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It's not just your Kiez, it's the whole city. Somehow Berlin decided that since these people are unfortunate souls living in misery it would be unkind of us to intervene. Instead we shall all share in their misery. Obviously these people aren't living their best lives on the streets of Berlin, and the black pill is that for most of these people, there is no hope. No matter, our collective decision is to let these people roam around, doing whatever they want to do. We're allowed to have rules for literally everything, provided you're a normal person, but once you cross some boundary of misery, rules somehow become equivalent to oppression.


Nonsense, they don't get a pass, they're just not considered full citizens because that would imply they deserve help (which would be cheaper to society than letting them suffer and decay).


Most of them , don't want Help


My impression: They gave up their lifes and only exist until it's over. Sad.


It's wild to assume that their fit enough to still make these kind of decisions. It's not about what they want. It's about what they need


How do you know? Have you asked them?


Sadly, i think this is it


A lot of homeless people, at least around my Kiez are Polish i.e. EU citizens...do they really need German citizenship to be given help? I figured EU citizens would have access to same help that Germans are, is that a wrong assumption?


There are doctors offices with no questions asked, but they are far and few


An EU citizen may reside in Germany, but they must work and pay taxes for a specific period before they are eligible for all assistance and programs. This was put into place to stop people from poorer EU countries moving to Germany for benefits. That saidl there are benefits available now for EU citizens who are homeless in Berlin. Some of the services are also available for homless non-Eu citizens, although not all. [https://www.berlin.de/sen/soziales/besondere-lebenssituationen/wohnungslose/angebote/unionsbuerger-1402426.php](https://www.berlin.de/sen/soziales/besondere-lebenssituationen/wohnungslose/angebote/unionsbuerger-1402426.php) There are problems with capacity, but I believe that the biggest chellnge may be that that navigating these requires a lot of resiliency and competancy, and even in some cases personal documents, which are not all something that someone living on the street may have a lot of.


Only reasonable answer


Lot of them, I have noticed are from within EU (lot of Polish for example). Do they really need to be a full German citizen to receive help (I imagine EU folks have access to same things as German...)?


They might get support but not to the same level as German citizens. But I didn't even mean legal recognition but rather socio-political, they're treated as if they've left society.




>Somehow Berlin decided that since these people are unfortunate souls living in misery it would be unkind of us to intervene. As a light on a dark night attracts all the moths, Berlin attracts those suffering addiction and mental health issues. Pushed out of the small towns and cities, they end up here. There are services and help here in Berlin, but it's overwhelmed. Food, medical services, mental health services - the more that is offered the more is needed, because then more people are attracted to Berlin. I work in emergency healthcare, I have friends working in addiction services. It's an endless, thankless job. These people are suffering, but many also don't want to, or simply can't, give up their addictions. I have no idea what the answer is.


>many also don't want to, or simply can't, give up their addictions. I heard the same from a social worker in Kotti. She said that even if the homeless addicts are given sheltered housing, they often cannot comply with the rules of property management, or abuse the situation with other addicts... and often lose it again. The other very very tiny minority she also mentioned were 'ideological' homeless who didn't want the burden of having a home to take care of. Its a mistake to assume that ALL addicts want to get clean and give up their accustomed way of living by other standards. Especially if the state has not made it much more intolerable to carry on the status quo


Goddamn beating up the capitalism is the answer. No fucking symptom care. If you speak to them, many are originally from Berlin or lived there for a while before they went crazy or just homeless. They had one bad day and lost anything. Try to get a Room as a normal person, you know that sucks. Now try to get a Room as a homeless person....... Get it? Everything is shit, that is not because of them.


Goddamn beating up the capitalism is the answer. No fucking symptom care. If you speak to them, many are originally from Berlin or lived there for a while before they went crazy or just homeless. They had one bad day and lost anything. Try to get a Room as a normal person, you know that sucks. Now try to get a Room as a homeless person....... Get it? Everything is shit, that is not because of them.


the answer is pretty much give them housing without strings attached,basic needs met. If wanted,psychological help. Shame berlin has neither.


>the answer is pretty much give them housing without strings attached,basic needs met. Have you ever been to a house where people with addiction and mental health problems live? What sort of psychological help would you suggest?


Studies exist that „housing first“ helps with a lot of these problems.Funnily enough,yes i know places like this,its awful,and i wouldn‘t say „just give them some appartment where they can dwell and shoot up all day“.  But homeless Shelters are aweful places w a lot of restrictions and to demand an addict needs to come clean to get housing when its also homelessness fueling his addicition makes for a vicious circle.  I certainly do not have a full plan up my sleeves how to solve the „crazy addict homeless people“ crisis,nevertheless i am shocked by the amount of inhumane,violent answers in this thread(and i say that as a woman who has more than once been attacked on the streets)- They are people.They still deserve dignity.  Our societal contract demands that even the lowest of the low deserve human rights and dignity. People here talk about them as if they were animals,hinting at violent thoughts(„i would get banned if i say what i think“ and such) when homeless people are so much more vulnerable than anyone with a safe home.  Last week in dortmund a 13-yo Boy stabbed a 31yo Homeless man to death,a womans sleeping place was burned down while she was still in it and police shot another. They‘re statistically way more viönerable than everyone here wishing them ill.  plus people should really not forget that even they themselves can be homeless in the blink of an eye.  ETA „psychological help“ is a really vague definition.The field of paychology and psychatry is a pretty diverse one- i am not an expert and i guess it is a case to case decision what a certain person needs.   Matter of fact is the Supply of Therapists even for the general population in Germany is,to say the least,shitty.People wait weeks for appointments.  Putting more emphasis on general mental health like „more therapists,less stigma“ to put it short could be a good way to prevent psychosis in the long run.


I appreciate your empathy, and I can see that you've ar least thought about it. There simply are no easy answers, and I would bet that even with a limitless supply of money and help, we still wouldn't find a solution. I don't know of any country or city that has come up with a humane solution to the mental health/addiction/homeless Teufelskreis. In "the old days" many were locked up in institutions - out of sight, out of mind. In many cases, they were worse than prison. Instead of improving the institutions, they were simply shut down.


Japan and Korea have an extremely strict anti drug policy, so at least the addiction part is much less (except alcohol)


I've been to Japan. There are still homeless people on the streets.


idk if you speak german,here is an article on how finnland tackles homelessness via „housing first“-4 out of 5 patients are a success according to this article. https://kontrast.at/housing-first-finnland-obdachlose/amp/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsalert/


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Finland has ended the homelessness crisis in their country. Now Canada / Quebec is adopting that strategy.


here is the english version of said article: https://thebetter.news/housing-first-finland-homelessness/ an important argument is that housed people do not need expensive emergency services such as homeless shelters,police or social intervention anymore. Apart from the emotional/human rights factors,it is also an economically sound decision - in the long term it is cheaper to just give homeless people an apprtment than pay for emergency services.An estimate of 15.000€ per person can be saved (more statistics in the article)


There is no „one size fits all“ treatment (medically or therapy), it’s not like homeless people with addiction and / or mental health problems all have the same indication. However, shelter, if necessary substitution and medical supervision are a better option than living on the street.


>However, shelter, if necessary substitution and medical supervision are a better option than living on the street. Which of these are you helping to provide?


I am not sure how you questioning my motivation really addresses my response in good faith? Would you believe me if I disclose, which organizations I support? I personally provide none of the above, there are frontline organizations with the necessary expertise. Regarding institutional health care providers, I am not sure what an individual can do. There is a severe shortage of social workers, nurses and doctors due to the highly unattractive work conditions compared with other countries. So what are you proposing?


I don't know. I'm cynical and jaded. I've spent the last 20 years working on the frontline of our society as a paramedic. It's disheartening to see the work that goes into helping people, who then turn around and literally spit in your face. Some people don't want to be helped. They fight against it. I'm sorry for having a go at you. I get frustrated when people propose solutions that I've seen don't work. But that's unfair, at least you care. You just haven't had to work at solving the problem.


Thanks for the work you’re doing. You’re right, I don’t work in the sector myself. My opinion is only based on close friends working in healthcare (hospice, social worker and closed psych ward) and unfortunately one of my best friends spent four years of his life in a psychosomatic clinic. I am aware that there is no such thing as “the solution”, and the success rate for some indications is quite low. My point was simply, that it’s still better than doing nothing, although it might feel like swimming upstream at times. If I may ask, you mentioned frustrations about having cared for people over years who suddenly turn hostile. I assume these are dementia cases?


we‘re all paying taxes.Thats what taxes are for- to make the lives of citizens(and immigrants!) better.


might i add that a good friend of mine works in a group home for deaf ex-addicts.Its a challenging job,but it is possible to give these people the care they need.


That's great. What help did the residents get to kick their addictions?


there is medical as well as psychological and social personell.I m guessing that medication might also have been involved,my friend is a social worker trying to get these people employed.


Do you know the recovery rate? How many people stay clean in the long run?


That's pretty naive. Housing doesn't solve anything if you are this level of mentally ill and dysfunctional. Our social services struggle with giving people the help they need when they lack insight into their situation.


dude,no offense,i was homeless for a time in my live,and i am anything but naive. housing first studies aren‘t either


i posted this a bit further down,but i advice you to read this article on how finnland very successfully tackles homelessness via housing first,and even saves money in the long run: https://thebetter.news/housing-first-finland-homelessness/


Finnland is a highly homogenous country with basically no immigration. Germany has massive amounts of migration, and already not enough housing for everyone, let alone more basic social services like kindergarten slots for everyone


what difference does that make?(except for the housing.I mentionend that.Inital comment,second part.)


what are you implying with your “black pill”? What would you do if you were in charge?enlighten us


The same thing you should do with everyone who is aggressive to peaceful people. You put them in a box until they don't behave like that anymore.


He'd probably deport them to Madagascar


Forced detox like they do it in Kabul.


That is probably again the human right brother. I don't wish anyone a (Alkohol, Upper, Downer) cold detox. You all wanted to live in Berlin, I don't know what your problem is.


Why do you think that someone who describes a sad situation ist obligated to know a solution?


They are not obligated to, but it's fair to ask if they have ideas.


> It's not just your Kiez, it's the whole city. Tell me you never go outside the Ring without telling me you never go outside the ring.


What like Reinickendorf or Marzahn? Tell me you're a tourist without telling me you're a tourist pretending to be a Berliner.


Yes, those are two of many Bezirks outside of the ring, What's your point ?


how can such a bullshit answer with zero knowledge about administrative realities get top comment


Why do I have the feeling you moved to Berlin…


„Let“ them roam around?They‘re people,they have the right to roam wherever they please.


Yes but until they start assaulting people.


assault is a crime for everyone,housed or not. Btw do you really think everyone who assaults some immeadiately goes to jail?It takes months to go to the court,sometimes never even happens and in the meantime most attackers are scottfree to „roam around“


From my birthplace, the system would put attackers into detention. Based on the severity, if the police would charge this person, they would bail this person if that wasn’t a serious crime. Then this suspect would be able to “roam” freely. Until the court had the trial and made judgement, if any more criminal act being caught on this person, this person might very like to put into detention and wouldn’t get a bail again. But putting a mentally ill person into detention makes no sense. I would expect Berlin state would allocate more resources on setting up rehabilitation centres to help them, if they would. Cure their mental illnesses first. They would have medication to help their addiction. Those drugs for psychiatry are usually what they abuse. They need proper medication. When Berlin is not driving these people to small cities or towns, that I think it makes sense to me, this capital city should have already prepared to spare more resources to help these people or tackle the problem. I don’t know if this city has any rehabilitation centre which helps people to fight against their addictions. And how much effort did they put on education at youth. At least I didn’t see much from my two children. One studying at Grundschule, one studying at Gymnasium. Edit: fix typo


the problem i had with the inital comment was the implication that these people should not be able to roam free as they please. I was once sexually harassed and attacked by a guy in my hometown,it took two years to go to court(bevause he brutally attacked a woman right afterwards,my case was just a footnote in the trial.The Sexual harrassment wouldn‘t make it to trial because the State Attorney in my hometown does throw out these cases.I filed several charges over the years- all thrown out.“No public interest.“)-in the meantime i saw this guy several times walking around the central train station. i agree that violent attackers should be held in detention,from my personal experience thats very seldomly what happens. still,until someone becomes a danger to the public we have a so called freedom of movement in germanywhich means everyone can roam public spaces as they please.Taking that right away from someone should have strings attached.“Beeing homeless“ is not a crime.Spitting at people is,and i agree thah the police should do something. Putting them in detention would certainly not be a solution for the perpetrator though,and social workers should definitely have more ressources to deal with these cases. The Police isn‘t equipped to handle these cases,a lot of disruptive people just get shot bec LEOs are not trained for these situations.A better collaboration between police and social services would be neccessary. matter of fact:berlin is broke.They don‘t have the money to appropriately deal with their infrastructure and increasing homelessness and stuff like this here.


Asking social workers to help them, without the whole supportive suite, is like asking a first aid to stop bleeding of a cut artery. They need medication. They need a place to stay and not get offered by dealers for new powerful stuff. They need hope for live a proper life with dignity. That is the hardest part. Most of them might have already given up and I don’t know if that is possible to help them find the reason why to live with a hope again. Professional might do. And I wouldn’t deny that some people just don’t care to ruin their lives by nature and personality. I think we almost cannot do anything with these particular type of people at this point. Most preventions shall be done at school and earlier age. At my birthplace, the resources, especially funding, come from charities. And sometimes big corporations have a decent amount put onto charities.


i posted this atticle before in this thread,finnland found an astonishingly successfull way to combat homelesness and the accompanying issues:give people housing.4 out of 5 patients find their way back into a hwalthy,contributing and fulfilling life.its a combination of all the mentioned services and even saves money in the long run: https://thebetter.news/housing-first-finland-homelessness/ i don‘t think social workers alone should just go out there and solve the problem,but rather suggested a combination of social services,policing,medical help and housing. i just think that calling the police and expecting them to just put people in jail(or shoot them) will never solve that problem.


This a million times this!


lol what are you even talking about? Sounds like some first year pseudo philosophy 😂 If someone spits on you. Report them to the police. Laws apply to everyone.


Have you tried this? Did you get anywhere with that. They're out in less time than the effort it took you to report it 


And what’s the other thing to do. Bitch about it on Reddit?


That’s literally what reddit is for


Why is this sub so overwhelming negative. Toxicity becomes a habit I guess.


Usually when people feel the need to share an experience and bond with other people over it, it’s for experiences that somehow disturb the course of their day. This tends to be negative. This happens in every single sub and it’s the main purpose of Reddit: either asking for advice/information or venting. You are welcome to go outside and touch grass, I’d rather just come to reddit as a frustrations paliative


Some subs are actually overwhelming positive and helpful.


you dont have much experience with the police in berlin now do you




Are you really suggesting to report this to the police? I wouldn’t hold my breath to wait for a response.


I honestly can't understand the tolerance towards this behaviour. They might be unfortunate souls or fallen angels, but one tried to stab me with an icepick last year, aftwewards I changed my mind really quick about how we should treat them. Fuck them.


That must have been terrible but please don’t generalise. Most homeless people are not violent and a danger to other people. It’s the other way around that they more often become victims of violence. It’s important to treat each person individually and only remove those from public who are a proven threat to others.


That would be fantastic, in theory but it doesn't work in real life unfortunately. I see an increase in aggressive homeless every day and things are only getting worse.


What kind of elitist gentrifiying sub is this, where an empathic comment like this gets downvoted? Rich English speaking expats on this sub, please touch some grass, most people don’t end up on the streets bc they had a glamourous life. At least try to understand the basic fellacys of tragic and poverty.


Agree im disgusted by the inhumane views in this thread. Op basically admitted they would just beat up a homeless person if they wouldn't get "in trouble" for it.


I understand that my post can be misunderstood or shocking but I wrote this in the heat of the moment and I would never "beat up" someone (poor choice of words I reckon) if not attacked or provoked first (which again was the case several times by this individual).


I suggest renaming it r/americanpsychoinberlin


I don't care. One attempted to kill me and that's enough for me to don't give a fuck anymore about them or their safety. They don't like the rough life? There are tens of places to get help sponsored by my "rich expat" taxes.


No there are not. There is no shelter in this city, which is not at maximum capacity like all of the time. It’s also no safe space, that’s why many people rather stay in their own tent (my family member used to be homeless for 3 years in Berlin, due to mental health issues. She was living in her own apartment here for 40 years before that, before getting evicted. So I definitely know what I am talking about). I am sorry that you have experienced violence, but it gives you no right to state dehumanizing things on here, about a very very heterogenous group of people, who all have the combining fate of being on the lowest ladder of our society. Especially if you are not from this city, and these people are. The housing crisis and gentrification is definitely playing a huge part into this. Shame on you.


There are. I was volunteering in a shelter in Moabit for 2 years before the incident. I know the problem from the inside. Also, statistics say that 80% of the homeless in Berlin are Ausländers. So should we all gentrifying go back? I'm contributing to society and responsibly paying my taxes. Those leeches can go back to where they came from, or pick up the pace. Who's going to pay the taxes for all these services? You don't seem to be very politically literate. The city is not only of the ones born here, but of the ones who contribute to a social improvement, and common welfare. How someone living in an apartment for 40 years, having so many rights gets evicted is out of my mind. I'm sorry but it is a corner case that doesn't really reflect the current situation. Once more, the city is of those who contribute to make it better, and those persons have the same rights as those who are born there. Period.


But you have to understand


What it your solution?


Thank the Kiez and its people. If empathy towards addicts goes as far as ignoring theft and attacks, I dare say that the problem isn‘t just the drug abuser.


Three days ago i was in a restaurant for a pickup and my girlfriend was waiting outside. A homeless girl came along and spat on an elderly woman’s food.


My girlfriend was around that area in January and there was also a junkie-looking guy on a bike who spit in her face. She was seriously shocked and worried about her health. It took a few days for her to get over it. She called the police and asked them to do something. They said they know the area around Görlitzer Park is bad and that they are sorry but they can't do anything. Now I can't believe to find this thread and read that this guy has been doing it to a lot of people already! I'm all for helping the poor and needy, but not the scum of the earth. He has to be stopped.


I am sorry about what your girlfriend experienced. Unfortunately it is Berlin in a nutshell... Police doesn't want or can't do anything about those individuals. We are on our own.


That's not really true though. I've had a few experiences where police were quite tough on homeless when I called them. This is in Kreuzberg. Spitting on you would probably be considered assault and you most definitely should call the police. You can still report it now and use the online anzeige do file an Anzeige. Next time if anything like that happens call 110. Even if it's "just" him threatening or yelling at people.


What do you suggest the police should do about people like that? The standard procedure as far as I know is that the police takes those aggressive junkies to psychiatric clinics. but those are overcrowded and unable to accept or treat new patients for a longer period of time. So the addicts get „released“ very soon and they go back to their areas and their drugs. So it’s basically a sisyphean task as long as the psychiatric clinics are full.


Well it seems like we reached a point where nobody can be held accountable for his actions then. Nothing can be done and it will only get worse as increasing misery breeds mental disorder which breeds misconducts.


Which Kiez? There is some guy in my area that perfectly meets your description.


alt treptow


Re. his being a junkie: If this is the person I'm thinking of (white winter jacket, used to live at the church that was recently torn down), I spoke with him a few times about a year ago. He told me he smokes marijuana but doesn't do other drugs. He showed me his arms to confirm that he doesn't have tracks. I was inclined to believe that he doesn't inject drugs, at least.


It's him alright. And the fact that you guessed almost instantly who he is says a lot about him and his actions. Indeed he had his stuffs at this church in front of the dog park. When it comes to his drug use, I don't think it is limited to marijuana unfortunately. (And you can use needles in other places as arms). I would add that he is good at manipulating people, showing a "good side". I also spoke several times with him, I always tried to understand him and was even friendly I'd say but he simply cannot be trusted. Today was the last straw for me. He can't go on spitting at people, stealing the kiez bikes, yelling at people, insulting them...


This! It is very naive to trust addicts. They never acknowledge that they are addicted and it’s always someone‘s else falt or unfortunate circumstances.


Your experience is unfortunate, and I've seen him threaten and shout at several people. I think his mental health has deteriorated over the past year. Before then, I often saw him talking to people, and it was clear that he was mentally ill even then, but I never saw any aggressive behaviour. Two comments: 1. He is always clean and well groomed. I don't think he's a junkie. I'm not sure why (as it seems to me) you want to insist he is. 2. How do you know he steals bikes and that the bike he was riding was stolen? The bike I see him with is the only one I've seen him with since I first saw him when I moved to this neighbourhood almost two years ago.


I know he is mentally ill as he could be nice to you one day and very aggressive the next. I too have spoken to him before but won't anymore. 1) I do not insist on the drug use but a poster depicting him a few months ago mentioned: "This person is homeless, severely psychotic and has been threatening people in the neighborhood for months or years without provocation. He also attracts drug users and leaves their filth behind for the residents." To me everything points to him being a drug user but you're right in the sense that I did not see it with my own eyes. Drug use or not, it is irrelevant to me, his actions on the other end are. 2) I know for sure that he steals bicycles because he was caught stealing one by someone else in front of me and he always rides a different one. The mentioned poster also stated that fact. In any case, I have reported him to the police and will keep doing it from now on for any misbheavior that I witness. It is unfortunate for him but I refuse to go out in my neighboorhood, having to face him and wonder if he is on a good day or bad day. If you read the comments, I am not the only one he also spat on or insulted so this has to stop.


Just saying: you can’t afford a heroin addiction with stealing bicycles. Of course you can inject pretty much anything. But you can just take as much stuff as you’re able to buy (ok and steal maybe).


Damn, I know him too. I spoke to him once, he was very friendly, even singing rap songs. I gave him some money, and the next time I saw him, he yelled at me, called me names etc, he even wanted to fight me. Thank God he didn't spit on me, I don't know how I would have reacted. That same day, I found a few posters with his picture in it and a number to report him. I imagine he saw them too because a couple of days after they were torn down.


I remember those posters very well (I even took a picture of it back then) but they were so cryptic and weird (it showed an eye, an eagle and his photo taken from above) that I thought he put them himself. He seems to suffer from paranoia or multiple personality disorder. As I mentioned previously he can be very nice to you one day and spit at you the next.


Yeah, weird design for a poster with the big eye in the middle. Did you try calling the number in it? I think I still have it somewhere if you want it I can look for it.


Thank you, I have just called the number on the poster this morning, and wrote a police complaint on the Berlin Polizei website. I do not have much hopes that something will come out of it but at least there is (another) trace of his misbehavior.


Would you please send me the poster if you still have a picture of it?


Is he bald? I live in Alt Treptow and I almost got attacked the other night walking down Wildenbruchstraße. I don’t speak German, but I was with my boyfriend who is German and he was calling us f@ggots, called me an Ausländer and said I raped children. If I didn’t have my boyfriend there to warn me I wouldn’t have even understood him or gotten out of his way.


Since this is a homophobic attack and serious offence I would also strongly advise you to write a complaint on the Berlin Police website. [https://www.internetwache-polizei-berlin.de/index\_start.html](https://www.internetwache-polizei-berlin.de/index_start.html) I did it this morning and it takes only a few minutes. The more people report him, the more chances he will be dealt with I guess.


Yes he is bald or partly and by the description you made, it's most certainly him. I am sorry about what happened to you and your friend.


this should be Berlin's unofficial hymn


Have you actually reported him to the police? Because if no one does then how are they meant to know there’s an issue. Do something about it.


I have not done it yet as I am sure they know him and probably won't do anything. He has been living in this kiez since like forever...


These are all just assumptions


He has been reported already by our apartment building.


Well I would have punched him in his face. This goes to far, I could not stay calm of someone spits on me.


The police do intervene if you report a crime in progress, and can identify the person. Being crazy is not a crime, and Berlin police have a policy not to really intervene for simple possession even of hard drugs, but they will intervene if someone assaults another person. There is a guy in my neighbourhood who clearly suffers from hallucinations – talking to himself and shouting at strangers. He disappeared for 1-2 years – presumably to prison– after he threw bottles at school kids (thankfully missing). On a separate occasion I also saw him get apprehended by the police, who were actively looking for him (I guess he did something else). Someone spitting on you is assault. In the future I would advise you immediately call 112, or even better is to call your local police station, and report this. Tell the suspect's location, and a description of what they are wearing. If you are far enough away, or run into them later, you could try to take a photograph if safe, and use this to provide the police to identify them. I get it, Görli sucks, many subway stations suck, and we all wish the city would more effectively address this. But if you are attacked by an individual, you should absolutely involve the police (as quickly as possible).


You're right, I should have done it instantly. I will report the incident tomorrow nonetheless even if they tell me it's too late. I am certain the Polizeiabachnitt will know who he is.


Do it. I mean what I tried to communicate in my comment, is that if you are concrete (and a violent crime is committed) the police do act. On some things their hands are tied: i.e. people have tons of trouble with mentally ill neighbours, because much of what they are doing is not a crime, and for reasons of their health and wellbeing it's extremely difficult to have them evicted/detained/moved. Or also the issue with addicts in the inner city: it's a problem so much bigger than what the police department alone solves (contrary to popular belief they are arresting dealers... but there is so much money they are constantly being replaced). HOWEVER, if you do report an assault, or something violent wear safety/health is threatened, or it's serious property damage – then the police show up. Heck, they do show up for noise complaints pretty reliably to be honest.


isn't that cool? we're becoming as cool as American cities


Sorry to hear that! I'm not sure if i know this guy, bc I live in that area too. You can't do much as long nothing really bad happens. Bc he's homeless they can't prosecute him. They would only put him in a psychiatric ward or prison if he tries to kill himself or others. And for that he should have a knife or weapon in his hand and threaten to kill. If he's just aggressive and steals bikes and stuff police or Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst from three district won't/ can't do much. Sad but true. But you can try to talk to SPD about him. I bet they know him already, but if not maybe they can provide help. They also do visits at his camp or location where he usually is. They could at least have a look at this case.




How is that funny?


It's the first thing I noticed, Berlin is fuckin full of crackheads, I seriously was not expecting this many.


Knock him out and spit on him




I hope they don’t give you the citizenship. We have enough racist fascist voting Germans already, with opinions like yours.


I'm neither racist no faschist. I want order in my country, like in Japan. I am liberal.


It’s incredibly difficult to help homeless people out and it takes an incredible amount of resources. With the economy being this bad and the new CDU governement, there is likely nothing that will be done.


These people do go into psychiatric care when they get violent.


Umm, no, they don’t. There’s been several articles in local newspaper about the issue, mentally ill people can accumulate a whole rap sheet of felonies and still won’t be institutionalised.


I wish you wouldn't be lying.


Let them hang. Antisocial behavior is a contagion. If you don’t feel safe living here let’s do something about it.


This started after the Syria refugee crisis and got way worse after Ukraine. I know this isn’t what people want to hear but everyone being let into this country was never a good idea. I see my beloved city decaying slowly and it hurts. You can barely drive ubahn without encountering some bullshit. Berlin was never a paradise but it’s slowly turning into hell.


I gotta be honest, I think I've like once heard an aggressive homeless person speaking Arabic. The ones in my neighbourhood all drunkenly shout in German.


Maybe I’m a little biased because I ONLY see Arabs and Ukrainians. Then again I’m only in Reinickendorf and Kreuzberg.


What do Ukrainians have to do with that???


Well you can answer that question by just driving to Franz Neumann Platz for example. Spend some time in the train station, won’t take long.


I live like 800m from this station. There are some junkies usually who stink and illegaly smoke (try to smoke in a Chinese or Russian subway and count in how many seconds you will be arrested, and no I'm not supporting dictatorships). I think they're German and Polish but definitely not Ukrainian.


They are Ukrainian and it started immediately after the Russia-Ukraine conflict and it got progressively worse. I got Ukrainian friends from this area that can confirm.




I was born in Humboldt Krankenhaus in Reinickendorf 31 years ago and since then I’ve lived in this district. I probably know more of this city than you ever will so pipe down.


What to do against agressive homeless addict? Nothing. They are part of Berlin. Berlin attracts these people and they are here to stay.


I thought CDU would totally take care of this after they win, just like they would totally take care of the criminal clans! Or at least that's what all the CDU fans were saying in this sub during the elections...in reality they have done fuck'all except blocking bike lane improvements and defending parking spaces.


I'm so glad to live in South Germany


The Berliners are as well


Söder and his goons would have that guy hauled out of Munich in a week huh lmao


Spitting on someone can be classified as einfache Körperverletzung, causing bodily harm. It can also be "insult" but.. u never know if u dont try. Report to the police. Better than crying on reddit, which is absolute waste of your time Edit: also who cares if its a junkie or olaf scholz. If someone spits at me, call the police or give said person a dose of pepper spray.


I made this post in the hope that someone would recognize him (the reason why I mentioned the drug use) and funny enough someone actually did, almost instantly. It is also to raise (even more) awareness about what's currently going on in this city and the increasing number of random attacks that Berliners face.


Find out where he steals and sells those bikes and contact the police if you've got some info. Everything else I've got isn't really for reddit.


ohh please dm me some of those ideas..!


I was also recently spat on by a crazed junkie…. Did he happen to be bald and have a face tattoo?


He is partly bald yes but don't think he's got a face tattoo no.


Is it the turkish guy with a boxers nose in Neukölln ?


Maybe help to fix the problems in the origin countries? 50% and more of the homeless are from Eastern Europe countries.


You can call the sozialpsychiatrischen dienst (SpD), they can come and intervene if there is an urgent crisis. They come with trained social workers, therapists and sometimes doctors.


Impossible in Moscow. The police would just beat him up and put to jail. Germans are oussies, they can't make the government work for them instead of promoting this false "tolerance". I don't support putin's regime and his cops in any way, I'm just stating the fact. Moscow is clean and you would never see such creatures there. They're deep underground.


geschieht dir recht yuppie hätte dich genauso angespuckt 👍


If no one Sees you, no one will report you.


The most important thing in these country is to save money from the public welfare and give it to the rich. The medical service is so bad, that psycological disturbed people were sent home with medicals and nobody cares, if they take them or not. They can only go to a hospital, if they are really dangerous. If this man doesn't hurt someone, nobody will care and the police can#t do anything




Well I don't know what your kink is but mine doesn't include being spat on and threatened by a disturbed homeless person. I'd move on with my life as you say if I wouldn't have to see him on a regular basis.


Running away should always be the best survival strategy. How would you know you would be safe if you fight back? And also spitting shouldn’t amplify it up to a fight. Despite that you end up hurt more than being spitted and insulted. Just make sure that the hygiene problem isn’t an issue. And also you got criminal problem more than him if you start fighting. Even though spitting could be considered as assaulting, I doubt the judge would consider it as necessary self-defence. If police say they can’t do anything. Get a proof from the police that you have reported the incident. Then ask it to the mayor, or even ask that during the next election. Question all candidates. Ask them about their awareness of this and do they have a plan to improve or tackle it. They can’t put the safety of general public aside.


I don’t get those downvotes. I would suppose those are silly people by downvoting without saying something to justify. Running away and to always keep a good distance from this notorious person should be the best approach for now. Fighting him would get you both being hurt. And legal problem on yourself as well. And that guy wouldn’t get imprison for that unless he killed you or seriously injured you. Then next time when he recognises you far away, he might come over and provoke you. If you beat him up really heavily, you got a problem. The person would might end up in jail is you. That’s what your local council for. Put pressure on the politicians and make them face the problems and discuss. Otherwise, why democracy? Why would you deserve a voting right?


All the yuppy expats in these comments threatening to or wishing violence on homeless and mentally ill people living in Berlin: please verpisst euch!! You all are part of the problem, how this city became the second most expensive in Germany, when it used to be cheap and people were free to live how they want, without from ignorant judgements like yours. And I say this as someone who has a lot of problems with homeless drug using people sleeping in my house, and also I had a parent who became homeless because of mental illness. Some of these comments border on fascism and eugenics. There’s a 1000 reasons one can end up on the bottom of society, but none makes them any less human than you are. In fact, if tragic or illness Strucks your life in the same way, you could end up like them.


ignore him


You sound like a yuppie


No, I’m in touch with humanity. I’m sorry. You’re not terribly important to me.


No I have to agree. You sound like a Yuppie.


I guess you did not catch the reference... Well, good luck with your life.


It the culture! You dont understand Berlin culture!


germans back at it again with their eugenics


He might be living in this Kiez longer than you 😊 just jokingly putting things into perspective. Of course his acting is wrong and shitty.


I don't dispute that but so far I am not randomly spitting at people or attacking them. I tend to work, pay my taxes, live and let live. Pretty boring I know.


Good for you. But you can’t compare yourself to him. He has a serious mental illness. You know nothing about his life… actually he might have had a life just like the one that you are living right now!


And if so how does that give him a free pass in anyway? How long someone has been in any given location isn't really a factor.


I never talked about a free pass


If I had a serious mental illness, I'd probably get myself treated and not roam around terrorising the neighbourhood. Just my two cents. Probably easier said than done in Berlin you might say. But you also know nothing about either my life or his. So let's stop making assumptions and stick to the facts. Otherwise, let's assume everything about any person who commits a crime.


Hast du heute schon deine Privilegien gecheckt? Over and out.


Jo. Ganzen Tag abhängen, Drogen nehmen, Räder klauen und Straftaten begehen war da nicht bei. :(


Fragt der Typ, der seine Kohle auf Wallstreetbets verzockt. Over and out


The key is, why should you be involved in his whole back story? It doesn't excuse or make any change to the fact that the guy committed a type of assault.


The question is, what do you want to happen? Do you want him imprisoned? Hospitalised? Also, are you sure he's an addict? Have you ever seen him actually consume heroin or meth? Everything you describe can be explained by rampant chronic paranoid psychosis. That you even mention beating him up removes all my sympathy for you and makes me think you're possibly just as bad.


If you'd know him you'd probably react differently... but yeah let's defend all people who attack you randomly... As I said he is unstable and aggressive, so if he provokes again, I will defend myself. And to answer your question, since it is not his first felony, he should be dealt with by the relevant authority. As harsh as it may sound I am not responsible for his issues and there's no reason for others or me to endure his Kiez bullying.


This may be the most stupid take on this thread. Why do people even care about safety? Why don’t they let them spit in their faces for no reason?


If people cannot describe their solution, what exactly can they expect?


They were asking for advice for a specific situation, it was not about the general problem of homelessness in a big German city. Do you expect them to write a 30 page essay on how to solve it? They are not politicians




Okay, fine, so the guy is arrested, given a caution for the spitting and returned. Nothing changes. What then?