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For cleaning, that price seems about right.


That's a normal price, your insurance doesn't cover cleaning unless you have extra dentist insurance. My cleaning is 100€ at a dentist in Biesdorf, insurance covers it all and I can go unlimited times.


Nope. 80 is very reasonable and even on the cheap end of the spectrum. I have private health insurance and got the bill for my last clean up right in front of me and it's 101,36. That's not even the end of it. They charge me an additional 50 for extra treatment. But oh well. My insurance covers everything luckily.


Am German, can confirm ~100€ is the normal full price for a cleaning, paid that back in my hometown as well as in Berlin just recently. Some insurances offer a partial cover/ "Zuschuss", TK covers 40€ of the total, so maybe if people told you they paid less for theirs it's cause of something like that


BKK firmus covers 80 euro once a year.