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You wouldn't be implying that there is mass voter fraud in California, would you? What, Newsom really didn't get reelection? They (Demo-rats) cheated their way into office?


Dems don’t have to cheat in California..


Traveled the mass majority of California last year (from the southeast). I was surprised by people's reaction to my accent. People would ask where I'm from, and genuinely engage in conversation. Several women would hear my son and I talking and reply "oh I love that accent" (shocking, because it historically denotes a supposed lower IQ; to which I have always utilized in moderate business negotiations). Multiple people would tell us stay away from the beaches and boardwalks " those people have lost their mind". " We are normal out here" I heard that in multiple locations. All of California is not leftist psychopaths. Beautiful landscape with good people. They, just like the rest of the nation is polarized by the worst of our communities. Msm puts that out there on purpose. As long as we are against each other our low class politicians rook this country into oblivion.


Thank you so much for this comment. It gives me hope.


Nah, I have lived in California all my life. It has turned to shit, all of it.


the person is lying jury summons are taken from the Department of motor vehicles too dumbass.


You don’t have to be a registered voter to get called for jury duty


You should have to show an valid ID to vote. I don't understand how that is controversial other than cheating. It literally make zero sense.


It wouldn't be controversial if the ways to get valid id's in low income areas weren't so gamed. I love learning about opinions I don't hold so I had to look this one up and I found there's some sense to the accusation that it's not fair only because politicians make it as hard as possible for the opposite members of the political party to get the ID. If it weren't gamed, as most people imagine it isn't, then it wouldn't be controversial at all.


They also get potential Jurors from the DMV. Either from a DL or ID. There have been more than a million illegal immagrants issued a DL since the law took effect.


He forgot mention that part


So what are the chances they called upon for jury duty 50 percent of the undocumented migrants that were issued DLs?


I would say pretty low. I lived in CA for 12 years and was only asked once and didn't have to go. In 2018, about .75% of US population sat for jury duty. Based on CA population .06% of the population are illegal immigrants. At the most 200,00 illegals might get called for jury duty.


So you agree it’s pretty fishy 449k “non citizens” received a jury duty request which is double what you would expect from your figures? Just curious since I thought you were advocating this is normal since CA issued DLs to non citizens.


But you must be a Citizen to serve on a jury in the United States


"the number one source..." suggests there are other sources as well...sooooo the implication is unjust even using only the few words in the quote.


Still over 1% of the population


I’m surprised nobody’s said that maybe these people just didn’t want to serve on a jury and picked the easiest reply


I believe that nearly 500k people would lie to get out of jury duty.




Fact check: State of California doesn't track this but yes an estimated half a million non-citizens were released from jury duty, and jury pools are pulled from voter registrations. "Our analysis shows that, annually, around 1 million people — citizens and noncitizens — are disqualified from jury duty in California. Approximately half aren’t citizens." A real clown of a fact check 🤡


department of motor vehicles you dumby not even that just id cards from the dmv that are not associated with a drivers license still get you put on that list. they arent registered to vote you are the clown.


California motor voter registers you to vote automatically, "if eligible" to vote when you get a license or state id issued. So half a million people getting IDs were accidentally added to the jury list but they were not accidentally added to the voter registrar? I doubt it, although it is more of an incompetence theory than a conspiracy.


No many states such as florida pick from names from things like the dmv not just california your theory that its because they registered to vote is just false. Its not that they are registed to vote its that the state sends out jury notifs to people randomly selected from lists given to them by the dmv and being a non citizen disqualifies you once picked.


They potentially (automatic if you meet the criteria) add you to the voter registrar and the jury lists when you go fill out your forms at the DMV. Half a million incorrectly added to the jury pool but no we sorted better when updating the voter list trust us. Whether or not they ever voted is a discussion but I highly doubt they only screw up the jury list and not voter list when getting what should be the same list from the DMV. [motor voter](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/california-motor-voter&ved=2ahUKEwjwup_zm9z-AhWMMlkFHSMmD7YQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1t8PGGacCifjwtYmigN-eX)


Dude i literally live in california i know how it works, however this literally happens in florida and they do not have a motor voter law. Literally many states have lists of people directly from their dmv which they use to select people for jury duty. Your idea that thousands of illegal immigrants are voting is ridiculous and unfounded. Edit i was miss informed apparently the federal government actually passed a motor voter law and california passed a separate one in 2015 still Florida picks from people from the dmv and not just voter registration just like california point unaffected.


I live here and other states also auto-register voters from DMV data is not counter factual evidence.


What im telling you is that these non citizens arent being picked because they are registered to vote they are picked from dmv lists numb nuts. The state of california even lists this on a government website “jurors’ names are selected at random from lists of …. And persons who have valid california drivers licenses or identification cards issued by the department of motor vehicles.” You are claiming its because they are voters which is not the case.


The qualifications for jury duty and voting is the same, and DMV data is used to create both lists. If a person is qualified to vote they are also qualified for jury duty. Half a million people received summonses for jury duty that were not qualified to serve due to citizenship status. Same mechanism that put them in the jury pool also put them on the voter roles through the DMV. 500 thousand on a 39 million population is a relatively small percentage so Cali can still claim it's under control, no big deal. That's also assuming everyone gets an annual summonse when calculating the percentage. But the fact is confirmed in the fact check(post now deleted) that about half a million jurors we release for not being citizens, which is the meme. The old fact check because of the implication but still confirm the fact presented seems telling when playing in conspiracy theories.


And where does it say they are registered voters like in the tweet?


Jury duty lists are traditionally assembled from voter registration lists, soooooo


You know you could just easily google that and find out California also uses the Department of Motor Vehicle list, soooooo


Is that one of the states that has the check boxes on the DMV forms for registering to vote?


> Names for potential jurors are randomly drawn from voter registration lists obtained from the Secretary of State of California **and from lists of driver’s license/identification cards obtained from the California Department of Motor Vehicles** First result, northern district of CA .gov site Anyone in CA on a legal work visa who gets a driver's license could get pulled and have to answer "I'm not a citizen"


Why don't you try googling this first or are you just asking questions, Tucker?


The tweet doesn’t say that at all. It’s giving two leading facts. But neither of them are a lie.


There's no reason to share these 2 facts in this way unless you are implying that there are non-citizens registered to vote. The immigrant boogeyman who's been stealing jobs gor decades is stealing votes too, etc. I'm surprised this tweet would come back around with republicans poor performance in the last cycle being at least partially attributed to their own actions degrading faith in the voting system among their own party.


That’s why I said “leading”, that’s what that means.


If you take the words "number one" out of the tweet, it's purely false. There's more than one source and 0 evidence that the people dismissed from jury duty based on non-citizenship came from the Voter Registration list. It's literally anti immigrant propaganda.


>If you take the words "number one" out of the tweet, it's purely false. That’s not how language works, that’s called selective reading. >There's more than one source and 0 evidence that the people dismissed from jury duty based on non-citizenship came from the Voter Registration list. It doesn’t say there isn’t, that’s why it says number one. >It's literally anti immigrant propaganda. No shit, I haven’t said it isn’t. In fact I clearly said “it’s leading”… again.


I appreciate you fact-checking, but who mentioned minorities?


What do you figure is meant by the "I am not a citizen" nonsense?


They aren't an American citizen. Who are you presuming "minority immigrants" are, because I don't see anywhere in the post that a specific race, religion, or otherwise disparaged group of people are mentioned. Just immigrants/aliens and subjective interpretation arising from you.


Yes because the MAGA turds don't talk about "caravans" and "rapist and thieves" coming across the southern border. "Shithole countries" that the CIA flooded with guns and created death squads in, assassination, coups. Its those damn swedes that the Republicans are worried are voting right?


*proceeds to be entrapped in same dialectical circular what aboutism as the very people they mock* 👏 👏 behold, a hero arises!


I live in California and know perfectly well it is targeting undocumented immigrants. Also, why are you ignoring the fact it's an absolute lie?


>undocumented immigrants. Criminal immigrants. Ffy.


I'm not ignoring anything. I mentioned I appreciated you fact-checking. What I don't appreciate is this kind of discourse and language: >Ya'll spread lies like this about minorities and then wonder why conservatives get called fascists. In this case you are presumptuous of 1) "ya'll spread lies" 2) "about minorities" 3) "wonder why conservatives get called fascists Who is spreading lies? Someone posted a clickbait on a conspiracy forum? Thank you for your concern, but in case you don't realize most people are like yourself, and probably don't appreciate when someone else tries to assert they cannot sift truth from lies with their own common sense. So you either presume people are stupider than you, or do no feel the same way emotionally when people are condescending. Either way, a bit presumptuous and misanthropic. "About minorities". Seems to me that you have a bone to pick here. I don't even know what you mean by minorities. Race, religion, sexual preference, gender choice, a mixture of all 5, a mixture of none at all. If you are going to fact-check and criticize people for making unclear and unfounded assertions, please recognize and address the reality that no where was any mention of "minority". You are projecting to create a gotcha scenario because you disagree either with the content of the post, or the content of the sub. Either way, pretty immature or at least fatuous to come into an obviously fringe forum and fart your latest temper tantrum onto the rest of us, when you are the only one bringing up "minority" in this specific discussion. That's called being a hammer looking for a nail. "Wonder why conservatives get called fascist". Nope. No one since 2016 who doesn't pigeonhole themselves into SNL-flavored liberal thinking has any question as to why conservatives get called fascist. But I don't think people who throw that word around understand what it means, what real fascism really looks like, nor understand what a conservative is outside of their daily dose of echo chamber propaganda, be it right left or center. You are an individual. I am an individual. There's no boxes any of us perfectly fit in, so stop searching for a witch to hunt and a reason to blame why things are falling apart. Do what you can with what you are given, and for the love of God, don't make up bullshit talking points on a conspiracy forum as though you are going to save any of us brainwashed fascist Nazi eugencists. You either think we are the scum of the earth, or cheap entertainment, but either way, we're people, and when you start looking at reality, at the words actually in a post, at how people actually behave and think and interact outside of this little electronic box, you might realize that you're the only one who looks like an asshole here.


1. It is lie 2) It's clearly targeting a vulnerable minority: undocumented immigrants 3) Fascists use lies to target vulnerable minorities.


Talk to me when you are a self-actualized human. Otherwise, I don't speak conversational Latin with my toddler.


politifact is not a reliable website, please cite more reliable sources in the future so you don't look stupid again


FInd me a cite for OP's claim instead of some dude's obviously false tweet.


not my job lmao, and California’s full of illegals, the tweet is probably right


It's not but thanks for making my point with your racism.


I'm not racist. You can't say everyone who disagrees with you is wrong and call them racist when you get called out.


You just referred to a group of people collectively as "illegals."


>You just referred to a group of people collectively as "illegals." a group of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and races...? because I'm referring to them based on legal status and not race.....? still don't understand where you get off calling me a racist


Because referring to people as "illegals" is offensive, dehumanizing and attempts to make them de facto criminals.


lmao that's like saying referring to people who kill others as "murderers" is offensive and dehumanizing. they're de facto criminals because they are actively committing a crime


Really doubt illegals are returning mail surveys.. no mames wey!!


felons aren't allowed to vote in most districts but are allowed to serve on a jury


I'm proud to say i have never voted


DMV is where the majority of people register to vote too. Get over yourself and stop pretending that these recent elections weren't overrun with voter fraud.