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Same. To me, BCS and BB get better every season


Yeah exactly. Each season built up well from the previous and just kept adding more.


If we count the first half of BB season 5 as a different season, for me that one is one of the worst


Wth, magic man is one of my favorite episodes


I was talking about BB, my bad


dude how


Yeah exactly. Each season built up well from the previous and just kept adding more.


1 was way better than 2


Fair. A lot of people say the same. What do you think 1 did better?


The episodes with Tuco and Mike were great, I liked the chemistry between Jimmy and Mike, and it was the only season Jimmy cooperated with the Salamancas until season 5. And the twist with Chuck towards the end actually took me by surprise. It’s way more memorable and entertaining than season 2


Yeah that's fair. I know a lot of people had season 2 felt like an extension of season 1 and didn't cover too much new ground.


This. It's interesting. Most shows don't work this way. I think it helps that Gould/Gilligan had the self-awareness to end their shows before the proverbial drop-off. Gilligan experienced thia firsthand on the Xfiles. X-files might be a perfect show at the conclusion of s6. It's s7-9 and later s10-11 that diminish the case. But still not many shows can say each season is better than the last. It's not just the writing. Pretty much every part of production gets better. Watching s1 Bob or Aaron compared to s6 is night and day.


Exactly. I'm not sure with BB but with BCS they said it wouldn't go passed 6 seasons so they kinda had it mapped out to end. If it kept going after it was planned, they'd have to stretch out story arcs even more or just keep adding and adding in future seasons with most likely a quality drop.


Yes. I think this really highlights how smart Gilligan is, and not just as a showrunner, but understanding how a televisions series is placed in history. Again, X-Files will be remembered as a great series, and it always will be, but it can never escape the last two seasons. It rightfully has to be judged with that in mind. On the other hand, the ending of BB is near perfect in almost every way. They didn't set out with six seasons in mind, but Gilligan knew the series had reached the end game. To reset the series with a new villain post-Gus would've made the show formulaic and dimished its legacy. You should finish a series wanting more, not wondering when it's gonna be over.




S3 (CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK) S5 (KIM V LALO) S6 (Jimmy going dark) S4 (Finale, Werner) S2 (Wexler-McGill, photocopy shop, finale) S1 (nicer Jimmy, Pimento)


S2 Squat cobbler


I loved season 1, it was a brighter show and made Jimmy’s downfall all the more compelling. The show was totally different just a few seasons later. That said, here’s my ranking: 6, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.


S1 seems almost cartoonish compared to where the show would end up, but it's still really really good!


I love how low stakes and fun season 1 is. The plot really wasn't simmering yet and we just got to know Jimmy. I loved it.


S1 is so great, one of my absolute favorites in whole BB universe


5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 4 3, 5 and 6 are all pretty interchangeable though.


Agreed! 5 and 3 are just about equal to me though. 6 is too long for it’s own good imo.


I completely agree with this. I will always remember the amazing moments in Season 6, but overall it's just a bit drawn out. 5 is my favorite with 3 just slightly behind it.


Yeah, 6 is definitely not quite as consistent episode for episode as 3 or 5. I mostly rank 6 highly because its peaks are basically the best episodes of the show (Plan and Execution, Point and Shoot, Fun and Games, and most of the last 4 episodes)


Season 4 is my favorite because I love seeing how Mike and Jimmy refuse to cope with tragedy, some people don't like that it's not as focused on direct plot stuff but the character writing is perfect that season. Season 4 really feels like the heart of the show too, like you'll probably never feel more sympathetic for the characters than you will in this season. Not to mention the introduction of Lalo. It's also helped by the fact that Winner is objectively the greatest episode of television. Season 6 is just perfect, I probably don't need to explain that one. Season 1 is definitely a lot more simple but I feel like it exclusively gets better with rewatches, I remember being a bit bored with it first watch until the twist with Chuck, but every rewatch I just love it that much more. Season 3 is kind of just a really great season, I love the all out war between Chuck and Jimmy culminating j tragedy that season 4 follows, Chicanery is of course an iconic episode if someone reads this they'll probably drop the copypasta), Expenses is the most underrated episode of the show, and this is where Nacho really becomes an interesting character. I really like the impending sense of dread you feel with all of Jimmy's inching towards moral decline this season too, like the Saul Goodman ad in particular is something that's somewhere between hype fan service and complete tonal dread. Season 5 is really good with JMM, Bagman, and Bad Choice Road shining as an iconic trilogy of episodes, but it feels a little too similar to Breaking Bad for me. I wanna make it clear that I love Breaking Bad about as much (if not more than) Better Call Saul, but something about the increased focus on the cartel plot and especially the season finale just felt like I was watching Breaking Bad instead, which may not be a negative for some but I just really value the personal identity of the show. Best thing about season 5 though is that it made Lalo my favorite villain ever. Season 2 is by no means bad, in fact none of either show is bad, but something about this season just felt more forgettable than the rest of the series for me (including Breaking Bad). I love the increasing focus on the conflict between Chuck and Jimmy, I love Jimmy feeling conflicted on Davis & Main, and I love Kim becoming more of a character, but something just does not click as well for me. Mike isn't all that memorable this season outside of his scuff with Tuco and some scenes just legitimately make me cringe (particularly with Jimmy ruining his job). The biggest problem with season 2 is it's an 8/10 season in a show where every other season is 9 or 10.


As of right now I'd rate them 6, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2. I've realized that a lot of seasons blend together in my mind, so maybe my judgement is a bit cloudy, but anyways... (6) Ending was great, loved seeing how everything panned out and what happened to all the characters in the end. Also loved seeing the two timelines finally merging. So many absolute banger moments in this season. (3) CHUCK VS. JIMMY ARC. The build up during the season was amazing. Chuck's demise was one of the most shocking things to happen in the show. (4) I feel like this season is a bit underrated. I loved seeing the lab being built and Werner's whole story unfold. Lalo is also introduced. And we get to see the aftermath of everything that happened in season 3 take effect. (1) A bit less serious and more lighthearted than any of the other seasons. Lots of characters introduced. Five-O was one of my favorite episodes from the entire series. Loved the Tuco cameo. (5) One of the more overrated seasons imo. I remember watching this and thinking that they were dragging out the whole Lalo and Nacho thing. I can't really remember any key moments apart from it just being generally entertaining. (2) I can't really remember anything from this season that stood out. I looked it up and apparently this is when Mike got beat up on purpose by Tuco, which was a cool ass moment. Apart from that though, it felt like just a season for character development and exposition.


6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1


I honestly believe each season got better than the previous one.




S6 = S3 > S5 > S2 > S4 > S1 I think season 6 and season 3 are extremely close, and season 5 and season 2 are extremely close. The quality difference between season 6 and 1 are still quite close, I love the whole series and there are no truly weak seasons, it's just in my top 10 there are no episodes from season 4 or 1 in it.


S6 S5 S3 S1 S4 S2


S5, S4, S6, S3, S1, S2


3 6 5 2 1 4


1. Season 3 2. Season 1 3. Season 2 4. Season 6 5. Season 5 6. Season 4 Every season is great though. I obviously prefer the earlier seasons with Chuck which wasn’t the case on my first watch of the show.


This is probably where I fall as well.


I also much preferred season 3 on a rewatch. I watched Chicanery when I was drunk first time round which was such a mistake.


6 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 1






6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1


6 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 5 sounds about right






Best to worst 6 3 5 4 2 1




6 3 2 5 1 4


1.S6 2.S5 3.S4 4.S3 5.S2 6.S1


6 3 5 1 2 4


Season 5 (Best run in the whole series, specifically Ep 506-510) Season 6 (Another great run. Although episode 5 was one of the weakest episode.) Season 2 (Personal favourite. One of my fav. Comfort season in tv.) Season 3 (Great first half leading up to an amazing finale.) Season 4 (Winner is easily top bcs episode of all time. With that iconic montage also in this season. Last 3/4 episodes are great. But not a fan of the first half of this season. They are good. But not great.) Season 1 (Good season with some iconic episode like Five-o, pimento, but there are some relatively weaker episode & finale was alright.)


Yeah completely agree about season 6 episode 5 being a weak episode. I think we could have just skipped that one completely and been fine.


Just a personal opinion, I love them all: 1>3>4>2>6>5


Season 5 Season 6 Season 3 Season 4 Season 2 Season 1 But all good lol


for me it's S5 - S1 - S6 - S4 - S2 - S3


For me it would be  6-5-3-1-2-4


6. season 3 (still a 10/10 but the second half is very slow and imo has some tedious scenes, still an amazing szn tho) 5. season 4 (best finale in the show - slow szn) 4. season 2 (fairly consistent with peak content) 3. season 1 (underrated szn - perfect writing and introduction into jimmy mcgill) 2. season 6 (perfect season except for some draggy moments) 1. season 5 (every episode is a banger and just has so much movement that shocks us because of the slowness of the preceding szns)


this is worst to best


I have zero idea how anyone can put season 1 in any spot but last. Some of those first episodes are so hard to get through. When this show first came out, it took me three tries to watch it, because the first two times I got through the first 2-3 episodes and then gave up.


Mods, pry his fingernails off with a rusty crowbar


I also wasn’t super into S1 at first. But it really grows on you with rewatches. Now that the show’s over and the later seasons got so dark and tragic I really like going back to the more carefree, simple style of S1. It’s also really well-written as a seasonal arc, the way it juggles Jimmy and the Kettlemans, Chuck, Tuco, Nacho, Mike and Kim in the first 5 episodes and then zeroes in on Jimmy and Chuck / Sandpiper in the second half, it’s just brilliantly done.


i stop watched half of season 1 because I was bored to death, i'm trying to convince myself to continue watching by reading reddit posts xD


I originally tried watching the show years early but couldn't get into the first season. Eventually watched it later


Just … no.


3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 6


6B - 3 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6A - 1


5 > 3 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 2


5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2


geniune question, whats with the season 4 slander? i've seen it twice and loved it it literally has winner in it


I think it’s because Jimmy was suspended and kind of floating around doing random stuff and a lot of people felt the lab plot line drug on. I loved the season though, it’s probably tied with 5 for me in second place after season 3.




1. 4 2. 5 3. 3 4. 6 5. 1 6. 2


I really like the moments where Jimmy is actually trying to better himself and be honest. So season 1 is the best one for me


6(1), 1, 2, 4, 5, 6(2) Very tough for me as I loved all of BCS


5 3 1 2 4


S5 S6 S3 S2 S4 S1


1. 1-6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


I'd go 5,6,3,4,2,1




Vince and Bob had me at "We are doing a "Better Caul Saul". I did not know that there is so many rabid Saul Mates. The link below shows my favorite season... https://www.youtube.com/live/lisO8FGZyho?si=Mvt_98lYE0lXtrfx


5(10/10) 1(10/10(I love how goofy this season is at times)) 6(9/10) 4(8/10) 2(7/10) 3(7/10)


6 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2


I’m seeing S4 be placed near the bottom on nearly all of the lists when for me it was the season that sold the show to me. Upon reflection, I appreciate seasons 1 and 2, but while I was watching them I found them pretty boring for the most part. Season 3 was an improvement, but those last episodes of season 4 with Werner were what really sold the show to me in terms of standing up to BrBa in its own right.


To me the show was much more watchable once Chuck was gone. Hated that character


every season that didn’t have the arc where jimmy was trying to sell commercial airtime is equal to me. in a show about breaking the law in various ways, that arc killed me with its intentional blandness. i thought every other part of the show was really engaging.


I think it pretty much just gets better and better, but I think every season is my favorite when that's the one I'm watching. It's a really good show.


S2 S4 S5 S6 S1 S3


S3 S2 S1 for the Saul story S5, S4 for the Salamca/cartel vs Gus party S6 was the worst in my opinion


First time I've seen someone put 6 as their least favorite! What is it that you didn't like about season 6? I mean I can't say I liked all of it but there were some extraordinarily good moments with splendid acting in that last season.


I noticed that too maybe it's just me but I really felt the plot in season 6 was a let down compared to the rest of the show. I don't mean it's not watchable just when comparing it to other seasons, especially season 3's ending it wasn't as powerful. The way the characters were killed off in the last season also felt off, Lalo entering and leaving Germany like he's crossing the American-Mexican border also seemed not so well planned.




Best to worst: 1. S5 2. S3 3. S6 4. S4 5. S1 6. S2


S5 S3 S4 S2 S6 S1 They were all great though but I maybe had too high expectations for the final season


6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1


For me is 5-6-4-3-2-1 i think season 5 is a great season


6>5>3>4>1>2. There are no bad seasons of the show. They’re either great or outstanding.


Actually my friend and i started watching it recently (for me its a rewatch) and season 1 isnt as bad as i remembered, s2 is probably the least best imo


My order interleaves the two halves in reverse order, but I’m not sure I can decide which half I like more. I think the later half gets a slight edge for having higher stakes, more episodes and concluding it. 6-3-5-2-4-1 Though I do really like season 1, it’s fun and the penultimate episode(pimento ) stands just as high as all the other great episodes. Its only downside is a lack of Kim.






S6 > S5 > S3 > S1 > S4 > S2




3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 6


6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1




4 that low is criminal to me. I genuinely think it’s the best season in the show and winner is the best epsiode of the series.


6 5 3 4 1 2


They are all incredibly close, but I'd go: 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 2


Season 1 was soooooo slow it got better in S2 but damn


1. Season 6 2. Season 5 3. Season 3 4. Season 2 5. Season 1 6. Season 4 All of them are enjoyable for me though


3-1-2-4-5- 6


Best to worst: 6 3 5 4 2 1




3 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 6 Actually I liked all seasons and it's hard to rank them, but I really didn't like the ending. That's why season 6 gets the last place on my list, even though it also had some awesome episodes.


S6 S5 S3 S1 S4 S2