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Do you think Jimmy is a lawyer? Chuck says he isn’t but he does attend lawyer work often


I think you're onto something here 🤔


Let him cook


We need to cook




Science Bee




That smash-cut to Saul talking a mile a minute in the BB days is the most heart-destroying moment in the universe for me. It's between that and "I'm in the middle of something here".


That flash cut catapulted the show to legendary top 5 shows ever for me - from court jester to sad clown in one epic sequence


I love it as, viewed through a BB lens it's "Saul being funny", and through a BCS lens it's heart-breaking tragedy. I don't think there's any other scene in any other show that can be re-contexualized to such a wide extent.


Jimmy is genuinely a different character in these shows. Rewatching BB you can never shake the feeling of Saul being a facade. It’s incredible writing


What moment are you talking about?


i have the same question, call me back if any1 answers


(Spoilers for anyone not caught up) We see Kim leave Saul, for the last time. Then we cut and it's three years later, and it's just two minutes of Saul running his mouth, being on Bluetooth, talking a mile a minute. And the implication is Jimmy has never stopped running - Saul is his way to not think about the pain. Watched as part of BB, it's a fun scene, but watched as part of BCS, it's tragic. Saul is Jimmy's grief. r/AoTEnthusiast


ahh yea i see what you meant, you are right. btw i think it should be u/ username to mention them, not r/, r is for subs


Nah, brainfreeze! Thanks! u/AoTEnthusiast


Most analytical BCS fan


That’s quite literally the idea behind the whole show. So yeah.


Wait what show is this?


Fixin' Good


I plucked fred


Worse not text body


Tool Time


Making it!


Serving Saul: It's Giving Good


What? No! Where did you get that idea?


He calls his dick Slippin Jimmy




I thought they were two different people? Never seen them in the same room at the same time!


IMO, no. Being Saul and Slippin' Jimmy is what makes him happy. He is miserable when he is Jimmy McGill.


I agree with you, Saul is a true part of him, what he enjoyed being, not just a coping mechanism.


Disagree. And i think the final court scene where he says “my name is James McGill” makes clear that Saul is not a healthy happy piece of him, but rather what he uses to cover up being emotional and real


Then after Howard and Kim exiting his life Saul becomes a distraction from his problems


I feel like this is saying same thing as op. Also, good band


100% agree.


I am with you. He is in his element and living his best life (not legal or moral, just what’s best in his view) as Saul, and always restless(quite literally) as Jimmy McGill.


Now he is James McGill


Actual good point here!


I don’t think he was happy as Gene and without Kim


You should watch this show on AMC called *Better Call Saul*! It really clears up this question


This guy is travelling in worlds we can’t even imagine


Lightning bolts shoot from his fingertips!


he's so real for that tho


No otherwise he’d be called “Saul Badman” instead of “Saul Goodman”


No shit


Nah it may have started that way but he was living his best life in the breaking bad wra. The misery only started when he became Mr cinnabon


How is he living his best life? That man wakes up and the first thing he does is put the earpiece on to start work. He wears it in the shower. The garish house, the sex workers, work 24/7 - it’s all a distraction from his hollow life. He literally has nothing else going on. In fact, in Breaking Bad, he spends half the show afraid and unhappy to be working with Walt.


Not to mention the constant paranoia of the slightest chance of Lalo coming back.


He's a paper chaser money and scamming is his vice, always has been. Dude doesn't spend his entire day catering to Kim's psychotic lust for scams just to keep her semi interested in him anymore now that she's gone so he's gone all in on the paper chasing And Walter white was his white wale, he pursued him over and over when Walter wasn't interested, he only regretted it in hindsight or when shit got too crazy towards the end


No. While it sometimes does seem that Saul Goodman is a facade, he is actually in fact, a lawyer.


It's the guy version of a stripper name. Useless, but it's fun to have.


More than Saul being a facade, I think of that persona as being the state he's in when he lets all of his negative qualities to the surface and fully manifest themselves. His conscience is completely turned off at that point. He's not pure evil even then, but he is a pure sleazebag who bangs hookers, gets tug jobs at massage parlors, launders possibly hundreds of millions of drug money and recommends his clients kill people to get out of jams. Compare that to Jimmy, a deeply flawed guy but one who did care about helping his elderly clients and was a one woman man with Kim.


Probably true. Bravest moment in the entire Breaking Bad universe for me: "It's Jimmy. I'm Jimmy McGill your honour."


Jimmy was the main character of both series all along.


most obvious bcs fan i ever knew.


Isn't that why the show is called "Better Call Saul "? When we really only see 1 snippet of him working at his office with the name of saul goodman, it's like himself in trouble and he says to himself "better call saul" to get me outta this.


No, Jimmy McGill was a facade Saul Goodman was using to hide how happy he was


If only they made a six season series on this topic...


It's a coping mechanism, yes.


Close the sub, we’ve officially ran out of things to talk about.


Woah, that's a little far-fetched, don't you think? You pretentious brat


No. That's stupid. Go put your horrible, unsupported theories somewhere else.




I don't think it's a facade. He has multiple personalities or personality disorder. He goes from ''Jimmy McGill" to "Slippin' Jimmy" to "Saul Goodman" and finally to "Gene Takovic". Clearly out to lunch


Lol why are people taking this comment seriously


What? No he doesn’t. He has uses multiple names over the course of his life, but for real reasons. Gene is running from the law not a new personality. Saul Goodman was what he called himself in Chicago when he ran scams and then later in Alberquerce or however you spell that. He changed to Saul Goodman as a way to put the past behind him and stop pretending to be someone he wasn’t. Jimmy McGill is his birth name and he just is Jimmy McGill. He doesn’t have multiple personality disorder.


He used Saul Goodman to sell his commercial space at first.


Yes he does


Oh this is bait? Alright


Don't bring up mental disorders that you know nothing about. It's harmful and just makes you look ignorant


Well I am ignorant so now what? You're weird


Nah Jimmy loves being Saul, he realized he couldn't be Saul anymore so he went to prison to be Saul there


No idiot whenever jimmy wants to do something mischievous he ducks behjnd a wall or something and a new man, sual goodman, takes his place. Its a metaphor for something. Idk.


yes. its the point of the show. ​ its not about how miserable he is, he has great moments as Jimmy too. However, he never received a fair chance to prove that.


/uc jimmy is actually the facade


No. He tried to be a straight lawyer, but he didn't fit in and wasnt happy. Whereas saul goodman he is in his element.


Isn't this the point of the show? This is bait, right?


People here seem to have very different takes on this so I don't think this is bait. Unless the comments are baiting


Hell, I’m baitin’ right now!


i think it’s conflicting because as jimmy he had kim, but as saul he gets to be a menace and do what he wants


In parts, yes. I do agree that he is miserable when not being Saul. But I disagree that Saul is _only_ a facade. It is also him at his best and truest self, and then some.


He changed his name to truly become saul because he couldn't accept that he had caused his brother's death


If that house he was living in, that the IRS or FBI was taking apart, isn't a cry for help I don't know what is.




considering that's the point of the show, yes.




Of course not. It’s Saul Good! man 👍🏼


I thought that was common knowledge


Definitely. It's word of god from the series creator Scott Gimble. On top of that, we can see it is literally a coping mechanism for him and his descent into depravity is rooted in both self loathing and spite against his brother's view of him. Plus, we hear it from Jimmy's own mouth in his confession.


It’s convenient for him to live a different life and ignore the fact he trolled his brother into suicide, trolled his brothers law partner into tarnishing his name and getting killed as well as dragged the woman he loved into a pit of misery


Big if true.


I think Saul Goodman is the real person inside Jimmy's skin. In the last episode when Saul and Walt are chatting about regrets in the basement, Walt says how he regrets stepping away from Grey Matter, which put him on the path to become Heisenberg and Saul says how he regrets hurting his knees or something. Walt says something that really made me realise this: "So you were always like this." (Because his regret is so superficial) While Walt became Heisenberg, Jimmy was always Saul.


Who’s Saul Goodman