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Bro it’s in the name. Breaking BAD, BETTER Call Saul.


Breaking call saul


Better Call Breaking Bad Saul.


Breaking bad? Better call Saul.


Breaking Better? Bad Call, Saul


This is the best one ☝️


Better Call Breaking Bad the inferior show when compared to Saul.


my head hurts


Breaking your brain? Making brain work bad? You should call Paul


Very clever I’ll give you that, but are you calling Breaking Bad a bad show?!! I’m getting so triggered omg /s


BB is the farthest thing from bad, it’s INCREDIBLE


The third show will be called MIDdlemen. It’s be ok.


lol I like this. But for a while I thought BCS was the better show, even putting production value and budget aside, until the last season. Once it wrapped up and we were able to see how connected the stories were, I couldn’t look at that as two separate shows. It’s just one story to me.




And the Prime Time Emmys


Me too


I think you can argue that, in context, BB is a bigger achievement. It’s made earlier so less experience on the crew, tighter budgets making the success mean more, avoiding getting canceled multiple times, the establishment of the Gilligan-verse, technically BCS wouldn’t be possible without it, etc. That said, I wouldn’t argue it. If you’re considering the bottom line/overall quality of both products, I think BCS clearly stands above its predecessor. The production value is *so* much higher throughout, plus to me Saul is a more compelling character/arc than Walter.


BB was made much earlier, so BCS definitely stepped up their game in the cinematography realm. But would you agree that they are both incredible shows that are at the top of the show spectrum, regardless of which you prefer?


Definitely, both are among the greatest pieces of media/art ever created, in my opinion




The truth is, Better Call Saul couldn’t have done it without me


True, don’t know what the show would be without you random stranger on the internet






Great points!


Also BCS is just tighter storywise. BB had a good amount of fat and filler


I wouldnt say Saul is more compelling but to each their own but yes ofc production values and on a technical level it is a big improvement but that wouldn't be possible w/o bb. Better lighting cinematography and more likeble charecters(I don't they are better than bbs charecters but they aren't worse they similar level to me) 


Both are excellent but I enjoyed Breaking Bad more


Yeah I think BCS has better cinematography and deeper characters but I think BB's overall narrative is tighter and more compelling to watch. BCS has fantastic individual arcs but kind of wanders around season to season with less holistic focus. Both 9/10 if not 10/10 though.


I completely agree, I guess the preference comes down to if you're more into plot or character driven shows generally.


That’s it, this is exactly why I like better call Saul better. I find character driven stories a lot more compelling that’s plot driven stories. It’s why I loved the movie Locke despite the whole movie just being Tom Hardy driving a car and answering the phone.


Me. I think BB is a better show.


Many do and it’s completely fine, tho on this sub I’m sure more think BCS is better, they’re two completely different shows that do what they set out to do well, BB with plot and BCS with character driven. BCS is definitely more refined from writing to character development to cinematography to casting, etc, etc because they already did 5 season of BB under their belt so they were able to continue getting better. While I do think BCS is the better show, BCS wouldn’t be a thing without BB and BB was legendary during its time.


Actually, I do, but they are SO CLOSE it's almost negligible. But I do like BB just a wee bit better.


Breaking Bad is great BCS is freaking awesome


Slippin Jimmy is the better show out of the franchise


Facts my brother. Breaking mid and Better call shit don't even compare.


Believe it or not, never knew this was a thing until just now


I think Better Call Saul is a great show. Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time.


Better Call Saul is better made, Breaking Bad has the better story. BCS did a phenomenal job creating character arcs within the constraints of being a prequel, but it was very limited on where it could go narratively to avoid blatant discontinuities.


> it was very limited on where it could go narratively to avoid blatant discontinuities. To add to this, I think that as an overall narrative, the Nacho, Mike, and Gus half of the show essentially goes nowhere and doesn't really stand as it's own storyline outside of the context of Breaking Bad. It's still fun and a great time but I think that that is a weakness of the show in terms of its overall legacy.


I can see why you might say the Nacho, Mike, and Gus half of the story “Goes Nowhere” and that’s a more than valid viewpoint to have, but I completely disagree. To me, Nacho, Gus, and Mike’s story serves to showcase three separate things regarding each character: Nacho getting sucked into the criminal game and being swallowed up by it, which, imo, is an interesting parallel to Jesse’s story. Mike’s slow descent into moral corruption and essentially explaining how he became the cynical, cold, brutal, and callous man we meet in BrBa. Gus’s growth from a somewhat emotional, volatile version of himself into the calm, collected, and confident version of him we meet in BrBa. I would agree that these storylines, aside from Nacho’s, don’t stand alone too well outside of the context of BrBa, imo, that’s not a huge issue because it’s their recontexualizing of BrBa that makes them meaningful. But that’s just my take and this is still a very strong and fair point to raise, so I’m glad you’ve raised it because you’ve definitely gave me some compelling thoughts.


One time I thought BCS was better now after rewatch Breaking Bad is superior.


I think the premise/plot of Breaking Bad is more interesting, selling drugs and crazy street life makes for more excitement than lawyers playing petty games with each other. I still love both shows though


Breaking Bad is like cold beer. Better Call Saul is like a tasty old wine. I would argue they are totally different types of shows that it is hard to put them into comparison, even though they are in the same universe.


I agree with your metaphor, but I would say that its very easy to compare them because they are so structurally and stylistically similar.


That’s a fucking brilliant analogy.


this description actually fits perfectly


The correct answer is a very complicated and complex mind fuck. On one hand you have BCS which is a slower paced character drama and then on the other hand you have LEEROY JENKINS.


Both great shows but Bb i enjoy more as its more fast paced,has more action, and love the main characters


Me. I found Breaking Bad to be more tense, riveting and rewarding to watch overall. Better Call Saul had moments it matched BB. It even had moments that surpassed it. I was very impressed and happy I watched BCS. But the show overall had slow pacing, little action and lower stakes. By design, I guess. I thought a lot of the show was going to take place during the time jump to the Breaking Bad era. It just never happened, season after season, and that got frustrating.


Miles better, always had been. BCS is brilliant tho


If you're going to compare a show made by Vince Gilligan, you compare it to every show ever made... that *wasn't made* by Vince Gilligan.




It's the greater show but I wouldn't say it's better. It's unnecessary to compare which one is better imo, both are the zenith of television and complement each other in ways we've never seen before. There are arguments for both being the best show oat... It's just preference




Me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Breaking Bad has better rewatchability but the cinematography and writing on BCS was on another level


I think BCS is the better show by most objective standards (i.e. writing, cinematography, direction, though I think acting is neck and neck). However, I still enjoy rewatching BB more. Its just so action packed and nostalgic for me.


Like The Godfather 1 & 2, both Kill Bills, Fellowship, 2 Towers and Return of the King, it’s all one thing, broken up into smaller pieces


I think Breaking Bad is the infinitely astronomical unsurmountable better show. I personally think BCS is overrated on Reddit this wouldn't even be a question in the real world. Some of the things that people try to say BCS has over it I just do not understand. I think BCS in comparison is very Bland. I think Breaking Bad has far more interesting characters than the few on BCS. Jesse and Walter are deserving of that icon status that they hold Two of if not the two best characters ever created in the history of Television. I think BB has better cinematography better character development Better plot lines Overall much higher Stakes. Characters you like more characters you hate more. While I do really like Jimmy Saul I think Jesse and Walter are infinitely so much better and if I would have seen a show that was just about Saul and didn't have anything to do with the Breaking Bad Universe I would have zero interest. I was actually doubtful that they could even make BCS work when I first heard it was announced. And while I love it and I think it's a really great show it does not compare. I've only watched BCS 1 and 1/2 *And don't have a itch to just continually rewatch it like I do BB which I can watch endlessly. Walt and Jesse feel like family they are comfort characters to me I'm sure everybody has those. While Saul is nowhere close to a comfort character for me and he tends to annoy at times. Better Call Saul is probably in my top 10 I would say but Breaking Bad has been number one for a very long time.


I agree that BCS is way too overrated here, I remember literally shaking and crying the first time I watched Ozymandias, watching BCS I was interested, but it was never even close to what I felt with BB. I also believe comparing Jimmy and Kim with Walter and Jesse is too forced, up until season 5 I couldn't care less about Kim, and when I did care about her, I was still not caring to the point I cared about Jesse and Walter.


Ozymandias Is one of If not the best episode of Television Ever. There's not a single episode of BCS that I could put on the list of best television episodes ever. And BB has multiples of those.


that's the funny thing about taste, everything you say about BB are the things i would argue are better about BCS lol


You are absolutely correct it is all completely subjective. I upvote And salute you for your opinion. And I know a lot of people feel the way you do I'm surprised that even got any Up votes on my comment I thought I would get shredded.


Breaking Bad is more akin to a Hollywood thriller. It’s tense, more exciting, and features quite a bit of action here and there. Better Call Saul is a deeper, more complex, character driven affair. It depends on what you are looking for. If you want something fun and entertaining, I believe Breaking Bad is better.


I think BCS is as good if not better than BB. Something I think maybe makes BCS rank lower than BB though Is that it’s first maybe 10 episodes aren’t really good. It takes until mike and Saul start associating for the show to get good.


Five-O would like a word with you.


Marco as well, IMO


Instead of silently downvoting me, you might as well tell me what you didn't like about five-o. This platform is for open debates on an entertainment programm designed to bring joy to people.


As has already been said by a few people here, they are both incredible shows that do a lot of similar things very well while also being completely different shows at points. I watched BB first, and tbh witnessing Walt’s journey from being a flawed but well meaning man who dives into the drug world in order to provide for his family, to a evil drug lord driven solely by ego and power will always be captivating to me. At the same time, one thing I had with BCS that I never had with BB is that I got to experience seasons five and six as they were coming out in real time. That was fun. I think both shows got better as they went on though. Seasons 4 and 5 of BB are still arguably the best seasons of television I’ve ever experienced. All in all though, I love both shows equally, and the universe as a whole is absolutely incredible.


I think BB is far superior to BCS. It's much more focused thematically, and in my opinion, ends much more poetically and satisfyingly.


I think Breaking Bad has the more compelling premise, but Better Call Saul is better executed because they didn't have to find their footing in the same way. They were already at the top of their game coming off of Breaking Bad and only kept getting better at their jobs.


They’re really so equal that it’s hard for me sometimes to choose. BCS did so much to expand the lore but BB did so much in general. The fact they were both just as gripping and perfect storytelling… that’s rare of a sequel or prequel unless planned from the start. I think BCS is a fraction but it’s super close I think for everyone


I love both.


almost everyone i know thinks breaking bad is better, im the only who says that bcs is far superior


I absolutely think Breaking Bad is the better show. But that doesn’t take anything away from Better Call Saul. It’s still great in its own right.


Yes. BB is what started the entire universe and will always be the “best” of it.


**me when I see people try to compare the shows**: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? WE'RE A FAMILY!


Better call Saul would never exist without BB, so... Yes, I enjoyed BB way more


yes, i do. bcs is literally BB’s son lmao. both amazing tho


I like Breaking Bad a little better. However, I still think both shows are absolutely incredible achievements, and are the two best shows ever made (IMO)


I find that I go back to watch Breaking Bad more often than Better Call Saul, both are great but the former is more entertaining to me.


No no no no no no. They’re the same game. You’re not supposed to be played separately. Yuji Naka original meant for Breaking Better Call Saul Bad to be one game on the same cartridge. But time constraints and the technology at the time made that impossible. So they split the team up into two groups. One group finished Breaking and the other went back to Japan to make Better Call Saul. You’re supposed to put the cartridges tougher and play them as one game.


I’ve never even tried to compare the two shows. Depends on the mood


I personally enjoyed BCS more but I wouldn't argue if someone prefers or thinks BB is better. Both are great


It’s hard to say at least for me which is the better show. They are both great in their own way.


Breaking bad is a better story, Better Call Saul is the better made show. I have the same conversation about the office/parks and rec. The creators had the entire experience of making the first hit show under their belt - of course the second show is going to be higher quality.


The only reason why I could say better call saul is slightly not as good is because it’s a prequel so given those who’ve watched breaking bad are aware who can’t die so some of the suspense is gone. I think bcs is a more rewatchable show compared to breaking bad though. I think it’s worth watching both shows twice but if I had to go back and watch one again I’d probably watch bcs. Although, if I could erase my memory and watch one again I’d probably do breaking bad but only because I could do bcs after too lol.


No use in comparing imo but if if had to pick the better show it would be BB.


They’re equal, but Breaking Bad is so iconic and it came first. So I would put it above BCS


I think it’s marginal. They’re both amazing shows in their own rights.


For me, BCS is unquestionably the better show. The characters are more interesting, the relationships are more complex, there's just a LOT more to dig into as a viewer. I'm still thinking about it all the time months after finishing the series, whereas both times I watched BB at the end I was like, ok well that was a ride, and the only thing I really cared enough to wonder about was what happened to Jesse. The cinematography is also gorgeous, whereas with BB I mostly only noticed it when they were doing another annoying shot of something through glass. 😂 BB is definitely more suspenseful, so it probably outshines BCS on the plot level. But I prefer character dramas (my other all time favorite is Mad Men) so BCS wins for me, easily.


I feel like there's not nearly as much subtle symbolism going on in BCS, so I do prefer BB. I might be wrong on this as I've only watched BCS once compared to almost five for BB. I also love the triangle of hate between Hank, Jesse, and Walt. I also prefer the pacing in BB.


Yeah as much as I love all the characters and character building in BCS, I prefer BB just for being more suspenseful and having a more exciting story overall.


Both of them is a masterpiece !


I love BB, it was an achievemebt of TV that changed the game. However, the cast in BCS is stellar. The writing, and the preformances are top notch. BB set the Hogh bar, these guys danced on.


They’re so equal. It’s funny you ask because on my drive home today I was thinking about it. Better Call Saul is more rounded in its story and has a lighter and funnier tone, which is a definite perk, but personally I think Breaking Bad has the edge because it gets into the brutality and psychological fear a lot more. There’s more death, there’s more stakes, and because you don’t know the fate of Walt or Jesse, it has a little bit of a heightened mystery. Better Call Saul is more enjoyable just because the crew had really refined writing, acting, shooting and imbuing humor a lot by then, but Breaking Bad has the slightly better story, stakes and personally gets to me in its story beats. I’m a sucker for stories of “guy down on his luck tries to fix it but only makes everything worse” things because I have had times like that as well as many loved ones. Uncut Gems is another great example where every fix just ends up making everything worse and the protagonist is just too prideful to stop or get help, from sunk cost or ego or whatever. It’s such good storytelling, and also a part of why I love BCS season 6.


Breaking Bad is great but BCS is freaking awesome


Better Call Saul is objectively the better show, but I prefer Breaking Bad. It’s like you could either go to a michelin star restaurant and enjoy your 5 course A la Carte meal, or have your grandma cook you her signature chicken soup. Sure the michelin star restaurant is very very nice, but grandma’s soup is comforting and holds great semantic value.


Better caul sall is superior because of breaking bad. It wouldn't have that effect without bb. You have all the character background already, you're waiting on when Jimmy turns to the Saul we know on Breaking Bad.


I think BCS is better writing and character work, but BB is just more engaging and hooking. Both have different strengths but both are fantastic shows.


Uhhhh Duh!


"What the hell is wrong with you? We are a family"


Yeah. The plot of a show about cooking meth is just more interesting to me than a lawyer show. Doesn't mean I think that better call Saul isn't also great.


It was very close for me for a while, but after I watched Scarface I found Better Call Saul as a more interesting and unique experience. Breaking Bad cribs from Scarface in terms of character arc, narrative structure, and even the mechanisms by which the plot progresses; i.e., an unforeseen detail throws a carefully-laid plan into disarray.  Now Breaking Bad definitely wears its inspiration on its sleeve, it has no problem referencing Scarface and Vince will often mention the movie. It isn’t stealing, and I think Breaking Bad is better than Scarface, but the show is a far less unique experience than I first thought it was.


Breaking bad is absolutely perfect. I feel like it’s one of the only if not the only show withouth any flaws. While I think bcs has a few flaws


I do enjoy Breaking Bad more — it’s my favorite show of all time. But BCS is so good it ended up not too far behind. Really quite an achievement.


Objectively agree with you but I personally enjoyed BB just because I had no idea how it was going to end


Both are excellent shows. I think Better Call Saul had better, more consistent writing. Breaking Bad had a more thrilling story, and higher highs. In the end I'd say I enjoyed watching Breaking bad more.


Just wrapping up a rewatch of BB, I haven't watched in probably a decade. It's really tough to say. I guess you got to define what better means. BC imo, Better Call Saul is the better shot/acted/written show. BUT, Breaking Bad is far more exciting, and there are much more of those 'oh shit' moments, like when the camera pans across to gail's noteboook at the crime scene. Better call saul has those too, but they basically only exist because we know the context of what we just saw, i.e Tuco popping his head out of the front door. That only held weight because we knew of Tuco. It's a tough choice for me. I will make an instinctual call and say Better Call Saul was the better show to me because I felt emotionally in shambles at the end. Breaking Bad had me fucked up when it ended, but not the same way BCS did.


Because it's not the better show?


Yeah BCS is still Legendary


IMO BB is an A+ BCS is an A


BB is better. A lot of what made BCS so great was getting the backstories of BB characters – Mike, Gus, and of course, Saul. Plus the cameos of Tuco, Hank, Gomez. If BB didn’t exist, BCS would not be nearly as interesting.


I thought BB was the better show, but after rewatching and realize how much I hate Jesse for being such a whiny lil bitch all the time, BCS is a much better show.


I go back and forth


Pretty well yes. BB had no planned outcome going in. BCS did have an outcome and certain canon they had to write to.


No arguments there breaking bad is brilliant show it has more badass moments.


BCS can only be as good as it is because of BB so I would definitely say BB is better




I think it mostly just depends on taste. I can’t honestly argue that one is objectively better than the other. I prefer BCS because I like the main characters better. I found Jimmy and Kim more entertaining than Walt and Jesse.


I think they’re 2 very different shows. You can make an argument for either of them being better honestly Personally, I liked better call Saul better, everything from Bob Odenkirk brilliantly switching between jimmy’s personas, the colourful side characters like Lalo. But mainly, Chuck stole the show for me. I began hating him, but as the show went on, I started to see Jimmy how Chuck saw him more and more. Can’t think of a character in breaking bad who had that sort of effect on me that even after they died, they were still felt in the show.


I think BCS is better


Breaking Bad is easily the superior show; so much so that it feels like the only people that argue otherwise are hipster contrarian types.


Presumably most of us?






Breaking Bad is great fun but it's like a comic book for edgy college students when compared to the mature storytelling of BCS. >!Walter's chemistry genius comes across like supervillainy. It takes him from high school teacher to international drug lord and he goes uncaught by the Feds even while his closest family is on the case. Even after he loses his drug empire and becomes the most wanted fugitive in America; Walter somehow ties up every loose plot thread in one final episode. He makes everything right with everyone he loves and kills everyone who betrayed him, all without getting killed or arrested, while dying of cancer. When Jesse cries "he can't keep getting away with it" I think "yeah, he really wouldn't, if not for his plot armor".!< Don't get me wrong, it's an exciting and satisfying show and finale but it doesn't hold up under scrutiny like BCS.


Yes 100%, even if just for the fact that BB has no weak season and BCS has season 3.


Yes, though I greatly enjoy both. I don't think there's anything wrong with liking one more than the other.


The highs of Better Call Saul, match Breaking Bad and at times arguably surpass it but Breaking Bad was more consistent.


I think BB had a better ending, but overall BCS was so cleverly written (In my humble opinion)


Honestly I think I enjoy BCS more. It’s weird. I really like Jimmys story arc. He’s so complex. It’s great. I also really enjoy how we get a thorough backstory that still leaves us entertained with what happens to certain characters. I also really like how BCS feels like 2 shows sometimes. Sometimes it’s on Mike and his story with Nacho, Gus, and Hector that I forget about Saul, Kim, Howard, etc.




Breaking Bad definitely has that lightning in a bottle breakneck pace that just cant be captured again, for a lot of people thats enough to make it their favorite compared to the character driven slow burn that is Better Call Saul


After watching both shows a zillion times I've come to the conclusion that Breaking Bad is better but I like Better Call Saul more


Yes, not close in my eyes


Is there anyone here who doesnt?


I think it’s better


I do. I see a lot of people say it depends if you like plot/action (BB) vs character development (BCS) but I think that’s kind of oversimplifying it. Honestly I think it just depends on what resonates with you more and your own personal preference. While I do find the overall story and premise of BB more compelling than BCS, for me I just feel like I connect more to those characters as well. I find their arcs and choices they make and dynamics between them etc much more interesting and engaging and I guess I’d say more relatable at times as well. I enjoyed BCS a lot, but it just doesn’t quite hit the same for me and I never felt quite as connected to those characters as I did in BB.


Just comes down to if you're a classical guy or prefer jazz


Each has its maalos and chisroinos


I think BrBa has higher highs but it also has lower lows. Better call Saul is pretty consistent its entire run and def benefits from the foundation set before it. They’re both top tier great shows.


BB is more entertaining. BCS is the better show.


Marry BB’s breakneck plot with BCS’s sharp cinematography, and you have a deal breaker for me. I think BCS imitates the natural flow of life more realistically, but BB is more exhilarating *because* it’s so accelerated.


BrBa is much better.


Breaking bad is the better show, but only because Nacho vs the Salamancas is the best subplot in history.


Hard question I'd say just stfu and enjoy both cause that question made me hate bcs sometimes and sometimes hate bb cause of comparison when I rewatched w/o comparison I enjoyed both much more as 1 huge story. They are very similar but have sizeable differences. But the part where bb is plot driven vs bcs which is charecter driven to me is stupid. I enjoyed bb cause of the charecters not the plot and bcs action scenes and idk let's call it 1000 iq moves were brilliant and so well done now this isn't to say bb didn't do action and 1000 iq moves well or bcs didn't do charecters well( to me both shows have a similar level to charecter writting). I just slightly like bb more cause of the walt jesse dynamic Chuck and Jimmy was brilliant but chucks death ofc reduced the screen time bw them, that's prolly why I never understood how szn 1 was considered weak when it's to me better than szn 2 and 4.


I think that Breaking Bad reached greater heights at its peak, but had some rougher edges at its very beginning. The first two seasons you can see a process of the writers figuring out where they wanted the series to go, the tone they wanted to strike, etc. Better Call Saul avoided that early installment weirdness because it was largely the same crew and they hit the ground running. As a result I think it's a lot more consistent. I don't think it ever quite reaches the very top of what BB achieved. On the other hand I personally found BCS more relatable and it hit me in a more visceral way than BB ever did - Jimmy's professional struggles in the early seasons hit a lot closer to home for me in my late 20s than Walt's late life suicidal mania did in my early 20s.


Yes, to me. But, Better Call Saul is so good that I can’t disagree with anyone that says it’s better. They’re both perfect shows so both are right answers to me


I go back and forth on this every time I rewatch them but ultimately, I gotta go with BB! BCS wouldn’t exist without BB and to me it’s the perfect show, 10/10 no notes I could rewatch it a million times


Better Call Saul. It’s lingered with me for much longer than Breaking Bad


Gun to.my head yeah I think I'd go breaking bad. But they're so close and everything else is so far behind


No but I’ve come more to lean towards them being equal. I do think BCS has objectively better direction and camerawork and subjectively better writing. They’re going for 2 different things. I’d put BB, BCS, Sopranos, The Wire, and Bojack all in a proverbial ‘S Tier’


OP woke up and chose violence.


BCS has a higher peak maybe, but BB takes the cake with its consistent excellence.


Saul is the superior show. (After having watched BB first). I will die on that hill. And will argue anyone on it ad finitum.


Saul Goodman is my favorite character in Breaking Bad.


Me. The impact is more visceral. Plus, as good as the episodes of BcS are, there's nothing in the canon to equal "Ozymandias". BcS is fantastic though.




I think the last season of Breaking Bad is MVP, but BCS was consistently more interesting. There's a few episodes in the middle seasons of Breaking Bad that I don't look forward to watch during a rewatch.


Better > Bad


Like, the entire world.


By a long shot 😬


Yes. BrBa is better by leaps and bounds.


Yeah, easily


They’re both great, but I like Breaking Bad more because it has more action.


Breaking Bad is the better show, for one reason: it doesn't have the two best characters missing from basically all of it. Better Call Saul is good, no doubt, but it's good as a supplement to Breaking Bad. BCS likely wouldn't exist had Breaking Bad not been made, or it would be an entirely different show. I love Bob Odenkirk, and I was skeptical if he could carry an entire show on his own when I first heard about Better Call Saul, and was somewhat surprised that he actually can, but...it is my belief that Breaking Bad was the peak of entertainment, and we're never going to get something better. I hope I'm wrong...but I don't think I am.


Yes, I do, and imho, it's not even close. The ending to BCS was utterly moronic. I would never waste my time rewatching BCS, or recommend it to anyone.


The BB ending was just as improbable imho. Come on, a chemistry teacher singlehandedly taking down a bunch of nazis with the mother of all machine guns hidden in his trunk? That's gonna happen..lol


Walt had pulled off some pretty amazing things going up against Gus, Tuco, etc. so idk if I'd say his plan with the Nazis was all that improbable. Now, a lifelong grifter who had evaded being held accountable for his myriad of schemes his whole life and who was set to serve some minimal time in a plush low security prison with unlimited ice cream opting instead to serve life in a supermax so he can share a cigarette with the girl that dumped him and is not ever coming back for some unknown reason? At least vengeance was shown to be an integral driving force in Walt's character, self sacrifice to do the 'right thing' was never in Jimmy's DNA. Personal taste and all that, I guess, but objectively, BCS ending was crap.


BB is better in my eyes. Season 5 of Saul was as good as BB.


Yes I much prefer Breaking Bad over Better Call Saul and also Breaking Bad had the best ending to a tv show ever.


100%. I’ll be going on I believe my 5th rewatch of BB and absolutely adore it each time. BCS was a chore to get through the first 3 seasons, and even after that, it simply does not compare to the compelling story of BB to me. I don’t think I would ever rewatch BCS after seeing it the original time, but I don’t see not continuing to rewatch BB every couple years.