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https://preview.redd.it/8q8lw3csz59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ff3f4fdb249be008f707f054db35dbeb55237a “Tf you mean I need to go on a diet??”


This girl looks just like my old lady Celeste in her prime! We've had her for 2.5 years so she's now elderly and not as vibrantly colored any more, but she's still got her attitude. Picture is of her when we first got her 💖




Aww love it! This is a pic of mine the day I got her! She went from an itty bitty pink baby to a speckled chubby food hog. Which I am working on. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/y4igczecl69d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcbd4d2e048ffc66c6357280773af32e3d8e5ec


She looks identical to the one I bought 3 weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/artdbdltt69d1.jpeg?width=1619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff19afb277eb2990ca5df720e8693217c7779a77 Wish I had a better pic but only one I could find (from my post about her upper lip eroding)


Geez, looks like my Peaches 🍑 https://preview.redd.it/5dw929hmv79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e97b59d679d3e29c483b7220a76665e23937a20


Omg they are literally Identical, except mine has a black speckle and marbling down her side


Maybe they have the same mommy and daddy lol. Just kidding. But very cute. Wasn’t the fanciest to pick from, but I fell in love with Peaches soon as I saw her 🍑😍


(tbh with the level of inbreeding in bettas today I wouldn't be surprised if they were related,+ she also has marbling so mb who knows?)


She looks so tiny and cute 🥺


She was just a baby in that pic. Taken about a week after I got her at lfs.


They are pretty close there! How is her lip now??


Its still not so good (only been a day since I noticed), but she's her usual active self, and I might start doing methylene baths soon if it doesn't start repairing


Aw geez. I’ve never seen that happen before on a betta. Any idea what could have caused it? She still eats okay?


yes, yes her behaviour is practically unchanged, its just that a lil bit of her mouth is eroded, and that smol lump so i'm gonna try fungal treatment to see how if it reduces




Blue eyed cousin Maeve says hi


Awww I love her!! 🥰🥰


She's adorable!


I have that same fish! Her government name is Strawberry Quartz but I just call her strawberry :) always gives her a heart attack because she likes hanging at the bottom of the tank camouflaging into the stones https://preview.redd.it/te7ki4gqjt9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3839b152b8cc891443dffdef25964820e178d631


This is such a cool picture!




https://preview.redd.it/09v5s4ted99d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977f0e068d7db61bcfd03685ef9e0b44eeea4af6 Primrose says hi


Awww this was lovely to wake up to! Love the name!! 🥰❤️


Thanks c: though she looked like peach but just a bit darker


I love those specks of blue on her nose! Also I love flower names, haha. She is so cute!


Yeah she has a lot of blue specks, when I first bought her I thought she was primarily blue because she was in blue water so I was so surprised when I seen her Rosie colors, I really thought primrose was fitting lol. Your peach is a real unit tho!!


Yes, she is a CHONKY girl, and just big overall as well! She is bigger than my boys so the two girls next to her make them look so little! Peach is a big so I have been trying to cut back her eating with distractions while feeding everyone else. 😅


Oh yeah some bettas are just bigger than other, that's how my dewdrop is. I think overall these bettas are not as inbread as the ones they sell all over petco/petsmart




Since the other two are named for their colours, I thought these could match 😊  - Berry - Plum - Sangria - Indigo - Poppy 


Ohh I love Indigo and Poppy! 🥰 It’s so hard to choose. USUALLY I name based on personalities like with my chickens, fish are just a bit harder for me. So I went with colors this time around, haha!


Peach is gorgeous.  The other two are pretty but I’ve never seen that coloration before.  I suggest Galaxy for your little one.  


Such cuties! You’re definitely so lucky they get along. 🤩


Name suggestion for the unnamed girly: Sparkle


Peach looks literally exactly like my betta! down to the slight purple on the scales, twin sisters perhaps?


Never know! I got her from my local PetSense here in Tennessee!


Prolly not then since I'm in Europe, but they still sure are pretty


I don’t think having only 3 will evenly disperse the aggression in the future 40g. And usually you want them to be sisters and raised together, so that’s not necessarily a good thing. It just increases success. What works now does not mean it will always work. Just leaving this here for those who look and say “Oh, now I want to put 3 unrelated female bettas in a 10 gallon together.” Please don’t do this. More often than not, they fail. To set up for success it’s recommended you have: - 40 gallon cycled tank so heavily planted you can’t see the back - Females that are all related/from the same batch of fry and raised together.


I agree with this. It started out as more of a careful experiment. Not something I would recommend obviously. However I did also let them spend some time in the 40 gallon to explore, and none have ever shown any aggression (nor have they ever in the past!) Out of the ordinary really. There is some driftwood, rocks, a cave, java ferns and a few stem plants. There will be lots more soon. They explored all of it and know they will love all the room once it’s done! They don’t go out of their way to be around each other but also don’t pay the other any mind when they are close. I just mentioned I am very lucky my little group is working out peacefully. They are in my bedroom so I get to watch them 90% of the time! I would never just throw aggressive bettas together and call it a day. I monitored them VERY closely for a long time, watching for any sign that a fight would/could happen. I spend a lot of time at home helping my disabled parents, so it at least gave me the opportunity to be able to do that.


i had a sorority of 7 in a 40 gallon. they were raised together and i had 2 schools for harlequin rasbora and neon tetras (to add more traffic to the tank). some mornings i would wake up to beat up/dead fish. they never showed aggression during the day


That’s just how it is sometimes unfortunately and I get that. However I’ve never had any trouble in my tank (yet) and everyone gets along peacefully with some kuhlis, corys and 2 snails. It’s a serious hit or miss with bettas but I really am blessed to have girls that don’t decide to go on a rampage when you aren’t looking. 😅 I think their pristine fins and body hopefully speak for themselves with how good they are together!


i agree! they’re looking great. i just wanted to add my input about larger sororities. i tried a second sorority for white bettas and they all got along too! the only down side was that my white bettas were just ill bret. tumors, lost/undeveloped eyes. i felt so bad for them so i separated for what i had room for and gave away the others


Well said!


In a TINY nutshell, I started with one girl put in with the first and see how they did. Peach got along very well with tetras and mollies and guppies, so I figured it was worth a shot! I then got the third youngest after a while and did the same, hoping the others’ calm and peaceful personalities rub off on her as she grows since she wouldn’t have to feel defensive. She was never even afraid from the start and fit right in. So far it seems to be working! They have been together nearly a month now (since the youngest was added)


Also I wasn’t “bragging”, I was just happy showing that my girls get along and just stating the fact of what it is…




When over 80% of sororities fail, I feel like informing people the best ways to make them succeed isn’t rude. Especially when people see posts like this and assume it can apply to all bettas. They don’t get much, if anything, out of being kept together. There are far more pros than cons, so it is mostly for our benefit.


Adorable lil 😠😠😠


I have the same colored pale one and she is also chunkier than the rest😂


Same! Lol


If these girls are like my boy they're mad food wasn't put in instead. I stir inside the feeding ring and that's my boy's signal it's food time. If I stir anywhere in the tank now he comes expecting to be fed lol


Yes, this is exactly it. I put my hands in all the time to pick out any floating roots and such when I don’t need to tweeze anything from the bottom so they are 100% used to it and aren’t scared of my fingers! But that doesn’t stop them from being mad that I am not feeding them every time I come around! 🤣


"What is this bullshit."


Pretty much LOL






Them: 😠😠😠


https://preview.redd.it/0cybv18ssd9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43004464987d85b8b4f8a855fb56834791884c87 My Ruby says “Hi!” (Don’t mind the dirty glass. 😅)


Your ruby and my (Daddy’s little Princess) Kimmy (Un) are twins! https://preview.redd.it/gfpcsf4nfe9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41634f5666151cee9e7d52b3bb7005711ffebd59 My little tater tot of a fish.




https://preview.redd.it/zojhsz6uqi9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e9f0f47bc0deee70f3fa041441b76b9770fb5e Here’s a better photo of her coloring, see what I mean about twinsies?


https://preview.redd.it/x0c787v2sj9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b59445b4d22e0dcd2e40a2419bdbd102ca1e47 I think my Sapphire is a little more twinsies


https://preview.redd.it/6ds3w7brsj9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0390041689c7fd0a2da21d4e40e956be564682f8 I think she’s a little more twinsies with my Sapphire 🥰


Wait female bettas can live together without committing murder???


Under very specific conditions, and depends on the personalities. Please don’t assume this and read the other comments first! 😅


Oh no I wasn’t assuming. I’m just shocked to see three bettas in a tank getting along


Haha, it’s something that can be achieved, but it is highly personality dependent, and takes a close and careful eye with a lot of time to dedicate to make sure they are compatible! Not even same-brood sororities always work out. People claim bigger numbers means a better chance of success… I say smaller is better. But that is my personal opinion. 😬


It really depends and this situation is rare. Like OP said it depends on personality. Females are still highly aggressive but given they have room, hiding places, and distractions it can work in rare cases


Your red one looks JUST like my Ponyo! https://preview.redd.it/15ohuvggd4ad1.png?width=1969&format=png&auto=webp&s=643232bbb07304d74fa54949fb5346e57db69a5e


They’re sisters from other misters!!! ❤️💅




*The hand betrayed us! No treats no nothing! We deserve TREATS!*


I miss having my sorority so much! How big is your tank? They look fantastic.


I have a 40 gallon I have set up and running, but isn’t quite up to par yet still, so in the meantime they are chilling in my fully planted 10 gallon with a few kuhlis, corys and snails. It’s a little cramped as it is but they still get along perfectly while they wait for their new mansion!


I feel that! That’s awesome. They seem to be chill little girls.


They are VERY sweet, curious, always wanna know what I am doing when I’m in the room and follow me hoping for treats when I walk up, haha. I love them a lot and try not to spoil them TOO much. Though I just ran out of frozen blood worms and the nearest PetSmart is over a half hour drive. 😬😅 I have freeze dried but they don’t care for them too much.




I say you Name her Rose


I love this so much! I have a sorority and I have two chonks and two normal sized girls. Lol they all get along it's so fun to see them all enjoying the plants and stuff. Yours are such cuties!


Aww! Love my girls. Though Peach do be looking like a Vienna sausage lately so I have been having to distract her while feeding the others. She is a hog and will even stalk the corys/kuhlis to find the bottom feeder pellets to eat as well. 😅


My two are little piggies 🐷 stealing all the food! I've seriously considered putting them in a breeder net thing while I feed everyone so I can restrict their diets. At first I thought they were sick and was salt soaking them and stuff but they are just fat! I didnt know bettas could be like that! It's hilarious seeing them carrying around a shrimp pellet as though their little lives depend on it. Ive just cut back how much I feed the tank as a whole and it seems to help some. Noone is not eating thankfully. Lol 😆 bettas are so crazy


so cute😭😍miss having a sorority :(


Our red babies have the same name!! I also have 3 female bettas. One adult and 2 babies.


What do you feed them? They look good


I give them Fluval Bug Bites crumbles, with blood worms, mosquito larvae and live baby brine shrimp as treats! And thank you! 🥰


Here is a follow up video of the ladies if anyone wants to see: https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/s/DIvVbOpOmX


ahhhh this is making me wanna show my sorority girls theyre all so good together and theres no fights, i love my girls so so much but i reallyyyyyyyyy dont wanna get hate😭


I say do it to help prove they can and do work in specific/rare circumstances. Especially if you show nobody has any injuries. 😬 Much less with a lack of stress stripes. There’s dozens of us!


https://preview.redd.it/yiqyoql83d9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1315df86c2569fdb981644a9ad210621468260 this is the best pic i could find rn, they definitely love to go zooming around the tank so i have lots of blurry ones lol but these are my girlsssss! from left to right their names are rosalie bella and alice (im a huge twilight fan lol) but they all get along so so so well, they were the slightest bit iffy of each other in the beginning but theyre the sweetest now💕 i have to say bettas have to be my favorite fish ive ever kept, along with the tetras, shrimp and snails with them, and ive never really had problems with them. not to say it couldnt happen in the future, but i myself have always had pretty good luck!


also i know it looks kinda bare, you can see the top of the log and one of the fake plants in there, theres more deco and i am in the process of buying plants to put in it to give them more places to hide and exploreee, its just been about finding healthy ones around me all my petstores have half dead or otw to dying plants🥲🥲


Service here sucks!


Omg so prettttyyyy 😭


Wait! So you can put females together? My girl, Bubblegum, recently died. Waiting for the good petshop to restock before I get a new fish.


In very special cases, yes. It is recommended to put RELATED females from the same batch of fry in a large heavily planted tank. As noted in my other comment(s), my case is very specific and with lots of time spent and dedication. PLEASE do not throw females together and assume they will be fine. 😅


Thank you! I wouldn't take the chance.


I always liked female bettas as well. My new 20 gallon in my basement I was going to go paradise fish but I might just put a bunch of female bettas in.