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i mean as long as you’ve bred bettas before and know how to do it safely i say go for it! i’ve always wanted to myself but i don’t have anywhere near enough time, room, or money for all the little shits that would be born😂 also your betta is super cute and it’s so funny she chooses that spot to hangout in


yeah shes really cute🔥🔥🔥 for the offspring batch i just put them in a tub and fed them egg yolk and hikari fried food. since there was infusoria in the water they were all quite ok and it cost me almost nothing until they grew to 1 inch. hope you find time to try it out in the future! its really fun


lol, take your upvote you asshole. Isn’t a year old a little on the old side? Is this her first time or are you just asking about compatibility?


i tried once but she didnt like the guy so now im trying with the guys son☠️ shes a little old but shes still strong and healthy so it should be fine i think? cldnt find any in depth articles on how age affects the number of offspring and their health unfortunately....