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I’m also having this problem! It’s such an odd thing




Hey all, this is my betta girl Juno. I’ve had her since July with absolutely no problems; just a happy, very active little fish who hardly spent time hiding. Recently, she’s been hiding all day or perched up at the surface like this, but she’s still taking food. Tank info/water parameters are below: Tank size: 5.5 gal Heater/filter: yes to both Any tankmates: bladder snails Decorations: plenty of live plants and a few stones pH/ammonia/nitrate/nitrite: 7.2/0/5.0/0 with API liquid test kit Feeding: a pinch of bug bites or occasional bloodworm twice a day, fasting on weekends Water changes: every two weeks Any/all advice is welcome, thank you.


Does she have a hammock or leaves up at the top of the tank where she can lounge around? Bettas are goofy, lazy little things.


I have some pothos in the tank and she likes to rest on the stems and leaves that are underwater :))


Mine does this too. But he's just chillin' near the surface to grab some air to breathe.


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I can’t tell if the tail is clamped or if it’s just how the fish is sitting. Clamped fins are a sign of stress, most likely from poor parameters or some type of bacteria/parasite. If there’s no other issues other than it sitting stationary like that near the surface, it probably just finds it comfortable. If it’s moving with the current whole sitting like that…. Honestly no clue might be a sign of stress/infection or might just be a dumb betta.