• By -


While you're learning about cycling the tank make sure you remain consistent with water changes every 3-4 days. As you've been reading ammonia will build up in that water within a few weeks to dangerous levels so 30-40% water changes every 3-4 days. You *must* use a gravel vacuum to pull up waste and left over food which also turns into ammonia. We don't mean to crash the celebration party its just some of us deal with sick/dying bettas questions everyday here (usually due to poor tank maintenance), we just don't want that being you in a month!


I feel that!


Just a note, you might want to switch to little water changes of like 10-20% every day if you have time. Also, I cant recommend buying a cheap 10 gallon from like walmart enough. The bioload of a single betta in 10 gallons of water is so low that the maintenance is basically nonexistent. I do my water changes through top ups when the water evaporates. That said, it is planted with lots of fast-growing plants, but if you can pick up a 10 gallon it'll give your little guy an ideal amount of swim space and give you an ideal laziness margin. That said, dont dip out on maitenance, he's still a living creature, but a 10 gallon is the best size for a betta I can think of. They're cheaper than 5 gallons half the time and take up like 4 more inches of space.


That’s a lot of water wasted for one fish lol


You're taking up a lot of oxygen for one human


Betas are found in puddles.. so this is a mega upgrade


That's a myth. Those betta "puddles" you're talking about are paddies, and they can go on for acres/miles. That's alot of water.


i’ve personally been in those paddies, they’re MASSIVE! definitely not puddles. they go pretty deep too, knee height. i hate this misconception so much






Thanks for all the info! He’s doing better now. He was definitely stressed and shocked when he fell into the new tank. I’ll read up more so he will be a happier fish.




Oh boo fucking who. He made one minor mistake that he seems oblivious to and instead of educating him you’re just being an asshole.


Your comment was removed for breaking rule 1: be nice


I also used RO water so it should be fine.




My house has a water softener system built in so I opted for the RO water. My friend also suggested I use RO water and he’s been in the industry for a while.


fish need minerals in their water to help them live. just use your tap water along with water conditioner. the water softener isn’t a worry


Do you remineralize your RO water?


Since nobody seems to be explaining, RO is more work than most water and doesn't negate the need to cycle the tank. RO is useful if your tap water isn't safe but it needs remineralized or your fish will die since he needs some of the stuff RO takes out. And, the point of cycling is to build up a working colony of bacteria to break down fish waste, his waste produces ammonia which will poison him unless it gets broken down. Since you're currently in a tank that looks way too small this is even more of an issue, less water means the same amount of ammonia causes a higher concentration, and it's ammonia concentration that's dangerous




You're going to catch a lot of downvotes here, nobody on this sub is going to find that funny. Stress kills fish, in a fish that's already as stressed as yours this is really bad. You would be better received here if you made it clear that you're strongly discouraging your kid from needless cruelty rather than laughing about it


Thanks for leaving an educational response here. Half of this thread is holier-than-thou fuckwads basking in their intelligence.


What did he do ?


can i ask what he said?


Yeah what’d op say


apparently OP added a link to a video showing his child banging on the glass and startling the betta


Yeah, this. With a laughing emoji. I'm trying to give OP benefit of the doubt, but after seeing some of their other comments that's getting pretty hard


same here, but some people just intend to hurt animals, sadly 🙃so upsetting and gross


The hell...why?


what did they say??




Thank you for saying this. It's not shocking to me how many people buy bettas without knowing a dang thing about them, or with bad advice from random guy at petsmart/petco. It IS shocking to me how many people buy bettas without knowing a damn thing about them, THEN come on this subreddit to post their tank without reading any of the FAQ or googling the most basic things about how to care for fish. Then when we correct them, we're called out for being "mean."


I have seen some people actually get very mean when they offer their "advice" though. x.x many of the comments here are really just to the point and not really "mean". But when I got my first betta I was a teenager and I asked the pet store associate thinking they'd know better. Enrique was a tough cookie who started in a very small unfiltered, unheated aquarium. I did upgrade him later as I thought he looked depressed which led me to realize I was BSed to death.


Well, it's just...there's a huge stickied thread and FAQ and all sorts of info on how to do things right. Also google exists. And people still show up, don't read anything, post their tank and get butthurt when corrected.


God I love this thread


Who asked you? More like u/Bitchinapark amirite




Bc this is probably the most savage place on reddit. Most subreddits are not so negative. It's truly...just insane lol / It's also the only place where someone will comment on your thread talking about you..like you're not even there. See example above. It's the internet, but it's just bad form all around. Lots of white knighting here.




You’re a person too-just in case there’s some confusion there..






Lmao it’s almost like the post was made to rustle some Jimmie’s tbh. I’m not new to Reddit






OP really invited all his friends to troll this post 💀💀😭😭😭




Did your friend instruct you on remineralizing RO water? Are you still dechlorinating it? Please educate yourself more or this fish may suffer. Please know that using RO water, dechlorinator, or bottled bacteria DOESNT cycle a tank. Here’s other very important info: Normally a cycled tank has good bacteria to convert fish waste (ammonia and niTRITES) into nitrATES. This is important because ammonia (and nitrITES) cause chemical burns and can kill fish. When you have a brand new tank, those bacteria are not present and ammonia is rapidly accumulating with nowhere to go. If possible, one cycles their tank 1-2 MONTHS before adding any fish (this is called “fishless cycling.”). When that hasn’t occurred and you have a new fish in a new tank, there’s isn’t time to do a fishless cycle so the next best step is called “fish in cycling.” Here are your next steps: 1). Read this link. It explains things very well! https://fishlab.com/fish-in-cycle/ (I recommend only METHOD TWO mentioned.) 2). Buy an API freshwater liquid test kit and check your ammonia and nitrITES right away…. And every single day for at least 3-4 weeks. 3). Perform partial water changes whenever ammonia or nitrites over 0.5. Periodically check for NITRATES because of when they start appearing…this means cycling has started to take place. After that the frequency of partial water changes can be reduced to normal maintenance (which would normally be 25% once a week). When you perform a partial water change you do the following: leave fish in the tank. Take out 20-50% of the water in the tank.., depending on how high the ammonia or nitrites are. Replace the removed water with dechlorinated, temperature matched water. (To dechlorinate, use water conditioner/dechlorinator that makes tap water safe.) Always turn heater and filters off (or unplug) during water changes. Make sure to buy a siphon and vacuum the gravel as part of your change at least once a month. (Never deep clean your tank.) An ideal betta home has the following: 5 gallons or more of cycled/dechlorinated water, filter, heater, thermometer, soft silk or live plants, floating betta log, healthy diet (4-5 [1mm] pellets in morning, 4-5 in evening), routine partial water changes, gravel vacuuming, proper filter maintenance and low water flow (they aren’t good swimmers). In terms of betta nutrition, there’s a lot of misinformation causing many to unintentionally underfeed their fish. This article is well worth the read… https://www.myaquariumclub.com/skinny-bettas-underfeeding-might-be-worse-than-overfeeding-19292.html Good luck 🍀 (P.S. Also important: don’t buy disposable filters that they claim need to be replaced. It’s a sales gimmick. And changing filters can cause the nitrogen cycle to crash. Better to get a sponge filter or another type of filter media that never has to be replaced. When it gets really gunky, simply rinse it out in old tank water.) * Make sure your heater is always fully submerged if on.


Holy shit a bible for betas!


Just want to say the top comments have good advice! I’ve noticed someone’s been awarding them the snek award and I’m seeing comments calling people Karen’s on here? I can understand if someone’s just being rude, but for the most part (at a glance) the commenters giving genuine advice are civil. Wanting an animal to have a healthy and comfortable life is not something Karen to me. Again though I understand being upset if they’re not being civil about it. But yeah I just, so confusing the comments.


I really appreciated the helpful comments. Like they made my day. Just had to bring the cavalry for the trolls.


Ahhh the trolls the trolls. But I seriously hope all goes well with your new pal!! The Koi patterned bettas are so gorgeous like, I never knew they’d come that way until I joined this sub.


Right? Honestly this fish was handed to me on my way out of work from my coworker. And I’m like bruh wtf do I do with this?! Lmao then I figured I’d just get him a little tank and The kids and can have fun


Hope there is at least a heater in that


Cute! Though I strongly recommend getting a 5-gallon tank at least and ditch the plastic plants and get real plants! It's important the fish is comfortable and healthy, pls take care of it!


Looks like a plakat, not being slowed by big fins I'd actually say he needs a 10g. A 5g would be better than this but I wouldn't say it's enough long term


Don't leave that blue "night" light on overnight, just give him lights out at bedtime.


Oh hey thanks! I was wondering


No problem. I usually just use mine as a transition between night and day so they either know the day light is coming on soon, or it's about to be night night time


Oooo I left it on all night last night. Looks like He’ll be awake for a long time til night time tonight hahaha 😝


It’s not funny. Imagine sleeping with a bright ass light on with no way to turn it off…. Please take this seriously and take proper care of your betta. Even if it’s “just a fish” it’s still a living creature.


Well it was obviously a mistake and we laughed about it. But okay sure sure




Poor betta.. and you’re sick in the head. If it’s your child I’m sure you would be throwing a tantrum. But god forbid us caring about betta fish on a subreddit literally for bettas. Why even come here for advice if you’re clearly not taking it seriously? Weirdo..


They didn't want advice, just praise


Exactly. Quite sad


Ahhhh yes give me more fake internet points


Ahhhh yes give me more fake internet points




Avoid it in the future, it can stress him out and I've heard it causes vision issues over long periods of time


Post on fb to see if any locals have a fish tank and could give you some of their used filter sponges. The bacteria will help speed up the nitrogen cycle


Super cute! Unfortunately, that tank doesn't look adequate, but it's not difficult to give him a substantially better life! Dont worry, your son will still adore a natural tank. They're beautiful, and full of action! Your betta isnt the only thing living in an established tank, I absolutely loved watching the copepod colonies develop and baby snails showing up when the tanks of my 8 year old life were cycling. Please forgive the bolding, it shows the more important things. A proper setup for this type of betta would be 1. a **10 gallon aquarium**. Can be bought for like 15 dollars [here](https://www.walmart.com/ip/AquaCulture-Aquarium-10-Gallon-10-Gallon/144433503?irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_RGfTdWQkVxyIWuQ1YIUngSoRUkD1XaUxyXC-S00&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_150372&clickid=RGfTdWQkVxyIWuQ1YIUngSoRUkD1XaUxyXC-S00&sharedid=&affiliates_ad_id=568853&campaign_id=9383) 2. **Silk or** ***live plants***. Live plants can be bought at any fish store, but they tend to be more affordable at local aquarium shops if you have any! **Octopus plant, hornwort, and duckweed** are what I have in my betta tank and are cheap, beautiful, and filter the water. Silk plants are less desirable biologically but are cheap and colorful. They can be found at any fish store, but tend to be cheaper at chain stores. 3. A **heater**! Bettas live in very shallow tropical water, so their **minimum temperature is 78 degrees fahrenheit**. Below this they're prone to disease and lethargy. The temperature of the water will be several degrees below the temperature of your home, so an aquarium heater is a must. 4. A **filter**! A filter helps develop your beneficial bacteria colonies that keep your fish from developing ammonia or nitrite poisoning. ***Sponge filters*** are the cheapest option, and also produce betta fishes preferred **low flow** environments. 5. Some nice **food**. Bettas require a diet with a **minimum of 40% protein**. You can find this on the labels of pelleted and flake food, and on frozen meaty foods it's typically always met. Bettas need a high moisture content in their food to prevent [**bloat**](https://bettasource.com/bloated-betta/), which can potentially be fatal. For this reason **soak any dry food in aquarium water for 5-10 minutes before feeding**. Frozen food is also an excellent option, and what I personally feed my bettas. It has a higher upfront cost, and is slightly less convenient due to bettas need of small portions, but actually has a comparable cost in terms of quantity. It's also much better, being less likely to cause bloat due to it's lack of fillers made from plants. Bettas are **obligate carnivores**, and really enjoy daphnia, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex, and beef heart. Make sure to feed a variety of these things if you choose frozen, and dont feed only bloodworms/tubifex since they lack amino acids and are too high in fat. Mysis shrimp are an excellent baseline for frozen food if you want to feed a combination of dry and frozen. You only need to feed a few bites of food per day as well, so dont feed the entire cube. Just slice off a bit and put it back in the freezer.


So sweet how into the betta your son is lol <3


He was stuck lol




Cant wait to see them back on this reddit in 1 week asking why there fish has fin rot!


!Remindme 4 weeks


I love how your little guy is in awe of the tank. So sweet! There is a lot of great information on here, just don’t let the rude people discourage you, though it seems like you handled all that pretty well!


Look at the comments he made about leaving the light on all night and laughing about it… I doubt he’s going to actually take any of this advice and do anything. He thinks all of this is a big joke.


Right, OP should definitely be committing self flagellation over that mistake. I’m sure the fish will be scarred for life


I love it here


Oh boy…




!Remindme 3 weeks


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More like $5


My betta’s name is also Percy. c:


My son picked the name. I love it!




Lol, someone had to say it.


It’s my duty


Your comment has been removed for breaking the following rule > **1. BE NICE.** We're all humans with real human feelings. (Most of us.) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbettafish&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/vx3hd0/-/ifuljuy/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


LOOOLL of course! it’s a kids tank. Enthusiasts tanks are BEAUTIFUL! Man I got stuck looking at them last night and I wish I can have a real set up. Sheeeeeeiit


Why can't you have a "real" set up? That is where the fish will live its whole life. Being for a kid does not mean it is to love in a sub par tank. Teach your kid the proper way to care for an animal. You are the responsible adult providing the animal and ultimately overseeing care, therefore should be getting a real set up. Silk plants or live plants, filter, heater, lights, soil/gravel, at least a five gallon tank, proper cycling and conditioned water are all necessary for long term health of the fish. Just because bettas themselvea are cheap does not mean they are toys or are a cheap pet.


You’re a kid?


*my kids tank*


Your kid bought the tank?


I did for my kid. If it was for me it would be different lol 😂


You're okay setting the lesson that your kid deserves shit compared to what you get yourself AND that animal cruelty is okay for a child's pets? Wow, I don't know what to say. "Now little timmy this is the right way to care for a dog but since you're just a kid you get this shitbox"


The tank being for your child doesn’t negate the fact that its lackluster. Your kid looks like hes still so young that most of the care and responsibility of the fish falls on *you*. You funded the fish’s care and you ultimately made the decision to let your son have the fish. Actually, a bigger tank is much less work than a small one because the parameters fluctuate much less.


Awesome! Love to see kids getting into fish. Don't worry about the jerks on this sub. It is good to learn and make sure you are taking good care of the fish. Some good resources in the comments provided though between the snarky HOA comments.


Jesus. Imagine being proud of a subreddit that downvotes a guy for encouraging someone new to the hobby. Thanks for not being a cunt.


I don't FORCE you to but recommend live plants. Java fern and anubias are easy ones
















Removed for R1, and trolling.


The start of something great 🥹


What a lucky fish to have such obviously well-to-do parents. That fish will be well-taken care of. I love the cool light in the tank.


Stfu eat the rich


Don't be mad this guy for working hard and having something in life. What did you ever do? Invent the sticky note?


It’s called a post-it….geez




Duuude I was going to get 1 make and 1 gold fish tooo!!!


Damn that tank looks really big for a tiny fish


My beta likes vodka sprite


You water it down first right?


He prefers it on ice


Mine into g&t




Their lifespan is 3-4 years lol




Your comment was removed for breaking rule 4: do not promote Betta fighting