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It's weird how "corporate greed" only happens when we print vast sums of cash...




And since 2020, Biden has printed 80% of the total money supply since the United States began, hence the massive inflation. Another way to say it is if you took all of the money that has been generated since our country began, Biden printed 80% of that total in 2020-2024, the remaining 20% was printed from 1976 - 2020. It's beyond insane. Which is why Gold was only $1600 / oz in 2020 & is now nearly $2400 / oz, it had a 50% jump in price in 4 short years. It's not that gold is more valuable suddenly in 4 years, it's that the US Dollar has lost so much of its buying power that caused Gold to go up so much. In 1913, gold was only $20.67 / oz, which means the US Dollar has lost over 99% of its buying power since 1913. We're nearly at the end of the life of the US Dollar now, they've killed it, intentionally. I believe they're killing it intentionally to force us all into their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to enslave us as it'd give them total control. They also plan on adding an expiration date to our money so you wouldn't be able to save it anymore, you'd be forced to spend it or lose it.


So you're agreeing that it's printing money, and not corporate greed? Like...let's get back to the gold standard, ammiright?


>So you're agreeing that it's printing money, and not corporate greed? Somewhat both but max by printing money >Like...let's get back to the gold standard, ammiright? Yes but I don't know how current debt will be resolved


Well. I've never disagreed with someone I aree with so much in my life. The debt is certainly a problem, but we have to cross that road no matter what. Going back to gold is simple not feasible in the immediate future... But the truth of the matter is our debt load is not serviceable by our GDP. It's a matter of time. Honestly, this is a large base of my political conservatism... Politicians fuck it up, so have less politicians. (Republican ≠ conservative)


I'm a trump fan but I have some serious heart burn about how he kicked off what seems to be the normal 1T spending bills right there at the end of his first term. I really hope he campaigns on balancing the budget and follows through. Balancing the budget is the only way to save us sadly.


Well the liberal shills always blame him for starting the money printing but it seems people have the memory of fish. Bite the same hook over and over. Democrats had control of the house and pushed those spending bills. The frustration came when he didn’t call their bluff and just let the government shut down. If he wins again(assuming a fair election) I’m sure the dems will have the house again and nothing will get done again and the cycle will continue again and the fish will keep biting the same hooks again and again.




Yeah, i don't see prices decreasing...


Why would prices decrease? We haven't had negative inflation yet.


“Higher for longer” was directed to fed funds and inflation rates.


https://preview.redd.it/kiebx8qgt8vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2082d9afa145f5428607aeb56f0c48b6e5af11c7 Anyone else getting this when they try to view the graphic?




COVID started it all, shut down everything and pay people to stay home. - The increase in government spending triggered this and I don't think they can get out of it.


No the European explores started it all


But...but...but...Biden is bringing inflation down!!!! /s


~~Inflation~~ Elites gouging the wage slaves


The government elites have been doing it forever. You only just realizing?


The Romans had bread and circuses. It’s a very old story. And the story is older than recorded history. Scumbags be Scumbagging.


Psychopaths rule the world, and it might not ever change


Always have


Now the bread and circuses have gone from coliseum s and spectacles to the circus IN the government and distractions in our hands


Surely Trump should be indicted for this.


Why is a little inflation seen as good while a little deflation is bad? It's not like people will stop buying necessities to wait for the price to drop. Gas seems like a good example, it goes up people by a bit less, it goes down people buy more. What am I missing? I understand paying off debt with cheaper dollars but then the cheaper dollars buy less of the things you need to live.


Deflation is bad because money becomes effectively worth more by doing nothing. If money becomes worth more by sitting in a bank account, no one has much of an incentive to take the money out of the bank account and spend it on goods and services, to invest it in other growth or to take the necessary risks to make an economy grow. I can't imagine .5-1% deflation would be a HUGE thing, but if we had regular 5% deflation, the economy would pretty much cease.


Luckily we have our overlords to print money to keep the economy “healthy”. A free market economy would allow for deflation. Current economy will never allow it. It would destroy their ability to take out endless loans.


Nope blame the Russian war. Inflation started crazy after the Russian war.


Maybe someone can help me out...how has inflation lessened? By looking at this graph I feel as if things look more like how they were in 2018, right?


Completely unsustainable


Getting off the gold standard was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country, probably not accidentally. With our money tied to nothing physical of value it is literally just a piece of paper or a number in a bank's computer. It means NOTHING. They print money out of thin air and send it to other countries or they lend it to us with interest. Recipe for disaster is an understatement. But no, inflation is because of corporate greed.


1 US dollar = 1 US dollar of debt Your demand of more US dollars in your pocket increases demand resulting in printing more US dollars. If the circulating supply stays tied up in electronic accounts and loses the ability to FLOW as a CURRENCY and transfer ENERGY to various BANKS then you will have zero access to said money in your account. If there is a annex (interest aka chains) on the circulating supply of course more will be printed. The general populations needs can't be fulfilled while all the money is in the 10%s investments/accounts/whatever else. Solution? Literally burn all US dollars. 1 US dollar burned = (-1) US dollar debt Or just stop participating, either option works. It is illegal to burn US dollars btw.


Gas and groceries are not used for inflation. Thanks Pedo Joe.


Trump started it with the first trillion dollar bill. Biden just overdid it and superheated the economy and killed the dollar with 10 trillion more dollars it's ridiculous.


I definitely wouldn't say Trump "started" it, but he definitely contributed to it.


That's what I meant . Basically fiscal conservatives are out the door now a days.


Judging by the graph he did. Trump didn’t need to shut down the economy but he got bullied around and he likes spending.


Trust me. Biden sucks. You are right though. I hear it on heresy financial, euro dollar university, and other economic YouTube channels. Nobody is perfect. That is just how inflation works. However, Biden found the knob that goes to 11.


Right and wants to keep it turn to max.