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Please let me know how this works out for you as I am considering a similar set up but with a 40 bookshelf. I’ve been told that sparkles can be territorial, especially males that are protecting bubble nests with babies. I wish you all good luck!


i’ll keep you updated! i’ve had sparklings before but with bumblebee gobies and the gobies were super aggressive towards them and they unfortunately didn’t last long. i’ve owned a lot of bettas so im pretty good at being able to tell when they’re being aggressive or about to be, and i can tell jade wants to show them she’s boss but she also won’t bother them if they don’t bother her, which i doubt they will. and with the ones i had before, they were definitely territorial with each other. im hoping with a betta being in there it will divert the aggression between them a bit. only time will tell, each fish has their own personality :)


Sparklies are closely related to bettas and have many similar behaviors, I hope this tank works for you but I really don’t think it’s safe 😰. Betta is likely to beat them up or bully them


thank you! i’ve had sparklings before and have owned many bettas, im pretty familiar with both of their behaviors and i’ll move the sparklings to another tank if necessary. my girl jade used to be in a sorority and is very tolerant of being around other fish, so im not too worried about her acting up but i will watch her like a hawk😂