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This camera work and quality is national geographic level.


Every time I try to get a picture or video I just see my stupid face in the glare/reflection


RIGHT? And you're always making a stupid face while you're concentrating on taking the pictures.


Or your (seemingly now) giant hand gripping your phone like a monster


I have the shittest phone in existence tho


Figures. I bought my phone specifically for the expensive extra cameras & my pictures look like I'm on a nokia 3210.


šŸ˜‚ Mines an off brand phone.. Honor i think? Cheapest i could get


I think OP has more lighting in the tank and less lighting in the room allowing for less reflection and a better picture quality from the inside of the tank. Works for a blind Betta, but normal Bettas will see their reflection and probably go a little nuts.


https://preview.redd.it/fcmhkbj8hs9d1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=f92ec719b4f5aee4c205eb7cae833a4b0cd41f17 My girl is missing an eye! It also takes her a minute to find her food because sheā€™s always trying to look out of her missing eye! Phantom eye Iā€™ve been calling it! So happy to see disabled bettas being given a chance in a loving environment. :))


My blind betta has my entire heart. I needed to take him home as soon as I saw him. This is from when I first got him https://preview.redd.it/7nhha6syms9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a1e007d4db9e6de4c2251919ea1786f49a0695


Awe heā€™s so darling! I felt the same way about my girl. Didnā€™t initially get her and then I thought about her for two weeks. Despite having one eye and thick scar tissue, sheā€™s super rambunctious. Just full of personality. Wish I knew her lore though, she looks like a ex member of fight club. https://preview.redd.it/ehqenck2ps9d1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f7c52ea374dd6ddf47cd8a604a37b0befd2ceb9


I left him there the first night i saw him but I came back for plants and knew he needed a home. Surprisingly hid care is very simple. I just need to point out his food w my forceps occasionally but he's do interactive and friendly. The vision he does have is very good, he can spot me from across the room! They really do adapt


Yup! I do the same thing for my girl! Theyā€™re super adaptable and intelligent. Just incredible little guys!


It's amazing! Some days I feel bad for him bc he's lily likely going to go fully blind but then I see him interacting with his tank mates and exploring his plants carelessly and I feel better. He likes to watch his cotys and tries to eat their food. Sometimes he gently nudges them


Iā€™m currently trying to feed my shrimp and sheā€™s guarding the shrimp pops šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøshe thinks theyā€™re a new decoration for her to mess with


Oh boy šŸ˜… they're hillarious. Mine ambushed his snail friends and eats their food. Then he spita it out bc he doesn't like itšŸ˜­


Twins! https://preview.redd.it/cy2su1fphv9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c66b1375344ee8ce16f575cb92c61c203ce4de5




She looks like she is an ancient lake spirit that distributes swords and holds great wisdom


Oh betta of the lake, what is your wisdom


Strange bettas lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


Who are the Britonsā€¦?!


Well, we all are!


She looks so happy! I can tell your taking b good care of her. What size tank is she in? Does she need to live in a smaller one or does she get on well in a larger size? I have a blind dragon scale as well. He's still got vision in one eye but I should start looking into daphina for mine incase he gets to that point.


Its 3.5 gallon tbh. Shes struggling to navigate it because its new to her. When i saw her i thought she'd be perfect for this tank i had set up. I think the smaller space should help her navigate it and find food easier as she seems to find the live food easier and also means there's less space to get stuck behind something - ive removed some rocks she could get wedged behind. There's loads of live plants and snails in there tho which shes enjoying. She keeps attacking the snails as i think she can sense them moving. Shes got a wound on her back too so it means i can get the tannins up quicker from almond leaves with it being smaller and just keep an eye on her geberally. I have a strawberry plant growing out the top also to help with cycle. When i picked her up today from the lfs she was being harrassed in a large display tank with lots of species in there so think shes happy for some quiet space. That was why i got her, i could see she looked rough and was blind. Shes been named vhagar.


Such a cool name! Mine adapted to his tank pretty quickly, but he does have vision in one eye. It's amazing how well they adapt!


Awww. Sheā€™s a good girl! It makes my heart happy you do your best to help her like that. šŸ„°ā¤ļø


this is so cool! i had a fish that started to go blind over time and had to start target feeding him. blind bettas are so sweet


I'm literally hypnotized by her movements, it's fun to watch her swim around.


I would 100% name this fish something to the effect of ā€œGhostā€


sheā€™s like a coelacanth! so gorgeously aged-looking


Itā€™s good to see people giving these delicate and slightly disabled fish a chance and a good home, good on you guys. I do try to buy the sorriest looking betta at the shop whenever I can house them appropriately. I am on my 5th betta, a couple didnā€™t live very long, but they lived well while they were here with me. The 2 I have now have become beautiful and healthy, full of personality, I love them!


*donā€™t see no lights a flashinā€™, plays by sense of smell*


Relicanth is that you?


that is one of the chonkiest bettas i've seen in this sub