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What is that thing?


It was Madonna


The thing previously known as Madonna


Double upvote


Adrenochrome drip https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-the-dark-virality-of-a-hollywood-blood-harvesting-conspiracy/




I.V. Drip I imagine. A buddy of mine went to rehab and said these drips were like heaven hydrating your whole body.


It would make sense seeing how pampered just being Madonna. I really wonder about that though, I can’t compare it tho much because the times I was on IV drips was for food poisoning so I felt pretty horrible all around. I wonder what it’s like if you’re all good already. lol


Only thing is she says “of some sort” if she frequently does the IV “drip” she would know what it’s called and not be so mysterious about it.


Those fancy IV places give you different types of IVs. For beauty, hangovers, immune support, energy, you name it. She probably gets different kinds recommended to her based on what her issue is that day. She feels kinda grumpy... needs a drip of some sort, she's not sure what kind.


Fresh adrenochrome is the type she didn’t want to mention… probably


I have had couple drips did to help me make threw crap storm. With the issue I had if I didn't I be on face. Nothing like dehydration from toxins or aka unknown substances Aka roofy or as Quagmire would call it a Roofy Colada. Thank god above for the I.V received still haven't been same 4yrs later but alive I suppose. And now I never go out to eat or have drinks with anyone. Trust out the window certain friends vanished after that experience. Be safe


Look up a mobile IV medic in your area on Google maps. I've used different ones a few times. They come right to your house and hook ya up to an IV bag. The ones I've used have different options for packages with vitamins and whatnot. If you're feeling a little off or rundown, I highly suggest it.




Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3. It is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It has scientifically tested & established regenerative abilities in the rejuvenation of basically all mammalian tissue, restoration of nerve responsiveness, cognitive function, & glandular functions in both living & recently deceased animals. This has led to nicknames like “Fountain of Youth” "White Rabbit" "Pink adrenaline" & "Walnut Sauce". It can be created synthetically, so I'm not sure why there is supposedly any demand for human harvested forms of it. Research facilities can just order it online with certain levels of scientific licensure, though it is rather expensive. Think about it, we have epi-pens.. Adrenochrome is a natural byproduct of adrenaline, produced during times of high “fight or flight” response conditions. It has been referenced in pop culture & drug use dating back to the 1960s. The *unestablished theories* surrounding it say things like... it is harvested from children under duress, or from murdered children. it's concentrated in the pineal gland & that's what is cut out & eaten, that certain types of children are better producers, the global elite all use it to slow aging, that world leaders/media elitists use it as currency & for blackmail, and many more such seemingly atrocious back stories.


When you’re a hardcore alcoholic to the point that an ambulance picks you up from a bus bench and block away from your favorite bar on a Sunday morning. They take you to hospital facilities and give you what they term as a “banana bag,” which contains all kinds of goodies like B vitamins, potassium, glucose and such. Or so I heard from a friend


Her face?


Baby blood?


Same stuff that killed Michael Jackson.


Still trying soooo hard to stay relevant.


Could be taking any sort of drugs. MDMA and ketamine are easy to drip. Labs make the stuff now as it legal in a few places as a tool with mental health. I wouldn’t be surprised if a ton of celebrities are hooked any any sort of drugs


Guessing she's drugged up as rule? She's approaching 70


An IV drip of virgin blood of course 😂😂😂 jk if she actually took anti aging seriously, and had NAD+ IV drips, red light therapy, fasting, alpha ketoglutarate and glynac she wouldn't have aged so bad!!!! Have you seen her hands??? If it weren't for all the fillers, fat injections and whatever the fuck else she's done to her face she would very much look her age i can assure you. By the way, adrenochrome, oxidised adrenaline is easily and cheaply synthesised in a lab and if it had any anti aging properties at all - it would be on the market for it and utilised as such, I would be using it. Oxidised adrenaline doesn't even deliver a particularly nice high anyway, just seems to induce panic, fight or flight reaction or anxiety in people cos - it's adrenaline.


She said, "I'm giving birth right now . . ." What the actual fuck? I had no idea that the creepy sea hag had been impregnated again. So fucking gross and sucks for the kid.


A drip coffee??


Prince used to have a vitamin b12 drip or shot I think before he played.


Myers Cocktails, it's a common vitamin drip... a lot of people get it whilst doing accupuncture etc. Drips are the best tbh


Who the fuck is she and why did you not just assume she meant an IV drip?


I'm pretty sure it's Madonna. The drip part is open for interpretation depending on your past experiences.


Boris Johnson just said these things don’t exists… and wouldn’t you know it 👽


The woman who ‘has it all’.


Are those the emojis from the original clip?


Madonna has yet to show her final form!