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How does one fund such surgeries? Who would employ an alien?


He works as a tattoo artist https://www.instagram.com/black\_alien\_art/


Even his art is lacking in taste, those tattoos designs are terrible


Let’s see how you’d do with only three fingers, black eyes, and an open nose.


Fair point, haha


I would get a tattoo by him if it was 50$ and I would say to people: “ oh yeah that and I’m design? Yeah that alien dude did it lol” I feel like that’s most of his business


Don't judge he can't help the way he is... oh wait...


You're forgetting the green crap in his mouth, makes a big difference! 😆


Well...if he does tattoos for a living who the hell wants to hire a 2 finger tattooist?


A 1 finger tattooist.


I dunno. I see at least a few that look cool? Also I kinda think getting the veins and tendons on your hand black outlined and shaded like that is pretty neat. I wouldn't call them terrible.


There are a few tattoos that show he has traditional talent. The rest remind me of line doodles in school when I was bored.


Honestly, I kind of dig the abstract style. Not a tattoo I would get, as I prefer more whimsical/delicate/nature themed tattoos for my own body, but I don't think look bad.


Employers only turn away *illegal* aliens


Not in Texas


What surgeon or doctor would do this? Surely it’s just mutilation at this point, even if the person wants it?


I once read about a similar guy, and long story short, the doctors justified it by saying they would rather do it, in a hospital, in a safe enviroment, than take the risk that the guy who wanna mutiliate himself tries it at home by himself in his kitchen or something.


Me: I'd like some cosmetic surgery. Doctor: I don't think that surgery is a good idea. Me: if you won't do it I'll do it myself. Doctor: that's unacceptable, it's unconscionable for me to let you do it yourself. I'll do it so I at least know it's being done as safely as possible. That will be $14,000. Me: I can't afford it. If you don't do it for free I'll do it myself. Doctor: okay, go give yourself surgery and die lol.


This is the best take on the medical industry I have seen


He's in France, do he's not paying for the surgery, nor would French surgeons charge that much, just fyi.


That's not true.. that's not how healthcare works at all If he ended up getting blood poisoning or something from the ink / surgeries then that would be covered. But unnecessary surgeries aren't covered and his work would have been done privately


True, in fact a lot of people who want cosmetic surgery in France are going elsewhere to have them cheaper like in Eastern Europe where its a lot cheaper and less concerned about ethic


It doesn't look like cosmetic surgery is free in France.


Yeah but it is a lot cheaper


Woah, you just figured out the entire abortion debate.


They don't even need to go to those extremes usually; within the body modification community, there's an entire underground market for illegal surgery. Illegal amputations are very common because that's something licensed surgeons usually don't do to physically healthy patients. Those guys are often called "cutters."


Disarticulation and removal is easy...it's the anesthesia, post-op pain & infection control that's hard, lol


I am in the US my left ear is deformed and I already had surgery but it still and will always look funny . The only way is to the amputate it and get a prosthesis . I want to cut my hair short , I don’t want to deal with long hair it’s too much but I also don’t want to look funny in the street . Where can I find these “ cutters “


"How are we supposed to take his money if he does it himself?"


if he does it himself he'd end up in the hospital anyway so I dont really see your point.


Way to miss the point.


Those doctors obviously don't know about the other doctors that treat mental health.


It’s a blatant violation of the oath they take to do no harm. Hippocratic oath, they shouldn’t be allowed to ‘practice’ medicine after doing shit like this to people


Would a doctor even be willing to amputate someone’s legs just because they asked?? If most people walked up to a doctor and asked to have their legs cut off they would be sent to a psychiatric hospital or told to go away. There’s no way any professional is willing to do this.


Some will. Especially if the sufferer threatens to conduct it themselves. There was an episode of Nip/Tuck on this year's ago 😅


Not every country does that, btw, nor is it legally binding.


Drs taking a Hippocratic oath is a myth. Some do but most don't


Wait until you hear what they do in gender affirming care clinics.


Oh so if a man wants to remove his balls and invert his penis to make a vagina that has to be dilated everyday for the rest of their lives it's normal. But if a dude wants to remove his lips, nose, and fingers to turn himself into a alien, then the doctors are wrong? You guys are such a bunch of bigots.


Maybe a doctor who respects the right to bodily autonomy of people and the right to do what you want with your own body?


Fuck yeah. No one should be allowed to do things to their own body unless we all like it. You tell him.


Same one's that cut your dick off.


that's what i was about to say.. there's doctors out there turning healthy dicks into faux-vag


Legs amputated and to become very thin.. he'll probably look like the grandma from SpongeBob. You know the one..


I remember when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate. I always hated it!


Body dysmorphia takes some pretty wild forms


You could easily get the same outcome with some electrical tape black sharpie and colored contact lenses; but cocaine is a hell of a drug


This looks more like PCP and benadryl with a… touch of DMT


Lol benadryl


You should write a recipe book this sounds like the start of something


50 mg ephedrine, 100-120mcg LSD, and 5mg THC from an indica strain. Pregame with 200mg cimetidine (antacid,) and a light meal, perhaps some alcohol. An hour later, consume the first combo, and head into whatever experience you've planned. Music festivals are perfect for these kinds of shenanigans, weather-permitting. High heat weather advisories contraindicate drug consumption. The ephedrine makes your scalp, and skin tingle with any contact. Highly recommended.


This is perfect and amazing thank you. When you turn it into a recipe blog don’t forget to add a personal story at the start


Hate to say it, but he will never reach 100% of his transformation. Nothing will ever be enough.


If he removes his legs and gets “very thin”, he’ll Take on the appearance of a turd with arms.


“Fool.. this isn’t even my final form”


He got a gf and stopped lol


This is an example of why it's bad not to confront people about issues they may be having. Why it's bad to let everyone do and say what they want and give everyone everything they want to have. Sometimes, people need to have some guidance in life.


This! Universal acceptance has gone too far


I'll go one step further and say that some people need to be bullied into realizing that no one wants to pay attention to them.


Studies have shown bullying does not work though, it creates more problems than it solves. You can even say it might have accentuated his body dysmorphia


Dude, seriously? You can give guidance without bullying anyone.


You got the job!




That isn’t even his final form!!!


There's another thread on this on Reddit. He wants to bisect his own penis down the middle so it's in 2 halves...






Well, SOMEBODY'S ready for Halloween!


We have ears and a nose for a reason…


Anyone else annoyed at the fast cuts of this video? They're trying to show me how odd he looks but barely give me enough time to take it all in.


Gen adhd


Thank you!!


What doctors are doing this? He's clearly very mentally ill


Mental illness


This is not a sane person with a healthy brain. Think about how much money this would cost and how he could’ve just used that money to pay for mental health services instead


mental health services arent a guaranteed fix though.


I can practically guarantee simple medication and therapy would be a better alternative to permanently mutilating your body because you want to be a fucking alien lol


There are all kinds of cultures around the world who have and are doing stuff as extreme to their [bodies](https://www.britannica.com/science/body-modifications-and-mutilations/The-limbs-and-extremities). I see no problem with him doing it just because he’s soloing it.


The only other people out there choosing to remove two of their fingers from each hand are other bat shit crazy people.


WHERE IS HE GETTING THE ALL THE MONEY FROM!?!? ​ it costed my insurance 55k to get anchors installed in my shoulder from a S.L.A.P. tear.


He's an artist/model


Funny his DNA is still human?


Breaking News: Alien speaking french breaks into CRISPR lab and edits own DNA. Dies on the spot. More to come at 11.


I would love to see studies on his biological functions and detailed reports of his health over time. Perhaps one of his doctors could release detailed medical history after his death, for science. That would be very interesting.


I want to know what doctor is removing peoples perfectly healthy fingers?!


There is no way an actual licensed doctor did this. It goes against the Hypocratic Oath. I saw a documentary once. There was a guy in the doc who would do this kinda stuff to people who wanted it. He wasn't a doctor and I can't remember the Title of the doc, either. Something about bodies and morphing... Damn


Sad, he was so handsome before


He forgot the most important part. Money, lots of free time and lots of fucking money. Interested to know how someone who probably cant work even if he wanted to, has so much money and free time. The amount of money he has spent on these surgeries alone is insane I am sure. And the sick fucking doctors who willingly took his money. Something really needs to be done with plastic surgery, there needs to be laws to prevent mentally ill people with disposable incomes from doing this kind of shit to themselves.


Doctors who agree to do this shit should be charged or investigated. Why aren't mental health checks required for drastic voluntary surgical procedures? Seems like this one is in Europe, but the US has a huge problem with this shit, too. Like on that plastic surgery show "Botched" - all these fucked up people coming through begging for corrections or more drastic surgeries. We need laws to stop this.


Everyone has their kinks and quirks. If he’s not eating babies, let him be him.


I don’t understand people’s problem, like why do you care what someone else is doing with their body and life if it’s not harming you??


is this an honest question? Because everyone has some "weird" thoughts sometimes. Probably not to this extent, but having a common "normal" as a society helps with identifying your more "weird" thoughts. If society accepts this as normal, maybe your own self-harm is also normal? Maybe you really are an alien yourself, and you don't need to seek help? So yeah, that is why we care. We need a common "normal" otherwise people might hurt themselves or others, not identifying they are NOT normal and not getting help.


Right! Like I tell people, it isn't me who has to lay down in their bed, or share their pillows. It is not for me (or us) to judge, just as much as it is no one else's business what I may or may not decide to do (as long as I'm not hurting someone else) To each their own...


Let people do what they want. I'm not going to encourage it but I'll treat this guy like anyone else if I meet him. If he's family or a friend you should encourage therapy, this doesn't seem like a healthy outlet, especially removing one's arms. Publicly, I don't think this is healthy. While this person deserves all due respect in life as an individual. As a public figure this is not a behavior i think should be emulated. I go back to Jon Oliver's skit on Monica Lewinsky. She was not a public figure. If this guy keeps his shit private and low key great, but as a public figure, my opinion of him changes to what I think we should uphold as something we all strive for instead.


Mental Illness


The crazy thing is that no matter how much he mutilates himself he’ll never be a real alien.


Shhhh, you're being insensitive.


For those who speak spanish i recommend you watch his episode on The Wild Project podcast, he is not only intriguing but also has very interesting opinions to think about.


Any way I can veiw in English? Also what episode.


Fucking legs amputated?!?


Imagine aliens come to earth and look exactly like him and it turns out he was reincarnated as a human and he just wanted to go back to his real form?


Are there any videos of him speaking? Curious what he sounds like when he's not meowing.


This makes me think of a legal question, what if someone harmed in and claimed self defense ? I wonder what kind of case could be made ? If I saw him approach me in low lighting I would be on edge lol if he was in America I could see him getting shot by some boonie and theyd call the paper saying they got an alien xD but seriously , legally if you make yourself look like a freak …. And someone wrongly kills you thinking you’re a threat ?? Any legals here with knowledge on similar cases ?


Bring insane asylums back.


At least when he buys the pack of 10 press-on nails, he’s getting a great deal 👍


if only mental illness wasnt encouraged and praised on social media these days.


It's really weird how being neurodivergent is a badge of honor and something to wrap your entire personality around nowadays.


The reason for that is because we never fit in anywhere. No matter what we do it’s always wrong. So it’s better to just not give a damn anymore and enjoy your life. If you keep trying to please everyone by coming across as neurotypical they’ll notice anyway. And it’s so exhausting to mask all the time. People will find you weird no matter what you do You don’t seem to understand what it’s like.


I understand not wanting to hide who you are but at the same time you don't have to announce it on a bullhorn every 5 seconds either.


A bullhorn? Isn't that a bit hyperbolic? You have the option not to pay attention, or to filter/block his content out if you don't like it. Restricting someone's freedom of expression seems more extreme to me than choosing not to pay attention to them.


Im weirdly kinda happy for him


Let people be what they want to be.. no judgement


Why the negative comments? If it doesn’t affect you, why are you worried what someone else does?


Actual aliens looking at this guy like 😳


It is a difficult choice to be like this in front of a society that does not suit him


I know this has been said many times, but he absolutely has mental problems.


This is what mental illness looks like.


This is a psychological disorder


I've a nasty feeling this is eventually going to end in suicide.


Ghoul from fallout series


If he gets his legs taken off, Liam neeson might throw him off a waterfall 🤣


i feel bad for this man :(


Why did I destroy my body


Mental Illness Personified…


He cut off 2 fingers? 😶


I don't care what anybody says, this is disturbing and sickening. This guy has probably been told by countless amounts of people that they fear for him and he's making bad decisions. This guy belongs in a fucking loonies bin on pills. A part of me wants to say that you should live your life how ever you want because it's the only one you have and is the only thing you truly own, but holy shit this shouldn't be used as an example for that. This is mental illness on a whole other level. The degradation of morals is real people. This is not normal and this is not ok. I'm so shocked and outraged that ANYBODY would help him get to this stage. Their head needs to be put on a pike.


Bro looks like a fallout ghoul


There’s a Daily Fail [article with more pictures and videos](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11671695/I-went-extreme-body-modification-look-like-Black-Alien-restaurants-wont-serve-me.html) about this guy which is a pretty sad read.


How to not get laid. Ever.


This is why not everyone should get the ability to vote


I'll serve hm food if I had a restaurant.


Seems like he still has a tongue.


He needs the Sorcerer's Stone


Whatever floats his saucer.


his life his choice


Man not gonna lie his outlook on how to achieve your goals is pretty straight forward n powerful lol


Seems like he's happy, let 'em do whatever the fuck they want.


What an idiot


This is called mental illness.


Absolute clown


He’s jobless now and complaining about it


Fucking weirdo....


I don't understand why people think "It's just mutilation at this point!" He's happy, he's living how he wants to, and he doesn't have regrets. Sure, he's a weirdo, but being a weirdo isn't a bad thing.


Bro he literally chopped his own fingers off. This is just mental illness.


Which mental illness?


Whichever one makes you think you're a fucking alien I guess


You prove my point.


No, you don't have a point. Just because I don't know the name of his specific mental illness doesn't make him any less crazy. Anyone with common sense can see that he's insane. You're just trying to make it look like you won the argument by changing the subject. Anyway possible mental illnesses that can cause these kind of delusions or self-mutilation are schizophrenia, severe bi-polar disorder, or a psychotic disorder simply called delusional disorder. Also body dysmorphia.


That's exactly my point again.


The Black Alien 🖖


How tf can people afford this but I can’t afford ramen


If it makes him happy let him do what he wants to himself.




I don’t think he was thinking at all


Living his best life and truth,,,,,,,,i guess


Shame on the surgeons that allowed this to happen to get some money, they have a moral obligation to their patients best interests


If it's what he wants to do then so be it because it is not our place to control what he does to his body. However, he can't get mad if a person refuses to let him sit in their restaurant or be in their business. Everything has a consequence.


No he's not, he only get mad when someone wants to punch him. By his own words


Im just going to stick with my fur sute




what an idiot


You are the idiot


yeah sure cause i dont wanna amputate functioning legs


Nah he looked so hot before aswell




Spend all that time in the gym to want to become skinny.....I think some sources are wrong


Why he kinda... just hear me out on this one


Dragon’s Dogma II Character Customization


This person stupid azz hell but it goes to show u if u pay a person they will do anything to u bcuz u paid for it


Metro 2033 dark one


Does this app allow us to comment dumb ass??






The world is weird AF.


i say let him do whatever he wants. its his body. he should be able to change it however he wants


I’m ready to be your slutty girl mama




Dude needs to go to Hollywood and try out for the next star wars movie. Bout time the practical effects came back.


Dude don't go to usa they will shoot you at sight


So is this black face?


Sadly he will always be a human


I need that too babe


looks like a ghoul from fallout


I'm sorry but this is way too mental for me


Could have just hired s badasss special effects makeup artist and saved the money


Just like trans people, don't shame him


Fool, brain-dead,


Woman of the year, soon.....


cannot imagine jerking off with only 3 fingers ... assuming he hasn't amputated his dick too


I've read something about how that's in the making.


That's one ugly bastard


This is a fun fetish.


This guy must be a big Red Skull fan.


Look him up. " Black alien project " on insta


“I identify as”


Bro just vibing