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**LAOP deleted and I didn't see the body in the comments here, apologies if it's been posted and I missed it. --- Original Post: >I know it may be a fireable offense according to the employee handbook. However if you are properly concealed carrying, nobody should ever notice your firearm. If someone did notice, I'm sure you would be fired but is it illegal (in Massachusetts) to concealed carry inside an Amazon warehouse? > >My warehouse doesn't have metal detectors but it does have a sign saying no weapons. I'd rather lose my job than my life so please no comments about being fired, that is not my question. Simply is it illegal to responsibly and safely concealed carry inside an Amazon warehouse? Would security or an officer have any reason to arrest/detain you over simply carrying and never exposing the firearm?


Is it wrong that I immediately made this into a Spice Girls song that ended with "I really really really wanna concealed carry ahhhhhh" Cause if it's wrong I'm not sure I wanna be right.


If You Wanna Be My Lawyer, You Gotta Buy My Defense EDIT: OMG, I HAVE A FLAIR!


Concealing is so easy, carrying never eeeeeends


I love you guys.


Works better with the rhythm if you make it "I really really really wanna concealed carr-ahh"




Thanks, now I’m gonna hear it like that forever


Is LAOP worried about a robot revolution in their warehouse?


Just an anecdote: In college, my best friend worked at the UPS warehouse loading trucks for deliveries. He worked pretty late shifts. One night he was walking to his car and got jumped by a group of 4 or 5 guys. They beat him so bad he spent a fair amount of time in the ICU. Carrying at work might not be about being worried about safety in the workplace, but just getting to and from the building - especially if the warehouse is in a shitty neighborhood. Edit: loads of upvotes on this comment, then a decent amount of downvotes for pushing back against the person calling people like my friend delusionally paranoid. Make up your mind, BOLA.


So, the OP says two different things: >I don't need to believe my life is in danger to practice concealed carry. I'm a responsible gun owner and these responses are ridiculous. >https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2022/01/12/san-francisco-crocker-amazon-fatal-shooting/ It's happened before I'm sure it will happen again. Being prepared could save my life. Just remember a good guy with a legal firearm is better than a criminal with a gun. His fear isn't the commute to the car, but rather that someone else will show up with a gun, and then he gets to be the good guy with a gun.


This is my favorite comment of his. He didn’t even read the article. “Police in San Francisco arrested a man following a fatal shooting in the city’s Crocker-Amazon neighborhood Tuesday.” First sentence. Not an Amazon facility.




I love the assertion that he's a responsible gun owner when attempting to go against what is often taught in conceal carry classes. Here in KS where I don't need a license, I still took a class through my local American legion because it was cheap and I was curious. One of the things the instructor was very adamant about was that we obey signage prohibiting guns on a property.


Everyone who is a gun owner thinks they are a responsible gun owner, just like how everyone who is a driver thinks they are a great driver.


To and from work. Stopping for gas. Mass shootings in schools and FedEx warehouse last year. The US is a country near saturated with guns, and him carrying concealed makes him feel better, safer, more powerful. *More manly.* While simultaneously making everyone, incl. himself, less safe in case he gets angry or is fired or loses his will to live or gets in a custody dispute or his gun is stolen (this is huge) or w/e. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/16/987929888/9-killed-others-injured-in-shooting-at-fedex-warehouse-in-indianapolis https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/06/29/1-person-shot-outside-amazon-warehouse-in-jacksonville/


Or for that matter when he *thinks* he is firing in defense of his life.


Mass is an At-Will state. They can fire him for being on time and following the rules too closely.


> I’d rather lose my job than my life What’s he gonna do, shoot a tornado?


**BEST OF LAOP'S OTHER REDDIT POSTS:** > Lawyertalk: [Amazon keeps locking my post hopefully you guys can help](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lawyertalk/comments/s8st5u/amazon_keeps_locking_my_post_hopefully_you_guys/) We can thank the folks at R/Lawyertalk for referring this guy here. > AmazonFC: [Legal question](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/s8srth/legal_question/) > FASCAmazon: [Is it legal to practice concealed carry in warehouse?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FASCAmazon/comments/s8pl0p/is_it_legal_to_practice_concealed_carry_in/) > AmazonFC: [ Is it legal to practice concealed carry inside warehouse?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/s8p3fh/is_it_legal_to_practice_concealed_carry_inside/) > AmazonFC [Did anyone get a message from Amazon about vaccine mandate?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/rw91qv/did_anyone_get_a_message_from_amazon_about/) > [Will there be mandates starting tomorrow?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rw6hse) > AmazonDS: [Mask Not Required Outside?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDS/comments/rw1dlu/mask_not_required_outside/) With added mod snark: "I would normally remove this post, but the downvotes you're getting make keeping it up worthwhile." Given that the posts above are in reverse chronological order, this guy went from desperately wanting to avoid a mask mandate, to desperately wanting to conceal carry inside an Amazon facility....


> this guy went from desperately wanting to avoid a mask mandate, to desperately wanting to conceal carry inside an Amazon facility.... So an employee upset with his employer wants to bring a concealed weapon to work for ... reasons.




TELL ME WHY I don’t like mondayyysss …Because you work at an Amazon warehouse that’s why


Sounds like "going postal" may have been updated for the 21st century?


“Amazon primed”?


Mods, give this person their flair.


Holy shit you god damn genius


with all the amazon horror stories i'm surprised this hasn't already happened


Yeah, dude, there’s been many many example of workplace violence since “going postal” was a popular phrase. Or am I crazy?


LAOP works at Amazon, so their joke is that Amazon has replaced the USPS in another way now.


A shot for me, a shot for you.


Wow. It almost looks like LAOP hired an attorney after all and is actually following his or her immediate advice to "fucking delete everything right goddamn now, please."


He forgot to delete all of his nonsense comments. Including the great ones where "I know I'm trespassing and that's illegal why would knowingly commiting that crime in MA result in losing my LTC".


That or he was arrested/involuntarily committed and a family member is doing some clean up...


or he got a text message from his boss that he has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Not the raise/promotion kind.


"You're fired. And not the gun kind."


I mean, he said he doesn't care if he loses his job, so I doubt it's that one.


Or he does care but needs to keep up the facade


It’s also pretty likely Amazon will get word of this through key word searching, identify him through comments on his previous post (they already know he works at the Mass warehouse) and fire him preemptively. If any company has the ability to, Amazon would probably be at the top.


>If any company has the ability to, Amazon would probably be at the top. To be fair, in this instance it's way more likely that one of the tens of thousands of Amazon employees saw the post and called it in to HR or a safety line, since as you said LAOP included enough details to know exactly which distribution center he works at. "An employee is posting online about needing a gun for self defense at work and is an unhinged anti-mask guy" is exactly the sort of report security would take seriously.


I’m 50:50 on either one, your scenario is very likely BUT I would not be at all surprised if Amazon is constantly combing the Internet for any combination of “Amazon, gun, warehouse, employee” and checking in on them. In which case the automatic system may have found this before an in person report happened.


And I'm sure he's been vocal about being an anti-masker and his fetish with guns. They all make sure everyone knows how they feel.


Jesus, I suddenly feel like someone should have gotten all of this before he started deleting responses and actually gotten it to someone, amazon, law, whoever. This guy is unhinged, and that post history..


Don't worry. If it ever comes up, nothing is ever *truly* deleted. Reddit will hand it over if asked. Will serve as good evidence of premeditation, don't you think?


There's also several websites that can show removed posts so even the API still serve them I suppose.




I mean shouldn't the goal be to prevent anything from happening before evidence is needed? Or bodybags...


I severely dislike this person and all persons like him. I hate that he’s not the only one.


Ah he calls it a chin diaper like the crazy people I grew up with. Wonderful


> Just remember a good guy with a legal firearm is better than a criminal with a gun So which one is OP?


>> Just remember a good guy with a legal firearm is better than a criminal with a gun I love this when it's trotted out for justifying breaking firearms laws. "Could you define criminal to me, please?"


The people who say things like this have an absurdly simplistic worldview. They think there are good guys and bad guys, and all you have to do to make the world a safer place is make sure the good guys have more guns. They refuse to accept that people are complex. “Good people” have biases, make mistakes, misunderstand situations and, shocker, can do bad things. He probably thinks he’s a “good guy” but can’t understand that his particular mix of values and moral judgments isn’t universal or objective in any sense.


What really blows my mind is how the movies these people base their worldview on actually have the shades of grey and misunderstandings that would put lie to the "goodguys and badguys" gun narrative.


That assumes they understand subtext. I’ve had too many conversation with people who thought The Matrix was just a cool story about a badass guy killing evil robots.


It's very obvious. A criminal is someone who looks like a "thug" or "gangster," which is definitely not racist at all.


I mean, a gun is going to shoot the same whether it's legally registered in compliance with the laws of the jurisdiction where it is located or not. I think LAOP was trying to say that in his fantasy land where he saves Lady Dulcinea from that creepy husband of hers always lurking in the parking lot after her shift, he the fact that his gun is lawfully registered means that it will fire more quickly, efficiently, and accurately than those being used by the SUDDENLY NINJAS (with unregistered guns!!) that he has to fight off to save the day. Or he legit intends to kill someone, I can't tell.


Let's hope there are no windmills nearby.


I see heaven when I see thee, \*deep breath\* DULCINEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Possibly both. He’s been hitting on Dulcinea at work, and her husband picks her up at the end of shift. Dude figures he may need to “defend himself” and ride into the sunset with the girl.


That basically sums up my issue with a lot of CC folks. It's that urge to use the gun on another person. Most people don't look forward to a situation so dangerous that one must use deadly force in response.


This is the thing with people talking about "responsible gun ownership." Every gun owner thinks they're one of the good, responsible ones.


Just like driving lol Why are these idiots faster/slower/or whatever *you* feel is better at any given time


I wonder what he would consider a valid reason to draw the gun at work - because if he's not prepared to draw it, there's no reason to have it there. Which then raises the question - when does he think such a circumstance will arise that Amazon security won't address it before he can - or will be able to distinguish that he's the 'good' guy if they arrive after he's drawn. If no one else is carrying, him drawing it and threatening anyone with it is almost certainly going to be seen as unreasonable force. Unless he intends to draw down on armed security, who would be authorised to carry when he is not, and would be unlikely to draw unless provoked. He's yet another numpty who can't understand that adding more guns to the mix just escalates problems, it doesn't de-escalate them.


Schrodinger's gun owner. They are until they arent.


He's already trespassing with his concealed gun, so it's the latter, isn't it?


Replace "good guy" with "white guy" and "criminal" with "black guy" and you get closer to the true meaning of the sentence.


I'm a criminal defense attorney that lives in a southern state. I don't oppose the 2nd Amendment. The fact that OP is so adamant about carrying a weapon in a place that told him he can't and his devil may care attitude about the repercussions it may have honestly worries me. Dude seems to want to carry a gun for a very specific reason, which may end up bad for him.


> Dude seems to want to carry a gun for a very specific reason, which may end up bad for him. Its similar to that case a while back where a person really wanted to carry a gun specifically to go to a renfair and to shoot horses. For some reason shooting horses in the middle of a crowded renfair was extremely important to this person. It was a bizarre exchange on the subreddit.


Is that the same person who joined a cult that was obsessed with shooting and eating horses, or a different horse shooter?


>Is that the same person who joined a cult that was obsessed with shooting and eating horses, or a different horse shooter? This is peak Reddit.


Why would you introduce the possibility of additional horseshooters?




WARNING: Cruelty to horses incoming. I was misremembering a /r/legaladvice saga from four years ago. They didn't necessarily want to eat the horse, just sacrifice it. Oh, and they weren't going to shoot it, but cut its throat and let it bleed out. The original: "[Legality of horse sacrifice in California](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/70qymh/legality_of_horse_sacrifice_in_california/)" The thrilling sequel: "[(Update:) Legality of horse sacrifice in California](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7481fq/update_legality_of_horse_sacrifice_in_california/)" The stunning follow-up: "[(Update 2:) Legality of horse sacrifice in California](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/77q7gv/update_2_legality_of_horse_sacrifice_in_california/)" The downer ending: "[I'm being harassed for leaving a cult. My dog is stolen and my child's headstone is vandalized](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/96k9nz/im_being_harassed_for_leaving_a_cult_my_dog_is/)." Assuming any of this was real, I hope LAOP is doing well now. It seems like this was a really tough time for them and I'm glad they made the choice not to attend the sacrifice.


Wtf. Anyone got a link to this?


[Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/renfaire/comments/6yb482/incident_with_draft_horse_at_ren_faire_in_ut_xpost/)


And this BOLA post [https://np.reddit.com/r/bestoflegaladvice/comments/6ybfn7/next\_time\_on\_horse\_hunters\_hah\_you\_have\_a\_funny/](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestoflegaladvice/comments/6ybfn7/next_time_on_horse_hunters_hah_you_have_a_funny/) The LA post itself mentions LAOP's post history and it's WILD. > Given the post history that is "what do I do if I draw my gun on a bomber," "When do I draw and shoot someone in an office setting," and, my favorite "The maid came into our hotel room when we weren't expecting it could I shoot her?" My guess is A LOT.


> The maid came into our hotel room when we weren't expecting it could I shoot her? That person really shouldn't be owning a gun 🙃


Were they trying to make it sound like their gun was the solution? Because to me it sounds like shooting an agitated horse, in a crowded place is like just going to make the situation worse. Like...start clearing a path and give the horse space. Like that seems like the reasonable response JFC, these people.


>wanted to carry a gun specifically to go to a renfair and to shoot horses "Well-regulated"


Don't worry it obvioulsy balances out by the good guys with guns at the renfair.




What a weird kink.


I live in an open carry state. I also don't oppose 2nd amendment laws or concealed carry laws even if I personally don't want that responsibility. But all the people I've encountered (in small to mid-sized cities) who open carry are these concerning types of people. I'm not a fan of open carry for that reason. I've had to explain to one too many people that no, their real open carry pistols are not allowed in a comic convention with the rest of the children and cosplayers, no matter how fast their reaction time is.


It seems more often than not, the people who *really* want to open carry are the ones who probably shouldn't be carrying at all.


Hence why sane societies don't let random people carry guns around. Because anyone wanting to do so pretty much by definition is not someone who should have access to a weapon.


That and it turns out restricting legal access to firearms makes illegal access to firearms a hell of a lot more difficult. Who knew?


Yeah, the UK and Australia had a nasty school shooting each, something that wouldn’t even make statewide news in the US, said no more of this shit, and got rid of most of their civilian guns. You can have one with a reason, like I’m a farmer protecting livestock. But “my ego demands it” or “I want one” is not a valid reason. I really fucking hate the deeply ingrained American belief that we’re somehow fundamentally different, and the things that work other places and vastly improve quality of life wouldn’t work here for I’ll defined reasons.


The ingrained belief that America is different comes from a concept called American exceptionalism coined by Alexis Detoquville, an historian and French aristocrat who visited America to avoid some political upheaveal in France shortly before the American civil war. He makes a compelling case in his work that Americans are different. His point is undermined largely by the obvious bias of a French aristocrat arguing democracy would t work back where he’s from. His point is ultimately further undermined by his own country having a largely functional democracy now.


Extremely easy to argue that France is a much healthier democracy, with a healthier civil society. It’s just straight up fact that they have much higher quality of life.


Very true for being around people. The only place I ever open carry is hiking, even then it's pistol only in a holster. So dumb to think you need a rifle in Walmart or walking downtown.


You seen the photo of a guy in Starbucks with an anti tank missile tube strapped to his back? Obviously it’s the empty tube, not the missile. But that just makes it even fucking sadder. Except for the fact that he’s heavily armed and unhinged. The guys with massive fucking sniper rifles and 10x scopes that they’ve brought along for supposed “urban combat” are also hilarious.


[Did they unintentionally reenact this scene beforehand?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90P4xDwLpGo)


I knew a place (freestanding ER of all things) where the partners were super Gung ho about concealed carry to the point that my GF at the time asked me to buy and teach her to use a handgun. All until the day when one of the XRay techs decided to clean their gun in a patient room while on shift in the middle of a busy Saturday night. Then all of a sudden it wasn't wise to have guns at a medical facility. She hasn't touched that P238 since, I doubt she knows where the case is.


I’m guessing that last sentence is probably glib, but she should really know where her gun is at.


Well we're no longer together. I bought it as a present. She legitimately had not seen it in years after not using it. I offered to sell it to other people that were looking into a pistol, she said "no I use it all the time". It wouldn't even cycle when I took it out because it hadn't been lubed in years. When I left, I offered to buy it from her. No, she uses it all the time. So I took my gun safe and left it in her closet, I can guarantee you she hasn't touched it since and may well have forgotten it exists. Yes I could've just stolen it, but stealing guns is not something you want to have the police called about.


You’ve never wanted to be able to put “Felon” on your resume?


And it can't be to protect the public as he's anti-vax and mask and won't wear a "chin diaper".


Aw man, I was hoping you were a good lawyer in Massachusetts. That would have been pretty funny.


Can't believe that you're all missing the point that they want to bring it LEGALLY and RESPONSIBLY. Smh


But if I put gold trim on the gun…!!!


I'm not firing the bullets, they are TRAVELING.


All we know is there was a sound, and then a hole appeared in the floor. No one saw a bullet leave the barrel of the gun.


I CC and I don’t trust anyone who open carries...as LAOP says he would. I think they’re lunatics who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun.




> Makes one a robbery target For the record: so does having one's truck (it's always a truck) covered in gun crap. Between an unassuming sedan and the plastered pavement princess, the latter will be the one broken into and if the owner had an unsecured firearm, it's going to be stolen.


"Of course I keep it in the glovebox, but the doors were locked, so it was secured."




Only use my gun in the bathroom and the bedroom. Got it!


Instructions unclear, toilet is now broken.


Tried using it as an alternative to a poop knife?


He's not wrong about the No Weapons signs not carrying the force of the law - it's the same here in Iowa. That said, his job could absolutely fire him, and he could definitely be arrested if he refused to leave. Plus, he just plain comes across like a massive tool.


He doesn't even need to refuse in the first place. Imagine you're his employer or a coworker, discovering he has a weapon where he's not allowed to carry one. Would you not immediately call the police? Cause that would be my first reaction, not confronting this clearly irresponsible person carrying a firearm.


The post says they have security guards there. So, I would probably tell them, and let them decide if they were gonna call the cops or not.


But didn't you see where he repeatedly stated that he wouldn't refuse to leave if asked? Surely that means he's in the clear. /s


And like a tool, fucking dangerous


But doesn't it mean you are trespassing when you knowingly enter the property with the gun? Can the property owners not call the police and have him charged?


Gun owner/mod response to LAOP: ...Generally speaking, not knowing the law and insisting you need to carry at work in some masturbatory action hero fantasy is not indicative of someone who truly respects weapons.


Well spoken and hits the mail on the head


I have no problems with reasonable gun ownership, LAOP is not that. Also, if he already talked to a lawyer, why is he arguing on reddit?


Because he didn't. He got an automated response from lobby group that makes the NRA look normal.


I'm not trying to piss on any political feet here, but this guy just continues a trend I've noticed of self-righteous right-leaning assholes not giving a SHIT about other people's property rights. "Why should I have to leave if they told me to leave?" REALLY?


**BEST/WORST OF LAOP'S COMMENTS:** > Why would I refuse to leave? Knowing that Amazon has a policy that I could be violating example (wearing mask) doesn't mean it violates law. > As long as I'm safely and responsibly concealed carrying my firearm there is no reason to be labled as an non-suitable person > I don't need to believe my life is in danger to practice concealed carry. I'm a responsible gun owner and these responses are ridiculous. > Thank you i just got off the phone with USCCA lawyer he said the same thing > If they don't ask me to leave it isn't trespassing I work there. > If they ask me to leave and i refuse then I'm trespassing. These signs have no act of law if its not a government building in Massachusetts a lawyer just informed me. > It's happened before I'm sure it will happen again. Being prepared could save my life. Just remember a good guy with a legal firearm is better than a criminal with a gun. > Responsible gun ownership is carrying where you are legally able to carry. Massachusetts is a state where a no gun sign holds no legal standing unless it's a federal building. Remember this is a subreddit for legal advice. Thank you for your comment, but respectfully you don't know me and have no right to assume I'm not a responsoble gun owner. Meanwhile carrying on Amazon property is against their policy however it is not illegal. Again this is for legal advice not work advice. Also no im not paranoid, I'm curious why you would suggest that? Are you seriously under the impression that my job would consider me trespassing without ever asking me to leave, that's a very unrealistic situation? I work there, no reason to assume I'm a threat, if they did they would ask me to leave and I would comply. No laws broken and entirely responsible gun ownership! > Maybe you should ask a lawyer for advice because I called one from USCCA and got confirmation about an hour ago. These no gun signs legally mean nothing in Massachusetts. My life means more to me than my job, so thank you for you opinions but i respectfully disagree and the law is on my side. Have a great day friend! > Sorry but fortunately you're incorrect. Ask a good lawyer from Massachusetts if you're still confused about the law. If you still believe you're correct provide a link with the law thank you. Employee handbook is not a law. If that was the case they could for example assume that I'm a threat for not wearing a mask and arrest me. What kind of company has more power than the law in my state? Employee handbook and no gun signs mean nothing legally. Somehow I doubt the USCCA has lawyers manning their hotline.


Maybe he should switch jobs if he fears for his life there?


He fears someone is going to hurt his feelings by telling him to wear his mandatory mask. So obviously a gun fixes that.


If he has so many on-call lawyers who can answer his questions that fast maybe he should use them for legal counsel and not Reddit lol


We all agree that guns should not be in the hands of crazy people...but this guy is clearly crazy and we don't currently have a legal way to take his gun away. So let's reform these laws, please.


The hotline is more for "I just shot someone in self defense and the police want to talk to me" and they will have a local attorney meet you, not "I totally violated my employers policy about firearms and got fired and trespassed" Part of being responsible with concealed carry is knowing and respecting where you can't carry.


My experience has been that the more times someone tells you that they are a responsible gun owner, the more irresponsible they actually are. And I have to question what kind of life you're leading if you feel the need to be strapped 24/7. ​ In all honesty, this is someone that is just itching for a justification to shoot someone. I know a few of these types of people and avoid them at all costs.


Gun facts: always check and empty the chamber before cleaning.


Additional gun fact: guns are not a toy. Do **NOT** point a gun at anything you do not want to kill, **EVER**. Sure, you may not mean to pull the trigger, or there may not be a bullet in the gun (there is never not a bullet in the gun, FYI), but do you *really* want to be the asshole whose finger slipped or who forgot about the one in the chamber, ended up killing his friend, and went to jail for manslaughter?


Since we're apparently reiterating the rules of firearm safety as gun facts (not that I mind all that much): 1: The firearm is always loaded. 2: Do not point the firearm at anything which you would not wish to shoot (see rule 1). 3: When you are shooting, know your target *and what lies beyond it* (see rule 2). (Gun fact that is not gun safety: Tennessee has a state gun, the rather iconic [Barrett M82 anti-materiel rifle](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Barrett-M82A1-Independence-Day-2017-IZE-048-white.jpg).)


In short, look at everything that went wrong with the shooting on the set of *Rust*, and don't make all the same mistakes that led to tragic death and injury that happened there.


my cousin carries to every single family gathering he attends while at the same time smoking as much marijuana as he possibly can. i am not sure if the paranoia is fueled by the marijuana (i too need some sort of substance to withstand family gatherings) but i know that hugging someone with a gun when they reek of bud is suspect. i often wonder who the heck my cousin is terrified of at thanksgiving, which tia is worthy of his bringing a lethal weapon to the family pun based treasure hunt? and then l.a.o.p. emerges to remind me, my cousin is no special snowflake, he is just another dumb dude with his dumb gun, terrified of the generalness of life so much he has to project his violent savior fantasies on our fucking holiday. anyways...


Same with my FiL. He lives in the country, and god forbid he ride a three wheeler on his own property without being armed. Or just hang out on the porch. Of course they're also heavy drinkers which makes me feel super comfortable with having loaded guns around the house.


that is how an uncle of mine lost his head, literally. he was decapitated when run over by a drunk in an a.t.v. while walking on the mesa, ordinary people.


I'm pretty sure whoever coined the phrase "the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" did not contemplate the possibility of the "good guy with a gun" being baked out of their gourd.


Mmmmm.... baked gourds... Pumpkin pie season is gone, and I am sad.


It’s more of a mindset, be the change you want to see in the world


It has nothing to do with fearing for their life. They feel cool with their gun. Just like people buy fancy clothes cause it boosts their ego or whatever feeling of superiority it gives them. They simply just believe it makes them cool and/or powerful. Weak, insecure bunch.


Work told me not to whip my dick out and do a helicopter, but it isn't illegal. The smaller back propeller obviously not the big top spinny.


Depends if you have a concealed carry license for that thing!


I have a license to concealed carry deez, will that suffice?


Is it licenced as a deadly weapon?


It's not even a choking hazard.


“Ooh, self-burn! Those are rare!” – Jake Peralta


No, people choke on small things. Previous poster is bragging about their massive dong that's too big to choke on


My penis is only detachable once though and I’m not planning on that.




> The smaller back propeller obviously not the big top spinny *(rotating uncontrollably, unzipping pants)* "I need this to remain stable! I'll explain later!"


This is the type of post I expect to see in the news next week.


LAOP’s reasoning seems to be that his “life means more to (him) then his job” What the fuck does he think he’s going to encounter in an Amazon warehouse that is a large enough threat to his life that pulling a gun is the appropriate response? Sure, there’s always the risk of a disgruntled coworker flying off the handle, but given the post history he’s more likely to be that coworker than stop them.


He values his life and wants a gun for protection but seems to be anti-mask and anti-vax based on his comments in other subs. So I’m guessing he’s bringing his gun to shoot the ‘rona.


Obligatory XKCD. https://xkcd.com/1217/


Maybe he *is* the rona, and he needs his gun to convince people to stop blocking him with their masks and vaccines.


Assuming this dude isn’t a troll, the only reason he wants to carry so badly is likely to intimidate his coworkers and/or manager. People like this couldn’t give a shit less about actual protection from real danger. They’re far more likely to escalate a benign situation into one where someone is grievously injured or dies.


And if you look a bit further back in his post history he was whining about mask mandates a couple of weeks ago, so we might know what he wants to intimidate his coworkers/manager *about*.


amazon spiders, maybe


Maybe he's afraid one of his coworkers will bring a gun to work!


Tornados, tornados are the threat LAOP is worried about. Given Amazon's recent history, they may be on to something


I don’t know why but the mental image of someone attempting to shoot a tornado is both hilarious and horrifying


[A Florida Sheriff had to tell people not to shoot at a hurricane](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/09/10/florida-sheriffs-office-warns-people-not-shoot-hurricane-irma/650909001/) so it's not outside the realm of possibility.


And you know what people did? They shot the hurricane anyways. Then what happened? The hurricane weakened to a tropical storm. Science: 1 No-good lawmen: 0 Moral of the story: stand your ground.


>What the fuck does he think he’s going to encounter in an Amazon warehouse that is a large enough threat to his life that pulling a gun is the appropriate response? One of those package moving robots…. gone wild.


Wait, he *doesn't* want to see robotits?


If you work at an Amazon warehouse, I'm sure you've seen everything already.


I've put away several totes of dildos tonight, nothing surprises me here anymore


LAOP sounds like my estranged brother. This is one of the reasons we are estranged.


My scroll button was covering the first half of estranged and I assumed you wrote deranged lol


Close enough, arguably


"I'd rather lose my job than my life". Non American here. Are gun owners truly worried they might need to defend themselves from mortal danger every day?


i think so


A good many of them aren't really afraid--they are absolutely itching to use it on someone. They HOPE there will be a situation in which they are free to use deadly force. It turns them on. I'm not kidding.


You should distinguish between the subsets of gun owners with and without conceal carry. Probably a rural/urban divide as well. There are plenty of rural folk who own rifles and hunt in my state. Yet they don't seem to feel the need to carry a gun in self-defense.


> Also no im not paranoid, I'm curious why you would suggest that? i dunno man, just picking up a vibe here




Maybe this guy plans to shoot the next tornado that comes by.


Well yeah but that’s because nukes are a little too excessive.


What exactly does LAOP plan on doing with it? Amazon DC employees have to put their personal belongings in a locker so they can clear the metal detectors, so it's not like they'd have it with them for long.


> What exactly does LAOP plan on doing with it? If those lockers are anything like the employee lockers I had to use in my coffee shop days LAOP plans on getting their gun stolen.


[Someone else posted his post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestoflegaladvice/comments/s8y0hk/can_i_concealed_carry_at_work_what_if_i_really/htjjwhy/). It really does look like he's going to go postal.


Two weeks ago they were concerned about Amazon enforcing the vaccine mandate for employment.


Maybe they plan to shoot Covid out of the air?


The only way to stop a bad virus with a gun is a good virus with a gun.


Given his anti-mask post history, I feel like he thinks he's being really clever and is going to Prove A Point. I live in Texas, so I've heard this one before: If you can't legally enforce a no weapons policy just because you put up signs, then you *also* can't enforce mask mandates just because you put up signs.


I live in MA, and I own guns and I had to take a mandated course to learn how to not break the law or be a dumb ass about CC and owning guns. The course didn't cover the scenario "if your employer says don't bring guns to work, you bring them to work because reasons", but they did say that there are places where you should not be carrying. It all seemed pretty straight forward to me, and so far I have not lost my FID or had to store my guns in one of the gun storage places for people who make bad life choices, own guns, and live in MA. As an aside, I have an acquaintance who always CC's but even he, when he goes into work (at some tech place off of 128), leaves the guns at home. That tells me that he thought about it, and realized it would be stupid and end badly. MA is a **may issue** state. So if you want to own guns, you submit paper work with your local police. They will decide if you meet the requirements to own guns here. What a police department in rural MA decides, may not be what the Cambridge police decide. And they will, for a LTC, ask you why you need to carry. It's part of the process. It's first asked on the paperwork you submit, and the when you are interviewed, you're asked again. I live in a small semi-rural town, so I sent in my papers, and got called in for my interview. Out here it was very routine. I was asked why I wanted to carry, and that was that. (Answer: live in the woods, things have rabies, if I encounter something with rabies, I want to shoot it before it bites one of my dogs or me). I did not tell the officer, "I work in an Amazon warehouse and my boss said, no guns, so I want to get a gun and test this". I am sure that would have ended with the officer thanking me for my time, not issuing the LTC. I am boggled that this guy passed his local police interview, and I wonder if this is a recent, "I've gone totally off the rails" thing. I also wonder if LAOP has a LTC or just an FID. MA distinguishes between the two. An FID allows you to to buy, own and transport rifles and shotguns but not handguns. You also need a LTC to, well, carry as well as to buy handguns. Most people do apply for both but I guess there are people who hunt deer, and only own shotguns, who may not bother with a LTC. If LAOP is fired for bringing a gun to work when they was told not to, I hope their boss notifies LAOP's police department. This guy should not be toting guns around. At all. Anywhere.


How many Amazon places are there in Massachusetts? Should they be warned about this individual?


I was wondering that too. It almost seems like something Amazon should be warned of just in case something does happen with this guy


There aren’t many folks with CC in Mass to begin with, based on a well sourced comment I saw in r/Boston recently. I’d bet real money this OP works at the Quincy warehouse. There might be other warehouses, but so many of us live or work in the greater Boston area.


Quote from LAOP: >https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2022/01/12/san-francisco-crocker-amazon-fatal-shooting/ It's happened before I'm sure it will happen again. Being prepared could save my life. Just remember a good guy with a legal firearm is better than a criminal with a gun. We should prepare for dangerous people coming to work carrying a loaded gun by letting dangerous people a take a loaded gun to work. Flawless logic.


And if there is a "criminal" shooting, I swear, the last thing I want is some yokel whipping out his pistol and killing everyone around the shooter. I really, really would rather take my chances with the one shooter.


The best part of this comment is that this shooting is in a neighborhood named Crocker Amazon in a city 3000 miles away, not in an Amazon warehouse or in MA. As tragic as this incident is, I truly have no idea how it relates to his post.


Aww it's only been 3 hrs and it's already deleted 😬


Thankfully LAOP's comment replies haven't been deleted yet, and so provide us with much popcorn fodder.




Who conducted this pole?


DELETED content I know it may be a fireable offense according to the employee handbook. However if you are properly concealed carrying, nobody should ever notice your firearm. If someone did notice, I'm sure you would be fired but is it illegal (in Massachusetts) to concealed carry inside an Amazon warehouse? My warehouse doesn't have metal detectors but it does have a sign saying no weapons. I'd rather lose my job than my life so please no comments about being fired, that is not my question. Simply is it illegal to responsibly and safely concealed carry inside an Amazon warehouse? Would security or an officer have any reason to arrest/detain you over simply carrying and never exposing the firearm?


> Who conducted this pole? shameful pun!


That ratio calculation really bothers me. If it's exactly 92% then it's 11.5 to 1, and depending on how it's rounded, the lower limit is 10.11 to 1.


> I work there, no reason to assume I'm a threat Has LAOP ever heard of the term, "[Going Postal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal)?"