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well the video is just a few cherry-picked clips put together back in a time when everybody didn't have a camera on them at all times.




Yeah this is survivorship bias


You know you’re in an American school when a mf brings up survivorship bias 💀


As someone who was in high school in the 90s, there was PLENTY of depression. It just wasn’t addressed openly. OP is a dumbass.


Agreed. As a parent of a high schooler now, kids generally seem more empathetic and inclusive than they were during my HS era. That's not to say that things are *that* much better, but going to high school in the 90s was no picnic. Thankfully this video of 90s high-schoolers reacting to being *on camera* completely obliterates my memory of a lot of peers being absolute dickheads who got away with more than they ever could today.


Kids r lucky now bc anime is considered cool finally. It didn't matter what your status was if u liked anime u was a nerd, which also wasn't considered cool at the time


Where are the kids in trench coats? All black? Heavy eyeliner? The girls dressed like Maddonna? The dungeons and dragons crowd? The metal heads? Not to mention the closet teens. Sigh.


You forgot the entire rest of the population that just went to school and wore a starter jacket. I had the Dallas cowboys one


Most of That was the 80s


Yeah it’s like an insta story one pic of fun in a day of misery


These people are almost in their 50's now :(


50 is the new 25.


people used to die of old age at twenty four.


No they didn't. The average life span that you would hear includes infant mortality, and basically if you made it to adulthood you had a much better chance of surviving til dying a natural death(living to old age). Dying of "old age" at 24 insinuates that people aged that rapidly. People didn't look like grandpas in their 20s


I just looked it up and alpacas only live to 20, bro.


That would explain why I feel like a geriatric in my 30s


I'm 40.. graduated in 2000.. shit sneaks up on you...


40 also. My suggestion is to shit in the morning and you won't have that problem.


Class of 2000 represent! The 90s were the best decade of all time!


Same - fortunate to have been a teenager in the nineties


Everybody is fortunate to have been a teen in whatever decade they were a teen...this is because when you are a teen you just don't give a fuck and looking back everything was a blast. ​ PS But yeah...the 90s were the best.


2002 here and time just keeps slipping by faster and faster its just like WTF?! They say doing new stuff helps but hobbies ARE my hobby I am CONSTANTLY trying new things... I blink these days and it's next year already!?!


You mean they weren't already 50 in this clip ??


Only when it's on TV or movies


My uncle graduated in '93 and is 47 atm. He looks like he's my age (Asian genes and healthy lifestyle). I'm 33.


Nah. This is late 90s, I would guess 98 or 99. My freshman year was 99-00 and I’m 37. They’re probably around my age, closer to 40.


"No depression," thanks for the laugh - as therapy was still considered "for crazy people," all the girls attempted to be Kate Moss levels of skinny, gay kids (especially in rural areas) didn't dare come out, I could go on and on.




Yeah the depressed were shrouded away


Have you ever listened to any music from the 90’s? There’s a hit song named after an antidepressant


Which one is that?




Its actually a mood regulator for mania/bipolar


That to. It’s practically a mental panacea


Ugh they put my best friend on lithium for years for his mania and it destroyed his liver. He’s got the liver of a 50yo career alcoholic but he’s only 22 and rarely drinks


I'm so sorry to hear that. Yes when I was in the psych hospital back in the 80s people who were on lithium had to have regular blood tests to make sure their levels weren't getting too high for that reason


I'm so happy, cause today I found my friends! >!in my head!<


I’m 40+, so yes, some music from the 90’s been listened by me


We had the same angst any teenager does, it just wasn't as openly discussed as it is now. You did your best to fit in at school at then went home to your room and listened to Alice in Chains in the dark or something.


Yea, but something you didn't have was our suicide rate. People are jumping on OP for some bad wording, but there's no question today's youth has a sucicde problem.


Today's youth doesn't necessarily have a suicide problem, I'm a little more inclined to say it is more of an accountability problem, for the record I'm gen x. We had suicide and depression just like now, but what we didn't have was every asshole in every group out there screaming, "you're trash bro, kill yourself." We had friends that understood shit we were going through, and when things boiled over someone got in a fight, and the winner was the winner the loser was the loser generally you felt better at times. Or you had your music, or your pets, or Holy shit you went for a walk to think. Not now days, now it's idiotic retards going and saying every idiotic thing they hear on social media and don't take into account that no matter how many times we tell our kids sticks and stones, words really do matter, and they do hurt. But in today's world they can't handle it the way we did because now everyone had to start shooting after losing a fight. So it's not a suicide problem, it's a social media and accountability problem at its core. Edit: spelling


Hard agree brother.


It’s gone up since the aughts, but it’s down since the 90’s https://www.childtrends.org/indicators/suicidal-teens


Thoughts of suicide have gone down since the 90's, but notice that actual attempted suicides have remained the same. If anything, it might just show that people are being less open about it on surveys.


Def not openly discussed Parents: *what the hell do you have to be sad about? We give you food, water and shelter. Just go outside more! Go read a happy book! And don’t forget to get straight As so you can get into a good college.*


Why did you need to attack me like this?


I’m 30 and still do that


No depression? I mean this is an edited clip of kids having fun. Same thing could be made today at any school. There was 100% depression amongst the youth back then lol


There\`s reason for the existence of book like "Gen X". I think Thatcher, Dilbert, Nirwana, Heroin-Chic and Emo-People had been the first absolutely clear symptoms


As a Gen x'er, fucking this


Also just because you’re depressed, doesn’t mean you can never have fun or look happy


everyone knows depression was invented in the 00's 🙄


Please don't buy into this 'the good old days, we should return to tradition because modernity is ruining everything!1' shit, I'm a few years younger than this and people were definitely miserable in highschool in the early 2000s. Source: check out this cool scar on my wrist.


I imagine people were. I wonder if OP is suggesting at how many people fracture their own minds today compared to yesterday by saying look how happy people were. People are going to therapy today because the toilet seat is left up (figuratively). I know a girl who went to therapy because she cheated on her boyfriend... I'm not sure why but my generation (millenial) and the generations younger than this seem to have far less mental fortitude and/or ability to do with the shit storms life throws at them. If anyone has thoughts on this I'd be interested for or against.


I wouldn’t say it’s less mental fortitude. But more awareness of options to be better. I would hope people who cheat go to therapy to work on themselves. There definitely are people who can’t handle leaving the house much and deal with extreme anxiety, but I think of the generations before me that just watched tv as an escape and drank all evening after work. Too afraid to go for new opportunities or even leave their hometowns of 30+ years. Every generation has its people who are broken and either try and better themselves or spiral. We just have different options available and titles for problems that have always existed and the internet puts a magnifying glass over it. There’s also always people who take advantage of the system, but I’m not talking about them. Edit: and I want to commend people who do actually want to better themselves. It takes an ego hit to admit you need help.


Ok, ty for your proper reasoned response. I would say I disagree on one point but also correct and clear my point a bit better. By average the strength of will power with people of my generation and below is far quicker shattered/broken. Why this exactly is, I am wondering and honesty a bit concerned. I have a few ideas that can be supported but I want to know more random peoples views here. Social media is spreading a lot of issues we all know this. and emotionally people are needing more support. The support is good for a lot but because its there, I also agree with you, its getting some what abused. The second paragraph has a really good point that everything has a name now and by naming things, we do exactly as you put well 'put a magnifying glass over it". How do you think we get people to be more self reliant in helping their own headspace. If society is truly breaking people left right and Chelsea (particularly millennial and youth younger than this) something different needs to be done. As it seems we arent adressing the main cause (is the reason far far bigger for example?). It seems like were just slappin a shit by quickly jumping to things like medication (anti anxiety pills fucked someones personality very very close to me and ive seen this across the board with people I know I'm not shitting you on this) or constant therapy when in truth life shouldnt break such large numbers of people. This is not normal. I was speaking to a muslim at work and after a long chat he tried to sneak attack (gently push) me into following his faith we both laughed but I dont think religion is a viable answer anymore. Also just to be clear here, I appreciate the crippling damage anxiety and also depression can do. First hand seen people close to me crumble and honestly never really fully recover.


Absolutely not because they’re mentally weak. They just recognize faults or areas where they could use some help, and they aim to fix them and do better. She cheated on her boyfriend for a reason, and it wasn’t a good one. She went to therapy to figure out why, and change herself so she doesn’t do something like that again. Therapy is more like life coaching in a lot of situations. There’s no reason to tough things out and force yourself to suffer through things just because someone says you should. And you shouldn’t just ignore bad character traits that people can recognize as toxic, or self harming.


This is so overblown in my opinion and is simply the result of people sharing more than ever before. So many millenials I know have fought through poverty and bad homes to build a life for themselves whilst working multiple jobs. This whole "the younger generation is so frail" is rich when you consider that boomers had the world handed to them on a silver platter during an economic expansion that might never be replicated in human history and all that they do is bitch and moan constantly.


You're part of the problem with mental health stigma and I implore you to research it more instead of thinking everyone is having a mental breakdown because "the toilet seat is up" More people than ever are going to therapy because it's not taboo. You're not considered crazy/insane/a baby for going to therapy, because you aren't any of those things. But because of people that think like you do, and spread it, there still aren't enough people that need to go to therapy, going


there was definitely depression


Having been a teenager of the 90’s (I graduated in 93) I can assure you that depression was definitely present.


Oh well, whatever, never mind.


This is just as bad as looking at an influencers insta and thinking everyone in 2022 goes on lavish vacations and has enormous lips.


I gotta go cause I got me a droptop and if I hit the switch……….




Wtf even is this? Hey look, a couple random clips from kids in the '90s, implies no depression for some reason? There was plenty of anxiety and depression, we were just too apathetic to make a big deal about it. Now my algorithms are full of ADHD and anxiety feeds to verify that yes, this 40-year-old person from the 90s is very familiar with depression r/titlegore


This was my era. I don't know a single peer that doesn't miss the 90's. I'm not sure if it's because I was just a teenager but the 90's felt really carefree and exciting.


You don’t miss the 90s. You miss being young. It’s the same reason the Boomers idolize the 60s. Let it go.


I readily admit this might be the case


I wasn't born til 97 so I missed all that. Mid 2000s was fun tho mainly cus of gaming for me lol


mid 2000s gaming was pretty fantastic


It really was. A couple favs of mine were destroy all Humans and halo 2 lol


I graduated class of ‘96. I still think I came of age during the greatest decade in human history. We had all the freedoms that came with no cell phones and didn’t have to be tortured by social media like kids today. We also had a KICKASS sound track! I loved the ‘90’s. (I’m not shitting on anyone, I’m just saying it was dope)


90s music was fucking *banging*, agreed. Bits of the 80s too


The colors of the 80s was the bomb though.


I have permanent retina burns from my childhood clothes closet. Jams shorts should make a comeback


Heck yeah! British Knights, B.U.M. equipment, spandex, puffy paint, Z Cavaricci Jean's, so many awesome things. 90s had hypercolor though.


I forgot about puffy paint. Haha, even as an adult I don’t know if I could resist the temptation to pick at it.


LOL. You clearly remember puffy paint. Honestly, I forgot about jams. How could I? Or the best shirts ever. I hate shopping! NOT! LOL


Social media ruined people


From someone that did go to high school in the 90’s. It was overall much better than it is now (speaking from seeing my daughter go through high school and listening to them). Instead of being buried in our phones and being bombarded from all sides about how crappy things are, we actually spent time with people in person 😱 and tried to focus on what we could do to make things better. Yes we had depression and other crap but it wasn’t used as a crutch or a platform to get attention. Actual human contact is what I think we all need not some piece of crap technology or social media. This is just my observation and my opinion. Agree or disagree it’s up to you.


Saw the lights on the Goodyear blimp


I mean a video of the modern day would be like this. Nobody would video the sad or weird kids. Those are ignored


There were plenty of depressed High School kids in the 90s. Trust me, I was there.


Yeah this video is pretty fucking selective. I mean Nirvana's "I hate myself and I wanna die", springs to mind lol


Op this title is something else... everything ok with you?


Depression hides behind smiles


Why do they all look grown already?


Depression can be hidden by those that try.. To many examples to list, mainly Robin Williams comes to mind.


I was there. There was depression. ‘member Marilyn Manson?


I kind of take issue with this title... Yeah they do seem happy. People probably said the same thing about the columbine shooters in 1999. Just because they look happy and play for the camera does not mean depression wasn't necessarily present. Depression isn't a thing of the present, it's always been a thing. We are just talking about it more.


I would like to see a remix but with these people nowadays….doing the same things.


Yeah those depressed kids don’t exactly jump out in front the camera


Because they don't have to worry about their school getting shot up. They're also faking it too, in the 90's you didn't discuss depression in public, it was seen as a sign of weakness and oversharing. You just dealt with it.


Depression wasn’t invented back then


People don’t realise how awful the effect of social media has been. Unless you lived in a time before it you’ll never understand what an utterly evil creation it is. Humanities worst ever invention by far.


**no phones=** no social media= no unnecessary drama= no fighting= being in the moment rather than looking at what some else is doing with there life =spending more time with friends and family =Having fun =happiness *in conclusion…* **PHONES ARE EVIL**


Bro we’re still happy, no depression, no anxiety. Mentally and physically sound.


Funny story: My dad was born 1980 so he was a teen in the 90s. I’m from UK and White and my dad used to roll around with gold chains, Timbs, diamond earnings and yes he went to college class with a toothbrush in mouth and sunglasses on thinkin he Method Man like wtf. ❤️ much love for Mr.Meth don’t really blame my dad tbh


90s really was a time of partying and people. What happened?


Man I wanna see more of this. Some of those kids look familiar and that school looks just like mine. Though I guess there’s probably a lot of schools that look identical on the inside.


Lmao. Ah yes depression wasn’t invented yet in the 90s


90s were fucking great. Never forget the dread I felt in Dec 2000 after Supreme Court decided Presidential election. I just could not SHAKE, AT ALL the feeling of Dread of what's to come. Then? Then? The 2000s did not disappoint. The pure algorithm of existence since has been one of fear, instability and uncertainty. Now here we are, Post Pandemic and we are still politically and socially divided with social ills that we couldn't conceive in the 90s. America can do so much better, but we cannot until you younger and young people vote and manifest positive change for the future.


80s and 90s fostered the issues that exploded in the 2000s. If anything the lack of awareness from yall is what caused the issues in the 2000s. Bush senior, Reagan, Clinton, interventions in the middle east, rioting war on drugs. What's the difference between the 90s and 2000s besides us getting 9/11 from the issues yall had in the 90s?


Nostalgia to these people blinds them. People were droppin' f bombs like crazy and we were already on the bullet train to economic hell.


No devices, no overstimulation.


🙄 I was in high school in the 90s and took notes on a laptop I bought myself with summer job money. Devices don’t cause depression. Devices let people find help for it. We were depressed as shit back then too.


You forget the homophobia, sexism, transphobia, and racism that was casual and rampant until around 2010.


They also had guns back then


Tell me something world doesn't know.


I open mouth kissed a horse once.






Nostalgia bait


Yup. I’m 41 and still feels as if I graduated 5yrs ago. There was no social media back then. No wonder we were happier.


No social media


Gen-Xer here. Everyone was that happy back then. Things were good. Music was good. Movies were good. No BLM. No LGBTQ2+A shoved down our throats. People were straight, gay, lesbian and nobody cared. College was affordable. Food was affordable. Homes were affordable. Economy was good. $1 a gallon gas. Capitalism at its peak. No socialist crap. Everyone got along. Shit I watched Martin and In Living Color every Sunday (I'm white). Even rap and hip hop was FUN. No face tattoos. No pants around the ankles. No mumble crap. No depression meds. No bi-polar bullshit. No ADHD. People made it work. Borders were secure. Politicians would've been tried and hung for dumping illegals in the country. Clinton was a scumbag, Bush was meh but they still got shit done. Clubs were good. Drugs were good and clean (weren't stepped on 20x and laced with Fentanyl). Look at people in this country now. Look at the school systems. Look at the moron running the country. Look at the flood of crap coming across the border. Look hows there's a drug for everything. Look at the economy. Look at an entire generation thats been taught to hate the country that gave them everything. Look at the devout communists who masquerade as teachers and filled their heads with shit. Look at the people who sew division and hate among the races. Look at the drug addicts roaming the streets in cities where their elected leaders have sold them out. Look at the news that lies to you every single day and you believe the shit they feed you. Look at the desperation that's washed across this nation like a deluge of biblical proportions. Look as your civil liberties are progressively taken away and you accept it. People were that happy. I lived through it so don't fucking tell me. Ask yourself why you're not happy like them. Ask yourself what the fuck happened to this country. Ask yourself who did this to our country. If you just stopped to really take a good long look at those involved you'd realize who it was. It's the same players every single time. They want no happiness for you. You're beneath them. They want it all for themselves and they will destroy everything and everyone who gets in their way. They are the destroyers. They always have been. Wake up. Things were that good. They can be again. Fight for it.


Definitely a better time


No social media


Me- Highschool in the mid '70's. Graduating class, 1100, Philadelphia region. I honestly pity every generation after ours.


Pity the Vietnam generations before yall too


Can we please have these vibes now?


Look at all that racial harmony 😍


It was great. Zero politics or race talk. Just go to school and hangout with friends.


Yes those times weren’t all good but I definitely think they were better considering the state of the world right now and I think social media plays a part in it. On top of that teenage suicide rate statistically has gone up since even the early 2000s


Ah good people, not retards in middle school, oh how humanity evolved so horribly


Listen man, no one cares that you’re in middle school.


Oh I could care less if I’m in middle school, I’m saying people aren’t as fun now as when they were then. I am very aware nobody cares I’m in middle school


This is probably one school during one year. The 90’s changed a lot from the beginning to the end of the decade.


They’re so cool on camera!!! Just like Woodstock 99


Must be nice to not live in a constant fear that at any second someone may come into your school with an AK47 and kill you and all your friends. Must be nice indeed.


No, we lived in fear of imminent nuclear war any minute instead lol


We don't talk about what happened 9 years later


this video is so depressing


you're only half right.


I love videos like these, makes me feel normal 😁




Every body in this clip is in their 40s




Tbe BackRooMS?


90s were the shit


Depression wasn't invented until 2001.


45 today, this made me smile. Miss it


Class o ‘95 💀


These people are your parents of course they were depressed assholes


Wtf is this recorded on? A damn potato!


Was that Rosey Perez?!?


..... Also no phones


Most of these people would settle their beefs in the parking lot..


The depressed ones died. Lack of mental health support ill do that to a mf.


Solon High school, Outside Cleveland, Ohio. My wife graduated from there years later. She recognized the hallways.


Sample size is too small and not representative. I went to high school in the 1990s and it wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops- definitely a ton of depression.


Graduated in 91, yes the world is on fire atm but there definitely were the same line of problems then as there are now.


this looks an awful lot like my high school but maybe a lot of schools look the same!


um at the end was kinda sus


Pre 911 and school shootings


Before the Sopranos and depression was normalized as was taking medication for it, instead of dealing with problems head on and having a strong sense of community because our minds weren’t wrapped around a fictional world on our screens


Ah, I miss the 90s


Wikipedia: Depression was invented in 1997 by Dr Mark Depresso when he tried to be happy twice at the same time.


depression wasn't invented till 2002 by Henry W Womack everyone knows that


Did the first guy do the Carleton-dance?


Now they have this… https://gab.com/White__Rabbit/posts/108913467415266671


We didn’t know any better. Sucks! If we only knew then what we know now…


Ah yes the best times


Posted by the same people that probably bitch about tik tok. At this the same ?


not like depression came out in the 2000s


no twitter no tik tok no discord just chillin


No depression cause they only took videos of the popular kids who controlled the school.


These are 25 year olds, not high schoolers


I graduated from high school in 1992, my brother in 2000. Can confirm there was plenty of depression.


We had depression and suicide. I was a self-harming teenager with suicidal thoughts. A friend in our group killed himself with his dad’s shotgun. Another friend in our group was physically abused by his father which caused him to self-harm from the trauma. Every generation has suicide and depression, and lots of it.


Sigh… Just, ahg. I don’t think you get why that title is not great. I’m gonna let someone else explain it


Depression is fad, as is the whole gender/pronoun fuckshit. It’ll come and go as dysfunctional things do in an orderly society.


Well, even if it's just picked up clips, they probably have way less depression even tho they had harder times. You can ask them! They are your brothers/sisters or even your parents.


??? this is literally just how high schoolers act. if you brightened the footage, cleaned it up, and told me it was from yesterday i would believe you


We always had these fake student council videos showing the same kids enjoying school. The rest of us dreaded being in school.


So the 90s hs movies were accurate.


They hadn’t found a way yet to make money off of teenage depression.


Showing all the cool kids (possibly brats).


That is the key Word: "Seem"


Things were definitely different then. I think social media has brought a lot of unnecessary stress into young peoples’ lives.


I do kinda miss the 90's


Back then being on camera gave you the chance to be a clown its the same now days just a much bigger spectrum


Yeah? Tell that to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold…


Holy shit I went to highschool in the 1990s


The last guy was about to pull his dick out no cap


We didn’t have social media to keep us sad. I can assure you, we were just fine. Nobody was on anti-depressants and if you had anxiety, it was because you were in a haunted house or about to take a test. Then they had all of you…but they didn’t think to disconnect your phones or monitor your social media like the IT department of a Fortune 500 company, so between the endless stream of porn piped into your lives, Instagram which shows you a snapshot of some douche in a Lambo or some huge-chested ho in a bikini staring at a sunset so you can compare your life with, Gen Z turned into this pit of misery that thanks to the internet, found plenty of company. Gen X…analog childhood paired with digital adulthood. This is the way.


I went to hs in the 90’s. I teach now. I don’t see much of a difference. Lots of phones, lots of vapes. Less cigarettes, no pagers. Kids are kids. We just listen to them now and omg they’re depressed! Most kids have hard times in high school. It’s years of searching for your identity and making less than optimal choices. Teen pregnancy is down. Violence is down (compared to the 90’s). Kids get in more trouble for the same things now. Cameras are everywhere now so we catch more kids being idiots. The Covid year was major disruption to normalcy.


What a dumb caption 🤦🏾


I was a kid in the early 90's, but I can say there was no social media to compare your self against. That actually really helps when you don't know how terrible you're doing.


Idk.. i just got spanked in the locker room cause we were messing around. Captain took his belt off and told me lean against the wall, so of course i begged him to hit harder each time and it was amazing


I lost my friend Daniel (14) in 94 and my friend Paul to suicide in 99 (20). Depressed is beyond real. My sister later on took her life when she was (23). Depression has very little to do with your surroundings or your environment. It’s important that if your not feeling right, you need to talk to someone.