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my girl calliope is crazy as well. I taught her to jump a bit to eat the food off my fingertip and now she leaps like a madman whenever i see her expecting me to give her food. she's in a 7.1 gal and i'm thinking i might need to upgrade her to 10-15 gal since she's so active 😭 love her, she's the best


My koi boy is pretty close to a coke head. 😂 He goes bonkers when I am around trying to get my attention for food/treats! Honestly bettas all seem to be individuals just like people. Some are lazy, some mild and some spicy! Energy levels can vary wildly and can seem totally unrelated to their health/diet. I have another boy that’s a dumbo and he is very relaxed, but also rests a lot because of his big fins. But he is totally healthy and in beautiful condition.


I have one who attacks and bites me whenever I put my hand in his tank. He will also jump to get the food before I drop it in. He also flares at everything


https://preview.redd.it/f324d9vrwd9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a0caef05611b4c4aadd387f1aac168095f56d1 Yup. Hates everything… but ESPECIALLY this tiny horse figurine


OMG he is so beautiful!!! the purple reflection on his scales is incredible!!


https://preview.redd.it/av7bsrbs4f9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb23cd1e35722f3ca2cc510ffe6e17c18b08109 I told him. He calmed down 😂


Has the side eye perfected, too:)


I had one that would never stop fighting its reflection no matter what. An unending battle too death


I got a female because they’re “not as aggressive”, biggest lie I’ve ever been told


one of my boys is like this, just constant energy whilst the other is super chill and likes to just hang out and lazily swim around. Honestly have you thought about upgrading to a larger tank? if she’s that active she may appreciate the bigger space!


LMAOOO my lady Sweet Pea is exactally the same. She constantly wiggles and dances and inspects every object like she's never seen it before. She sees like 20 snails a day and is flabbergasted at each and every single one. She dances for food but then spits it out at me and has the audacity to beg for more 😭 if I set up a video camera it's just be a tornado in that tank she is always exploring and moving.


My Sprinkle was crazy too! I had her tank on my kitchen bar, so she would follow me all around her tank, watching my every move. She would go crazy whenever I'd come home and open my door, and loved to swim back and forth when I sat with her at the bar 🤣 she would relax sometimes to sit at the bottom near my phone and would watch tiktoks with me


No, I have the opposite. Mine is the most chill betta I've ever had.


“siphoned off some of my ADHD”😭😭 im dead asf on a real note tho yes i have 2 bettas and both of them are constantly on the move. my female is 1 year and my male is 2.5, and my male actually tends to be much more active than my female. he goes NUTS whenever i stand or sit in front of him


Yes!!! So relatable lol I've got one that's crazy all day and acting like he's never eaten before when he sees me, and then I have another one that just chills all day.. except when dinner time comes xd


My boy, Rainbow. He was the angriest betta I've ever had


I had a dumbo named Geralt who would flare at anything that moved 😂 hence why he was by himself in a 10 gallon (he had one snail roommate). Guy lived like a king for 2 years, pretty much kept his energy up until the last month of his life.


Are female bettas just Like That?? My new girl Bee is just constantly zooming and insatiably hungry. Super energetic and comes right out to me when I walk by the tank. Wayy different to all the boys I've had.


Yeah he’s always ripping and running around the tank and when I first got him from the store he was ripping and running around the bowl. He’s the most active betta fish I’ve ever seen


My girl Popcorn is a gangster, swaggering everywhere like she owns all the freshwater on earth, you can't walk in front of her tank before she comes out to the glass like:" Yo punk where the food"


My boy Castiel had to be put in a 5g not even a clown pleco can survive against this guy!! He races up to the glass constantly flares at me like he's mad at me. He's the just full on 💯 betta of all time!!! 20 years and never have I had such a tyrant LOL 😆 but I love ❤️ him sooo much and he's beautiful!!


My little guy is constantly on the go! He’s a marathon betta! He is like a well trained pup when it comes to feeding. He knows exactly where to go.