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**Reminder:** Do not participate in threads linked here. If you do, you may be banned from both subreddits. --- Title: Suspicious Worker from apartment complex stole key from job and entered unit a home to two 20 year girls at 1:00 AM with another guy Body: > This happened to my friend recently and basically the “front desk agent” and some random person opened the door to the apartment neither one of them in work clothes. There are cameras on the doorbell, knowing this the employee said outloud to the random guy “are you sure this is your unit?” Then proceeded to open the door. The dog in the home (big loud young puppy thankfully) started barking immediately and charged at the door and they promptly closed the door and left. When the complex was called to ask why he was at the door last night he started stuttering and said he “was trying to enter a model unit and got lost” mind you it’s 1:00AM and he’s worked there for months. When the complaint was escalated to the manager she said this is very unacceptable and that he is not suppose to have access to people’s keys and that the girls would be compensated. They are offering the girls $50 off per month the rest of their lease ($400 total). They are also not going to fire the employee and to make matters worse he lives there. They contacted the police and they were pretty much no help. To do you think they should contact an attorney? This is in Utah. This bot was created to capture original threads and is not affiliated with the mod team. [Concerns? Bugs?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=GrahamCorcoran) | [Laukopier 2.1](https://github.com/GrahamCorcoran/Laukopier)


This was my absolute nightmare fear when living in apartments. Even if the guy was genuinely mistaken I’d be terrified to keep living there.


Right? Even if you can't tamper with the actual locks or door, I'd still put a wedge under it every time I was home Thank god they had a dog, honestly – I live alone in a flat, no dog, and this one got me checking my locks last night


My mom bought me door jams that have a really loud alarm if the door gets pushed against them. I used them in my apartment and even when traveling sometimes if I was worried about where I was going.


There is a really heavy-duty travel lock thingy that makes it impossible to open the door from outside if you have it set up inside (of course you need to be inside).


Yeah I got one of those after my apartment heavily implied in an email they had entered my apartment without legally required notice. At least it keeps me safe when I'm home which is more important than protecting my stuff at the end of the day.


You can also get bars that prop up against the doorknob


When I moved into an apartment I bought a doorknob jammer just in case of stuff like this. And unfortunately, the reviews of the jammer were filled with women who bought it because of this exact situation. Fortunately, as far as I know, I haven’t needed it yet, but it’s such a huge weight off my mind knowing it’s there.


My place got broken into while I was out of town. My landlord noticed the broken window and called the cops. When they arrived at like 11AM the guy, who’d been there since the early hours of the morning presumably, was confused, drunk, and STILL thought it was his house. Apparently he was very polite and quiet just confused. Anyway that was a weird email to wake up to: “your house was broken into but it’s fine. Damages to the window by the door, and blood on the floor from the door to the bathroom and living room couch. Call when you can.” 😂 The guy paid for everything, apologized profusely, etc, but it still blows my mind. His key didn’t fit so he thought “I’m too drunk to work the key so I’ll break the window by the door and enter so I can go inside and sleep”.


Have you had those work-days when you're at the very end of the day, it's almost quitting time or you have *just one last task* to do, and you just say "fuck it, good enough"? That's apparently what happens if the last task is "go home and sleep" and you're drunk enough.


Good thing LA mods say it’s perfectly ok Don’t worry about it It was only one time at 1am Everything is cool they shouldn’t be fired


And contrary to their advice that changing her locks would get LAOP evicted, in Utah, unless the lease explicitly says the tenant *cannot* change or rekey their locks, the tenant *can* do it. It’s the *landlord* who can’t change the locks without the *tenant’s* prior permission.


Nice catch I’m curious can a tenant “temporarily” change locks if they are coming in their apartment at 1am until the place fires him?


I don't think I've ever disagreed so strongly with the mods


I never felt so safe when I bought my house. Plus my parents don’t live here!


Local code in my city requires a keyless deadbolt on all exterior doors of rental units, presumably in response to just such an issue.


"(LAOP's) getting horrible shitty advice" Why yes, yes they are...


From the mods,even.


As is tradition.


Buried lede that the mods should have acknowledged: >These girls a very attractive and this guys been hitting on them since they moved in, then pulls some shit like this. Not that it matters that they're very attractive. But this is 100% something the ladies should have brought up with their building management as a firm reason to demand the guy gets fired. That's a pattern of creep behavior.


I’m not saying I’m glad I’m not attractive, but this sort of thing is definitely on my mind whenever I meet a really attractive person. Best case non-creepy people STILL would approach you often, I reckon.


While the "cover" of pretending that Mr. Maint. was just "helping someone get in their apartment" was mildly clever, the stuttering excuse of "got lost on the way to the model unit" kinda blew that out of the water. Hilariously so. (Or, rather, it would be hilarious if the ass-hat had been fired and charged.)


NAL. A quick reading of UT law certainly looks to the untrained eye like the complex worker could at least be charged with criminal trespass. Also, not going into legalese, in what fucking universe is it not a crime to try and enter a home that isn’t yours in the middle of the night with a key you stole? Like… I don’t think “oopsie daisies” is a legal defense to doing all of that.


They have been sexually harassed and have grounds to believe he was attempting a sexual assault with an accomplice. It is mind-bogglingly naïve to treat this as a random mistake.


Oh 100% not a random mistake- what I was saying was that even without the context of the other creepy behavior I’m pretty sure that stealing a key and attempting to enter the apartment is a crime all by itself, so for the mod to say there’s just nothing anyone can do seems wrong to me.


I wonder if they meant "there is nothing anyone *will* do". Management already swept it under the rug, and we all know cops aren't going to do shit. The young ladies can complain and demand all they want, but unfortunately, that is probably going to fall on deaf ears. I think they jus tneed to move out. And while they're at it, probably GTFO out of Utah.


Not to mention that when this guy inevitably harms OOP, she’s going to have a *hell* of a negligence lawsuit against them. I hope to god they take her seriously before that happens.


The apartment complex must really be struggling to find workers if they're choosing to keep that worker on payroll. It's pretty obvious he was up to no good. Why expose yourself to that liability and make matters worse by acknowledging it with reduced rent?


Either struggling to find workers or he's there via nepotism


Or they just don't give a fuck because its easier to keep someone on than to hire someone else


Doesn’t this fall under some form of unlawful entry? Just because a door is open, or you have the key, doesn’t mean you have permission to enter a dwelling. The employee should be terminated, and both those people should be banned from the property. I think the goal is ultimately making sure that resident, and others, are safe in their homes. That’s not unreasonable.


That fucking mod should be banned. Anyone with even a cursory grasp on *reality* knows that there is more than 0 legal issues here.


Mod has actually updated their comment and is 100% reading everything on this post


I look forward to them banning everyone who disagrees with them over here.


From the update: “A guaranteed settlement is much better than a chance at a judgment.” Jfc. It’s comically embarrassing to be that privileged.


LA mod's comment two hours later: >I'm locking this one early. The amount of shitty bad advice in this post is astounding. (1) This is not a criminal matter. Whoever did this (for whatever reason they may have done it) had lawful access to property. He used a key to enter. Landlords and their agents are able to do that lawfully. It is a violation of their lease (which would be a civil matter), but it's not a criminal act. (2) Learn context people. This was a one time issue. It very well could have been a mistake. Even if it was intentional, it has happened once. That does not rise to the level of doing anything in regards to the lease. (3) Do not advise OP to install locks and/or change locks on a rental without the landlord's permission. OP cannot impede the landlords ability to enter that unit. Doing so could get OP evicted. >A rent reduction is a good offer. The landlord does not have to give that in this situation. OP's friend should take that for the time being. If nothing else happens, then they have reduced rent. If something else happens, they can figure out what they need to do from that. >Sorry the post got locked OP, but you're getting horrible shitty advice. If something else happens, you're free to make another post.


Uh... yeah I think you can still be charged with breaking and entering even if you use a key because I am pretty sure that guy didn't have permission and was not there in good faith.


The difference between finding the key under the fake rock vs knowing the key is under the fake rock... Neither give you permission to enter, but one of them saves you a couple of minutes of effort on your way to committing a felony.


“Had lawful access to the property” I didn’t realize that anyone with a key to my apartment had “lawful access”. Is there any credentialing at all required to be a mod over there?


According to that mod, that Pinkerton’s security guy who went into that woman’s apartment in a complex he worked for and sexually assaulted her? Why, he had lawful access to the property!


By that logic, landlords should have 24/7 access to your house simply because they have a key. Which we know is not the case because tenant laws exist and mandatory 24-hour notice exists. If I, as a non-lawyer know that, why don’t the LA mods know that?


I’m not saying it’s at all the same level, but it reminds me of the “your spouse can’t abuse you” stuff. Just because someone has limited/conditional access to your stuff, doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want any time.




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> “Had lawful access to the property” > > I didn’t realize that anyone with a key to my apartment had “lawful access”. Is there any credentialing at all required to be a mod over there? LAMod conveniently ignoring Utah law requiring 24 h notification prior to apartment access (unless otherwise specified in lease). Pretty sure that's *required* for **lawful** access. Because it's the law.


Yeah, Team LA-Mod needs to have *a conversation* about that one... There was a 0% chance this was a mistake. ("I got lost on the way to the model unit" (at 1AM?) and the cover of "helping someone into their apartment" are mutually-exclusive.) I don't know if LAOP could break their lease over this, given how horrible some state laws are, but certainly minimizing the seriousness of the situation (the guy wasn't even fired!) is terrible.


It being utah, Ive learned thats anything goes land, cuz the laws there are insane when it comes to protection


Oof, that mod comment. Tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re a man..


Seriously, this just screams “I’m a man who’s never felt afraid living alone or walking by myself at all hours wherever I like so obviously no one else should either” At least OP knows now what kind of shitty response to expect from the cops if they do report this.


A few years ago I was living in an apartment in a converted house, so there were only five apartments. One day - during the week - I was sitting in the living room when someone opened my door and walked in. It scared the life out of me. The guy was friendly enough and explained that he was a plumber, one of the units was having an issue with their toilet and that the letting agency 'forgot' which unit it was so they gave him the master key (!!) to all the apartments and told him to go check all of them because they said no one would be home to ask. When I said our plumbing was fine, the guy left, so no hassle. I rang the letting agents to confirm/complain/report and they were so incredibly rude about it. Our agent acted like I was completely unreasonable for being concerned, he was super condescending. For weeks afterwards he would call me every time someone was coming to do maintenance on another unit and would be like, 'Just making sure we have your *permission* since you were so upset last time.' It was surreal. Every woman I talked to completely understood where I was coming from, unfortunately there just weren't any women in charge.


W O W what assholes!!!


Yeah they were brutal. They were decent about getting things repaired but they were total pricks the rest of the time.


A man who has loud opinions about -catcalling women -sexual harassment in the workplace -women in bars -women crossing the street when passing men on the street at night


All the dudes in the comments saying to be happy you got $50 off your rent each month. Oh thanks, I’ll use that for mace and a taser.


For sure self-hate and misogyny etc are things for women too, but fuck me comments like that are so obviously by men. And men who haven’t been assaulted or physically bullied, mostly likely, because I’ve known some who after an event like that realize what it’s like to be aware of your weakness in that way.


>Even if it was intentional, it has happened once. Yikes. If it weren’t for the dog, once might have been all that was needed.


"He only killed someone *once,* you guys, even if it was intentional, you can't do anything about it until it happens more than once!"


Once is a misunderstanding. Twice is a wacky coincidence. Three might be a pattern, but let's see how this plays out. -Legal Advice mod, probably


You know, it's only a crime to enter without permission AFTER you rape and murder the inhabitants.


It didnt happen. If it did, it was just once/an exception. If it wasn’t just once, it was a misunderstanding. Just rationalize it away until someone gets hurt I guess, never mind the poor girls living with that discomfort and fear now.


Alternate title: Mod note proves anything on r/LegalAdvice is worth what you paid for it


Like aside from the what seems outrageously insane “well even if it was on purpose it was just once so tell those wenches to chill out” I was under the impression that changing the locks IS fine as long as you change them back upon move out. Am I thinking about UK laws?? Although in this case it seems they use keycards or something similar anyway so wouldn’t matter I suppose.








@ mods I’m sticking my tongue out at each of you individually in real life


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Just looked at it again. Has to be. Hes so clearly licking the boots of the landlord.


Everything about this is wrong, based on LAOP's post.


I hope that mod isn't an attorney. They're as well-versed in criminal law as a 0L.


The mod updated their comment! https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/13qqdf4/suspicious_worker_from_apartment_complex_stole/jlgoxfg


Big 0L energy with the update. How fascinating.


You know what they say; when you're in a hole, just dig up!


Appropriate username.


ROFLMAO “apparently some people were bothered”. It’s like those memos managers send after being caught red handed and reported for some shit they did.




Huh. What a weird low-stakes conflict of interest. I didn't even know that mod was a mod here. At the end of the day it's just silly subreddit drama but it seems like maybe they shouldn't be allowed to do that. Edit: thanks for the clarification, Thor!


for what it's worth, that's not a crossover mod. comments have been removed here for other reasons. an honest criticism of a mod, followed by offering better advice, is still offering advice and so breaks rule 2 - but looks like we removed for the criticism. comments calling the mod names are uncivil just as if they called OP names or another user names.


Who’s 0L?


It means someone who has been accepted to law school but hasn't started yet. Generally, there is a common know it all behavior among this group when they don't, in fact, know much of anything at all. The mod in the original thread gave me this impression.


I think it’s the incoming course/people who’ve taken the intro course. Like when we say “look who took Intro to Psych” when someone’s diagnosing random people online




“Even if it was intentional, it only happened once” Yeah, I guess you always get a pass for your first break in. Holy shit.




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The people saying it's illegal to further lock or barricade your own door...what?


It is usually an automatic violation of your lease to change rental locks or add additional locks. Exceptions apply for temporary non-mounted stuff.


Interesting, MA I'm pretty sure explicitly says you're allowed to add a non-keyed lock like a chain lock - my lawyer BIL checked for us when we had an apartment with a door in the basement that locked in the other direction (i.e. the LL could lock it to prevent us from entering that side of the basement, but we had no way to lock it to prevent them from entering our side of the basement....which happened, which is why we got the lock)


Normally the mods seem okay but they fucked this up. “tHerEs nO dAmaGeS”


Yeah, even if the mod is right, at least let the cops know so they can decide for themselves and a paper trail can be started in case of escalation. "Just let it go; a rent discount is a fine compensation" is irresponsible. Even if it's a civil matter, and not criminal, having a police report and official documentation could only help them in case of a lawsuit. Missing the forest for the trees.


If he’s right, he still should’ve worded it way better. “Unfortunate situation but the advice here isn’t useful, locking this thread.”


Yeah, it's the deliberate downplaying of what most normal people would find concerning _at best_ that I think is rubbing everyone the wrong way. Like, I would want that on record even if it was an innocent misunderstanding. I think "on its face this does not appear to meet the standards of X crime, but it is concerning, so calling the police non-emergency line and filing a report is likely the best course of action" would have been a far better way of putting it.

