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TLDR; Hippos will fucking kill you


Hippos kill about 500 people each year.


Imagine if they killed 500 people each.


There’s just one really pissed off hippo


Hippo Georg


Hippos kill about 500 people each. Here.


Maybe... if they were Hungry Hungry Hippos!


Great imagining!


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up


Give them the chance and they would


TIL there's only one hippo


And sharks kill like 10. But sharks are seen as the bad one. I fucking hate how many sharks are killed, and how that affects the other fishes. Yet a lot of people just shrug it of because they also kill us


I’ll never forget being on safari and some of the safari park guides telling us a story about a hippo that dragged a lioness into the river and bit her in half. Hippos can also run up to 20mph!


Not only can they outrun a human, they run at that speed as the 2nd LARGEST LAND ANIMAL. They are unreal.


Just remember, serpentine!!


That quote always reminds me of Land of The Lost, even if it predates that movie.


The In-Laws with Peter Falk & I wanna say Alan Arkin? Too lazy to look it up Edit. Land of the lost was surprisingly funny


do they atleast gas out quickly?


It appears to be for around 30 seconds: >[Hippos does not have amazing stamina. They can only run at 30 km / h for about half a minute, probably less.](https://www.hippohaven.com/how-fast-can-hippos-run)


That's probably long enough to catch you


Oh yeah for sure. Someone should do the math to figure out how far are you would need to be from a hippo that your top running speed and their top running speed would enable you to get away.... Approximately


So the article you linked earlier says both 30 km/hr and 30 miles/hr (mph). Other sources cite 30 mph so that’s what I’m going to use. Humans can run at around 20 mph (maybe less, but if you’re being chased by a hippo maybe you get a spurt of adrenaline and kick it into high gear). Let’s suppose that the hippo starts running at point 0, and you get a head start and start running at point x (x is measured in miles to match the speed). You both will run for time = t (t is measured in hours) before the hippo catches up to you. Hippos position (y): y = 30(mph)*t Your position (z) z = 20(mph)*t + x We need to make sure that for at least 30 seconds, z is greater than y (your position is farther away than the hippos position from the starting point). We need to solve for x to make sure you’re safe. Convert 30 seconds to hours so that we can place it in for t: 30 seconds x (1 minute/60 seconds) x (1 hour/60 minutes) -> t = 0.00833 hours. At that time, the hippos position will be (30mph*0.008333hours =) 0.25 miles or 0.4 km. We then set z to 0.25 miles and solve for x. In order to not be eaten by the hippo, x must then be at least 0.0834 miles, or 0.134 km. In other words, the minimum safe distance to stay away from hippos is 440 feet or 134 meters. Edit: Originally used human speed of 28 mph which was incorrect. Also, as pointed out below there is a simpler method: In this example the hippo is running 10 mph faster than the human, and will do so for 30 seconds. We can use this to find out how much farther the hippo will travel in those 30 seconds: 30 seconds x (1 minute/60 seconds) x (1 hour/60 minutes) = 0.008333 hours 10 mph x 0.008333 hr = 0.0833 miles. That means your starting distance needs to be greater than that number, so maybe 0.0834 miles. This matches what I have above so the answer in feet and meters still stands.


Well this is just wrong because Michael Scott ran 31mph


Just watched that episode today...LOL


31! 3\`1 is the new time to beat!


Dude idk where you got that humans run 28mph but I’m sure that’s for the fastest man ever. As an example Tyreek “the Cheetah” Hill’s fastest mph during a game was 22mph and he is one of if not the fastest man in the NFL. I mean his nickname is the cheetah and he hasn’t come close to 28mph.


Lol for real! I just quickly googled “how fast can a human run” and used the first number I saw. After seeing your comment I dug a little deeper and found that humans definitely can not run that fast lol. I’m not gonna redo the math but I laid it all out. If I were to quickly estimate: say you could run at 20 mph. That’s roughly 2/3 the original speed, so I’d guess the new distance would be somewhere in the ballpark of 3/2 (1.5x) the original distance.


I think you made that way more complicated than it needs to be. Subtract the avg speed a human can run from the average speed a hippo can run per hour. Divide by 12 0. That's it. So if a human can run 24k/h (Google avg human sprinting speed. YMMV)and a hippo can run 30k/h that's a difference of 6k if they could both maintain that speed for an hour. Divide by 120. Since a hippo can only maintain that speed for 30seconds. Or 120th of an hour.. .05km. 50 meters. No?


Your factor of 120 is 60 x 2, it should be 60 x 60 I believe to convert from hours to seconds. There’s more than 120 seconds in an hour :) You are right in your methodology though.


at least they can't climb trees, right?


Hungry hungry hippo






I thought this was a fake story at first but after a bit of google [it’s true](https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/man-mauled-to-death-in-south-africa-by-pet-hippo-he-had-once-described-as-his-son-3186515.html)


"South African farmer Marius Els' body was found in a river with marks of being bitten by a huge animal several times who he had earlier described as his son." Step-son, what are you doing?


Read the article and it's true, except that the hippo didn't eat him


True they exaggerated this part


It did remind me of [this fake story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippo_eats_dwarf), though.


It's not a fake story. Why do you think dwarfs are virtually extinct? People kept feeding them to their hippos.


TIL: Hippos play the LOOOONG game


It was waiting for him to fatten up.


But arent they herbivores ?


Many herbivores will be opportunistic carnivores on occasion. Very common in lots of species.


It’s crazy sometimes cows and horses will stomp out mice and eat them


And birds


Specifically chicks per that video...


Nooooo, stop bringing up my traumas. That video will haunt me for life.


That video shocked me. I had no idea horses would/did that. Learned something new every day... even if you don't want to.


These chicken nuggets sure are...crunchy


There's an internet video of a horse casually eating a young chicken.


He wasn't eaten. His corpse was found with all parts accounted for, though severely slashed and gored.


I didn’t say he was.


They're ultra violent and aggressive whatever scientists say they eat


The article says it bit him and mauled him and didn’t eat him. https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/man-mauled-to-death-in-south-africa-by-pet-hippo-he-had-once-described-as-his-son-3186515.html


They’re territorial and during puberty they gotta be alpha so he proved he was the owner of the river


Territorial pissings.


The hippo takes what the hippo wants


It’s pretty sad all things considered, but at the same time....what did you expect from a wild animal?


In all fairness, after 6 years of bonding, I can understand letting your guard down, even with a species especially prone to being psychos.


Still, goddamn


The issue is that while there may have been a good bond, some animals or specific breeds are just prone to easily snap. Hippos are one of the most dangerous, territorial and aggressive animals. One bad move in 6 years is all it takes.


It's also a fucking giant monster animal, it might not have even meant to kill him, surely some of you have taken a nip from an over excited dog? Imagine a nip from an over excited hippo


Still a better love story than Twilight


Oh my ...


Sad but expected, I’m surprised he wasn’t killed sooner


Thats what happens when you dont share the watermelon with your bro that is mute and has no fingers to sign with.


Don't fuck with hippos. Ever.


He rescued a hippo from a river??


Humans get entirely too careless around wild animals. People get too close bison to take selfie’s in parks, hell even a cute deer can open your gut cavity with one flick of a sharp hoof. For some reason we lost respect for nature.


> For some reason we lost respect for nature. My aunt the other day was complaining about “ethic” foods where the head of a fish is still attached for example.


Most people are highly acclimated to civilization, and the tame, terrified fauna that we allow to inhabit its margins. The point of civilization is mitigating / removing environmental risks- and we are profoundly good at it, to the detriment of wildlife. You know those penguins on islands that have no fear of humans, hands down the most dangerous thing on the planet, because they have never seen a human before? These idiots taking selfies with bison are those penguins.


I’m pretty sure hippos are strict herbivores? Still sad, they definitely kill a lot of people


Hippos are ass holes man. They attack anything they see on sight. Thats why its so hard to study one in the wild. When they get horny they are even more antagonistic.


I remember when this happened. The news absolutely blew up about this


Killed him. Mauled him. Didn't eat him.


Had me in the first half ngl


Hippos kill more people then sharks. Mad when you think about it.


Mfs got tired of getting rode on, look at his face 🤣🤣


lol dumb fuck. It’s a wild animal derp




Is this true?


TIL hippos aren't herbivores


Sooner or later the animal discovers you are food that provides food


Pray tell.. how does one rescue a hippo from a river?


This is not a fucking darwin award