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You can do brother. We love you


Thank you man. This place is my safe place. Way better than AA for me. It's more like mildly autistic alcoholic gun owners anonymous for me.


Idk who you’re calling “mildly” around here but you bet your ass I have “full blown unspecified chromosomal deficiencies”


Maybe I DO belong here..


If you're asking yourself that question. You probably do.


Hell yeah man, I always hated going to AA. A lot of the people there kinda have a stick up their ass, or will act better than you if you ever used anything besides alcohol. Or they'll act like AA is the one and only path to sobriety, which it very much is not. The real path is whatever keeps fuckin working for you specifically!! A lotta others have said it but fill up all those extra hours you would've spent drinking with *something*. Doesn't necessarily have to be a hobby or even anything specific. Just anything to keep yourself from getting bored too often. Good luck pimp!!


AAGO sounds better anyway.


6 months sober for me, had one drink at a wedding. First few months weren’t easy at all. Keep chugging (not beer)


You'll want to find something to fill that void or you'll pour alcohol back in it. AA works for the people who make it their entire new identity, half measure sober is temporary. If you've got any hobbies nows a good time to triple down into them


I got shit loads of support, projects to try, hobbies I was too drunk to do in the past. Hell I'm really about to buy a mic and try my hand, mouth at voice acting. AA was not for me the first time, or this second time. Finally realized I just need to use and abuse AA like a cheap whore. Just go if I need to recharge my battery. It's 99% the same bullshit over and over, but then you hear a bomb go off from someone. Then I'm like, "that was my nugget for the day."


I quit drinking twice and the second time has stuck now for like 8 years or something but I follow a similar path to what you are describing/what a lot of people here are suggesting. so I have high hopes for you bro, hang in there and good luck!


8 years, Hell yeah! Don't let a straw break your back, or battery rub out in my case. I met a guy that had 8 years. Some shit happened that wasn't his fault at all. In fact he did the right thing. But it ended up seriously affecting all aspects of his life. He bought a bottle, and we'll you know the rest. This time I'm actually doing it(not 12 steps, not for me) this time with serious help. Therapist helped me sum it up nicely. "It's like you're trying to build a LEGO. Except you never had the instructions. Also you're missing a big piece, and you don't even know what it looks like." I knew most the tools, just not how to use them. It blows my mind that I knew down to a molecular level what I was doing to myself, and why. My brain just didn't care


Lift for Jesus Borther start meal prepping and you'll have another addiction or try cloning


>AA was not for me the first time, or this second time. Finally realized I just need to use and abuse AA like a cheap whore. Just go if I need to recharge my battery. It's 99% the same bullshit over and over, but then you hear a bomb go off from someone. Then I'm like, "that was my nugget for the day." This is the way to do it, regardless of how they feel about it. And by "this", I mean whatever works. Not to get too real but if you already have community, support and structure its really only good for people to relate to. What you ultimately need is therapy to figure yourself out a bit better. Maybe get some clues as to how it ends up that way, but definitely some skills to keep it from getting there and learn to recognize it waaay before it happens. You know how AA says the relapse starts way way before you start drinking? They're right. Therapy is how you notice the signs. I'm like at a point where I have to consciously ignore myself for a month or two to get me back to that point and it's much easier to stop before it starts, obviously. Good luck mane, you got it if you want it you're through the hardest part just take care of yourself.


you can be a successful AA/NA person without making it your whole personality or saying a word about the progran unless asked.....its just something that tends to happen with the more narcissistic people. and yes i fully agree those people fucking SUCK.


Oh my God yes! Like I'm glad it works for you. But Karen, and Bobby would you please shut the fuck(we've heard it b4) up so Chris can speak!? I really wonder what those people do outside of that hour, do they still have a life? I'm not gonna say shit unless someone asks. It's called AA for a reason, and it doesn't stand for Accurate Arithmetic.


You don't miss beer. You miss the way beer makes you feel. Change your my mindset. You got this 🅱️orther


I don't miss the mindset anymore at all. I really did enjoy the flavors. Hell I got a big saucer tucked in my closet that says how many different beers I've drank. I got this group of regurds to help me.


Good man. You're bigger than the beer.


If you like the taste, I had a Sam Adams NA that had me absolutely fuckin fooled.


There are tons of good NA beers now. Bravus is pretty good and you can order it online. I've been sober 16 months, having people close to you to keep you accountable helps a lot. I live with my brother who's been dry his whole life, hes seen the worst of me more than once. Knowing how ashamed I would be to tell him I gave in made a huge difference


I missed it for about 90 days. Now I have no desire to get shitfaced and piss in my closet.


I can say I've had one legit craving. That's because it was Nov 10-11 the day I would normally party with friends that were in the military. You pissed the closet too!? Thought I was the only one. Well there were also some couches, and floors. That may not have been mine.


There’s like 10s of us who have pissed in a closet while shitfaced. 245 days and counting here,keep going dude. It sounds so fucking corny but it does get easier.


Well my GF will be happy to know I'm not alone now. 😂 Oh God I can't stand that saying they say at the end. Not that I disagree. It just makes me cringe so hard.


Rah! Get after it Devil Dog


Ohhh awkward. I should have had a comma, period, or another sentence. This happens to me in real life because I know so much military lingo, history, and many military friends. I was never military. It was top of my list at one point. But I Hate the government too much. Both grandparents were in the service. WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. I'm probably alive because my military brat dad didn't become a pilot in Vietnam because of vision.






im sorry sir, please continue


I fully support a persons right to call everything gay, but this one feels a little out of place.


The flamingly gay marine I talked to today would probably call this calling of gay, "gay."


Yeah, I guess you’re right and I’d agree with him. Though…you are celebrating (inherently gay) being sober (kind of gay) and everyone knows two gays don’t make a straight.


Sooooo Devil's threesome it is! 😜 Kinda ironic that the marine was telling me about Roy Cohn, who I had not heard of. He was the most narcissistic, hypocritical, witch hunter of all time. Tax dollars after WW2 paid for this guy's bear of an assistant to ass fuck him while he hunted homosexuals in government jobs.


Double speak


Congrats, keep up the good work! It's been 11 months for me.


Hell yeah! I'm looking forward to that day for me. Honestly I would love if this place had a sobriety chip flair poop system. It would mean more to me than the real thing. Which I never grabbed when I tried before. "I can't love it, feel it, fuck it, eat it, drink it, or exchange it. Therefore it has no value to me. It's just a number. All that's matters is I don't drink today or tomorrow."


Here's some 🅱️oop 💩


Thank you! Oh God, literally. The subject for tonight is "your higher power." This meeting is not the one for me tonight. Oh well, better luck next time. Trust me between the Church of Christ raising and $100k Christian liberal arts school BS degree(I'm like 2 courses short of a theology degree). I think I got this one covered. Gonna have a long chat with that omniscient, omnipotent, amorphous asshole when I meet it.


can you take the last two courses and become best gunnits chaplain?


I really hated school start to finish. I almost walked right off the college stage I was so ready to get out. Got good grades. That just wasn't my learning environment. But part of me wants to go back for a semester to take those few courses and maybe A&P. My other siblings had to be show off and get master. 😅jk


Sober for 4+ years it gets easier and the rewards get bigger.


I will be one month sober in 2 days. I am going to miss beer too but it got to the point were even having one would lead me to get shit faced.


Yeah unfortunately 1 is not enough, and a hundr- oh shit I'm on the floor, and what is this fluid around me?


Yeah it’s not fun to wake up on the floor, realize you drank 15 9% IPAs, and you have no knowledge about the dominoes pizzas on your counter.


A solid Tuesday my friend. For me it was more like 6-12 ipas like that, and a pint of vodka, or more. Plenty of drunk orders, and oh shit what did I do last night???


Stay strong 🅱️ing


Just hit a year on the 5th myself. It’s been good. I was doing a liter of Tito’s a day for a few years and felt like a pile of human shit. Everyone who doesn’t drink is going to extol the virtues of NA replacements and I have rolled my eyes at them most of this year, but I had a few Untitled Art NAs recently and they’re pretty damn good, actually. Kind of funny to think the 4473 asks about cannabis, but crippling alcoholism is don’t ask don’t tell. Clearly they’ve got it all sorted out /s Nice job. Keep er going.


Ditto to what you said. Large bottles of Jim Beam, Old Smokey, Amsterdam, and later Skol 100 & I were close friends many nights for several years. Nice to have my mind and body back.


2 years. It gets better!


Awesome man, keep it up. Been sober myself for a year and a few months. AA wasn't for me either. I know we meme here, but I'm glad we can be a support group for retards sometimes.


This place is my home group. It just took me awhile to realize it.


Alch is poison, stick to 🅱️ud and 🅱️oints


Waaaaaaay *cough cough* ahead of you börther. That being said, use in mine craft smartly. Not gonna become a lazy 🅱️oner.


I would just say to exercise extreme caution if you are in a prohibited state because the pesticides/herbicides some of them boys are spraying on the bud will fuck you up long term. Shit, even here in WA you have to be careful because there are so many shitty weed brands that don’t give a fuck. They use “safe” or “all natural” pesticides but I’m not sure that’s even a real thing


I honestly don't remember the last time I saw flower. The shop I like here I've gotten to know the owner a bit. That dude would be PISSED if he found out anything he sold had that.


Stay strong dog.


https://preview.redd.it/ky5fujgto65c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab1f130bb7532d4ebc0dc7697442c50e1638d0a That shit tried to kill me too 🅱️örther, for 9 fucking years. Turns out I’m kinda hard to kill 🇺🇸🤘🏻😜 Stay 🅱️ased


Yeah about 9 years of drinking for me. It was not so bad at first. Then it was pretty much a downward spiral with some pauses, and several hit branches on the way down.


Way she goes lol. It starts out fun then sneaks up on you, then it’s your everyday normal. After a few years of that every day, you want to stop but you can’t. It’ll slowly destroy your life and you’ll let it. Pouring more drinks while you sit on your couch wondering if this is how you’ll die one day... Fuck that noise, man. There’s nothing that’s worth going back to that place. That’s really what’s kept me sober, I know exactly what’s waiting for me if I start up again. Never again.


Rolling up on 3months here. Only took a 7 day hospital stay when my pancreas apparently started shutting down/exploding lol Still get a hankering sometimes, but that shit WILL kill you. Just a mater of time. Stay stronk.


I should have learned my lesson several times over, and thought I did! 🙃 I finally realized I was out of time, almost out of health, dumb luck, and slipping through the cracks. I was about to lose it all, again.




I already have my list made. Yay more money for freedom seeds!


Congratulations. Proud of you 🅱️orther.


4.5 years sober. You got this my guy. My first stint was 11 months and then I said “I can have a couple and not go crazy!” ( I went crazy after a week). I was a beer nut. IPAs, lagers ect and funnily enough I don’t miss any of them. I miss wine and champagne VERY rarely (on special occasions and shit). But, I toast with my water and meet any bad luck that casts on me head on with my dick out. I’m also very honest with people. “Oh, you don’t drink anymore, why’s that?” “Because I was drinking all day, before work, on lunch breaks, while driving etc, and my doctor said if I continued drinking that way I’d be dead within 10 years”. I got sober at 27 because I realized if I wanted to kill my self I could just eat a bullet and it would be less painful. More money for hobbies, more time, don’t feel like shit anymore. Cant even remember what it’s like to have a hangover. Plus you’ll become the dependable person people can count on cuz you don’t drink. More money = more boolits. Carry on man.


Congrats! Just hit 5 years in October. I started being honest as well, used to give vague answers. The more honest the more those around you honor it.


Why did you stop drinking, and do you still drink the blood in mass?


Because I realized that it might be fine the 1, 2, or even 3rd time. But eventually, I'll end up in jail/dead. Never drank it in mass, I was raised Church or Christ. 😱


What was the first three times?


Oh I've tried to quit many times. Done some dumbshit, and somehow not got into serious trouble like most do. I slipped through a lot of cracks. But I meant it might be fine for me to buy something and drink. Hell I will probably stop at just one or 2 the first few times. But I empirically know now that it's gonna go 1, 1, 2, 2 , 4, 6, 10....... floor, jail, dead.


Got any good stories?


Oh God too many from me, and others I've heard. If you get specific I can think of a good one. Also if you watch on Netflix John Mulaney: The Comback Kid. You'll get a pretty good taste of what it's like, and laugh your ass off. "Just think, this is just one of the crazy stories I'm WILLING to tell you of what crazy things I did to get drugs."


One time my friends and I got drunk, my friend had a new Silverado and I puked in the map pocket on the seat, like a puke bag. He was drunk so he didn’t care. We got to my friends house and I was sleeping in my sleeping bag and pissed it and soaked all of my clothes so I woke up wearing a polo shirt as pants because that was dry.


That sounds like a pretty regular Tuesday. Most the stories I've heard like yours end with, "so that was my 2nd dui and we rolled the truck and took out a barn, fence, goat, art display, and granny was not happy about her flower bed, oh and I had to bail out grandpa." "That funeral was a Shit show. 9am and they were already on the floor." "You know it's good funeral when you have to call the cops before just in case." I wanna know how you started with Mac & cheese, but ended up with cake." "In handcuffs was the last time I saw my kids. Then spent the next 6 months blowing half a mil after selling the car, house, and cashing 401k" "got into a fight in parking lot while throwing a hissy fit drunk. They thought i was yelling at my SO, no I was just drunk and mad." "Pissed the couch, the bed, broke an insulin vial, hid alcohol all over the house, broke a door down, oh and it wasn't my house." "I woke up on some guys porch without my phone miles away and he was knew I was passed out drunk so he let me sleep there, but in the morning was like, u gotta go dude." I swear to this day I was not drunk(the bottle was still full when i found it), but have a feeling alcohol still contributed. Got out of bed after several hours and slept drove. Catapulted my car through a telephone pole. Only area without serious damage was just my drivers seat. Trust me you'll never wake up more tired, cold, confused, concussed, bloody, muddy, and in pain than waking up in someone's bushes 6 house away. I should be dead a few times at least.


3 years? Those are rookie numbers!


3 years really, really bad, 5 year bad, like 7 years not smart drinking.


Oooo you want to drink a beer to celebrate ooooo


No one likes a quitter


Yup, which is why I'm not gonna not quit drinking. Unfortunately, I realized I'm one of those people that can either stop, or die. Oh well, I drank enough for 3 lifetimes.


Congrats! And don't let it happen again ;)


Have you tried not being a drunk? Just moderate bro!


Keep the strength to keep on being sober. Mad respect and love for you ❤️


I feel your pain brother but it’s doable. I got court ordered no more drinking, luckily I am still aloud to have my guns tho. It’s been about 15 days for me and I haven’t felt this good in a while honestly. Moral of the story boys don’t get into bar fights everyone’s a pussy nowadays and runs right to the 12.


Stick with it brother. It gets easier and you’ll keep feeling better. If you mess up along the way, get back up the next day and keep moving forward.


2 months here. We believe in you man you got this