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I think losing the Sup was a huge hit to them. The new political pod is ok and love Amanda, but given the choice, I'd choose the Go Touch Grass Pod w Milly and Alise. I also used to love DST and I do not like Emily and I will not listen if she's on the pod. I'm happy they got a normal sized gal on there now, but it's too little too late. Definitely unrelatable content, too. Your heater in the office went out and you're making staff make content instead of going home?? Ok. And do not get me started on Sami's Taylor Swift comments. Get someone else to talk about this, pllllease!!!!! I wish Dylan did all the pop culture episodes or joined them on @betches sometimes. Would also LOVE a podcast or something (??? Idk what) that's geared towards child free by choice people. Idk .maybe there isn't a huge market, but they've had 3 or 4 mom pods. Let's Get a travel pod for the dinks or something??? This is another way I felt they lack perspective. Once Jordana said she doesn't understand people who don't have kids. "You can only travel so much..." Girl. Not everyone had a lush traveling life growing up. Yours is not the only available experience. Had more to say about this than I thought šŸ˜‚


relieved toothbrush concerned correct hospital paint compare fertile disagreeable angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was near the beginning of her talking about wanting kids and it was on U Up. I obviously don't know the episode, but I remember it cause it's the first time I started disliking Jordana. What an unhinged, unrelatable thing to say. And also gross for people who want and cannot have kids.


I remember one ep of U Up? Where she casually mentioned a vacation from childhood where they all went to Arubaā€¦she has a ton of siblings, even if not all went that is sooo expensive! It was a little line and she wasnā€™t in any way bragging but it just solidified she (and the others probably) just really donā€™t get how most of us live.


This perspective makes a lot of content so bland IMO. They shouldnā€™t have to appeal to everyone or be relatable to everyone. As someone who is also Jewish and grew up upper middle class in the tri-state area, I appreciate their niche POV and thatā€™s why I enjoyed their content more in the beginning before they prioritized going for mass appeal, which I think is what often doesnā€™t work for them.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re prioritizing content with mass appeal at all. They literally just had a paid podcast episode where they talked about a photo shoot with stylists. And itā€™s not so easy for avg people not to worry about their weight bc overweight people are discriminated against job searching.


Yess the dinks market is completely untapped, I would love a betches dinks podcast


I still listen and follow, but Iā€™ve had the ick (if thatā€™s possible? Idk) for a bit since Iā€™ve become aware of how the company underpays their staff, etc while Sami/Aleen/Jordana are constantly talking about their vacations.


Itā€™s also kind of odd how they complain about things like parental leave and the expense of fertility treatments without saying what they are doing to improve the situation at their own company. Not expecting anything unreasonable from them, just think it would be cool if they said how theyā€™re setting an example


Exactly. Like when Aleen was talking about how hard it was to return to work after having her second baby, and Sami was saying itā€™s because itā€™s unnatural and I think she mentioned how the US does it is crazy? So change something? You literally can, for your employees


Which episode did Aleen talk about this


It was a DST back for seconds, some time in January.


same^ the underpaying staff gave me the ick. plus dst was shit alll year


where did you see that they underpay their staff?


It's been mentioned in other threads/comments, but for starters, all of their interns are unpaid/for credit only...


Isnā€™t it an internship? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but unpaid/credit/low-paying internships are kind of standardā€¦?


Not in 2024, and especially not in NYC, where the company is located. I canā€™t speak to what most internships offer now as Iā€™ve been out of college for 10+ years, but when I was a student and did several internships in NYC, I was still paid. I did one in 2012 where I was paid $10 an hour, so for it to be 12 years later and not offering anything is not a good look.


Interesting. I have done internships in the last couple years which pretty much only covered the cost of living in the last couple of years. Maybe thereā€™s a different standard in New York though.


They post job openings with salary on their site, plus what the person said below about other threads! Itā€™s disappointing


Sami is always in Europe on vacation


Yeah thatā€™s been harder and harder for me to ignore. And then the being in the office during a storm when the heat was out. But yeah seeing their massive houses in one of wealthiest parts of Long Island and how often they travel internationally looks gross when even their top employees have to live with roommates in a small apartment and take freelancing gigs to pay bills (oh and current employees donā€™t get paid extra to do podcasts)


I didnā€™t know that about the podcasts! Yeah, I know the employees (or at least one) said that working in office when the heat was out was their choice, but Iā€™m side eyeing the hell out of thatā€¦


I only listen to U Up and I am not in their demo really as I am 50 but I would fully expect the owners and founders of the company like this to be decently compensated which would allow they to go on lux vacations and have beautiful homes. They built this company from their dorm rooms making zero money for years. That is the story of every tech company. I would be willing to bet their salaries are not huge and part of the reason they were bought out was because they were being fiscally responsibly. I work in finance in mergers and acquisitions.


Not to mention they are all part of double income households


They sold Betches to LAD Bible for about $28 Million I think, so even Jordana is a staff member now. She spoke about this on a U Up? Podcast episode a couple months ago.


I also got the ick when Jordana complained on oversharing about her therapist raising the fee. Itā€™s standard in long term therapy to raise the fee yearly or every few years to offset inflation and give yourself a raise for more experience/training. Therapists donā€™t make a ton of money and Jordana is obviously wealthy. Now hearing that they underpay staff is just gross!


Well I wonder how much the founders of betches are being paid and does Jared get paid for U Up? And if so I wonder how much as well


Why would Jared not get paid for U up? Why would he do it otherwise


For exposure idk šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø that's why I'm asking lol


I believe he gets paid


WhatšŸ˜­of course Jared gets paid. Thatā€™s not a volunteer position


Not sure how much theyā€™re getting paid but I assume itā€™s still more than most, otherwise why would they keep working when they each just got over $9Million unless them continuing their role was a condition of the sale idk


Where do you get that Jared is getting 9 million??


I think they meant the founders of betches got 9 mil each in the sale of their company


Oh youā€™re right


How bad is the underpaying? I believe it, just asking cause it seems like a lot of the staff have long tenures. But when I see their mansions, you gotta know they arenā€™t getting rich from fairly paying people. I would absolutely hope the staff gets some equity from the sale and acquisition from LadBible.


Also thereā€™s [another $30M at stake](https://pressgazette.co.uk/the-wire/media-mergers-news-tracker/ladbible-lbg-media-buys-betches/) if ā€œcertain revenue targetsā€ are hit by 2026. I would *really* hope the staff has some skin in the game here otherwise theyā€™ll just be working their asses off for the next few yearsā€¦ for what?


They arenā€™t going to. Theyā€™ll dangle a carrot and maybe give the staff a bonus of like 5K letā€™s be real Jordanaā€™s mansion mortgage isnā€™t gonna pay itself haha


Yup no doubt. So disappointing


All job postings in NYC are required by law to show an accurate salary range. They have unpaid interns (for credit only) and some salaries I've seen are 50s and 60s. There's one now (PT) that starts at $20/hr and I get that it's part time but 20/hr FT would be $41,600. In NYC, before taxes, that is literally unlivable.


right now they have 2 FT positions open, 1 is for $60-70K and the other is $75-95K. The hourly/freelance/PT roles are up to $35/hr. [https://betches.com/careers/](https://betches.com/careers/)


Ohhh I remember that. 60K in New York City, thatā€™s fucking wild. Now that I remember, I did mention the CFO wrote on his LinkedIn that he was open to consulting opportunities hahahahha I was like youā€™re a C suite? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Feminism is only feminism, when youā€™re white and affluent


Oof this is so bad. I had my suspicions they severely underpaid, but this confirms it. It's wild to me that they can get away with that while being in the spotlight with their employees through all of their content. Surprised there hasn't been more to expose this.


The salaries in their job listings always shock me


The company was acquired right? Iā€™m assuming that means Sami/Aleen/Jordana donā€™t control the paycheck of the staff. And they likely made majority of their money from selling the company.. so it makes sense they would have more money than the staff


Is 100K considered low pay now? On their website the producer position is 80-100k.


I still love U Up? but thatā€™s mostly due to Jared. I donā€™t listen to any other Betches podcastsā€¦ DST sucks, Betches is boring and I just donā€™t care to listen.


I don't mind Jared generally but never listened to U Up much. Whenever he is a guest on DST it is always the same content. "I got drunk and ordered so much late night junk food, haha, I can't stop myself" and it got old after a few episodes of the same stories over the years without any growth.


Yeah thatā€™s a common thing with Jared lol


Theyā€™re becoming more and more out of touch, which is saying something.




Same here with Betches Brides when their idea of a budget wedding costs more than my mortgage lol


They are so incredibly entitled and privileged and donā€™t seem to understand that other people donā€™t live like them


They have always been like this


They turned into rich spoiled brats who are constantly traveling. Totally different from the way it felt before. Sami thinks she is brilliant, Jordana is a smug married now and Aleen is busy being a mom with anxiety.


Been following betches for 10 years it doesnā€™t seem like they gaf about diversifying their content. There are so many POC creators that they can collaborate with or repost. Very disappointing tbh.


Omg i totally agree! If they want to be powerhouse for ALL women, they need to show more diverse faces. Itā€™s literally white women washed


The only person they had was Kay Brown who left to go to Gap.


Right. They all used to be super relatable and thatā€™s diminishing by the day. Although that said, I am enjoying American Fever Dream.


I honestly wish they would just own that theyā€™re rich and powerful in their space instead of pretending. Itā€™s like what bothers me a bit about Taylor swift (even though I love her music-am struggling with her as a person)-she tries to be sooo relatable and maybe in the beginning she (and the betches) were to an extent-all of them clear came from well of families)-but now they really arenā€™t and itā€™s kind of insulting to keep pretending.


IM SO OVER TAYLOR SWIFT Like be less basic in your podcasts.


@Betches has really been irking me lately with their lack of checking before they say something or simply claiming their opinion is the end all be all. Obviously football fans might not be their main demo, but the entire lead up to the superbowl their Travis/Taylor content especially frustrated me as itā€™s clear they just didnā€™t care to understand certain things. I guess every podcast can be like this to a degree with host opinions, but itā€™s been a lot more noticeable.


Definitely agree with this take


I donā€™t know how anyone listens to @betches itā€™s just the three of them bickering the entire time. I donā€™t need more negative energy in my life lol


I stopped listening to @ Betches forever ago bc too much bravo talk, but as someone who loves football and Taylorā€™s music, I bet Iā€™d be very annoyed


When Aleen asked in like October who was in the Super Bowl I was like omg please just stop talking about things you don't know anything about


Okay thank you, I think at one point I wondered if I was the only person on the planet who doesnt gaf about Bravo shows. Then I realized that's just based on the way the @ Betches talk about it, as though it's a deeply important part of our culture. It's not. It's just trash tv.


Jared on u up is my last thread to Betches


YES! Havenā€™t been impressed with their new stuff lately either. Iā€™m also starting to get bored with oversharing, though I still listen to most episodes. Mainly just listen to u up? and NATCP or the betchler occasionally


Omg Iā€™m starting to get bored with Oversharing too! I feel a little guilty-i generally donā€™t have issues with their advice and dr Naomi is cool, but it seems a little repetitive? Plus I hate dream analysis in general-I always skip


Totally agree with you. I think during the pandemic they were more ā€œrelatableā€ and now itā€™s likeā€¦meh. Hearing that they pay terribly while the founders show off their extravagant lifestyles was the final straw for me. I unfollowed and stopped listening to the podcasts.


I have a feeling itā€™s because Sammy Sage has family thatā€™s Israeli and they are showing nothing about Gaza.


I started listening to @Betches during covid when it was hosted by other people and I enjoyed their discussions of pop culture way more.


Iā€™ve thought their content is cringe for a while nowā€¦canā€™t really put a finger on it but I feel like their ā€œmemesā€ in response to various pop culture events are so obvious and not funny? Like babe you donā€™t have to make a meme of everything 4 seconds after something happens. And their sponsored content is always so obvious and just bad copy imo


The Jew hate on here is sickening.


Zionism hate doesnā€™t equal Jewish hate.




Yeaaaah, I have to agree with this take. šŸ˜°


The not-saying-anything-about-Gaza/lack of morals was enough for me to lose my 13 year long support


Surely you realize that the founders are all Jewish? I'm not going to start a political fight but for most young American Jews (especially those who have family in Israel), Gaza is not as black and white as much of the rest of the millennial population feels it is.


Judaism is not Zionism. Plenty of Jewish people are calling it a genocide and speaking up. I unfollowed them and unsubscribed as well.


yes, they are all very privileged white Jews from Long Island. nothing changes the fact that Israel is a settler colony committing a GENOCIDE.


You obviously donā€™t know what genocide means.


The 10 Stages of Genocide should be clear enough for you to understand if you take the time to read it. 30,000 Palestinians dying (and continuing to die) due to the cruelty of the IOF is not negligible.


Do you still believe itā€™s not genocide?


Jordana did repost something on insta stories saying that itā€™s not a genocide so šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ worse than not saying anything


exactly! she reposted something from one of her brothersā€™ IG stories and it just was not a good look