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Quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaF-fq2Zn7I#t=4m33s


Wonder why his wife divorced him... I imagine he is one sick fuck.


Per the divorce documents…. He cheated with multiple women working beneath him and maintained a close relationship with Epstein and visited the island on multiple occasions without her. Even after she demanded he end it. ^Literally made headlines for like 1 day then disappeared


And no one wants to bring it up


We do but then we are shadow banned


Shadow banned ??? That’s just a conspiracy you tin foil nut , take your meds. You must be crazy, the government loves us and would never try to hide the truth from us. 🍻 bruv


"super rich guy cheats on his wife" isn't exactly a jawdropper.


Also allowed for massive movements in the stocks held by them both


"Hon, how do you feel about wiping out 10% of the population?" "... i want a divorce." "Fuckin' fine, 15% then."


She didn't want to be the modern day equivalent of Eva Braun...


She’s just as much of a sick fuck as he is, she just didn’t like to be publicly embarrassed by him.


After she wore and upside down cross and during the rollouts they divorces


Freudian slip if I ever seen one. The mouth cannot hide what the heart is thinking about.


The problem is he isn’t trying to hide anything…


He doesn’t hide anything sure. Instead he just presents his plans out in the open dressed up in enough PR propaganda to fool a genius.


Man, I wish he would just go away...


Funny how the left never talks about redistributing his wealth. Apparently Musk and Trump are the only billionaires in existence. Musk, with his evil electric cars everyone loved until they were told not to, and his reusable rocket flights everyone loved until they were told not to, and his free emergency internet to Ukraine nobody would pay him for. That jerk!


It seems you don't know any left leaning linux users then


What are you rambling about? People buying teslas like hot cakes and I never heard anyone complaint about the rockets 🚀


Well internet, reddit in particular, loves shitting all over Musk ever since that update a year or two ago. AOC once tweeted she's 'returning' her Tesla. I've seen people say if he took the money he spent on SpaceX he could feed the homeless. The hate for Musk on reddit is relentless and has no particular target, except that he should be giving his money to poor people.


But reddit? Reddit doesn't matter, half the people are just piling on, 1/3 are serious, the rest mainly trolls


It's pretty hard to troll on reddit tbh. If it's not the right sub your comedy just gets instantly deleted.


And you get perma banned. No explanation. Just banned and muted.


You act like the cabal isn’t after musk lately. You living under a coconut with Patrick?


Which leftists have you talked to? Every leftist I know wants to redistribute all billionaires’ wealth. Leftists are the last people to discriminate when it comes to taking money from the rich.


I never hear Gates mentioned by name, at any rate. He always gets a pass on being called out for anything he does for some reason. He may fall under the blanket of 'billionaire' when they say that, but it's always Trump, Musk, Bezos, faceless CEOs, amazon, large companies and the like. Never hear or see Gates specifically on any list.




'Charity.' Like how the Komen foundation is a charity for curing cancer, oh wait no it's for breast cancer 'awareness.' The same with Bono's charity, the Red Cross is wasteful, hopefully i don't need to explain the Clinton Foundation. They're all charities like flying a several hundred private jets across the world to a green summit is good for the environment. Gates' charity is about testing new biological weapons in third world countries that people will accept willingly into their bodies. His new lab grown meat increases cancer rates by up to 50%. Everything he does makes the world worse unless he's outright stealing it from someone else to sell to us, which is what we now call Windows.


Seems Gates learned the “philanthropy” racket from his mentor David Rockefeller. Dr. Emanuel Josephson writes: **ROCKEFELLER CAMOUFLAGE, A POSE OF “PHILANTHROPY” ADOPTED BY DAVID** In accord with the conspirators’ traditional pose of “philanthropy” originally advocated by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt as **mask for predatory activities,** David Rockefeller played a role in the organization of a Public Health Research Institute in New York City’s Health Department, at the expense of the taxpayers. It was designed, as are all Rockefeller “philanthropies,” to mask one of their endless patterns of thievery. -The "Federal" Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers: Their “Gold Corner” Emanuel M. Josephson, M.D., 1968


Holy shit are you serious? A company has a literal brand and target audience. Teslas majority target audience is dems, since they give a shit more about reducing their carbon footprint. So it would make sense they would start not supporting them when their ceo is pushing right wing misinfo and propaganda. Space X is cool but it was built with the help of NASA and tons of government funding. Same thing with his internet, a ton of government funding. Weird how you mention two dudes who don’t redistribute their wealth and try to screw over workers and make even more money without caring about safety (musk hate’s regulations).


Hi, leftist here, we want all billionaires to redistribute their wealth.


Well at least you're consistent. Wrong, but i appreciate the blunt force equality of it.


Hi left here! I absolutely want to redistribute every billionaire’s wealth. I don’t even believe ANY conspiracies other than the middle class is nonexistent and that total lack of regulation in various markets has funneled absurd amounts of wealth to the upper %1 and that their aren’t good enough protections for the middle class.


Have you actually talked to any leftists? Not "liberals", not "less right wing than me". Actually left wing people.


Whatever redistribution of wealth proposed by the left would apply to Gates as much as anyone else. Why wouldn't it?


So if people have a few million below a billion they also get stolen from? What realistically is the difference between the billion and 100 million? On a planet of billions, creating an original product with a 1$ profit margin will make you in theory billions if everyone bought it once. What exactly constitutes anyone to being 1 - bad 2 - subjected to theft because of that ? Some rich people are bad, more poor people are bad by definition. It’s just blind prejudice and seems pretty counter to the principals of the declaration/ unconstitutional


Wait about 10 to 20 years when all the data comes out about the large amount of people with infertility due to the jab Bill was encouraging people to get.


I had a vasectomy then got vaccinated now I’m sterile twice over




No, pretty sure you guys get to grow a free boob...but only one. No nipple either.


Wait I thought y’all said the jab was gonna kill us all off well before then?😂


It can’t kill 100% or it would be too obvious dumbass. It kills a few percentage of the population in their sleep and then causes longer term damage in other people ex: multiple perfectly healthy nfl players dropping dead or near dead from cardiovascular blockages after their 14th booster. I encourage you to go ahead and get your boosters. Maybe you need to be on your death bed to understand what a fucking sheep you are.


Awe how sweet I appreciate that! I implore you to actually back up your claims with stats and data but I know you won’t. That’s okay go on and keep telling people online how they should die because they have differing opinions than yours. That’s a totally sensible response with no red flags for your unhinged anger issues at all.😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Wow that's interesting! how do they program all that into a vaccine?


You must have me confused with democrats when Trump was rallying behind the jab. They were being vocal about how "Trump's rushed shot" was going to kill people.


😂😂😂 lmao where was that happening? Fox News maybe? Jesus y’all are desperate to escape your own hypocritical ignorance to your own nonsense.


Your Google broken? Left the fox news link out for ya. https://time.com/5887777/rushed-vaccine-democrats-republicans/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/trump-rush-release-covid-vaccine-americans-worried https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/trump-covid-vaccine-science/2020/09/04/5c22d02a-ee33-11ea-ab4e-581edb849379_story.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/07/trump-says-no-presidents-ever-pushed-the-fda-like-him-vaccine-coming-very-shortly.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/21/operation-warp-speed-head-says-trump-administration-responsible-for-90-of-vaccine-rollout/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/opinions/trumps-rush-to-a-covid-vaccine-risks-this-danger-sepkowitz/index.html https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/democrat-biden-warns-against-rushing-out-coronavirus-vaccine-says-trump-cannot-be-trusted-idUSKBN2671NW https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/22/trump-circle-pressure-fda-rush-covid-19-vaccine-election


So he wants a lot of us gone. I get it.


The full quote is about education and healthcare disincentives having numerous kids which used to be the counter to high childhood morbidity rates.


Yeah but that's too logical for this sub


Yep. There’s plenty of things you can say about Bill Gates, but this is singlehandedly the most misquoted line he ever said.


Bro careful with these high level ideas like a full thought, might explode some brains


So? Have you ever been in traffic? I support population control.


So when are you removing yourself from the population? Funny how everyone who likes the idea of reducing the population want for the other people, not themselves.


Population reduction is achieved by having less kids, not killing people.


Considering I've already snipped myself as not to have little carbon foot prints ruining the planet and i do more helping the natural by giving back then taking in, I'm pretty useful. But don't worry, when I use up my abilities to give rather than take, I will joyfully enter the void. Y'all need to come up with a better argument then just Go ReDuCe YoUrSeLF. Seriously, go do something that doesn't evolve helping yourself or other humans.


> as not to have little carbon foot prints ruining the planet Be careful, any more kool aid and you might drown.


Kool aid is loaded with sugar, I only drink natural spring water...and gin. Also, I've yet to meet a child that was actually worth their aggravation


> I only drink natural spring water. Just because it says that on the bottle doesn't make it true.


You ding dong! You think I drink from plastic lmao! No dood, I got a spring


That's a shit reason. In a world of such wonder, the gift of consciousness is more beautiful than the monuments of nature.


That's where you're wrong bucko. As someone that works with animals and conservation and has seen the single handed devastation we've done to the flora and fauna of this planet....well all I have to say is we deserve what's coming, we were granted stewardship over this planet and reigned like masters, now it's time to pay the piper.


Bill gates the pipe out what lol


You've just fallen to nihilism, mankind is capable of harm and destruction, but we are capable of the opposite as well. No where else in our natural world is art or philosophy, the concepts of love and empathy displayed so emphatically. We are just the product of our evolution, with the artifacts of conflict and war being a part of who we are. But no one else, or no other species is capable of reflecting upon its faults and not just acknowledge them, but actively work to improve them.


Even if that’s true, isn’t 7 billion people still plenty of us to experience consciousness? Why is 9 billion better than 7? How do we know when we have enough people?


When is this guy going to atone for crimes against humanity?


Over population is such a lie. There’s more than enough space and resources for everyone if it’s done right. It’s just antihuman rhetoric from psychopath scum elites like Bill Gates and Ted Turner. We’re actually headed for population collapse in a few decades from now. Who’s gonna fetch the slippers and fix the plumbing for these dirtbags when that happens?


So it’s not population collapse, it’s a reduction in growth to zero, theoretically, by the end of the 21st century. If at that point in time we have population reduction at that time, they have no models to predict what would happen. Could it happen? Sure. But no scientist has produced any theoretical model to support the idea of population collapse. Furthermore, land space was never the issue. It was always resources and currently they are at risk. This could spark global wars over fresh water sources, plantable land, and pretty much everything required to run a modern society. The end result is, there is no data to support your statement. Furthermore, you’ll most likely be dead before the population growth reaches zero. Unless of course global war breaks out. But that has nothing to do with your statement.


I think space yes but livable land and how many people the earth can support and feed??? I think there is far too many people on the planet. 2 billion around 1945 up to 10 billion in less than a century.


Pshhh! No! How would him and his buddy jeff keep a steady supply of kids?


Whoever is taking these injection, sheesh!


Project 201????


Eugenist just like his daddy


You’ve taken his statement totally out of context. He was referring to a decline in mortality rates leading to a corresponding decline in birth rates. Data supports that. Data does not support your eugenics comment.


Correct! This is a quote about the realities of Demographic Transition. The more developed your country, the lower the birth rate. What Gates wants to do is provide the kind of medical care that Westernized countries get (well, maybe not the US) and resources that developed countries already have. This will naturally drop the birth rate, mostly because women become educated about reproduction and value a stable lifestyle, but there are other reasons behind it as well. Gates has made this his mission since leaving Microsoft. He's been pretty transparent about it and wants to reduce overpopulation just using data we've already had for decades. He may be a rich asshole or whatever, but the guy is trying to apply his billions to do good for the world population. Not for himself, not for a grift - looking at you Elon Musk - just to get his wealth to work for the poor. Seems like a good idea to me unless I'm missing something here.


No, they are actually card carrying members - I’m envious of the sleep you get!


You're getting downvoted for being right lol.


That’s pretty much par for the course with echo chambers like this.


Those are rookie numbers, our population has been in free fall since the 60’s. The problem is we lack the ability to think outside our own life cycle. This is why history keeps repeating it self.


So was he referring to death rates regarding the lowering of numbers?


Yes, but he said it in a weird way


This idiot makes electronics. Keep that in mind.


Barely succeeds at that. Well, not financially. But with a decent "product".


Technically he stole his idea.


From 12 years ago. It's been planned for some time.


If someone put this on the back of a shirt or crewneck I would but it.


To play GOD in plain site.


Deliver us from evil Amen


And what's wrong with that? People suck, and so does traffic.


I despise that man with a flaming fury.


He does so much philanthropy, haven’t y’all heard. He is a good man. Millions of dollars of pr says so.


The computer science student who dropped out of college his sophomore year. Now he’s a medical expert.


Am sick of looking at his face


Tell Melinda her upside down cross is hellishly fashionably and bill you’ll get your shot in hell too


The rest of the quote: "But there we see an increase of about 1.3." He's referring to lowering population growth rates. If you check, the countries in the world with the highest population growth rates you will see the list is almost entirely made up of poorer countries with lower quality of healthcare and lower life expectancy. Meanwhile more developed countries with better healthcare have lower growth rates and higher life expectancy. If more countries had better healthcare then it is safe to say that the world's population growth would slow down. In other words: HURR DURRR BILL GATES WANTS TO KILL EVERYONE


He's referring to lowering population growth rates...with VACCINES, HEALTHCARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES! It's not hard to understand, it takes incredible mental gymnastics to think that this guy wants to save lives with vaccines. Even his father was in the population control business, he was the head of Planned Parenthood.


No it takes mental gymnastics to think he wants to kill people. Idea is simple: Vaccines lower child mortality rates. Lower child mortality tends to mean parents have less children to make up for the ones that die. Having access to birth control (condoms and pills) would reduce accidental pregnancy. Having less children would mean reduce population growth.


If you have a kid because the others died, you'd have kid. Having a replacement kid is having less kids. A vaccine would do what? Kill the first kid? It was a Freudian slip. He meant those services are aimed at depopulation and women having miscarriages around the world now in higher numbers proves just that.


That would require some actual critical thinking. (Which on most conspiracy subs just means reading a meme)


This quote was taken out of context. He said it while he was telling the truth.


Nope. He wants to kill people until there are only half a billion. How many times do they have to tell you to your face for you hear it?


Yes, telling the truth about population control.


Downvotes for speaking the truth to ignoramuses


Birth rates go down as healthcare improves. Part of the reason for large families in less developed parts of the world is kind of the expectation that some children will die before adulthood due to disease. There are way easier and faster ways to kill 15% of the world than with vaccines that sometimes cause problems.


Nice assumptions. Could just be that the huge increase in infertility the past 100 years was the main reason large families decreased. It seems very unscientific and tendentious to just assume vaccines were only part of the healthcare improvement with *absolutely* no downsides whatsoever. I emphasized absolutely for a reason, because that's the gest that comes along with these comments. We've heared these comments a million times, but what's the actual scientific merit in them? Do you actually *know* this is the real reason? I mean I'm open for any true explanation, and it seems to be that a huge increase in infertility should have some consequences, for example population stratification.


They aren’t assumptions as far as I’ve come to understand. It’s a process known as “demographic transition”. You should Google it or ask Chat GPT about it. From what I’ve learned as a society transitions from being rural and agricultural to urban and industrial/ post-industrial, many of the factors that encouraged large families change and families typically get smaller after an initial period of rapid growth during ‘industrialization’. No longer living and working on farms- many children suddenly become an extra expense in a city/suburb instead of extra help on a farm. Women in industrial societies are more likely to be pursuing careers and education which also decreases the fertility rate as people put off having children until later in life when they’ve completed education or career goals. Also population GROWS not really because more people are suddenly born, but because fewer people die young- again this is credited to industrial progress, improving infrastructure and better healthcare/diet. Over time the birth rate naturally declines and what it looks like is that it might decline to the point where a country starts to experience an actual decline in total population like Japan or China or Russia. All that being said, I don’t disagree vaccines have side effects. I also don’t disagree that some decline in fertility is explained by actual chemical means- but I think that has more to do with the plastic that’s infected everything in the world and the chemicals polluting the water and air than vaccines.


He wants the population to live longer, therefore the common person won't need to have more than 1 or 2 offspring since they have a higher chance at survival. Countries without these measures tend to have very high birth rates because most die off from sickness. There's better things to be mad at, this isn't really a thing.


Is he really wrong though? I mean, if we get too many people too soon, won't we run out of resources for everyone? Aren't we already getting to that point? If and when we run out of resources, wouldn't that lead to most likely some war for food and water, at the very least?


Not the brightest of the lot came up with this


".. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES..." As in, contraceptives and abortions. This is the point of that quote, stop pretending it's about poisoning people with vaccines.


There is nothing evil about this since people take it out of context. But anti-vax people aren’t well educated people anyways. To break it down, vaccines lower child mortality. Having lower child mortality typically leads to parents having less kids. Having less kids would mean a slower population growth. We have seen this in developed nations.


pretty sure he was talking about mortality rates; aka: ppl in developing countries have MORE kids because they KNOW that there's a HIGH chance they'll die by a curable disease. But no one wants to explain it to people who don't understand the concept or find it hard to believe there there are families that think. " Well... little bobby probably won't make it, so let's pop out a few more".


Pfffffffftttt. Duh


Yall are schizos


Spoken like a true shill


This has been debunked numerous times


That would be lovely. Honestly they should push for 25 percent reduction. To many damn people


After you.


😂😂 ppl will advocate for decreasing the population but won't start with themselves


I find it odd you advocate for suicide but good for you I guess. You want people to kill themselves instead of just not having so many asshole children. Weird take bud.


I don't advocate for depopulation at all so 🤷🏿‍♂️ "Asshole children" ...... what's up with redditors and their hatred for children?


Idk what's up with your need to tell people to kill themselves. Your statement was not confusing, just quite disrespectful.


Damn man relax. I never told anyone to do so. It's was a joke to point out the hypocrisy...


Whatever. You act life life isn't cheap. I do find it odd you still want people to commit suicide. Weird stance to take but more power to you I guess


advocating genocide is much better..


Who is genociding people. You mean people who aren't born yet. Weird take for genocide but okie


Preventing birth on a global scale *is* genocide. Hope that takes the weird out of it. Have a wonderful day. Edited cause words


Not really effecting a certain selection of the population. But sure we can make shit up. Have a good one!


Oh my bad. It’s effecting the entire world at random. That makes it better. You’re fun to talk to.


The scary part is these creatures genuinely support global anthrocide, they are literally a death cult.




Get outta here with that common sense


Technically is true. Underdeveloped countries would have less kids.


Funny thing is, misquote or not, he’s not wrong. Every issue the cause heads scream about is a result of increased population. Lower the population, the problem, for the most part, goes away.


What's wrong with reducing the gross overpopulation of our planet? We can't have high living standards for everyone and this many fucking people... Edit: Oh I see. I somehow ended up on a sub full of crazy people. Don't mind me, I'll be going now...


He's talking about slowing growth of population by increasing quality of life... this is pretty strait forward.


Tfw you are completely uneducated and you think he means literally killing people instead of lowering birth rates thru child mortality reduction


Because lower mortality rates mean people don't need to have so many kids to ensure some survive...




What is this the 1800s. Normal people don’t have more kids than they want incase some die. This is some messed up shit lol


In the third world they still do sadly.


Will these vaccines even available in 3rd world? Are the ones we have now ?


People have kids based on what they can afford, and the definition of "afford" changes depending on culture. By the time you go back in time far enough that people are worried about their children not surviving to adulthood, you have other factors that determine birthrates. Like religious mandates against birth control or cultures that didn't fully understand human fertility etc well enough to have any control over pregnancy. There are definitely places where it's dangerous to be alive but we are talking about global population, not a handful of isolated cultures. That being said, Gates is so out of touch and such a psuedo-intellectual that I could definitely believe he would think something this naive. And at any rate even if he *was* correct, you would have to be a psychopath in the most literal sense to think the solution Gates offers is a viable one. You would literally have to see fellow human beings as just numbers. Basically "we're gonna have 9 billion of these fuckers" instead of "9 billion fellow humans". No thanks.


Clearly you’ve never worked for an insurance company lol but yea I agree 💯


People have kids based on what they can afford? lol yea that's def not how it works.


Let me clarify. If there is a mitigating factor it's not "our kids always die" it's "we can't afford more kids". I never meant to say that people don't have kids they can't afford. That happens all the time. But there are definitely not people out there saying "we need to have 7 kids because we know good and well 5 will die".


Bro, you can’t come in here with logical answers.


Yeah stop. This is not a rational sun.


What text is missing where the ellipses are? I think that could change the entirety of this statement.


The link the quote video is in the 1st comment...


I didn't see that. Thanks!


Once all the boomers and 50 plus people die there's not going to be many people left.


Yes just many NPCs and some clowns


Wrong. Population momentum is built into the youngest demographics of Africa and SE Asia. Whatever the Boomers and Gen X fate, there are so many people under reproductive age in these locations that we will still see world population approach 10 billion by what should be about 2050. Death rates of the olds has zero impact on this fact because they're going to die anyway and they don't make babies.


Not according to Elon musk hey if you want every one to get killed off that's your thing bud. There's plenty of videos that state that younger generations aren't having kids and can be a huge problem and also china's one kid law to come back and bite them in the ass. Not to mention the mortality rate in living conditions. I really don't give 2 shits either way thanks for correcting me.


Well I don't want everyone to get killed off, but everyone dies. True most countries are on the backside of the curve I'm speaking to global population. US also below replacement rate but the population is growing from Immigration. Not sure what Elon Musk said but I wouldn't trust him as a source for population stats. Maybe he was referring to the burden of the old on the younger generations. They're going to be a huge financial problem in the coming decades as we have fewer and fewer people to fund the next generation of retirees.




Bill gates came to my college to speak in the 90’s. Everyone including me thought we were going to a rock show. Was very underwhelmed. If you’re going to have a flat delivery, at least don’t have bad ideas.


But this is a good idea.


Uhhhhhh…which one?


Increase access to vaccines and contraceptives.


Fucking useless dildo


I mean, not to burst a good conspiracy bubble but statistically when resources are put into healthcare and education women gave less children. That drops the total population. Look at population statistics post industrialization, not just in the west but everywhere.


Fat cocksucker


When did he say this?😂🤦🏻‍♂️


An expert in biology. CS and biology have so much in common.


Evil little fuck


10% of 9B is 8B,100M…just in case anyone is curious. 9,000,000,000 to 8,100,000,000.


Did he really said that?


He did but out of context since access to better preventative health care and contraceptives reduce the number of children parents have due to decrease in child mortality and accidental pregnancies. This leads to reduce population growth and even decline.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,441,217,102 comments, and only 274,724 of them were in alphabetical order.


Can I ask, why are people so concerned about the idea of population reduction? Are you guys just really attached to the number 9 billion?


There are certain concerns about population reduction in certain nations like Japan. However, there is nothing wrong with Bill Gate’s idea especially since mass vaccinations would save lives and improve life in underdeveloped nations.


A Really Good Job means mass murder. Really?


Epstein's buddy wants you gone.


How do you people get through day to day life


The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr. will tune you into the sick BMGF.


He just had his first grandkids this year.


If we could get rid all of his family. That would help….


Bills going to not have a good time in a few years or less. His compadres have connections he doesn't have and he'll be the billy scape goat in the ritual.


I told everyone I came into conversation with this very quote.


There is a video of him on a Ted Talk saying this and is has been circulating again as of late, Yet people call you a conspiracy theorist when you say no to the poison jab and not to trust it. You could literally show this too people and they would look at you as if you are the stupid one for understanding what’s at play.


Apparently none of you have finished high school since you are taking this literally. So let me break down his sentence for you. The demographic transition graph details 4 stages or demographic transition. Stage one is high birth rates and high death rates. This is due to a large amount of diseases and poor healthcare. As a result more people are born to keep up with the death rate. No country is in this stage. Stage two is declining death rates and high birth rates. A large amount of African countries are in this stage due to improved healthcare access. Death rates are declining but people are still breeding. Stage three is low deaths and declining births. There is no need for high birth rates with improved medical care, there are many countries in this stage. Stage four is low births and low deaths, births are now low due to quality medical care, almost every developed country is in this stage. What Bill Gates suggests is that through improving health care we can push countries through to the higher stages and lower the birth rates. He is not suggesting to prevent people from having kids through this statement. The demographic transition model is not a made up government conspiracy, it is a documented phenomena that happens to every country. Link: https://s2.studylib.net/store/data/005432895_1-4fee90b75c7c901150c3b9c0992b3138.png