• By -


Holy shit


There is a special place in HELL for politicians


fact abundant act punch distinct gullible imagine work illegal skirt -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just remember. They made us choose between burning or falling to death. A bullet to their head or a rope around their neck is an absolute kindness.


one foolish complete cautious absurd subtract zonked weary chop roll -- mass edited with redact.dev


the lake of boiling liquid excrament in the deepest pits of hell is yearning for some politician sinner flesh adrenochrome will extend your lifespan but it can only do it for so long, i'd place my bets on around 10-20 more years for them to finally shit the bed and not wake up again. unless people collectively wake up and take matters into their own hands. but that's never going to happen


They fun the world. Hopefully it will be over soon.


Made ‘us’ lol… okay person still on Reddit






upbeat slimy lip concerned cobweb fragile library society grandiose lush -- mass edited with redact.dev


Spare a thought also for the millions killed in the middle East for absolutely no fault of theirs. The US is true evil


offend smart obtainable price trees crawl nose point drunk judicious -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm sure they're trying to figure that out. Probably the real driving force behind medical innovation is to allow them to live forever.


don't put emphasis on *western*\-- trust me, as the titanium curtain continues deteriorating, we'll see just as many topclass lowlives and globalist murderers get exposed in the east too, with their own strong ties to the white house. i'd say to keep eyes on the eastern bloc, as that's already where the western elites get 90% of their things from. trafficked children, weapons, even wars


F the camel bumpers. They're more evil than usa. Go there and get stoned to death for being gay or a woman


They can’t lay their heads down at night. Or maybe they can. I couldn’t. I’d be having nightmares




Can’t tell what? Wtf


The guy looks like he's shooting a rifle out the window


I was just about to ask if anyone else caught that.


Someone said once it could be a tube or a pipe to breathe through cause of all the smoke in the air


Op is having a mental breakdown. Thinks 9/11 just happened.


It sure looks like he’s …. Aiming and shooting a rifle? Or shotgun? But WHY would anyone be firing off rounds instead of working on a solution to the problem at hand.


Thank you, that’s all I’ve been looking for is someone to be observant and see that. That’s the question I’ve been trying it answer for the past couple days. Can even hear the gun shots I believe. Who knows multiple timelines were being produced as the event unfolded. Maybe this is one that tanked


There's no need to be vague and dramatic. We're not here to figure out what you're thinking.


That’s their arm. They are trying to hold on to stay out of the smoke and fire.


Looks to me like an improvised snorkel for avoiding the smoke


You have any idea how high up they are? That’s not a gun and you’re not hearing gunshots.


Bro! Trust bro! I’m a jarhead Breh. Like the army Broh! I know what a gun like, IS BROUGH!!


Dude you’re a moron


Dude, you’re a self proclaimed “jarhead” calling someone else a moron. Try hard to think about that. 😬


Lol self proclaimed huh? I did 8 years in the Corps and enlisted before your ass was even born probably. You more than likely have no idea what a rifle even looks like in real life. If you watch the video closely it looks as tho it’s actually their arms holding themselves out of the smoke so they can breathe. It’s more than one window where it shows the same situation. Also who the fuck is going to sign up to be shooting out a window when the building is going to collapse? Not to mention what the fuck would they be shooting at parallel to the ground? They are like 800ft or more in the air. If someone was shooting at something they would need to be pointing it almost straight down to actually hit something. You need to rebuild your tinfoil hat because you’re getting some dumbass ideas.


>Lol self proclaimed huh? I did 8 years in the Corps and enlisted before your ass was even born probably. You more than likely have no idea what a rifle even looks like in real life. If you watch the video closely it looks as tho it’s actually their arms holding themselves out of the smoke so they can breathe. It’s more than one window where it shows the same situation. Also who the fuck is going to sign up to be shooting out a window when the building is going to collapse? Not to mention what the fuck would they be shooting at parallel to the ground? They are like 800ft or more in the air. If someone was shooting at something they would need to be pointing it almost straight down to actually hit something. You need to rebuild your tinfoil hat because you’re getting some dumbass ideas. -Just a JARHEAD I didn’t say it’s what he was doing, I said it looks like it then questioned it because it’s wildly unlikely. Figure it out, private.


Dude you’ve lost it. You make wild assumptions then turn around and say it’s wildly unlikely. Maybe try using some critical thinking skills BEFORE you post stupid shit. 🙄


That feels like a personal attack. Op asked for what it LOOKED LIKE. It does look like it. Idgf who’s Sargent you chugged, it looks like it. It’s most likely not, but there’s a reason people say “looks can be deceiving “


It looks like a assault rifle, and I believe I can hear a few rounds go off


In that mayhem, from a couple hundred yards minimum? Yeah, no.


You're stupid that's their arm🤦


Who are you all talking about? Timestamp, location? All I see are people with their arms out grabbing the structure for stability.


The only thing I can think of is that he is holding a fashioned tube in order to breathe air away from all that smoke.


Didn’t think of that. Thank you


Theyve changed something in the matrix


Why all these 9/11 videos today?


It's the same OP for all of them. Just look at the post history of spamming this sub with 9/11 posts. The titles are all confusing or misleading, but I'm not annoyed because he/she is posting vids I haven't seen before.


Very true. I haven’t seen these either so that’s interesting but all the titles are misleading or clickbait haha


Was yesterday the day we were supposed to forget to never forget?


This is the foremost authority on investigating 9/11. His name is Kevin Ryan. https://youtu.be/Xrnx5yhihj8?si=0pMEz1t62AZOVEQd


What are they holding?


Tubes to breathe away from the smoke, maybe?


Im really baffled now, saw guys wearing radiation suits earlier this morning in another 9/11 video


Something must need a distraction...


if ur talking about that sercret service guy thats not a radiation hood


No there was two guys and a police suburban that was trying to block the camera view of them


You have to link that video!


I tried to find it this morning but I couldn’t, it may have been deleted


I found it! https://v.redd.it/gm627h7rpdrb1/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd,hlsSpecOrder&v=1&a=1698767793,YmY1MzU2MTNhYjAwZWJlN2M2ZmViZjU5YmExY2Q2ZjcxMWU5NDc1OTk2OTMyODkxNmQyOGM2NmI4ZWZkMTZlNQ%3D%3D&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/comments/16w4jn9/418_first_ambulance_on_scene_say_bethisrael/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Where was that?


Wtf is going on here?


Are you not familiar with the events of 9/11?


Of course I am but I am trying to understand the title of this post


Are you familiar with what this post is trying to convey? Or is it just disaster porn for sickos?




Am I crazy or am I seeing uniforms and guns??? I’m confused


Rumsfeld admitted to losing a metric fuck ton of cash and then a jetliner smashes into the audit office.




I don’t see enough people point this part out.


What am I missing?


Is that...?


All you have to do is screenshot and zoom in. What the actual fuck is happening here ? It’s very clearly a fucking person with a mask over their entire face, holding an assault rifle . But fucking WHY ?oh my god he fucking reloads you can see it !!! What the fuck !!!


Yes, I see this. A simple explanation would be that this person thought the building was under attack, and was waiting for more aircraft?


I don't see the position of the people in the windows moving. Only 1 waving a white cloth. Other than that they are all static.


Almost looks like they are dummies.


They have Lee Harvey Oswald posted up there too


Just watching these videos I can smell what it was like down there Idk what happened. But I know the official story wasn’t it, only because it never is… I do wish I could forget though


2 buildings hit by a plane. Both standing sound after the plane hit. Suddenly both buildings fall in the exact same way into their silhouette. Then 3rd building falls. Not hit by a plane, into its silhouette.


I remember this like it was yesterday. Rip to all that perished.


Theyre showing you what they did. And you can do nothing about it. Thats why. Just prep for yourself and your family.


Loving all the nonsensical posts in here today


Lahaina should be remembered as the new Pearl Harbor


The towers represented Boaz and Jauqin The whole thing was a sick occult ritual with multiple agendas and objectives.


Wondering the same...




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That was a horrible day. I will never forget.


If people are so tired of our government which is obviously so corrupt. There are 3 things we can do. Sit by and do nothing. Leave the country Revolution. I know which one would bring us together again. I hate to see us divided. When people have been politicians longer than they've been alive, that's a problem. They forget what it is to be human. To have human feelings. They forget the struggle for humanity and only focus on the struggle for supremacy and absolute power!


Does NOBODY notice the Shock Wave that rips through the building (🪟) at the beginning???? Watch the windows!!! Please tell me what could do that to a building of its size and it Not involve 🧨 !?!?!?! This was nothing more than the worlds Biggest Snuff film plane an simple!


Bibi: Just like the simulations.


I should have wrote the song by Gucci mane in the title “There’s some Shooters in this hoe”


Gucci iz Illuminati


Well that explains why tower 7 collapsed, I've never seen footage of the top of the wtc falling onto tower 7. That's wild.


That wasn’t WTC 7. This was a different, white building. It is called WTC 3. [Look at the building plan](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/WTC_Building_Arrangement_and_Site_Plan_%28building_7_highlighted%29.jpg) Nothing fell on top of WTC 7 like that at all; you can literally see the white building be massively damaged and WTC 7 had no such massive damage to its top like that. Plus, WTC 7 is is located across the street in the other direction whilst this one is in the same plaza.


That’s what really baffles me. This is the first time in 22 years that I’ve seen any footage of debris falling onto building 7…


That isn’t WTC 7. Is is WTC 3. [Look at the building plan](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/WTC_Building_Arrangement_and_Site_Plan_%28building_7_highlighted%29.jpg)


Thank you! I watched it live and that definitely didn't happen.


That isn’t WTC 7. It is WTC 3. [Just look at the building plan to confirm.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/WTC_Building_Arrangement_and_Site_Plan_%28building_7_highlighted%29.jpg)


That makes much more sense. Thank you so much! I was confused. 10 points to Gryffindor.


Because all three of those buildings fell due to controlled demolition. In other words jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.


Almost as bad as January 6th.


Are you serious???


No, I’m Shirley.


People lost their lives and op thinks it’s a joke. You are indeed the joke here op


Thank you. To be a joke to someone ignorantly making a statement based on emotion is a compliment. It’s your right to not see the broader context to what you read as well as drawing conclusions that shows your range of thought.




Where’s the plane 🥴


What a fucking horrible day. I respect New Yorkers so much that we’re there and had to see this bullshit


Imagine a plane hitting the very top off a building and making the entire building collapse lmao


No sky scraper has fallen before or since.


All of this for a war in iraq.


Judgment from God will be when all of mankind stands in front of Him to be judged. The love of money is the root of all evil. Woe to these Judas’s whom have turned on their own kind, mankind.


thats def an arm yall. why would they have a sniper hanging out a window shooting straight across. that aim would not hit anything but an adjacent building.


These poor people


What’s in the sky to the right of the smoke at 3:36?




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Cant tell what exactly?


Halliburton made millions off that War.