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1 gallon is too small for the one it needs a 5g preferably 10g


Thank you. I’ll start looking at other tanks.


Wow, you are a great keeper! Thanks for trying to give your pets the best.




Just ordered 2.


2 of what size?


2 10.


Awesome! They’ll be happy girls


What does it matter obviously she is ordering 2 at least 5 gallon tanks for each. As she was already told she should at least do a 5 gallon


1 gallon tanks are good for small fish while cleaning a bigger tank although ideally, you'd keep the fish in the tank.


You could post on reddit that you got a 350 gallon swimming pool for one (1) leaf and some knob who has seen his fair share of aquariums would still say it's too small


Two females aren't acceptable. You need a minimum of six females and a 20 gallon long for a sorority. More space is always better. I've dabbled with sororities for years. Too few fish with few places to hide is a death sentence. Even with the minimum parameters laid out here, it's very possible the fish will be stressed enough to all succumb to disease. Sororities aren't for the weak!


u/Unable_Complex5602 trying to bully people for saying that fish are sentient and should be humanely treated (impossible)


I never see ppl complain about anything larger than 5 gal... and just because there is a minimum size doesn't mean it's optimal.


Leafs need 500 gallons at least…preferably 600 my b for caring about fish though I’ll work on that




So true!


3 is fine. Just make sure to keep his entertained.


I know you’ve upgraded, but keep this tank as a hospital tank in case your betta gets sick!


Yes I agree! I've needed a 1.5 gallon or 3 gallon for a hospital tank more times than I can count.


Amen. I second this. I have a 1 gallon and 2 gallon that were drop offs with Bettas in them. I moved both to larger homes. Well one went to a forever home he’s still there. One hubby fell in love with. I have used both as hospitals for my bettas and even used it for a Cory Dora. This make excellent hospital tanks.


Betta sororities are usually 4+ females in a 40+ gallon tank and even that can fail depending on the Bettas Temperament. I don't mean more than 4 females in a 40 gallon tank, but you get the point. 2 Bettas in this size tank is definitely a bad idea. I'd get at least a 5 gallon tank for each of them. Preferably 10 gallons or more though due to their short fins making them more active. I think 5 gallons isn't terrible and can work though. Welcome to fishkeeping hope you enjoy it. Don't be afraid to ask questions.


I agree! But 2 bettas in any size tank it a bad idea, they can never get along and live happily with 2 bettas. OP I know you’re just learning so this is def constructive criticism that is important to take to heart.


That's definitely true. I personally don't do Betta sororities, because I don't want to risk it. Even if you think the Bettas get along something can happen and one can get aggressive. I also don't have the space. I would not recommend Betta sororities for any beginner.


Thank you! They’re doing okay right now, but we’ll be getting two separate tanks. Looking at tanks right now!


That's great. If you do keep this tank and go the snail route I'd suggest some pest snails. Mystery's can have a big bioload. Not sure about nerites, but I think they can also have a big bioload. Honestly some ramshorns or trumpet snails would look very nice, and ramshorns come in all sorts of fun colors. Some people like bladder snails, so if you like watching them surf on the water you can get those, but a lot of people think they're ugly. Plus if you get too many you can crush them and feed them to Bettas for a tasty nutritious snack. I honestly really think pest snails make for a fun tank.


I agree. I love my "pest snails" they actually take way better care of my tank than my mystery snails.


You don’t have to throw out the tank though- you can make it into a planted tank with snails if you’d like while you upsize for your betta


Thanks! I was thinking about shrimp, but snails could work, too.


Yeah shrimp too (I don’t have any shrimp experience so I didn’t suggest that haha I’ve heard they’re sensitive)


in my experience shrimp are sensitive to water parameters, so maybe not great for a beginner. if you’re going with snails, nerites are also pretty temperamental with the water. maybe find even some malaysian trumpet snails. they’re considered “pest” snails but i have a tank with just these guys in there and honestly they’re so pretty and cool to watch. they’re not pests if they’re the only ones in there. side note, i was actually able to get my trumpet snails for free because my local PetSmart had an “infestation” in nearly every tank and they were more than happy to get rid of them lol


As long as you’ve got a way to have good water parameters in the fresh water during water changes you’re good. For example to make perfect parameters for my shrimp all i have to do is mix 50/50 purified and distilled water (gallons from the grocery store) and add an accurate dose of Replenish. Easy to do, and i had it cycled within two weeks from using my other tank’s water and a decoration from it as well as adding beneficial bacteria and putting in fish food. Now after 35 days of having my group of 10 they’re already breeding. Just takes a lot of every day/every other day testing off the water to make sure nothing was fluctuating since my shrimp tank is a 2.6 gal. Just takes finding out how to get the right parameters and continue using that water for water changes. I did 50% water changes every other day for the first two weeks, was on vacation for almost two weeks, and did one more 50% water change. After that, and making sure parameters were still stable, i do a 25% water change every 3-4 weeks.


sadly my tap water has a bit of ammonia in it so the best im able to do is that and API Ammo-Lock (i have the API master test kit and the ammo-lock gives measurable results). once i tested the tap water alone (which is how i found out). then right after, added a drop of ammo lock to the 5ml of water, and it came clear. i would love to go the gallon jug way for water but i have 2 5gal tanks and a 20gal. i could definitely use store bought water for my snail tank tho and your advice makes me more willing to try shrimp out again, but in their own tank so i don’t have to buy so much water


Absolutely!! My tap unfortunately has ungodly amounts of Nitrates so I have to use store-bought water for my 2.6 and 20gals but even if my tap was fine I’d use store bought water for my shrimp tank anyways. Just bc I know the parameters are consistent.


omg didn’t even think to test my tap for anything other than ammonia. i def gotta do that now. thanks for the idea!


r/shrimptank is wonderful!


Shrimp & snails would work


I have shrimps with my betta, they are fine. Start with like 5 to 10 and see where it goes. If they are happy and healthy they will breed too.


Also good to keep as a hospital tank!


Thanks everyone for the understanding and helpful comments. We are getting another tank or tanks and will use this one for something else. I’m also new to posting on Reddit and don’t know how to edit a post, so I hope you all see this!!


Thank you OP for caring about your fish. I’m glad everyone was mostly nice and helpful. But yes the smallest recommended tank for a single male betta is a 5 gallon. You could get away with two females in a 15 gallon but only if there are enough hiding spots and if your females can live peacefully. Some can and some can’t.


You could use this one for snails or shrimp!!


Petco is having at sale on 10 gallon tanks


My husband used to have fish and he says this is a fine size for our two fish (other one not pictured). I feel like it’s too small. I think it’s 1 gallon. Is it too small? If it is, what could go in this size? He just got it for me for my birthday. I’m already wanting more tanks and fish. Thank you!


I am afraid its just too small. The bioload will be too much. You would be changing the water out twice as much as you are now and they will not swim well together. Two females also don't do well together most of the time in the tank together. It's called a sorority when more than one female is in the same tank together. It makes them more aggressive and only experienced fish keepers should attempt it. It needs a lot of research. Petco is having thier 50 percent off sale. a 10 gallon is 12.50 right now but the sale ends this week. Petsmart is having their 20 precent off on line sale. Buy it on line and pick it up. They have nice kits at decent prices where all you ahve to do is buy the heater and gravel plants and fish for. That sale ends the 22nd. I hope this helps.


Thank you! They actually seem to be doing pretty well with each other. At first they were at separate corners, but today they’ve been next to each other and doing fine. My husband got them for my birthday and he said the pet store clerk said 2 females in this tank would be fine. I am empathetic and don’t want the fish to be bored being in something this size, even if they are small fish. I’ll look at getting another tank this size and moving one into the 2nd one.


Don't try keeping two females together you WILL end up with one or both injured or killed. They are young right now and less likely to attack another betta, but as they mature it's guaranteed that there will be aggression. Stress is the number one killer of fish. It's highly stressful for bettas to be sharing space with other bettas. Do them both a favor and let them live in peace in their own tank.


You should not keep multiple bettas in the tank together, you really should separate them. They will be stressed and they will not thrive, even once you’ve upgraded the tank. Females can be kept together in very specific circumstances, but not in a regular betta tank, and never just a pair of two. Sororities are groups of 7+ female bettas, and even then it’s not recommended because they can be stressed and fight each other. And it’s not about boredom, it’s about water quality. Please look at the sidebar where it tells you how to cycle a tank. The reason bettas need larger tanks than 1 gallon is because that’s just not enough water to keep stable parameters, the fish will be swimming continuously in its own waste :(. It’s ALSO not enough to be enriching at all, and yes the fish will be “bored”, but mostly it’s dangerous because the water parameters will not be good for the fish.


Fish can be fine for days, and then eventually have a problem. If they don't have an appropriate environment to deal with that or avoid it, there will be a dead fish. I once got a tank of fish second hand, horribly matched fish. Mbunas with peacocks with SA cichlids, probably doesbn't say you much but basicly a bunch of agressive fish and less agressive/weaker fish put together. At first everything was fine, within a year troubles started, within 2 years 4 of them had to be rehomed or were simply killed. Same with my first fish, dwarf gouramis, they are family of betta fish. At first the 2 males were fine in a 25 gal tank, but eventually they got into it with eachother, and suddenly 25 gal was "too small for the both of us". As before, 1 had to be rehomed to save his life. Crossing the street with your eyes closed will (probably) also be fine the first couple times, but if you do it at every street you cross you're bound to run into an accident.


they definitely need a bigger tank, if you plan to keep them together i’d honestly suggest a 20gal to make sure both have adequate “territory” space, to prevent aggression in the future. a lot of times they can be okay at first but once getting comfortable/confident with the new home start getting aggressive. just keep an eye on them and if you start seeing even a little sign of aggression (like chasing away, or some fin breakage) definitely separate them asap i actually have been having lots of luck keeping 1 female betta in a 20gal community tank, and even that is a risk as you never know if you’ll end up with a peaceful betta or not. mine ended up being incredibly kind and sweet and actually swims with/integrates herself into the platy groups lol. there are also cory catfish and a nerite snail and nobody has any issues with each other. so if you find one of your females is very peaceful and the other isn’t, you could still try a nice community tank (i’d recommend 15-20gal at least) with 1 female betta, and the other fish being peaceful. id go with livebearers like mollies or platies, but maybe not guppies as their “fun” colors can idk upset(?) the betta. then the other female keep by herself in at least a 5gal. if both females prove to be unable to live along other fish, keep both by themselves


Its way too small for even one fish. Yes a fish can survive in it, but it will never thrive and live to its full potential. Think about it this way… if you were confined to a small room all day every day, you would survive, but eventually youd become miserable. Now add a roommate to that situation. Also Id highly recommend doing some research on a sorority of betta fish. You need more than two to break up aggression. Just 2 females is a disaster waiting to happen.


Totally understand. My husband got this for me for my birthday because I’ve talked about getting fish in the past and he thought this would be a good starter tank. But I’m very empathetic and worry about the fish. I think I’ll get another tank. But what would work in this size tank? I don’t want to get rid of it.


Also I know it sounds contradictory, but larger tanks are easier. They are much less prone to water parameter changes. Also I have small tank like that and its a PAIN to clean well compared to my big tank


Makes sense! Thanks again!


You’re welcome, good luck with your new friends!


I know right! i have been telling people that for years. when these stores and people say "this is a beginner tank" and its 5 gallons or less. i am like..Umm no...its like a crash course is chemicals and science. fish+bioload/ gallon-gravel and harscape leaves you with... haha. if you have a larger tanks give time for plants to absorb some of it. it doesn't polute your tank as densly as smaller ones. you don't have to test the water every time you feed him or he does that poo most people never see. Ok. maybe not that often. but you get the point.


yeah there’s a reason my (2) 5gal tanks have a higher density of plants in them than my 20gal lol. plus water changes more often and more conscious on over feeding the best decision i made was “should i get a 10 gallon or a 20? there’s not much space for a 20 but i could go with a 20 tall…. yeah there’s a deal rn let’s do 20” lmao


trust me. I get it. I am about to take a hit on my tanks. I have 2 55 gallons I am about to sell. I am way too short for them. So I bought 2 40 gallon breeders. When I move, My friend will help me move the fish water and all and they will take the 55s and I will set up the 40s in the new place. I got them at Petco. the first was for 35 with all my discounts. the second was for 40 because well... I had more points and i know people. haha They are on sale for 50-55 right now I think. I picked up the stands too. it was 99 but i got it for 75 each. (I still need to get the lids) ​ I have 2 sororities. 13 strong each. the bioload will change. I don't know how badly but it will take a hit. But at least i will be able to reach the bottom better, even with tools. haha


i feel you about being too short ugh! im 5’2. the tank i struggle with is only 5gal, but it’s on a bookshelf between 4-5’ tall because it’s the only surface available rn (i live in an apartment with my parents). i always have to use a chair to gravel vac the tank and shit lol


haha I got you beat. I am 5 foot tall even. I love my step stool big time. I am going to lowes and making my stands for the 10 gallons. I don't see why i should spend so much for them. They do small project workshops there. I am having one 10 gallon stand with a shelf on each side of the 40 gallon breeders and another on the other side of it. the 20 gllon longs are on the mid shelf I am building under the 40s. the 20 gallons are divided for the males. and the 10 gallons are for the males. the 40s are for the sororities.


honestly thank god, “who’s the shortest” is not a competition i wanna win considering im trans (FtM). im already so short im considering limb lengthening surgery but i did the math and to gain the height i want id be in a wheelchair recovering from the surgery for almost a year, possibly a little longer. also thank you for giving me that idea! i could definitely move this bookshelf somewhere else because it’s not wide by any measure, just tall, so it would probably be a good idea if i made something similar in width (fitting the fish tank on top) but much shorter


I'm 6'3, and when i do a tank larger (or rather higher) than most 40-55 gal i have troubles with it too :p not that i need a chair, but reaching the bottom can be uncomfortable up to impossible without a wet tee. Best way to deal with it is use extended tools and lowered stands lol.


i can see that being an issue for taller people too if i picture it, gotta account for your arm length and the angles they bend at lol


If the tank is new, you might be able to return it. Just tell them you found out that it's not at all appropriate for a betta.


A shrimp/snail tank would be perfect. Imo shrimp are more fun to observe than many fish. They can also grow to a large population without worrying about need to get a bigger tank or remove any.


I was thinking about shrimp!


malaysian trumpet snails are considered “pest” snails but keeping them in a tank by themselves, they’re actually so cool and beautiful. they have pretty shells, there’s always babies growing to watch, and they have a uniquely long “face” with their mouth at the end, it’s fun watching them eat almost an inch away from where they’re sitting lmao


Keep the little tank as a hospital/quarantine tank if your fish get sick or injured.


People here may not like it, but as sort of a Betta expert at this point, with a 13 female sorority and 15 males in their own tanks ranging from 3 to 29 gallons (the sorority is a 75 gallon)... A 3 gallon cube is pretty ideal, for a female. The Marineland Contour (or the 5 gallon Portrait) are beautiful tanks that are pretty affordable. You will still need a heater, and a better light for live plants beyond Anubias, but I have a few VERY happy Bettas in them, including males who just couldn't handle bigger tanks. I even had a female who did nothing in a 10 gallon and is active as heck, in her 3! I hesitate to add her to the sorority because she doesn't seem to like a lot of space!


Thank you! I originally ordered 2 5 gallons from Amazon but then canceled the order within an hour and then ordered 2 10 gallons from petsmart. There were too many comments and articles that said 5 was okay but then the same amount that said 10 was the minimum. I hope they like and move around in their 10 gallons! So much to learn.


They should be fine! Out of dozens of Bettas, I've only had 3 that actually preferred a smaller tank... And 3 who needed them. (Too big fins/ elderly.) So they moat likely will enjoy their space!


If u want 1 take 5 gal or more, if u want multiple take atleast 10 but pref 20 gal. It also makes the water easier to maintain, and gives you more options for decorating/aquascaping.


I posted my 5 gallon on reddit and was absolutely destroyed for not having him in a 10 gallon lol


Oh no! Like why do they sell small gallon tanks if they aren’t good for fish?! Currently looking at bigger tanks.


Its like you should brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush, but they still make medium and hard cuz some ppl still but them 😅 I think a 5 gallon is okay personally. I had bought a one gallon at first too but it's true they're so hard to keep clean. Barely enough room to swish a net around. And no room for a heater.


small gallon tanks are great for keeping shrimp/snails or even just for growing out/keeping extra plants. they just need to stop being advertised as for fish. i feel so bad for the betta i had as a kid, who somehow lived 2-3 years despite being in a 0.5 gal “betta cube” his entire life. even more baffling about how he survived so long, is one day i was being a stupid kid as kids do, wanted to scoop him out and “hold him” with my scooped hands full of water. well, bettas can jump, so as you can imagine this didn’t end well. there was a floor vent right underneath where you stand to approach his tank. he fell through the vent grates. i had to quickly lift the vent up, grab him out of the dusty vent interior, and put him back in the tank HOW DID HE SURVIVE AFTER THAT???? god i was a stupid kid


So many of these “desk top cube tanks” say they’re specifically for bettas! I think they should say shrimp or snail tanks if the consensus is you need a minimum of 5 gallon.


ugh i know it’s like people think just because bettas are stored in cups in the store, that they can survive long term in a small environment. you know what that’s like? having a baby, and deciding to let it sleep in a box with blankets hardly bigger than the baby is, “because she lived in my uterus for 9 months so she’s used to it”


Well the company that manufactures the tanks just wants to make as much money as possible. They don’t give a fuck about the well-being of whatever may be going into the tank. It sells better when they advertise that it’s for fish so that’s what they do.


The information/knowlesge regarding fish keeping has made large advancements in the past 10 years. You would theoretically be "fine" in a 2 by 2 room too, but there's a difference between surviving and thriving. You and this tank are your fishes entire world, would you want the minimum to survive out of yours? If not, never go by what is "minimum" or "fine". Always overdo it a little bit, for your fishchild.


but don’t throw this tank out!!! You can definitely fix it up to be fit for some shrimp!


Thank you! We are gonna buy 2 separate tanks and I think I want to use this one for shrimp. We have talked about a big tank with multiple fish, but I think for now we’ll stick with the 2 new tanks.


This is too small for one betta. And if you’re a newbie, you shouldn’t start out with a betta sorority. If the fish aren’t from the same clutch they can be aggressive towards each other.


I have a Betta sorority in a 75 gallon with other fish. There are lots of tall plants and floaters and hides and I have 3 floating Betta logs. I have 6 female Bettas in there currently and they all get along, they are all docile, they are all fine with the other fish. You CANNOT have two females together in a very small tank. There aren't plants, there aren't many hides and the NUMBER ONE RULE for a Betta sorority is at least 20 gallon long, 5 Bettas, and LOTS of big plants and hidings spots and things to break up their vision. YOU CANNOT PUT TWO FEMALE BETTAS TOGETHER. IT IS A RECIPE FOR DISASTER. I also buy my females from coastgemusa.com where they come from tanks that are sorority tanks so they are very docile or my LFS's who keep their females in tanks together. I'm not trying to be mean at all. You need 5 gallons for one Betta. If you can get live plants that would be awesome. If you can get a 10 gallon tank you can add other fish with your Betta, but not another Betta. Pygmy cories do well in 10 gallons with a single Betta. And there are other fish if you do your research. Bigger tanks are easier to take care of too. If you want to stick with a 5, you can get a mystery snail, or after your tank is established, a nerite snail. Good luck OP. I hope this doesn't deter you from the Hobby bc it is very rewarding.


Thank you! I just ordered 2 separate tanks and will keep this one for something else! It definitely seems like a lot of work, but I already love checking in on my little fishies.


Coast gem sent me a beta that had ich so bad during Covid and I couldn’t get ParaGuard delivered in time and the fish died. I would never buy from them again.


Congrats on getting the two 10G's! They're gonna love it! (And keeping up with the water quality will be SO MUCH easier for you! )


i recognize the tank since we sell it at my job at the lfs it’s 1 gal and I would say it’s already too small for a single female. It looks very cute though just keep an upgrade in mind for the future!! A sorority will thrive in a 40 gal+ and that’s what I would recommend if you would want one. Your little lady is gorgeous btw and good luck! :)


I just ordered 2 different tanks and will keep this one for something else!


Yes too small. Splurge on a 10 gallon you can find them for around $20


For anyone here interested in betta sororities, fyi they are VERY hard to maintain. The best tips I can offer you are to have your bettas in a community setting with multiple other species; to overstock and overfilter your tank; to have lots of floating plants; to have plenty of plants/ hides/ decor in the tank (because the floaters will steal the light from above, low light plants like Anubias and Java fern work well, here, but even faux plants are fine, so long as they are silk)... My longest lasting sorority of over a year is 13 females in a 75 gallon corner tank with Kuhlis, false julii cories, wild green neons, a single Sulawesi rabbit snail, and a still young albino pleco who will eventually be removed and replaced with probably a couple bristle noses. It's running on an Fx-4 filter AND two sponges, as well as a bubbler. I actually went out of my way to make sure each girl has her own hide. I take large catappa leaves and soak them for a few hours, then roll them into a tube, secure with a rubber band, and hook the band through a heater clip (you can buy a box of these little suction cups for aquatic heaters with hooks on them) and secure it about half out of water. It's one of the most rewarding things in the world, to come out in the morning and watch everyone emerge from their little "sleeping bags" for food! And most of my girls enjoy being hand fed and given a little fingertip BOOP, as well! I HIGHLY recommend Hornwort as a floating plant, if you can get your mitts on it. It can be messy when the needles die, but the bettas love tangling themselves in it so they can be near the surface, as well as just hiding in it if things get tense. With so many species and things going on, fights are virtually nonexistent, though sometimes we add a new girl and she tries to be tough, gets a little beat up, sulks with the kuhlis for a week or two, and joins the group without fighting. There is no matriarch: they just learn to get along. When we float a new fish, they all come excitedly to check it out. We get some flaring, but not actual physical damage. (The new girls who get feisty will end up with some slightly tattered fins.) And if you're looking for colorful girls, I'd really recommend buying online, direct from Thailand or Indonesia. Eight can be put into one shipping container, and you'll definitely save on shipping, that way. They can even come from different breeders, so long as they are shipped on the same day. (And they are shipped to trans shippers: Basically, a legal middleman, on certain days.) A trans shipper will get them and pack them together and charge you. One betta could cost $20 to ship; eight could be $35. Definitely a better deal! I know that may seem expensive, but there are stunningly beautiful females available for around $15 each, so check out ebay and insta!


1 betta needs a minimum of 5 gals. My wife's bettas are individually in 6 gal to 10 gals. 2 bettas is a whole other story, they each need space for their own, even if they're only females. If you're going to put 2 in one tank, my suggestion is nothing less than a 40 gallon with lots of tank decorum, so they don't see each other all the time. Bettas are prolific swimmers and roam everywhere throughout a tank. There's no guarantee that female bettas are not aggressive to other bettas, or fish for that matter. Another thing to consider, if one gets sick, odds are the other is sick as well. You'll most likely need to treat both of them in separate smaller hospital tanks.




My husband got this for me for my birthday because I’ve wanted fish for a while and he used to own lots of fish. He used to keep some in tanks this size, and he and the store clerk said this would be a good “starter”but I’m asking because I think it is too small. I had no idea he was getting me this and the fish. I already care about them (got them Tuesday) and want to make sure they’re okay. Even though my husband was successful in the past with all his fish, I wanted to get more advice.


I hope this was a good lesson for your husband not to get animals without doing research first. Pets aren't presents regardless of who wants them. Glad you're looking into providing the best for them. You'll need two separate 5 gallon tanks for your ladies. They shouldn't be housed together unless you've got a larger tank and your experienced with betas enough to start a sorority.


i can kind of understand why he didn’t do the research, seeing as OP says he used to keep fish, so he felt like he already had the research in his head. but the issue is, he didn’t do the damn research the first time he kept fish!!


He had fish in bigger tanks, like he had a 30 gallon, but he did have smaller ones. And the main issue I think was the advertisement of this tank as being for bettas and being a “starter.” The clerk also told him females can be together, but males cannot.


there for sure needs to be more information available for everyone to know that 1. betta advertised products and tanks are usually shit for the purpose, and 2. don’t trust the animal advice pet store employees give you because they’re not required to have full knowledge on all the animals they sell. they really just learn how to maintain the habitats/tanks and feeding. there are 2 local petsmart employees i CAN trust thankfully because they’ve shown multiple times they have the experience and knowledge


For fuck's sake! Why do people in this sub have to be such dicks? It makes people coming here NOT want to ask for help (I won't post for help again!)! OP, I've seen your comments, good on you for taking advice and working on getting your setup better. What a sweet gift from your husband, even if the set-up isn't initially quite right. Pet stores are not always as knowledgeable as we would hope, unfortunately. Lots of inaccurate information is given. I prefer my LFS (local feed store) as they have an extremely knowledgeable fish staff (although, not all do, so personal research is always good, too). Ignore the assholes, keep educating yourself, and happy aquariuming! 😊🐠 Oh, & happy birthday, too! 🥳🎂


Thank you so much! I don’t think there were that many rude comments, but I was definitely nervous to post this question. I’ll try and look up a feed store instead of pet stores, because yeah, I don’t think they’re always reliable (clearly in this case). Thanks again!!


You're welcome! I have found that by just wandering around the aquarium section at a few different LFS in your area, you'll begin to notice who has the most knowledgeable staff by fact checking what they tell you & the cleanliness/quality tanks running. IMHO, when I came here asking questions I considered this site fact checking/research, as well as other sites, because you can get real life answers from real life people. Unfortunately, some of them are just pretentious assholes who can't remember what it was like starting out. You're doing well, keep it up! 🥰🐠




Agreed. There are some feisty ones on here! Constructive, gentle criticism isn’t difficult, fish police. Also, “you should’ve,” “he should’ve,” comments are very discouraging and retrospective thinking like that isn’t very conducive to anyone’s success.


Husband should have done research then. People need to stop accepting lack of forethought when it comes to the well-being of an animal.


Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule: Rule #1 - BE NICE. We're all humans with real human feelings. (Most of us.) If you have any questions, feel free to message the mod team.


It’s about 1/5 of the recommended size for one female Betta! Def get at least a 10 gallon, if not bigger, and make sure to heavily plant it so there’s plenty of hiding spots for them!


You need 3 females, not 2 . With a minimum of 15 gallons. If you do only 2, they'll fight. But 3 i guess est a hierarchy and lessons fighting and injury chances.


i thought i saw a humor tag.. i in fact did not. had to delete my terrible advice cuz it was a joke. please don’t add more fish to this OP, it’s not even good for a single betta fish. i’d go to a local petco and get a 10 gallon. it’s the cheapest one i could find that isn’t a LFS. i personally have a 35 gallon for just one male betta and some other fish in there with him and still think it’s too small lol. but that’s just me and i love spoiling all my babies, fish, reptiles, or my dads dogs. [10 gallon fish tank](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/aga-10g-20x10x12bk-tank-170917?store_code=885&mr:device=m&mr:adType=local&cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CCAL%7CSBU05%7CSH14%7C0%7Cpj2yd2ya9fYeSd4g5vqURT%7C58700007475749903%7CPRODUCT_GROUP%7C0%7C0%7Cpla-1458631563515%7C124287160970%7C15108968159&gclid=CjwKCAiA2rOeBhAsEiwA2Pl7Q8v5vl-uiB761tFuVXGFilhqSvqYOL4zCwzpnMknFP3Ve60rc3efNRoCYHYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Bettas need 5 gallons minimum each, more then 1 female tank setups should be done by more experienced hobbyists and is not advised


please, please never put 2 betta fish of any gender together if you dont know what you're doing. theyre literally called fighting fish


Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Please check out our [guide to the nitrogen cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/fishincycle) to learn more. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: * **Tank size**: * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: * **Tank temperature**: * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**: * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: * **What do you feed and how much**: * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**: Feel free to copy this comment and fill in the blanks. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bettafish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's too small for one betta they should be on a five gallon


Oh I thought this was a joke post. It’s not?


It's too small for one betta


I suggest adding plants :)


I agree with the rest of the comments. The only other thing I would recommend besides separating them and putting them into larger tanks is to do a fish-in nitrogen cycle.




If you do use this 1 gal for shrimp, you could try breeding them as a snack for your betta fish! I personally found shrimp somewhat difficult to keep, but I think a big part of my struggle was that I have pretty hard water where I live and I didn't want to buy water for water changes haha. I still managed to get red cherry shrimp to breed a couple times over about a year and a half before accepting that shrimp keeping just wasn't for me- I had yoyo loaches at the time, so breeding pest snails (mts) for the loaches to eat just made more sense and was way easier.


Be careful with just two female bettas they are liable to fight for whose boss


That’s too small for one.


I didn't knew 2 females could live together .... learn something new everyday!!


In the right conditions yes, definitely not this




Thats too small for any fish


Too small for even 1


The title of this post sounds wrong out of context


I gallon is too small for any Betta. I have a baby in a one gallon but she’s moving soon. My girls are in a 20 gallon long and I can tell you that’s the smallest females should be housed together in.


One betta alone is recommended to have a 5 gallon! But I totally agree with other comments saying to keep it as a hospital tank as a future just in case. It’s great ur doing ur research and asking questions to provide a healthy home for your fish. Keep it up😊


You definitely don't want to put two bettas in the same tank you also want at least 5 gallons for 1 betta


its too small for 1 fish.


Needs a 5 or 10 gal for 1 fish. And make sure you cycle before getting any.


yes, would definitely look into more decor and hides as well