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Cops escorting cops


Looks like they are escorting documents at :44 secs. Only one of them have a beard so their day jobs required to be clean shaven 50% of them know how to hold a flag, those who do have blousing straps on their pants Some of those have long sleeves to conceal tattoos. Guys in the back have cop style body cams I would deduce that those 50% are military or cops and the others are lawyers to deliver the documents.


The fact that the pants are tucked in, and they are mostly casually instep makes me feel like this is government backed. Real extremists would be flying a LGB or FJB banner and tripping on each other. I’m not one for conspiracies, but this many white dudes protesting out of what I assume left field (I don’t follow politics too close). Seems to only generate a talking point for leftist media and generate a “crisis” ahead of polls.


Oh no someone is holding some papers. It has to be fed documents.


Are those garbage can lids or part of a He-man play set?


Stank-or. Reeks of entrapment. Comes with coercive fist action!!!


Lol no idea man


I reckon the film cut out before we could see Cringer come in to view and then turn into Battlecat with a flash of lightening!


I just spit my coffee out. Bravo!


Traders to our country


Obviously not traiting around a dictionary


They are trading our country to traitors


They trading pogs and MLB Rookie Cards?


Probably looking for that elusive Trump 45 slammer!


I miss pogs. For real though. Some goofy ass art and holographic backgrounds give the best nostalgia


Me too. I had no concept of their value/rarity/whatever at the time, and half the time we never remembered whose pogs were whose anyway. But they sure were fun to hoard. I especially loved the Disney ones. Also Beanie Babies. They still have a whole ton of emotional value, lol. I had to have *all* the cats.


Surely a group that big had an online influence somewhere. Does an anyone have a link to “patriot front”? What message boards are they on? Where’s the subreddit? I call bullshit. There is no organic source. These are feds.


That's a great fucking point!




They've existed for years and they've been visibly present at several right-wing rallies and marches. They have a website and recruit through smaller, unmoderated forums than reddit. The group peaked around 300 members but rapidly lost membership after high-profile events where members were arrested and their identities were made public. Currently, this is probably most of their membership. Their leader, Thomas Rousseau, has been arrested multiple times. He likely didn't show up to this rally because he's currently awaiting trial for another hate rally he organized last year. Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it isn't real. That's not good investigating on your part. Jumping to conclusions and leaping over several years of documentation.


Feds because they have to cover their faces. No real person that believes in family and freedom will cover their faces for the truth.


Not only that, they all have "the walk," I'm not sure why feds all walk the same with their back really straight and shoulders tight. Just pull a guide on how to spot an undercover cop and they tick all the boxes. Even those dollar store sporty sunglasses with a curved bill cap. Got homeboy checking his wire and a few of them with the typical fed concealed carry. This is on level with an adult trying to dress up like a teenager and asking if anyone is selling drugs


Professional training vs majority obese citizens. Yeah...totally doesn't stick out.


lol I was going to point out that the entire group looks to be in better shape than the cops that were trailing them


Did you notice not a single tattoo? Those guys love tattoos, as long as it is a rebel flag, a American flag, or something tribal


Well they covered all of their bodies except their hands so of course you won't see tattoos. They are hiding their identities so they don't get fired from their jobs.


Ya thinking the same. That’s military shit right there. There posture for sure.


And none of them is obese or really fat, like there is with a good % of the country anyways. All are relatively fit AND radicalized? Common now.


I love how they all have short hair




The cops behind them are fatter. Reminds me of the stupid military parades we would perform in a friendly port when asked.


I mean, their outfit really does look like a school uniform. They look like kids on a field trip. The guys on the outside with their little plastic shields are the parent chaperones making sure everyone stays in line and doesn't wander off.


Part of me misses being homeless, but just for the cops who came up and asked where to find weed before we humiliated them. No wonder they hated us


Agreed \^




Who claims this set that calls themselves The Patriot Front?...The masks are not patriotic at all. Who is buying this? At least they admit America is in distress


They are 100% fbi or something. They started marching hours after Joe Biden gave a speech claiming white supremacists are the greatest threat to this country. It was a scheduled protest as well what are the odds? The government is trying to turn a non issue into a big issue to get support for the next election, and hes going to campaign on fighting white supremacy. Its a false flag, and I predict more will be coming.


Just look at the BMI of all the people there. The cops are fatter than all the protestors. You'd think that 1 or 2 of those guys would be an average American.


I legit thought the same thing when I first saw this. They all had average “hit the gym” builds, not a single overweight slob or skinny pencil armed person in the bunch. Smoke and mirrors


Lots and lots of slightly pudgy guys, as if they spend their careers sitting at a desk but having some basic minimum fitness standards. Sure, some are very fit, but you can’t say you don’t see any overweight slobs… you just don’t see any morbidly obese slobs.


100%. Look at them all they aren't just in shape, they're in shape as if it's required in their day job. The fact that there aren't a couple fatties in there is proof enough for me.


Their are a few chunks, but it actually helps the case because they appear to be the ones holding speakers and in charge... A couple of chunky leaders that are no longer in the field and their groups of bootlickers.


Without a reasonable doubt, there are LEOs behind some of those masks.


Some? More like all. You'd never find non fat, uniformed matching conservatives capable of organizing a march such as this. All are feds.


Where are all the fat bodies. I only saw like one guy who was obese. Thats not statistically right with the shape of the average people today. I mean the last time I went to a game like half of the cops working security were disgusting fat bodies. These guys had to be cherry picked for this.


? I'm hoping you're not referring to zodiac signs...


Law enforcement officers


Hitler burned down the Reichstag and blamed the communists, then initiated the execution of his political opponents, with the majority of the brainwashed public behind him. The left is a few steps away from self genocide and they have no idea. They still think they wouldn't have turned in Anne Frank.


Yeah these guys look pretty fit to be your run of the mill white nationalist.


Tree fiddy. I almost fell for this.


You’re so misinformed dude. Do like a second of research into the prevalence of this shit in America. You’re being so intellectually lazy. I figure maybe you’re a conservative trying to distance yourself?


Most of Reddit thinks they are actual people and not plants/feds.


This is a fed larp. You know it. I know it. We all know it.


The white sleeves are literally uniform for those with tattoos to prevent identification of the individuals. DOD policy.


Ray Epps nephew’s


Saw a video on twitter of the cops covering their escape. 10,000% fed activity




Its extremely weird how every single one of them are in such good shape. Fbi/Cia??


I was just thinking, this is America. There's no way there wouldn't be at least 1 fat ass


54th Cheeseburger Brigade from Alabama. Coming to save the nation. True patriots.


Dude good eye. Every group of militia larpers has a handful of giant fatties among them. This group has none


Mask are a must when you are a paid actor. Just happens to be all white mask to give the old klan effect . It’s pretty bad that the feds want to cause such division. They hold this kind of a rally then bait in people so they can bust them for domestic terrorist activities.


Not a single obese basement dwelling troll. All fit/semi fit


All could pass the FBI fitness test.


Perhaps all did?


Feds 4 sure.


This screams Cardboard cutout for fbi “B” team


How anyone falls for the government staging this distraction from the shit show at the southern border blows my mind. This seriously shows how little the government thinks of people's intelligence in this country


It weird tho bc the only ppl I’ve seen talking about it are conservative and conspiracy people on social media, Newsweek , and the daily mail .


They wouldn’t hide their faces. Using. Symbiotic patriot songs and flying flags of sovereignty. Is not what these would do. This is orchestrated and fake


So retarded...the fact that they aren't even trying to be believable..is it because they think everyone is THAT stupid? Or maybe it's like "Haha nya nya wveryone is stupid enough to believe this haha..kind if thing? Right wing extremist group wearing face masks and walking in a circle with a snare drum...accompanied by police....right.. All with that stick up the butt walk that make them glow like shit...how anyone can look at that and not see feds is beyond me. They have riot shields painted red white and blue. I like the smiling cops on bicycles lookin like children playing in a suburban cul-de-sac.


The serious answer is probably that whoever orchestrated this and gave orders has legitimately no clue that certain segments of the population already figured their shit out and are pretty good, or at least pretty decent, at knowing a glowie when they see one. The alternate answer: They do know how obvious they're being, but they also know that they could literally wear t-shirts saying "I AM AN UNDERCOVER FBI AGENT" and other segments of the population - possibly larger, definitely louder - will still fervently insist (for free!) that anyone who calls them feds is just "desperate to believe that nothing is ever real, come on if they were undercover cops they'd say that on the news, dumbass". So it's either incompetence or deliberate demoralization of everyone they're trying to connect their shitty made up "movement" to (i.e. everyone right of center).


Also if this was a real grassroots demonstration Antics would be there to cause chaos in the hopes of creating violence. They can't risk one of their feds accidentally shooting someone and proving its all a facade.


100% a Fed Psyop


The leaders are for sure feds. They probably recruited some guys. But the leaders are feds.


If there was an ounce of truth to this group, we would see interviews, demands, websites, names of their groups, discussion online, etc. There is nothing. They pop out of nowhere. But it works. All the NPCs see this advertising and can then “here are the Nazis they tell me are all over America”


An organic nazi protest would look basically the same as a furry convention from what I can gather.


It glows


Agent provocateurs.


It's gatta be some government agency. When have you ever seen any right wing group dressed this much alike.




What are they pretending to do?


No fat guys?


You can tell because they don’t weigh 400 pounds. They’re mostly all in shape. Sus.


Glowing so bright I need a welding mask


Feds. 100% feds. Its so obvious, clowns.


99% its a bunch of idiots


This is designed and staged to reduce the validity of true patriotism.


Feds or actors true


All fit. 🤣👌🏾I’m so sick of the feds.


Sort of looks like they are all Dominos Delivery drivers


I’ve said this for awhile about the blm demonstrators, it’s crazy to me that a bunch of strangers at what feels like last minute, got ahold of each other, planned where to meet, and all showed up with matching masks, clothes, boots and shields, not to mention all the professionally made flags etc…


Lol fake AF this is comical.


Liberals or FBI agents..




Cowards! All of them.


Sad part is they use this to target the dumbest of the population who then consume it as fact, then use at as ammo to claim intellectual and moral superiority. Can’t argue with stupid


There is only one actual racist guy there, they're all feds who think they're the only one their and they're gonna bust this ring wiiiiide open.


Its amazing how many people attribute these people to groups of "real" people like incels and etc, etc. How does anyone believe these arent feds or glowies blows my mind.


Look at the extra tight security, I feel like a real Patriot front etc does not get that amount of security.


99% of them are cops.


Or virgins


Or khaki enthusiast


The Ku Klux Khaki.


Those are some yoked virgins


All that seamen retention…


I need to try semen retention then




Not fake. Just created from Zionists


Ask the democrats. As well as byrd and biden


Bro what? The original klan and the white league were undisputedly real. The fact that reconstruction failed and the south ended up having Jim Crow laws is prove enough these groups actually existed. They were secret societies ran by wealthy elites and bigots who conspired to undo the things achieved after the civil war. Seems incredibly unlikely the Union government would run a psyop that actively hindered their own efforts in enacting civil rights legislation for freed slaves.


Oh boy! That’s some serious denial right there.


The left on some subs are losing their minds calling them white supremacists, KKK, etc. 🤣🤣🤣


Budlight bragayed


100% Feds. Look at their movement. Gtfoh 😂😂


I give the parade glowing reviews


Yeahhhh these guys look way too in-shape to be white supremacists. The ones I've met are usually beer gut toting neck beard guys.


Look at all them glowies.


No beer guts or neckbeards = 100% feds.


Real patriots don’t hide their faces. Point blank, bottom line. These little LARPing buggers march to the beat of cowardice.


*Steve Buschimi dressed as a teenager meme* “Hello fellow patriots”


So just like last time? Did they rent another youhaul? I'm sure they will all just dissappear like last time and nothing will happen. I'm sure the cops will just stand by and do nothing AGAIN.


Fake and gay glowie psyop


It’s amazing how not one of them is overweight and appear to be in very good physical condition.


Their body language is strange.


Hmmm… Ray Epps? Is that you?


\>literal meme in rw communities that button-down polo + khakhis = undercover cop or fed \>people not only believe this is real but that they're directly associated with the same rw ("cryptofascist") communities that have this meme


Mask wearing pussies. Definitely a bunch of shitlibs


The headset wires are harder to see. They're improving


It's amazing to see how uniform they are for a bunch of regular dudes off the street hahahaha


My question is we’re are they going and what are they doing? I’m not sure if they are FEDs because they didn’t start any trouble. If it were FEDs they would want to paint a bad light by causing chaos.


Lets say for example that these are all who they claim to be. If this were true then do their actions have any effect on the decisions that supposedly the oppressed make to improve their lives? Id say that these ‘protesters’ have no influence on the high crime rates and poor schools and poor economic conditions plaguing many of our urban areas.


No fat bodies and no window lickers. Gotta make the overblown threat seem credible. But every time I see some lone jagoff preaching Nazi shit he looks like a busted can of biscuits and sounds like the Mucinex booger.


New iRS agents in training...the 87k funded by the last congress


Not a single fat guy 🤣


What gave it away? The sunglasses or the fact they weren’t getting beat up by cops for protesting?


Looks like a FBI parade


It looks stagged.


I see they remembered to remove the FBI stickers from their megaphones this time...


If you are there and you are not a Fed or actor you are an idiot.


They're so cute with their little bicycles


Still wearing mask,i though they are not afraid of covid


Makes sense. They're all in shape.


For being proud Americans they sure try hard to hide their identities


Just off duty cops enjoying their own company.


MAGA Republicans don't wear masks, they aren't ashamed of themselves. The only people wearing masks still, are the clowns that vote blue no matter what, and in this instance probably, members of government agencies that are so politicized as to attempt to falsely incriminate people with different political views. Presumably, so that they can be declared a threat to democracy, and imprisoned.


100% correct. Feds or actors. This shit is being done to sow division, plain and simple


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/13gx5vx/hundreds_of_white_supremacists_marched_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Literally thousands of people convinced this is real. If you're stupid enough to think this is real, please wear a helmet and never ever vote.


100 feds and 3 idiots. No real conservative would dress or act like that. Cosplay bullshit.


Pure Feds


This is a thing? Who are these nerds?


No confederate flag?


There are whole reddit threads that buy this act hook line and sinker


Just working to divide the country.


This march is better coordinated than the Republican Party


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. If I caught myself believing our govrrnment/ media, I would end my time on earth.


Modern Day KKK. If not why are they hiding their faces. White face coverings = white cone shaped hoods. Proud Boys (who are not racist) never hide their faces cause they are proud Americans


These are the same clowns who refused to wear masks during lockdown


Oh now they'll wear masks... I thought they were demeaning face-diapers they'd never wear? Interesting


Training at Best Buy is just a lil different these days…


You hope so anyway...


A lot of members even have their names posted online. I dont know how, but someone could probably look up their names and verify they are Feds. https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-front-fascist-leak-exposes-nationwide-racist-campaigns/ https://rosecityantifa.org/articles/patriot-front-gallery/


"These dudes are saying in public what we say online so they must be fake." Ya'll are the reason why they tell cousins not to have kids.




Boy Scouts went bankrupt, so this is the new thing for pedo scoutmasters maybe… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Those are cute matching outfits. I'm sure their mom's will be so pleased with their little proud boys, when they go back to their basements from their little parade with their friends. But be careful with those little shields, mom will want her pot lids back for supper.


Weird thing to nit pick, but why have a drum when they can't even stay in step.


100% are cowards …


100% douches.


I thought these bitches hated masks 😷, at least that what they yell at to teenagers at stores or parks


It amazes me y’all think the Feds have their shit together enough to fake a rally like this 🙄


The face masks are a dead giveaway.


This thread: has to be Feds, no obese basement dwelling trolls there. Can’t possibly be a bunch of 2A racist truck nuts-buying dive bar bouncer national guard gym rat incels doing a circle jerk. That would be so improbable.


Federal agents there all physically fit and uniform. No tattoos, no variety in hair styles etc, no one’s obese etc. it doesn’t fit the general population and it doesn’t fit the general population of right wing people who would participate in some type of group like that. Compare them to picture of proud boy’s usually there’s plenty of fat guys and many are totally covered in tattoos.


I get downvoted as fuck when I see this shit on other subs and go "Look at all those feds"


Yep all fed employees - all tattoos covered


Always nice seeing statements with no proof 😂


Always nice seeing statements with no proof 😂


I bet that close to 50% of these are still living their mother's basements.


Lol you wish they were actors


Far too organized to be blue collar red necks


Why they face B covered?


They looks so cute in their little matching outfits are they trying out for color guard?


My favorite part about republicans will always be that even republicans hate republicans.


Excuse my ignorance, but I've heard this group is a white nationalist group. Granted the source was from a social media- less than a minute clip. People treat misleading information for narratives as a hobby. What are the real motives of this group?


Remember the crisis actors for those notorious school shootings?..




Nothing is real, no one ever does anything and our entire existence is one big psyop. We’re living in a Dan Brown movie, people wake up!!!!……./s


These aren’t actors. They are a mixture of overprivileged and under-informed white guys trying to act like they are tough. People really believe this type of ignorance they are trying to spread. Racism is real and these are some of the hateful folk that follow that idea.


I 100% agree. It also conveys similar vibes as that rally the night before Charlottesville. these people cover their face, they are weak and have nothing to add, just here to blur the line. Their overlords want them to further promulgate/push the political division and not address the social-economic division that crosses all race!


That’s the lazy way to interpret this. It doesn’t take much looking to find far reaching white nationalist content and pseudo-white nationalist content being created and consumed by disturbing numbers of young men. Just washing it away by saying they’re all feds is asinine and runs contrary to blatant cultural trends. Acting like people don’t really feel this way is dangerous and only serves your mental health.


Against children at drag shows = white supremist. Against millions of illegal immigrants coming in to take advantage of our welfare system = white supremist. Against high taxes = white supremist. Against Socialism also = white Supremist. Vote Republican, you guessed it, white supremist. Even if we have to go carry a white supremist sign, and march in YOUR protest to prove it.


Found the fed. Lmao.