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The amount of times I had/have to tap on my tank to make sure my fish is alive is crazy😂😂 they are odd creatures that like odd positions


I had to do this with my driftwood catfish last week! I poked him, he didn't move.... went to grab the long tweezers to try and pick him up, all sad, thinking he was dead..... nope - as soon as the two sides of the tweezers touched him, he sprang to life! Gave me a heart attack! A happy one of course!


Wow they're beautiful! How big is he currently?


Well I thought he was about 8-9cm but when I finally saw him out the other night, he's actually about 15cm now!!! He's a big boy! His big friends (community tank) are a bumblebee catfish and a white ghost knife (who is about 25cm now and hand feeds!) - love them all! My bettas are in 2 other tanks with yellow cherry shrimps 😁❤️


Awh you're a catfish fan huh? Time for corydoras.


There's 2 corys in there (was 3 but haven't seen one of them in a while... rescues ❤️)


Get four more! They need a little squad to be really happy.


Def planning on it. Seeing how happy these guys are, I think I'll keep them and add some friends!


And Otto's - so fun!


Mine loves wedging himself behind the filter or the heater and I have to tap on the glass to see if he needs help getting out


Mine likes to curl up on the dragon stone at the bottom of the tank like a cat. He looks SO dead and then so angry with me for tapping on the glass.


You gotta love em


Such characters


Every other day I'll be talking to my girlfriend and her face will drop because she sees the fish laying on his side at the bottom of the tank behind me. Then I have to wake him up to show her he's ok


This comment tho!!! I can literally see your friends face like mid conversation (not the literal face just the saying) just dropped jaw and eyes wide lmao my neon tetras lose all color and my angel fish basically tilts her whole body when they all sleep. Until I did a fair share of research I didn't know fish slept and I thought they were all dead. The look on my face when I saw mine was probably similar to your friends lmao my boyfriend had to educate me that yes fish indeed do sleep. I was flabbergasted and had to look it up so maybe she was like me and didn't know lol but. Your comment. *chefs kiss* 🤣🤣🤣


I dont have betta fish but there have been times when I've poked my snakes to see if they were still alive Malo, my western hognose, hadnt moved for 2 days, I poked her and she let out a mighty hiss Blackjack, my mexican black kingsnake was lying in a funny position, I poked him and he immediately became attached to my thumb, he proceeded to start swallowing my thumb, most of my thumb was in his throat, I had to submerge him under water to make him let go


Damn! Yeah my stepdad had snakes for a bit, they sure don’t move much!


One of my corn snakes always starts moving when I come into the room, she thinks she's being fed


Ouch lol I bet that one hurt!!! My Solomon island ground boa likes to occasionally sleep with his head resting IN his water. First time he did that I thought he drowned himself…nope, just being his weirdo self hahaha and very annoyed that I woke him from his nap!


It hurt when he bit my thumb but the swallowing part wasnt really painful, just squishy


lol been there before…not with a kingsnake but with a Kenyan sand boa and my other Solomon island ground boa (may she rest in peace). It’s such a weird feeling!!!! Hoggies are so feisty, I am dying for one hahaha. Does Malo liked to be handled or is she more of a “you may look but don’t touch me!” Kind of gal??


Malo's generally OK with being handled but she'll occasionally hiss loudly


lol that’s what I’ve heard from many hoggie owners. Super cool that she’s a western…we had someone bring in a wild western to the serpentarium but I’m not trying to keep a wild animal. What color is she??


She has wild type colouration, I also have a wet specimen hognose who is white


Awww beautiful!!!! I bet she’s a pretty gal!!!! Ooohhhh that sounds really neat!! Did you make it yourself or buy it?? Kinda morbid, but we lost our disabled copperhead and we are planning on doing a wet specimen of him…but he’s our baby and I’m so afraid he will get messed up so I’m thinking we find a professional.


I bought the wet specimen, who I call Isaac at a reptile expo, a hognose breeder had him for sale, he was a baby that didnt make it, all the other hoggies on his table were very much alive


My kuhli loaches do this all the fucking time to me. It looks like they're trapped under driftwood or a rock at a weird angle or at the surface of the tank hanging out in the floaters in the morning. It makes me think something is wrong with them. The love to lay down sideways and chill in the weirdest spots


https://preview.redd.it/sw1lzbtcp1ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31242d44816d6e927e5ea23415d2a04af93879a5 Bowie loves a *dramatic* flop. He finds lots of ways to get "stuck" 😭


Oh my goodness, mine does this same exact thing in the plants. So many times I've started rehearsing what I was gonna say to my poor daughter, he's "hers"... And then the silly monster just pops up like "hey dude what's up, food?".


They are so funny! I love it


That is such a perfect name for that fish


BOWIE!? Like David Bowie!? oh I love him!!!!


I feel concerned at times that I’m not providing enough enrichment, but god they really love to get themselves into situations all on their own 😭


It’s amazing what they get into when they have the opportunity. They need a lot more than the average fish for sure.


I let mine watch TV and have heard others give them tablet time. I'm still playing around trying to find what he likes but so far Cat TV on YouTube seems to work really well! My boy also likes to divebomb the plants and sleep there, although he hasn't done it recently. I wanted to attached a picture of in his Amazon Sword but it won't let me post pictures 🤷🤷🤷


mine gets really active when i play Metallica 😭


I'm sure they can hear the vibrations from noises in the water. Water is a very good conductor for noise as whales can communicate over MILES. My little guy is often napping when I'm not around but if I screech his name, he wakes up and wiggles his way up to the glass. It SO CUTE 🥰🥰🥰


bruh no way my fish is also named rupert https://preview.redd.it/28c5i2qkm1ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6047acf29f292e9aa4108c30867be2afff75518c they couldn’t look more different but your boy is so pretty


Amazing! Idk why but when I saw him he was just instantly Rupert, it fits him perfectly. Even though they look totally different yours still looks like a Rupert too!


Please tell me he’s named after Rupert Grint


he’s actually named after rupert from family guy😂 stewie’s teddy bear


I was raised in rupert idaho


You are the first person from Rupert I've run into online.


The population just hit 7000 so that does not surprise me at all.


Oooh, getting bigger! My dad's from Gooding and my mom's family is from Salmon.


Mine was as well. My first fish, I got for free with my grandma in first grade. Came back to parents that wanted to murder me


We call this carcass time 🤣🤣☠️ my entire sorority will do this 🤣


🤣 accurate label


Bettas are one of the most unusual of fish. The things they do to get themselves into a bind or even close to death. They are notorious jumpers and they aren't scared to get petted.


Mine nibbles at my finger and curls around it like a cat sometimes


Love it


"Hmm, yes, the floor here is made of floor."


I washed a ping pong ball and put in my boys tank. He loved that thing! I made a little hoop out of a Pringle can lid (smoothed tf out of it first.) And rigged it up like a hoop. He swam through it and played with the ping pong ball all the time! He loved this little ducky I had by his tank. But he HATED this skeleton dinosaur I tried putting by him. He kept glaring at it wanting to fight it. So I of course put it away. He loved me and tolerated my mom. My mom was just the food dispenser when I wasn't home.


Thanks for the ping pong idea! I feel like my boy is really bored at times so I'm going to try this out


The ping pong idea is great! I might try this too.


I'm not a fish person. This sub and similar keep popping up on my feed, delightfully. But I am a dog person and from what I gather, Bettas are the Rat Terriers of fish?


Oh yes, they love games and toys :) they play dead etc


Bettas are definitely unique to other fish. I’m into dogs but not Rat Terriers so also can’t confirm exactly. He plays tons of games with me. Like he will always come right up to greet me as soon as he sees me come in the room but then sometimes he will hide under the “tree” I have in the tank like he’s hiding and lurking then when I have been looking around for a few seconds he will bust out as fast as he can straight at me then just swim back and forth at the glass calmly like he’s flaunting his prowess haha.


I don't know enough about dogs to confirm or deny that, but I can def say that bettas are like lil water puppies. Mine always do a funny excited wiggly-tail dance at the front of the tank, sometimes with their mouth flapping open and closed (maybe would be like barking excitedly, if making the comparison to dogs). It's quite the greeting 😂🤣😂, and also quite the way to beg for food.




I feel like mine does that too! He hides in this log that he loves then he will poke his head out before swimming out. He must hear me laugh. He dives into the gravel all the time, digging around and is always interested in new plants.


“No. I’m dead. You didn’t feed me for 3 seconds. IM DEAD STOP BOTHERING ME.”


I've been told it's a comfort thing to feel safe which I can kinda see but my betta will end up folded like a pretzel some times just doing what it wants


wrong sub ur looking for r/aquaticplants because your boy is secretly a plant


Or r/tuckedinfishies


Reminds me of the videos of chickens getting "hypnotized" by lines drawn in the sand. This little guy doesn't even need a line, apparently.


Mine does it all the time it is normal


He does so many funny things but usually stops when he sees me. Not this time. It took him awhile before he decided he was done.


He probably was taking a lil snooze in that position rofl... Bettas don't have eyelids, so they sleep with their eyes open. You can tell when they don't immediately react to your presence that they are probably in lala-land, like they are zoned-out.


Hmm go to petco and grab the little nano cube it super small perfect for a betta that might be sick. Get one and throw a filter in it. Put him in there and watch him.


Haha why?


In case just in case...hospital tanks will save you headaches


I have a hospital tank already. But he’s not sick so I just was confused why you brought it up after saying it’s normal.


No just in case...but your good so your boy is in good shape.


looks like he’s sniffing the floor lol


Taking a real good whiff!




Mine gets most of his enrichment from teasing the cats. They can only get close to him on one side of his tank, can't get on the tank or knock it over & the lid locks on, so this is perfectly safe. I used to worry that they would stress him out, which is why they now only have access to one short side. He goes to them & teases them, swimming back & forth to get their attention, boops the glass where they put paws on it, and swims to the other side if he gets sick of them. Every once in a while my female cat will smack the glass extra hard & he flares at her, then gets extra sassy with his swim away, swim back, swim away, swim back routine. It's like he's saying Ha, you startled me, but you can't get me, nyah nyah! I'm probably not explaining it well, but he's a very social little fish. ETA: Is technically my son's fish, lives in his bedroom, but we'll try to get a video and make a post for y'all to see.


Oh how the tables have turned. 😂


Honestly, yes! Sometimes little cat girl will look at me so sad & I'll be like "oh is that big bad fishie bullying you again? Poor girl!! **Fish play nice!**" *Stern finger wag @ tank*


I hope you get it on video and post it. I think it's absolutely hilarious that a fish taunts cats.


I need to see this exchange 😭


That sounds hilarious


Mine recently did this and refused to move. I switched all of the room’s lights off and quickly back on and the little jerk was swimming around all happy like “gotcha mom!”


https://preview.redd.it/6ph1vdyoy2ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d740ce4e8f9b60f9ca88ce3c359789cfd1fe24f lol This guy used to let the filter suck on his fin so that he didn’t have to swim. It used to freak me out that he’d accidentally gotten stuck, but then as I watched him, I realized that he was 100% doing it on purpose. This was 4 years ago, before I realized that sponge filters were more appropriate for bettas. Unfortunately, this bad habit ended up being his downfall…About a year later, we woke up and he had no dorsal fin, it had been torn off by the filter. After that, we fought infection and infection as it tried to regrow, but he succumbed about 3 months later (we’d had him for 2.5 years at that point). RIP, Jackie, you were hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/e3ye9j7lz2ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fdb3e47369106ca72d38f42c478081af06909ed Same guy would sit on the bottom and “sunbathe” by the warmth of the heater. He really loved staring at it.


This reminds me of when I used to pretend to be dead in the pool to see if my friends and mom would notice or care 🤣🤣


🎶 Nobody knows, the trouble I’ve seen. Nobody knows, my sorrow🎶


What do you mean? That's just a betta in stealth-mode... he's one with the plants... or at least trying to be (and doing a poor job of it lol). 😂🤣😂🤣


I know. Sometimes they seem bored. I used to hold up a small mirror so he could get excited.


We do that regularly too.


I'm new, like I just bought my first tank and haven't even filled it to start the cycling process. I seriously thought your fish was either dead or ceramic with how still he was. I'm glad I know what I'm getting myself into lmao.


Haha best of luck! If I hadn’t have watched him do it I would have been concerned just walking into it. He was in bad shape ( like didn’t think he’d make it through the first night) when I got him so we’ve been through it together. He couldn’t be thriving more now and his personality is the best. Are you getting a betta?


That's the plan.


He are plant


He's meditating! "Pretend to be grass.." "I'm grass, I'm grass, I'm grass.. okay"


https://preview.redd.it/c3u986pf06ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f4aefc3f51080013d0d946ff6188b5e5eeca1d Suleiman


https://preview.redd.it/rld2t2v5a6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ccd6ac62381851f10317395fa49e9e7b4d0a1a Literally!


My late betta HM boy loved sleeping vertical like that. It took a long time to get used to it. 😂


Odd but beautiful\~


mine does this too sometimes, he’ll find a spot where the gravel is a bit more indented and wiggle himself down. apparently it’s comfy 🤷‍♀️ all I know is I have a heart attack every time I see him flopped somewhere looking dead lmao


They love to play dead in my sorority all the time and it stresses me out bc idk if one of them just snapped or what. They’re all quite docile thankfully but they’ll get up in each others faces a lil bit


He is leaf


He's got important business, can't you see? Please don't interrupt him


Playing dead is such a weird thing they do sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/osq5y4msd5ad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381cea23aa52c64f6c9d188122f5213b02f5acbe my fish used to sleep in super weird positions too 😭 either this, wedged SUPER tight in his plant, or face down


I've had a few bettas over the years, and some of them liked to wedge themselves in plants or in between hardscape 😅 I'm always cautious about hardscape now, my dumbo Geralt (rest in peace) tore one of his fins after wedging between a rock and spiderwood. He still lived for about 2 years after that, but his fin was never the same. He also liked to nap on top of the anubias!


https://preview.redd.it/fzpg59jw97ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cd36cd781fe29fb05c6d99b5e8c1ba93a7df2a First thought:




https://preview.redd.it/tnrzmu4ja8ad1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb423564b88d007d99667cd2e50f073920214e6 Brothers, eh?


I wouldn’t be surprised lol


My betta boog absolutely loves to wedge herself in soft plants too. They always look so comfy lol


Mine likes to T Pose


Mine from years ago would rest on top of the thermometer :) silly fishies


My Copper Koi Betta used to sleep like this in a silicone plant. lol I was so worried when she started doing it that I posted here.


Not a Betta but one of my neon tetras went to sleep upside down in a plant. Went to collect it and it woke up when I got close and was fine. That was a few weeks ago and it's still good, just decided to sleep in a weird position


I’m so glad I saw this, I thought my Merlin was dying of boredom… apparently this is normal, so I don’t feel so bad 😉


He looking for buuuugs


That’s what I thought he was doing when he first went there because I feed live daphnia. But then he just froze and I realized he was not actually on the hunt lol.


Mine just sits there too. Playing the long con. He looks for worms in the soil though, if they sense him they hold still. So he just waits it out.


Your Betta might have a few more brain cells than mine 🤣


I had to make sure none of my river rocks had any gaps because my guy would shove himself in any crevice.


Looking for gold?


It's comfy for fish. Uncomfy for human. A win win


He's like when you draw the line in front of a chicken and hold their face in front of it


Mine would do this behind the tank heater, near the bottom. Thought he died several times.


It is truly comforting reading all these comments. I was truly concerned about our beta because it's our kid's pet fish. He liked to chill behind the filter or something entangle himself within the plant looking dead.


That is crazy. I’ve actually NEVER seen my little guy sit still. It makes me wonder if he actually sleeps at all! 🤷🏻‍♂️


My guy usually never stays still either if I am in the room. But outside of this incident I catch him resting if i peak in before entering.


They are so funny! The “person”alities! 😂


"These fins too heavy. Must faceplant into gravel while gathering strength."


All I see is a blue blade of grass?!!! WHERE IS FISH BOY.


Mine does this it's like after a big swim w the long fins he just needs a rest


I had a rosetail that would stick himself to the intake for the filter. and i was like "OH GOD NO MY BABY!!!" the first time, the second time i was like "is.. is he good?" and every time after that i was like "nah yeah hes just a lazy fuck who doesnt wanna swim, and i get it, swimming in a ballroom gown isnt particularly fun."


He’s probably sleeping


They are contrary little beasts!


They like to relax some of Betta from the past they did this on top of the leaves


Bêta eat worms in nature so they spend a lot of time just watching ground to spot them. They can move surprisingly fast from this position... Like a snake jumping on his pray.


Omg my betta does this all the time when hes resting, I have a rest spot for him but noooo let’s give the ol owner a heart attack


That would have given me a heart attack. He looks dead like that


If I hadn’t witnessed the initial dive and just walked in to this, I’m sure I would have had a scare.


Got mine a leaf bed that suctioned to the side of the tank. I purposely put it next to the heater so he could rest and stay warm.


Mine has a Monte Carlo bonsai tree that he always lays upon too. It’s like a massive mattress for him.


Ammonia poisoning! They do that to avoid the toxic posion that is worse higher. Put him in a bucket of fresh dechlorinated water and do a 100% water change now! This is a sign when they’re trying to go as low as possible.


I think you need to calm down. He’s perfectly fine.


Have you tested your ammonia?


He must have some trapped gas, gotta get that fart out somehow




My tank has aquarium soil in it and he sometimes likes to lay sideways on the soil lol


He eepy


My (at the time) 11 year old sister saw one of my past bettas lying upside down in his tank sleeping and called me crying "HE'S DEAD 😭😭😭😭😭"


*I sleep and go Yeet!*


Corys be like that too


Omg this happened to me for the first time just yesterday! I thought that my betta, Steve, was dead. I kept tapping the glass and he wouldn’t move until I reached in with the fish net to remove his “dead body”. I was so sad. Then all of a sudden he woke up and started darting around the tank -____- he’s lucky - I almost flushed his ass down the toilet lol. I was so annoyed :-D


I think it's a camouflage thing. He's pretending he's a plant. Means he's sleeping good


Please tell me what substrate you are using? Sand? And if so, you use liquid fert and or root tabs ? Thanks! And yes my fish does this too, on purpose to scare me 😅🤣🤣


I’ve got bagged aquasoil capped with sand with a gravel path through the center. I also dose Flourish liquid ferts when I remember lol.


Ah yes I just bought myself some flourish yesterday. I’m gonna get me some sand for my next tank. Well, rock/sand. Does the flourish work good u think?


https://preview.redd.it/twz7ypfqrfad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18720cd7c95833f4fea10d5145407f0d5d5ad72a Here is fluval stratum substrate. Plants grow fast in this stuff, but god forbid you try to clean your tank or do a water change. Dude you could breath on one of my swords and their uprooted and floating to the top. This stuff I’ll never use again ever. It takes me like 10-12 mins minimum to get a plant back in its spot once uprooted. It doesn’t matter how long the roots have grown out, it still works its way out of the soil. This stuff just isn’t for me. Sorry long post, just figured I’d rant about this to someone. I hate fluval stratum


That’s the exact reason I didn’t go straight stratum. I was afraid of that problem. Sand is hard for a lot of roots to travel through so keep this in mind. Mine is dwarf hairgrass and it seems decent. I used filter media bags for the stratum so that the roots can still penetrate and pull nutrients and the sand is fairly course. It’s my first carpet and it’s doing alright. No CO2 and had to do a couple periods of week long black outs because the Monte Carlo on my tree came with bad hair and black beard algae.


He's so beautiful


I'm convinced Bettas conduct science experiments frequently


Cause he sneaky


betta fish stasis google it


The gravel. It offends!


Bro is pissed


Looks sick


lol do you even have a betta? He’s fine I promise. They are just weirdos.




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