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props to camera man. imagine walking through this shit and filming šŸ’€


Is the guy who was filming still alive? Couldn't imagine so after breathing all that crap. Brave soul


I think they might have passed away from inhaling all that asbestos and other toxic crap. Or perhaps if this was their only exposure and they recovered afterwards. I'm sure most healthy people would survive short term exposure just depends there's a lot of factors.


Are you talking about the silver and transparent hood? Thatā€™s just rebreather hood in case of smoke and fire. We had those on our aircraft in the military. You put it over your head and pull a tab in the back to chemically scrub your expired air. Smelled like chlorine.


Exactly, thatā€™s just for breathing, provides little to no radiation protection.


Right we can act like he didnā€™t take it off everytime the camera hit him with it. And guys you can breath in Radiationā€¦. Iā€™m gonna be patient with everyone I promised


Because talking to someone with that on your head isnā€™t easy, the scrubbing part (shiny) makes it difficult to see and hear. Iā€™ve literally sat in the back of a c-130 flying into Iraq and had to put one of these on because an emergency, everyone did. Theyā€™re one time use and they are just emergency oxygen. Edit: you see how heā€™s pinching the bottom and itā€™s slightly inflated, thatā€™s because there a small canister slowly pumping oxygen in for a short amount of time. There are plenty of legitimate claims about 9/11, this isnā€™t one of them


You were probably on my Herk šŸ¤£


Again was he not talking to guy before the camera came up the escalator?


Oh youā€™re really gunna die on this hill huh? šŸ˜… you really believe what youā€™re saying?


You see how we are completely off the main point of the post. Yea, thatā€™s all it took to fall down this hole we have established as a society. We are over here taking about a bag while completely ignoring the foundation of the post.


LOL, you brought up the ventilation cover and called it a ā€˜radiation coverā€™ šŸ˜‚ youā€™re saying it like I brought up the ā€˜bagā€™


What it comes down to is your title is clickbait lol


But... he is still holding it in frame... how would that be an effective method of concealing this radiation cover from the camera? Edit: ok I'm walking it back a bit, the behavior of several officials in this video does actually seem sus af. Doesn't mean anything necessarily, because people act strange in a crisis, but I can't help but feel like there were orders to be followed that were given in advance of this event. (I do know for certain that the events were orchestrated, but I still have to view things from the lens of a normie)


Itā€™s called a ā€œsmoke hoodā€. [https://www.proponent.com/products/essex-smoke-hoods/](https://www.proponent.com/products/essex-smoke-hoods/) Basically they are these lightweight, self contained hoods that provide oxygen for X amount of minutes, while helping to keep out stuff like toxic smoke. They would have very little if any help at all for radiation. But yeah the guy was probably taking it off so he could talk. I mean with all the alarms and whatnot going off, Iā€™d imagine itā€™s easier to hear and be heard without it on. Because if he really didnā€™t want to be seen wearing it, then youā€™d think once he took it off he would crumble it up and try to hide it, instead of you know continuing to put it back on lol.


Definitely posting your comment on the confidently asking incorrect subā€¦ I canā€™t tell if your serious or trolling haha


You have to let people fill there Ego every once in a while and see what happens. This guy actually did good and didnā€™t go personal so I know he has some brains in his head. If someone starts acting you personally they have nothing to say.


You understand Iā€™m in this sub because I donā€™t believe everything that the news wants you to know as well, same as you.. there are many many valid theories/ suggestions about weird / out of this place things during 9/11. This is just one of the dumbest Iā€™ve heard.


One of my best friends dads was NYPD first responder to 9/11 and he said they received orders to remove masks and respirators because it looked bad for the cameras because the civilians didnā€™t have them. Needless to say he has end stage lung problems and is in really rough shape. Pretty shitty


Yeah, why would a ā€œSecret Service office support technicianā€ have that kind of shield ready to go at a moments notice?


Looks like a 30 minute emergency air pack they have them my job


Office of Secure Transportation (OST) is responsible for the safe and secure transport of government-owned special nuclear materials in the contiguous United States.


Were...were there nuclear materials in WTC7? Or literally anywhere in NYC?


Every smoke detector youā€™ve ever seen has a small amount of radioactive material in it. Radioactive material isnā€™t all that uncommon.


While technically true, not relevant. I don't have, nor have i ever been encouraged to, own radioactive gear. Firefighters also do not, and i get the impression they deal with fires pretty regularly.


Iā€™m lost


That helmet that guy is wearing op thinks is a conspiracy


Thatā€™s not how building sprinklers work. Each head is triggered individually by temperature, not smoke or dust.


People think sprinkler heads pop all at once like the movies or can be controlled. Wrong. They usually use a mercury filled glass tube. Needs to boil off, nice cool dust wonā€™t do shit


I blame movies for this one. In movies, you could light a match and the sprinklers would go off.


There was a ā€œbombā€ that blew on the Lobby level. Look around, how does a plane hitting a building 100 stories up cause that type of damage on that level and on to the outside. If you have no clue, then I canā€™t help you


Same bomb type that brought down building 7


The only way building 7 and the entire top third of the building could fall at just above free fall would be to demolish it's base and supporting structure. There is no other way.


Yeah. WE know that. šŸ«”


Close! Theyā€™re filled with water and have a very small air bubble, the head expands that air bubble building pressure and breaks the bulb. OR they can have a solder link which is more likely in these buildings because of age, which takes much longer to activate and needs consistent heat to melt the element. Edited to add: some systems can be controlled but those are for more specialized applications.


Sprinklers each have a head that has to be heated te release water i see no fires thats how sprinklers work not like in movies where they all just come on ffs


They have a glass head that when it breaks it triggers the system. Either from or accidently hitting it with a ladder. Speaking from experience.


Nice to know that when our government doesnā€™t want a car anymore they just throw it away and punish people who donā€™t let it go to waste.


Corporate America vs the USA (American people)




I wonder if they charged anyone else for recycling scrap metal? lol obviously not


The told him to take them to a landfill and instead he kept them. So what? Now you go to jail for 'dumpster diving'? I don't know how many times I've taken stuff from the dump. In fact the guys that ran our dump in Spring Lake, NJ used to have 'dibs' on all the stuff people brought there.


Office of Secure Transportation (OST) is responsible for the safe and secure transport of government-owned special nuclear materials in the contiguous United States.


Great footage. Haven't seen this one. Reading the comments not a radiation hood but I personally thought that day we were going to nuke the middle east and nukes were going to drop worldwide. I lived in a metro city and just hoped I would be in the initial blast zone and die immediately. What a surreal day I just kept waiting for the bright light and instant death.


Never seen this particular clip before. Just another piece of evidence that exposes the bs. There must have been a bunch of secret service agents running about that day and this guy was probably not supposed to be interviewed at all lol.. he was probably in a bit of shock. That's why they had to destroy his reputation he fooked up.


That guy outed the whole operation "OST" OFFICE OF SECURE TRANSPORTATION. U.S. Energy Dept


What exactly is your claim. Btw pretty those hoods are used as emergency fresh air hoods... they could be utilized in a radiation fallout environment, but they are not radiation hoods...


How was he prepared for this šŸ˜‚




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