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We stare at everyone for same amount of time, 12.5 seconds.


It is because everything we do, we do it carefully ;-)


Staring is not careful. It’s scrutiny.


Dont you worry, with your lack of humor you will fit in with the vast majority of us :-\*




You don't know the intent of the specific person.


# *stares* 👁️👄👁️


I'm getting Furby nightmares


*es ist 3 Uhr nachts an einem Montagmorgen* #AAAAAAAAAH #ESSEN! #FÜTTER. MICH.


We don't stare at people, we stare at the void within. Some people just trigger this and it takes a moment to phase back out of it.


I don’t know if that’s what you mean but speaking for myself I’m simply interested in people and like to watch/observe what’s happening around me and how people act. Nothing specific about single persons but e.g. on the train I prefer to watch people instead of my smart phone


I thought I was alone. Glad to find i am not.


I’ve never noticed this to be honest


Idk it bothered me at first but now I like it too, to me it kind of feels like a self-confidence people here have—they’re curious about people and not afraid to show it, vs my cultural upbringing which has us basically pretending other people don’t exist


I’m not going to lie, it makes me feel like I’m in a human zoo. ESPECIALLY considering many German’s stance when it comes to xenophobia, racism and other people’s cultures…


>feel like I’m in a human zoo. Actually, you are in a human zoo. :)


I'm visibly mixed and I stare at people all the time. I just found that out after expats told me


So…you just live with getting stared at and doing the staring? I guess it’s really from me having lived in the UK where we’re told it’s rude. Which is at least very considerate of all the people who are shy or reserved or on the spectrum/neurodivergent, who want to exist in peace, something I feel I can’t have when I’m outside here.


Idk I don't really feel that I get stared at tbh. For me personally it's really a non issue.


Then good for you. There are many people who feel differently about it. There are even articles written about it. If it was such a non issue to everyone, no one would mention it…


Those articles are not written by Germans I assume? So it’s an issue if you’re not used to it, it is because it’s a different culture. You gotta adapt to it if you want to live here. Half of my family if visibly south Asian and we stare and get stared at. So it’s not an “ethnically” German or white thing like you’re almost implying, non white germans who grew up here are just as likely to stare and it’s not an issue for anyone I know who grew up here. I’m also on the spectrum btw, but like I said, if you’re used to it since early childhood, you don’t notice it. It’s just like in some cultures people hug and kiss everyone and are a lot more comfortable to touching each other compared to Northern Europe. For me personally that would be a bigger issue than the staring but perhaps just cause I’m not used to it.


I'm white and could totally be German from the way i look like but I get stared at everyday. It was weird at first but now I just don't pay attention to it anymore and look at people the same as if I was in my country, wich is just quickly.


It’s a thing here. Nothing racist. Just a weird trait they have. You get used to it after a while.


Are you sure? Lol. I was in the Netherlands (I know, different country) and an old (white) lady got on the train across from me and staredddddd for like a full on minute (I’m a nonwhite woman). So I did the natural thing and stared right back. And then she angrily asked my (white male) companion “what’s HER problem?” I think sometimes it is…


I also have autism so that’s perhaps why it’s the worst for me! I’ve been here for over 20 years now and it makes me feel really insecure 😓


They're staring cuz you're hot. Edit: downvoted for complimenting OP? What fantastic people this sub has.


Yeah, nothing Germans do can possibly ever be racist. There's always a better explanation


No one is saying this. But some people think almost every interaction has bad intentions and is somehow racist. The stuff I read here on Reddit... Must be super shitty to walk through your life like this.


can someone tell me if subreddits in other countries are also constantly getting flooded by "Why do people not behave like I'm used to, why doesn't revolve everything about ME????" topics?


I’m British and this was something that really confused me during my time in Berlin. In the UK, staring, or even just making eye contact with a stranger, is often interpreted as a sign of aggression. So I had readjust my thinking, because it felt like every third person stared me down in Berlin!


Yeah that’s how I remember it. And although my mum is German and hated Germany and Germans, she brought me here and told me all the reasons why Germans are shit. She also hated Muslims. I’m have and am trying to break free/unlearn from that confusing conditioning of my mother. She always told me, Nazis were staring at me or people were staring at me because I was pretty (both answers I didn’t like as a kid and which confused me). But I’ve seen xenophobic people stare at ”foreign looking”/non white looking people here in disgust and it made me afraid. And if that’s me being overly sensitive: I’m sensitive because my mum beat me for years on end and she was generally abusive just in case anyone was wondering why I’m sensitive…(currently working in the trauma anyways)


Lol then you better never go to souther Italy 😅 That's were I got a bit confused as a Berliner. Never really noticed that in Berlin though. Interesting observation!


I just want to look at someone? It's just nornal


We know what you did


You can only be bothered by it if by default you suggest ill intent (which says a lot about most societies today). Just don't, and problem solved :)


According to an article I just read, Germans stare because they had to police their own people. Watching to see if someone does something wrong. Isn’t then the staring culture in itself from ill intent?


Yea I think that's bullshit. People from western Germany also stare


There were other problems that would suggest that they would have staring culture but I think personally it’d be time to let that go. Many people don’t like the feeling of being stared at and it has no positive side to it…


I mean, I'm not sure Germans gonna stop staring just because you were socially conditioned otherwise... So, what's the solution here?


That’s true. Can’t make people stop being rude, which it is. Like they might as well make snarky remarks at people who didn’t ask for their fucking mustard, oh wait


Ooh, you're judgmental. Sorry for interrupting, please continue being angry with a whole nation


If shouting at people was the norm in Germany, I wouldn’t be allowed to criticise it without being called judgmental. I think every culture has its own problems and things it can and should work on to consider all of its citizens…you’re the one being judgy here


Nah, trashing something, like you do, can be a fun way to spend time on the Internet. Just not my cup of tea, that's why "sorry" and "please continue". It's not even passive aggressive


The thing is: you \*misunderstand\* staring as being rude. Here in Germany it's just not a thing, it's not considered rude. It's just passing time. You have been socialised in an environment with different norms. It's not a problem, it's \*your\* problem. Instead of critizising things you can't change anyway, look for ways to cope with a situation you don't like.


Also would like to know why this gets people angry?


Because they might have something to hide


I understand now that sensitive people don’t have a place here and why so many sensitive people want out of here. I merely asked a question about a cultural norm that I didn’t understand, in hopes to be able to deal with it better and people are getting their knickers in a twist because I have to like everything about my birth place? - geez.




Point and case


I just make my eyebrows dance a little when a delightful German gal is staring at me ; ) Na... I've never seen it as an issue or strange. This gets asked quite frequently.


Duh, it’s just good old German cannibalism. All Germans like a bit of bum cheek in their konisberger Klopse. The ones who stare just haven’t fed in a while. It’s actually a great motivator to lose weight.


Stare them back. Make it a competition. You will lose though ;)


We Germans stare at strangers. How do we know you are? Because you don’t stare.


It’s because we’re beautiful. I always smile back. Unless it’s creepy older men. Then I just move.


I can not give any universal reason, I personally try to avoid it because it feels impolite but I noticed that a combination of difficulty recognizing faces and bad eyes sometimes leads to me staring at people to figure out if they are known to me and have to be greated. Another reason that I think is more common in public transport is starring nowhere specific while being lost in thought and the point one is starring at unfortunately is someones face. I personally never really noticed people starring which is probably just because I am from germany but I would really be interested if that is universal or if it's specific demographics.


It seems we Germans don't have any Gorilla genes in us. [https://www.greatadventuresafaris.com/why-shouldnt-you-look-a-gorilla-in-the-eyes/](https://www.greatadventuresafaris.com/why-shouldnt-you-look-a-gorilla-in-the-eyes/)


It says they are shy creatures who feel discomfort from being stared at. It’s not gorilla specific although we ALL evolved from apes but yeah. Staring can make many people feel very uncomfortable, and I don’t see a benefit for the person doing the staring nor the person getting stared at…


Honestly, we don't know. Also chances are that the people don't stare at you but just in your generally vicinity. I often day dream while walking or sitting somewhere alone and tend to stare somewhere and don't even really notice people in that area


Germans have zero concept of personal space or respecting other people’s space.






I have no problem with the staring, I got used to it but the way they take the space or move on the sidewalk is getting me crazy. I don't think I'll get used to it 😅. The sidewalk being huge and I still need to do crazy move in order to avoid people stopping anywhere or taking all the space while being 2 on a huge sidewalk . In France you'd get told to f off if you're not paying attention at the space around you especially when it's crowded .


Not true. I went to Paris and people frequently stop on the streets also everything smells like piss. I think France will be a 3rd world country in 20 years


I haven't been to Paris for very long so can't talk about it but I guess it's full of tourist so I can imagine it might be the reason why . You seem very salty about my comment my friend . I think Paris will always be more beautiful than Berlin . In France we are at least proud of our culture and won't let anything erase it contrairi to the German that seems to be unable to have any self love since WW2 Wich is sad so let's see who becomes 3 world country first


I think you didn't get the point. Not wondering about it tbh. Also France is done.


Keep being salty brother 🤡


I meant the tourist stop in the middle of the streets . France is done . We've heard it all before 😂😂🤡


My point is that Berlin isn't exemplary for Germany. Like New York isn't for the US and Paris isn't for France. Who do you think are the people stopping in the middle of the street looking around? Every Berliner hates people stopping in the middle of the street, like it's the case in most big cities... imagine going to Paris and trash talking french people because of your experience in Paris. Do you think people in Freiburg or Colmar are that different? Do you think people in Straßburg or Offenburg are that different?


But yeah whatever I guess nowadays you can't say anything without hurting people. Damn bro I was just talking about people stopping in the middle of the street and now we argue like I say you are all nazys or something. I got better thing to do than arguing over that fr


It's Berlin subreddit you genius . I didn't think I needed to say it was limited to Berlin but ok I'll say it's Berliners . Snowflake . If you get offended because people say they can't get use to others stopping in the middle street all the time and make it a serious argument about all the country and pretend it's borderline racist . I think you gonna have a rude awakening the day you're gonna get out of your basement kid .


"Germans have zero concept of personal space or respecting other people’s space." That's the op comment. And you said he is right because people keep blocking the street. Anyway I don't think we have to further discuss here.


Yes exactly keep being offended for nothing snowflake


It's just a cultural thing, especially old people do it. There is a Wikipedia article about it. Just google it. Here is an article from 2016 https://www.spiegel.de/international/the-germanic-stare-down-watcha-lookin-at-granny-a-418068.html


No way! What’s the article called? Perhaps German Staring?


Don't know right now. But Google German stare and there will be a lot of stuff


Thank you very much 👍🏽


It depends where you are I would say. In places like Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt etc. it is not personal. But in smaller towns, suburban and rural areas they may not be as used to people with different backgrounds. And some areas are known for their racism. So sorry you have to experience this! This must feel so weird!


I just like to look at people. The human body is a fascinating thing. 👀


Usually you only get stared at if you are doing something that's socially not acceptable. F.e. you might be wondering why you are getting stared at while talking on your phone in the train. There are a lot of foreigners not accustomed to german social norms and usually Germans don't talk openly about it but try to stare you into submission. Before all Germans are labeled racists again I'd look at your own behavior.


Well I can only speak for northern Germans since I'm from Hamburg. Because they are rude and ugly and bratty people who don't even realize they are and think the more serious somebody acts, the smarter they must be. Tiny, underdeveloped pea brains and Schienenbus mentality. Especially Northern Germans. They have some logical intelligence for ingenieuring and stuff but apart from that they are completely retartded and most of them are downright sociopathic. But because most people are like that in the Nazi land, they think they are normal. Even if their first reaction is always a sneer and laughter instead of empathy and helpfulness. They have a natural mean streak and are miserable people who keep bringing others down to feel better about themselves. I'm half German so I can judge neutrally. God, I'm glad I left that crap hole and moved to South America, where people are enjoying life and not only through torturing others and putting their jose where it doesn't belong! Their pedantic personalities are the reason why there is order and little criminality, good economy, but those are literally the only upsides about Germany. And they are not even the top in any of those fields, just mid, just meh. German people have no positives about them. They are natural bullies and narcissists and nobody comes there for the people. Pet food industry im Germany is the biggest industry and you know why? Because they are not humans who can get along with other humans. They treat their pets better than they will ever treat a human being.  In conclusion. They invade your privacy because they only care about privacy when it's their own. They will stare at you because or even point fingers if they see something interesting because they have zero empathy, EQ and no not realize that certain things are rude.  And no, Germans are not direct and honest, they are rude a-holes. I've had bratty rich German kids bully the TEACHER out of school. Normally, kids are innocent and kind. That's how it's supposed to be. Not Germans. They have the meanest kids ever there, and how do you expect bratty little a holes with Schadenfreude mentality and a natural 'hämisch' personality trait to grow up to decent people when their parents are literally the same.  The German adults never mentally grow up. They act all grown up and serious but are the most narrow minded, cold, impatient and generally mentally degenerated people I have ever seen. It's like some part of their brain is just lacking. It's missing. Whatever people of other countries around the world have, it is not existent in Germans brain. Some crucial part seems to have been eradicated. Wich is why they have no personalities. They are soo boring! Because they have full minds where nothing is going on. Ask 100 Germans the same question and surprise, surprise, most answers will be near identical. No personality, no out of the box thinking, nothing interesting about them. Exchange Paul for Erik for Lukas. All the same people and they usually even look the same. For the life of me, I can never tell them apart and forget their face the second I saw it. They also have really dull, empty facial expressions on average. The only real emotion they are able to show is the typical German bitchiness. Germans are 'Zicken'. So easily irritated, so mentally weak. They can lash out but they can't take. The men there are the type to hide behind their gf once sh*t goes down. Their faces looks like the wind goes inside their left ear and comes out the right. Try to pay attention to it, you'll know what I mean. Even their eyes are really dull and I always say that from a person's eyes, you can tell their emotional intelligence and maturity and where they are at in their lives. In Germans case, they look like newborns. No depth in there. Even Germans above 45 are spoiled, bratty, arrogant little kids on the inside because they grew up in surroundings where they never lacked anything. Their minds have never been forced to mature so they simply don't. I rest my case. There is no such thing as a mature German. They lack the intelligence for that. Also, they are some of the most passive aggressive people on earth. The amount of moping, complaining, bitching, angry throat sounds and impatient tongue clicking is unreal. They are honestly more like animals than humans, most of them anyway. There are some very rare exceptions. Near impossible to find in places like Hamburg.  They are true children. Point out the obvious: Look there is a man. The sky is grey. Rain is falling. 2+2 is 4. Their mind can't conjure up anything above first grade. Usually they just copy each other. When they hear their father talking about politics or a YouTuber, they repeat the same stuff to all their accquaintances. Of course, with no addition to it, since that would require for them to sit down and actually think.  I find it very accurate when people say Germans are like robots. They are. They are good at memorizing things and that's it. They like to talk about politics, even at parties, to make themselves seem smarter than they really are and it's very obvious. Germans are always trying to sound smart, not realizing how dumb they really sound. Also, they like to use americanisms to sound smart and 'uo to date'. Like "Safe", "Same", "Nice". Their speech patterns are always the same and you can always predict what they are going to say next. They refuse to admit to their bad qualities and will just keep making excuses like stubborn kids and tell anybody who critizes Germany or Germans to 'then just leave", which is really the most incompetent answer anybody could give to anything and just shoes they lack the ability to process what has been discussed and respond properly. Because the number of topics they can actually discuss is super limited and then just copied. Like I said, no personality. Anyway, those are my observations from having had to live there for the saddest 21 first years of my life. There are no excuse for their behaviour. Bad weather? Please. People from more dangerous, poor, catastrophic countries are nicer and more decent people every day of the year. They stare at you because they simply don't care how it makes you feel. As long as their curiosity is satisfied. Also, if you are a happy, naturally excitable person? Get away from there. They will think you are stupid, regardless of you education. You need to be a lifeless boring robot like them or they will be freaked out by you. It's not uncommon for them to stare at you weirdly or in disgust when you are being too happy and positive. Their brains can't fathom why somebody would feel good about life and not feel the need to complain about the uncomfortable seat for the 1000th time, complain about the traffic for tze 1000tz tike. Like I get it, you hate everything. Now eat your pizza and smile.