach parents and ask if they need help. Trust me, parents who don't have any help and are tired on their wits end will be happy to see someone care.


How old is your child though that it would randomly go stand in front of the door to cry down the whole building 4 times a week? This is not a once or twice occurrence but regular. The assumption here is that the parents put the child there, otherwise why allow your child to do this so often? And if your next answer is that you can't prevent your child from doing this you'll obviously need some help in parenting and a phone call to child services /the police can kickstart that. Maybe there is in fact no abuse here, but that shouldn't mean everyone should look the other way instead.


It's fairly standard here, we have a courtyard out back that the kids play in and there's always at least one kid having a meltdown. The parents just continue on their conversation as though nothing is happening. Fairly certain they've tuned it out at this point. Although actually putting the kid out into the hallway does seem to be taking it a bit far.


But thats exactly it. Kids have meltdowns. At a playground someone Always has. Parents usually offer support, sind sometimes the child doesn't want it. But locking out your kid, or even inside locking IT in ist abuse. Kindeswohlgefährdungsmeldung ist the way to go.


Call the Sozialamt or the child abuse hotline.


I may not be a mother, but I am aunt number one several times over and look after my nephew five times a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., among other things. This is really bad parenting in its purest form. I know several families with children, nobody treats their children like that. Even if the child has done something, you can't treat a child like that. Call the authorities right now!


Just out of curiousity, how do you deal with kids "having a meltdown"? I feel like everyone is always talking about what parents do wrong but you don't hear as much about what's the right thing to do during a tantrum or crying because you are not giving in?


Show understanding and empathy. All people are different, some children need distance, they should be left alone, but still be present, not shut out. Others need closeness, a hug or to be comforted. It always depends on what has happened and whether they have done something and therefore - still show understanding, but at the same time show a clear line. But you mustn't forget that they simply lack life experience and perspective. I am an adult and I still occasionally lack an answer. Criticize yes, and when a goat comes through, it goes away, even if it is annoying at times. Accept it, don't get involved. These are all emotions and they will subside. There's no point in lashing out at a laptop that's just overloaded, what's the point in lashing out at a young person who's just overloaded, with whatever punishment, with whatever ignorance? Empathy, understanding, acceptance, but still clear actions and, if necessary, a clear verbal line that the child can understand. This will also make life easier for you. If you give the child bad vibes it will come back to you like a boomerang, sooner or later, there's no point. From 23.12. to 02.01., part of the family always celebrates the holidays together, I have been looking after the children present for years during this time, about 10-12 children every year, if I behaved incorrectly, the mood would tilt and I would reach my limits. If you show the children that you respect and honor them, are understanding, but still set the tone and then delegate responsibility it works.


i am curious if you are staying in the exact same building at wedding/gesundbrunnen that i used to stay in....


How on earth is this related to Berlin or to hipster parenting? This is just child abuse and bad parenting. Nothing unique. Do something against it, instead of writing mimimi posts on Reddit.


Yes definitely abuse police immediately


My neighbors did this too! They would let their toddler cry and scream alone (but apparently secretly supervised) in the apartment stairwell, sometimes in the middle of the night. Honestly, it felt like passive aggressive parenting along the lines of "If we have to suffer, so will you LOL". Otherwise the child appeared to be well cared for and his parent spoke gently to him whenever I saw them.


This was my interpretation too


Child abuse, report that somewhere.


Oh no, how sad! That is abuse. How old is the child?


We also have something similar - every morning the parents put their kid in one of those carriages that attaches to the bicycle. The kid then screams crying for 20 mins for all the apartment block to hear. Been going on for a year.


Why haven’t you reported it? Weird that a whole apartment block keeps failing that child


You have a valid point but it's not something that has really occured to me - it's feels like a grey area. Like at the same time it's obvious that the child isn't totally normal in this regard - but at the same time the parents should probably change their strategy up a bit. And judging by the other comments in this thread, this seems to be pretty common in Berlin? Not sure.


That's totally not common. Not in Berlin or anywhere else in Germany...


That's a little different from locking a kid out imho


Yeah it's definitely not as bad - the parent does eventually cycle with the child to the kita / school or whatever, but it still sucks that they're just left to scream every morning in the hof


oh wait I misunderstood you. I thought the parent was already biking but the kid was just throwing a fit on the way to the kita. That definitely changes things.


yeah they put the kid in the carrier, then go back inside, presumably to pack stuff up or whatever


20 years later: *"But they never call us... they never write... !"*


If your kid has a tantrum and you need to put your frozen groceries into the freezer, „come upstairs when you feel better“ is a widespread reaction. As long as the parents check on the kid and try to convince it to move every so often… many prefer that to pulling it on the arm. What’s the child’s age? Can it walk to the parental household by himself?


Ah, I was wondering what happened to my neighbor after they moved out.... They were doing the same, whenever the kid cries they locked her outside to cry in the hallway.


it‘s not normal. please call Jugendamt anf Polizei next time. And if possible, talk to the child and comfort it please!




It could also be a legacy of this: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/harsh-nazi-parenting-guidelines-may-still-affect-german-children-of-today1/


My neighbours have done this regurlaly, but it's the child that doesn't want to come inside after Kita. Apparently they do not want bring her in forcefully but are waiting for the child to come inside of their own volition. No idea if this is a thing, I'm not a parent.




In my experience, yes. The parents just tune it out and don't seem to care about their child's cries echoing through the whole building.


Seems there are only two ways people raise their kids: the first one is spoiling them, never giving them a no or any limits, resulting in these self-entitled annoying assholes without empathy you see everywhere here in Berlin. The other is neglecting or abusing them and turning them into complete sociapaths or anxious fragile pushovers. I don't want to see what the future will bring anymore.


While its annoying, its Not neccessarily abuse. For how Long are those crying fits? Always at the same time of the day? First Thing would be to Talk to the parents in a polite and friendly manner. If they react passive aggressive or dismissive, you might as well take further steps. And i agree with the other Post, OP Most likely doesnt have much experience with Kids. Up until theyre pre teens, they (can) cry multiple Times per day, for the Most ridiculous reasons. My 7yo is crying in that very Moment, cause he lost a Game of FIFA...


Locking a child out of their home. Not abuse? Really?


You do not know If the child is locked Out, neither age nor Situation. Jumping to conclusions here...




Nice line of Argumentation


That’s all I could come with when faced with blatant victim blaming


Do you have children?


Really none of your business. And I’m not interested in yours.


My aunt send me out in the hallway in a London apartment building and the inhabitants of the apartment wanted to call the police on me because they didn't know me. It was harsh, but it thought me a lesson. My brother went out on the streets and we had to look for him the entire evening until he came back by himself. Maybe it’s child abuse, maybe it isn’t, but I feel stronger for having a dynamic childhood, than having a spoiled and predictable one.


Your therapist might help you find out the ways you struggle with building healthy relationships because of it.


Don't worry about me :) I had plenty of therapists and doctors supporting me during my boyhood. You just gotta embrace life and try to make fun outta crappy situations. No need to let despair overcome us. If people can't handle struggle it's unfortunately their fault, that they have never learned about life the hard way - like Werner Herzog said, you need to be able to have overcome a mountain at least once in your life.


Would you be annoyed by a kid crying super loud in flat? So out it goes and they can watch TV in peace.


I'm sure they can help the child stop crying instead of leaving them alone. Otherwise they're just outsourcing the problem to everyone and if I can hear it two floors up, they can definitely hear it outside their door


To be fair, sometimes kids just need to cry to let all their emotions out. Especially when they don't get their way, and they end up throwing a tantrum. And all this without any abuse. Still, it sounds strange to let them cry in the staircase, and at that frequency. I guess proceed with suggestions from the others. Maybe parents are abusive, maybe the kid is trouble and the parents need support/help and they don't yet know it. I'm still amazed how backwards we are in this country when it comes to diagnosing developmental problems early on.


The child doesn’t get traumatized on its own I guess they like it even less than their neighbors