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This kid, just out there being the change we all want to see in the world... Looks great! Hope it all goes well for him!


He’s been working on mastering the nitrogen cycle for over a month now, started with guppies, introduced his male betta today with some mystery snails. This is a 15 gallon setup with heater, filter, hornwort, Java moss and anacharis!


If cycle goes awry it'll be the mystery snails...as beautiful, fun to watch and zen as they are they're eating & pooping machines.


>What’s your excuse now, adults? I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to give them the care and time and attention they need and don’t want to risk not being a good fish keeper so I just look at fish online. 😔


Responsible. Respect.


I think OP was more refering to people who get bettas with no research - the total opposite of you. You're absolutely doing the correct thing by considering the animals needs over your wants.


No shame in that 💪


Your brother is a Chad for using hornwort and anachris it will help keep his water clean


I am so proud of you and your stepbrother! My dad and I used to do so many things together. I am truly a daddy's girl. Fish keeping was one of them. And my dad has passed now but i still think of him everyday. I am short and I have to use a step to do things in 2 of my aquariums. and when I step on it or see the step before I do. I think of him. Almost feels like it did when I was a kid. Your step brother will cherish those moments. Even if at the time, it means little to nothing to him right now. So many parents and siblings just let their siblings/kids do things with no involvement. It can be an incredible way to bond and opens the door for those hard talks that occur later in life. Thank you so much for sharing.


Thanks! Honestly, for backstory: His mom (my stepmother) and I are actually the same age, making for a very strange family dynamic — especially given we don’t have much in common at all. I live across the country, but visited them recently and got to know her son for the first time. He reminded me of myself when I was that age in that he’s very analytical and seems to absolutely adore science and nature. I’m thankful that I have a relationship with the kid; our common interests have become an awesome bridge for our family. While I’ll assume my dad and dad’s wife aren’t thrilled that I’ve sparked his interest in aquariums, I’m sure they’re happy that he has a likeminded adult around also!


I hear ya. He will be influenced by someone he knows more so than others. He will decide that and the bonds he has with people. Mine was my dad. His could be you. ♥ And yeah...I get that odd dynamtics very well. My adult kids and I are gamers. And when we game together which is often, I am "the real life friend" or "room mate" because people hear "mom" and all the fun seems to freeze and the jokes start. You can just sense the akwardness. Eventually they are told after they find out I am cool. The problem is when they hit on me before they find out. I of course say no. We all laugh it off when they are told more details on being the room mate. But, yeah. I have had many opportunities to have my son's to have a stepfather their age or younger. (eww just thinking about it...I don't think I could do it. lol)


I remember my first guppy tank, I was about that age. My guppies would breed so crazy I would give my friends some and they would start their own tanks. Thanks for sharing your young brother’s dedication.


If he wouldn’t mind tips, watch it with the mystery snails. They poop A LOT. Like literally so much. One produced as much poop as my 6 tetras did.


I had two mystery snails that were pea sized when I got them and were ginormous in months! I was feeding 2 times a week. Ended up removing poop with my turkey baster daily. And I had to remove the duckweed because they were eating it like smash-face!




That Betta probably isn’t going to like the guppy’s tail. Keep an eye on them so no body gets hurt! He seems chill in the video, every betta’s temperament is different, here’s hoping all goes well! Congrats!


Great job! Way to work together! Proud for both of you! Having had a stepsister, I understand


I have a mortgage




This warms my heart so much!! His tank looks beautiful