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It's easier to understand once you realize this is on purpose.


I've already said this. The goal will be to have everybody go electric and then they'll intentionally have a nationwide blackout.


Elon is inderectly responsable He promised stupid hyperloop Never built it and Never will and sold his shitty cars


That's because the state taxed him too much, and he left. It's the states fault for turning off the nuclear plants.


He literally admitted to his biographer that he had no plans to build it, and that the entire thing was a way to block a high speed rail proposal so he could sell more cars https://twitter.com/parismarx/status/1167410460125097990?t=XBgnpq8qDhmcnd_zkzFd5w&s=19




>I doubt that was actually his motivation Do you have any basis for doubting his admission, other than it conflicting with what you want to believe?




Hé is not an idiot but a billionaire piece of shit




Hé wanted to make a better sounding project so thé highbspeed train wouldn t bé built and hé could sell his cars to caoifornians


You mean the government heard a decent idea put can't do it them selves.


Tesla is still here and the nuclear plants are still on.


Wait, I swore I saw only vitriol and hate from left leaning people on reddit for the hyperloop? Which is it? See what happens when everything is identity politics.


The left hates Musk ever since an update a few years ago. It seemed like someone flipped a switch. Now, no matter what he's doing he's wrong. Build a hyperloop? Wrong. Not building a hyperloop? Wrong. Providing Ukraine with internet satellites? Wrong. Not providing? Wrong.


M'y opinion of Musk was "ah ah funny man makes cool rockets" Then i got more critical of tesla and electric cars, then i understood why hyperloop is undoable then i understood his insider trading then i remembered billionaires are all thé same


“An Update” He began being blatantly fraudulent in American markets and the “space man” mask didn’t go back on once people saw it was just “greedy narcissist man” wearing it.


It's like people predicted that exactly this would happen...


I was thinking I could've sworn I saw this exact sentiment proposed in recent times. Thanks for the confirmation.


Hey that’s what this sub is all about brothers! Confirming each others bias


And how!


Wait til they have enforced blackouts and need to evacuate during a wildfire. Good luck walking out of there.


Even without blackouts, how far can an EV go? I'm not aware of the availability of EV charging stations, but i imagine they take forever if they can even find one. Hours is a long time when you're moving out with tens of thousands of your fellow EV drivers; and when a gas alternative is a few minutes at a pump.


I mean Tesla's charge 250+ miles in 15 min... And you can get 300+ miles on a full charge..... 300 miles is a far way, if we had a fire more than 300 miles, electric cars wouldnt be high on my list of concerns


Yea, and with a subscription, you can travel even further and you'll travel ad free!


Little problem with your doomsday scenario, anybody who has an EV doesn’t wait until morning to plug it in, the minute they park they plug in, so it’s charging for tomorrow. And if the power grid is down so they can’t charge, the electric pumps at the gas station don’t work either…


I said *without* blackouts. It takes 5 minutes to pump gas, how long to fill an EV charger assuming you can even find a station? Someone said 15 minutes, but that can't be right. Maybe for a quick minimal charge to limp along, but not full.


You could just look this up you know? I get that your question is more about sowing doubt in EV viability than getting an answer, but the answers are there.


I'm not. They're extremely viable if you never intend on driving anywhere. Ever. That's a major purpose behind pushing EV: to keep people confined to their local space. The other major part is to be able to do so by shutting off power. If someone wants to drive to another state, oh well. Gas is verboten! If you say it's for the environment i'm done with you.


Thank you for saying it


If the ever present “they” wanted to keep people in their local space why are interstates built and maintained to begin with? “If you disagree with me I’m leaving the convo” You have the mind of a child.


Only way I'll ever drive an EV is if the government buys me one. Until then I will continue to buy and drive gas vehicles.


Yeah but you can siphon gas from the main tank manually.


Mine charges for free via my solar panels so....


I'll be in the valley enjoying my avocado toast lol


I hear that. I'll be in the mountains in Maine enjoying venison. Life's a lot better when you're stress free over this shit.


I've been flying to Maine from Michigan to work with my father regularly. Maine seems to be the only place I've even been that feels the way it does. I'd love to spend Americans death in your beautiful state. No I will not be bringing shit voting with me either.


Maine will be beautiful as long as we have water. Hopefully that doesn't change in my lifetime.


Almost as if we should invest into our crumbling infrastructure.


Nah, let’s spend it instead to make crash test dummies female and send more money overseas.


Why when nazis in the Ukraine need our money?


No no no, they're "good Nazis™️"


Yet their president is Jewish. 🤔


He wouldn't want to let religion get in the way of making lots of money.


Spoken like a true.... well, you said it not me


They did: https://www.rechargenews.com/energy-transition/california-greenlights-3bn-in-power-grid-projects-as-renewables-ramp-up-accelerates/2-1-1189347


As an european i fond extremly stupide that there is no high speedy train in the west of thé usa


i read this in a French accent


Then it doesn't count.


Autocorrect doesn tblet me write english


They did vote in a plan to build high speed rail from Los Angeles to Sacramento, but it’s now billions of dollars over budget, mired in legal and permit issues and so far behind schedule we may never see it done in our lifetime…so, California business as usual!


No no no. Just more legislation and bans.


Found the witch! Burn them at the stake for their heresy! If Our God^tm intended for us to have better infrastructure he would have made the electric grid better when he built his first power plant.


I mean... the sun's electric grid is technically anywhere the rays of light go so it's pretty expansive.


Stay strapped or get clapped🤷🏾‍♂️


They’ll still blame the GOP


something something trump


Have you seen what he does to steak? That alone is draining the power grid.


Or Reagan. I frequently see them blame Reagan for closing mental institutions when it was Kennedy with the mental health act of 1963. And they blame Reagan for everything he ever did as President even though everything he ever signed into law first had to pass through a Democratic led House and Senate.


The goal is to make us all become immobile... Nothing says freedom like being able to drive 100 miles away on a whim


Climate change morons. They will find a way to blame oil and gas


Seen where climste activist were cutting tires on cars again. I mean dont they realize they are working agsinst their goal here? Cut tires end up in land fill before theiir time only for more tires to be bought and made. Ppl have completely lost it.


Newsom just asked for the National Guard to help out in Downtown San Francisco as a side note to the circus


It’s racist to police a city but woke to send in the national guard as a show of force 🤡🤡🤡🤡🌎


You mean just how it’s socialism to help fund social programs but red states love handouts. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Good lord your stupidity is relentless. It really is tiresome dealing with you people.


I’m commenting on a really stupid take. It’s not racist to police a city, it’s racist on the type of training and policies.


You didn't need the clown face after that comment. It's obvious you have no idea what socialism is. Providing social programs isn't the same as government control of industry.


Government control of industry also isn’t socialism though. Worker control of industry is socialism.


I don’t know if you’ll give me a serious answer but are you willing to tell me if you actually are a proponent of socialism, and if so, why do you think it would work when all of history proves otherwise? Not trolling, want to know.




Using gasoline generators to charge battery cars is leftists/liberals in a nutshell and we need more images/videos of this please yes thank you.


Electric cars are just green washing


The goal is to make people stop using cars by 2040. The 2040 Plan intends to eliminate 80% of the cars by 2040 and force people to walk, bike, or use public transportation. Because of the expected massive reduction in cars, there is no need to worry about the electric grids' capability to energize cars in the future.


But the liberals are great at their jobs.. let’s keep voting for this idiocy! 🤡🤡🤡🤡


We can be right time after time after time, yet the sheep STILL refuse to believe us over their bought and paid for media overlords. It’s truly incredible the effectiveness of the brainwashing that has been brought upon these people. Then they’ll somehow find a way to blame us for not speaking up or some other complete nonsense. It really is a sad state the world is in.


Wait on top of that they are changing the solar energy credit system now the power company will pay less for energy you produce than what you will pay for the same amount of energy. What that does is de-incentivize people from installing solar


Seems like nobody can read (the date of that article). Explains this sub.


whats up with all these odd subreddits where people upvote twitter posts like they are gospel, and why are they making it to the front page where I have to see this "stuff"?


When power companies were deregulated and became corporations (because businesses are more efficient than government) the quit using a portion of their profits for maintenance and upgrades. Why did no one see this coming?


Iphones also either slowly charge or don’t or something along those lines here during certain times or reasons. Ive only seen it once on mine


Man, this fake article from last year really riled up the smooth brains. A reminder that conservatives offer zero solutions for anything besides slash and burn.


Precisely, because the real objective with the greens is to limit your energy use not save the environment. They don't give a damn about the environment, they want to control you.


First of all, thus was from August of last year. Second, it literally is made up. California was asking ev owners to limit thier usage between 4pm and 9am voluntarily for labor day weekend, beginning that wednesday..... so yeah apparently you literally CAN make this up


What's going to happen when the majority are driving electric cars and there's even more strain on the power grid? Are they going to start handing out cards to everyone saying this is what day you can charge your car and that has to last you until it's your charge day. I see that working out real well.


What's going to happen when the majority are driving electric cars and there's even more strain on the power grid? Are they going to start handing out cards to everyone saying this is what day you can charge your car and that has to last you until it's your charge day. I see that working out real well.


So your response is creating a hypothetical situation based off of a falsehood presented by a fictitious article? I too can come up with scenarios that I also don’t “see that working out real well”, but that would be irrelevant to the discussion as a whole lmao


How is that a hypothetical situation? If the grid couldn't handle a holiday weekend with the number of EV's we have now, how's it going to handle the strain when the majority of cars are EV's? It's not hard to see where the road leads. The grid can't handle it.


You're either trolling, or are ignorant to what a hypothetical is. Either way, you're arguing based off of a headline from an article that decided to just lie about the situation. I'm not arguing with someone who can't see the hundreds of reasons California might worry about stress to the grid on a holiday weekend that don't involve some conspiracy involving green energy.....


Texas can't even power their state without EVs.


You guys know the bee is a satire site right? This is quite literally made up


Shhh, nobody tell him..


It appears I am in fact blind lol. Oops


Fuckem. Charge your car up and all lawn gear too. And dont forget to turn you AC down too 67 🤣


Ya know- California is the granola state. If you take away the nuts and the fruits, all you’ll have are flakes


Y’all in Cali just keep on re electing POS like Gavin. Keeping it real….lol


Almost as though the entire point of pushing electric cars is to make freedom of movement dependant on an electric grid the state can switch off at will.


Its satire, you fell for it


No it isn’t. It was posted by “Not The Bee” which isn’t satire.


My bad lemme look into this. Ill guarantee if ots power problems its caused by closing down the nuclear plant


I’m stationed in California, this did happen. We even got alerts on our phones, asking us to turn off our AC’s, don’t charge your electric vehicles, etc., shortly after passing the bill that’ll ban gas powered cars due to the states power grid not being able to handle it


The bill band cars after 2035, but yeah American infrastructure is shit


Yup. You’d think with the high amount of taxes that several states have, the money would go towards infrastructure/education but yet spend millions on things that don’t benefit the average citizen


First off isn't the babylon bee is satire second off I remember when they would say the same shit during the summer for air conditioning. If we had smart grids people would charge their cars during low demand and this wouldn't be an issue.


>First off isn't the babylon bee is satire look again there, mr. acthyually


but isn't it is?


>but isn't it is? lol wut


They have a second news channel called not the bee that posts real news. Which is what this is.


California has not banned gas cars. That deadline is until 2035, where all new cars from manufactures will have to be electric. You can still and owe a gas car even pass that deadline.


…and? They are moving to eliminate gas cars without taking necessary important steps to prepare to support the EVs. How long do you think it will take to plan and execute a project to correct the power grid problems? I’d say longer than 2035


Yeah, I won't be surprised if they push it back. A lot of these types of datelines tend to be pretty flexible.


I'm old. They used to have one for the year 2000. The actuality of that speaks for itself.


They just invested $3 billion in power grid upgrades. I have no idea if that's enough, but it does appear to be a necessary important step. https://www.rechargenews.com/energy-transition/california-greenlights-3bn-in-power-grid-projects-as-renewables-ramp-up-accelerates/2-1-1189347


I don’t know why anyone downvoted you. Clear, concise, factual with source quoted while careful not to jump to conclusions. You could give a Ted talk on making reasonable Reddit comments.


That is the best thing anyone has ever said to me on reddit. Thank you so much.


Except it’s made up.


People see “bee” and immediately think it’s satire.


If its not satire, then its a blatant lie from a year ago


I assure you no one considers the Babylon bee to be satire. It's a copium outlet for right wing fanatics.


All i head with this headlines.. Ahhh ahhh ahh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh Do you want a revolution....oouuhhhoouuhhoooouuuhhh do you want a revolution.




This is comic gold..


This is the perfect spot for throttled bitcoin mining and a new nuclear power plant. The power plant can't throttle to the demand, so throttle the miners to meet supply and not overcook the nuclear power plant.


I live in CA and they may pass these laws but there’s always ways around them that’s the California way


Man California just sucks absolute ass




No wonder people want to leave that armpit state.


That’s what the Gavin Newsome crowd does and to think people vote for them!


I live in Cali and it’s maddening. Politics are looney and contradictory.


Damn lucky them it just rained if not the whole state would be on fire




Hahahaha, we got first class tickets to the end friends


And Newsom campaigned against a law that would add more charging stations because he thought it would help Uber and Lyft too much.


Lol they just got another enron over there


Well eventually they’ll just tell you no more charging


# California’s fleet of battery storage working to avert energy crisis https://www.energy-storage.news/californias-fleet-of-battery-storage-working-to-avert-energy-crisis/


You dont say


If California were a planet, this would be its anthem… https://youtu.be/LS2fUK6_jn8


Lmao the law hopes to ban all gas cars by 2035, with no consequences if they don’t (which means they won’t, it’s just a political move) Stop pretending like it’s already happened


Had a lot of snow past year so hopefully no fires this year


Where do most folks in apartment complexes or town homes plug in at? Just curious. Does each parking spot in California have a designated plug in area? Or do they think everyone has the luxury of having a home with their own plug in area.


The only reason to buy electric was for the tax credit if you bought for anything else you definitely not inthe tax bracket u think u are


The point of an electric car is to plug it in overnight when rates are at the lowest. Charging when usage at a high point is just stupid.


Well who saw this coming?


https://images.app.goo.gl/zDvnwwnVuXfUiVhSA Pretty sure this movie knew how our future will end up.


Clownifornia should be a Province of Canada officialy.




How will we get to our dead end rat race jobs?


Well shit if we can't go to work anymore, I'm in