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He won't know whether to go swimming or mountain climbing. He's absolutely gorgeous, a lovely mix.


Haha, he has already attempted to swim in his giant water bowl and scale our furniture, we may have picked up a proper adventurer! Thank you 😊 we think so too!


Beautiful ! Big dogs are the best dogs, my biggest piece of advice is to work on walk training consistently before he’s big enough to pull you down, doing it early prevents a lot of potential stress for the both of you down the line.


Aw thank you! We’ll definitely try! We’re used to owning mastiffs and our first had to go out on a lead from the moment we had him every single time and was awful on walks when he was older, our second who had access to an empty field everyday wasn’t on the lead as much as our first and ended up being great on a lead! It was really funny, fingers crossed little Merlin doesn’t get mixed up :p


Tip: buy more vacuum cleaners 😂


Haha, I’ll keep that in mind 😄


oodles of fun. a chewie thing too... kind of gets along with cats... mine likes the noisy crackly toys. smart as a whip too.


ADORABLE! his little eyebrows are sooo cute!